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The Pretender

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Everything posted by The Pretender

  1. Angela Kang thank you for everything you did for this show 🙌 You took it back to being great! I'm still super upset over Rosita dying. That character really grew on me & I so wanted her to live & the possiblity to see her on some spinoff in the future, even if just for an episode or two. Darryl & Carol. FTW. I'm super sad we won't see Carol on the spinoff with him but I totally get and respect Melissa's decision. And I'm so relieved they didn't kill Carol off. Seeing Carol in that scene a year later with her hair chopped off I totally saw Melissa telling Norman she loved him too. Two great actors and two great characters! I wanted Negan to die. Sorry not sorry. Love the actor but the character should've died. He could've gone down a hero I don't care but he killed Glenn & Abraham goddammit. I'll give every spinoff a chance but the one with him (and I'm saying that now but I will probably still tune in at some point or read reviews and base my watch or not to watch decision on them) I need to rewatch this episode when I'm done grieveing cause I totally missed Chandler Riggs cameo. I'm still so sad over Rosita dying 😭
  2. I'm shook. Did not see this one coming at all. I hope S2 will improve, I will give it a try for the talent they do have onboard & I did like the gritty feeling of the show but they need to improve the storytelling a lot.
  3. I loved every episode of this. Felt very much like a mix of Fargo and No country for old men. Great acting, the plot was interesting and the way the story unfolded was top notch. Unpredictable and smart. Got nothing but good to say about it. If they go for a season two I hope they will go the Fargo route with a complete new cast and story.
  4. This swedish reviewer on this tv/movie site I am a member off totally ripped this show to pieces. It was no mercy & they spoiled everything just so viewers wouldn't have to sit through the misery 😐 He linked to other international reviews, & the few I read wasn't merciful either. Too bad, apparently the book was good.
  5. I agree Toni Collette did not impress me that much by the end of this. Something just felt off the entire series. I guess the twist at the very end (if you'd like to call it a twist? Jane being the culprit) sort of explained her on/off, or coldness, throughout the show. But it didn't explain that much. And are we to believe Andy just forgave her mom at the end there on the beach? I'm not sure I would ever feel safe around her. That she copied Nick (with the hand injury/slashing throat) almost to a T felt a bit ridiculous. Like what's the odds of that happening twice in ones lifetime. And I'm going to pretend I did not see Aaron Jeffrey in this, he will forever be Alex Ryan to me. That character is less traumatic to dislike. On one happy note - yay Mike lived. But keep driving man, stop answering the phone, don't ever look back pls. Looking forward to seeing Toni in The Staircase. She can be so bloody great when she gets the right material. Here's hoping.
  6. I think I blinked out for this episode. Laura left Andy behind at the coffee shop, I guess that's all I really need going forward so...
  7. At first I thought the flashback from Laura´s chemo and all came a little bit too late in the show. But by the end I got why they put it in here and not earlier. Not my favorite kind of storytelling but it can't always be my cup of tea so... That kid playing Andy as a kid has great acting chops for such a young age. Bravo.
  8. This was the episode where I saw the family resemblance. She got it from her momma. Not the smartest bunch of people uh.
  9. Dang Vargas was one of few people I liked on this show. Schucks.
  10. It's like the show is trying to convince me not to like it... I dunno. I find myself intrigued, then not so intrigued, quite bored actually, and then it gives me a little something to pull me slightly in but no the show is not all that great tbh. It's like it's trying too hard. I dunno, I'm not making sense. It's only 8 episodes so I'm sticking with it I guess. Hoping it will be worth it.
  11. I agree with all above. Andy's lack of... survival skills(?), people skills(?), taking directions(?)... was really annoying. In the first episode I get her not taking action in the restaurant scene, she wasn't equipped for a situation like that. she handled the home invasion/hostage situation with her mom quite well (I'll give her a pass at least) but man did she go really downhill from there. I'm about to start ep 6 today, if it wasn't for Toni Colette I would not have gotten past ep 2.
  12. Toni Colette was the one that drew me to this show. First episode was really good. The restaurant scene was really chilling. I loathe incels like that.
  13. There's so many different versions on how this will play out now I really don't know who or what to believe. I usually go mostly by what the showrunner says and Sheridan has said there's no plans for a season 2. Unfortunately imo. I read somewhere else that this new show, 1932, will start with one episode back in the 18?? something and then jump ahead to 1932. Doesn't sound so bad to me as we will at least know how the Duttons settled and if indead James got shot in 1893 and died from that wound. If that one episode also includes a tidbit about how life is going for Josef, Thomas & Noemi I will be even more satisified (well if they are indead living large as I imagine them to).
  14. Well I really like these news. 14 episodes (7+7) in season 2. But why is Sheridan himself saying there won't be a season 2 then? And with that many shows in the air that's a big workload even for a brilliant mind like Sheridan. And on another note hearing that monotonous voice over in that clip made me appreciate Elsa/Isabel May's soothing voice even more 😅
  15. And now they're giving me mixed signals I don't know what to believe No season 2? If this is true then I'm really miffed about them not giving us a 'one year later' update on the Duttons...
  16. Oh yes I forgot to mention Graham. I love him, phenomenal actor. He wasn't listed in the episode over at IMDB in advance (or even now from what I can see) but it was such a nice surprise to see him. I think I saw him last in Wind River and before that in Defiance. I actually thought about picking up Goliat again so I could watch Graham but I never got around to do it (Maria Bello was what pulled me in and when she left I did as well). Taylor really has good pull on awesome actors, although I believe it was McGraw & Hill who pulled in Hanks & Wilson.
  17. I saw this episode yesterday and was gutted the entire evening. It's been a while since I cried that hard in front of the TV (I'd like to think, or 'like' is the wrong word, but all awful things happening in Ukraine right now probably meant I needed an outlet like this to just cry my heart out for a while) I'll miss Elsa. I just feel like her baby brother didn't get enough time with her to get the full impact of her as a person & her life & death, and it will be him that carries the legacy on. But perhaps the gravestone and his parents mourning will be that impact!? I too missed seeing the Duttons 'one year later' but it's really nitpicking as the show has been awesome throughout. As in Yellowstone I really enjoy seeing the Native americans and their customs and rituals. As I follow Mo Plenty I do trust Sheridan does his history lessons when it comes to this. I really like that we got to hear what was actually said & promised to, & by, James Dutton when he was offered the land. It sheds a lot of light to Yellowstone now and what rights John Dutton really has to the land. I'd be on the side that the verbal contract should rule. It was so sad to see Risa die as well and leaving Josef without both a wife and a leg. But he got land and a house... (that will be built in about 10 years at that pace). I also hope he stayed somewhere near the Duttons and that we will perhaps see him in season 2. Nice to see at least Thomas, Noemi and the boys settling down and hopefully living a nice and prosperous life. I hoped Shea would find a reason to live just so we could have Sam Elliott in season 2 but at least he got to be 75 and see the ocean I guess... I'm intrigued on where season 2 will go. Will we enter just one year later or will it be about ten years later where we see James Dutton get shot and die(?) on the porch? So many questions so much time until we'll get the answers ugh
  18. That was an emotional roller coaster for me. I went from 'oh so we're doing this (getting to see what started the show) now and not during the last episode of the season, & so Elsa dies now!?' to 'holly molly she survived with that arrow through the gut' to 'damn you James Dutton for saying she's going to die, Margaret hit him harder' 😢 I'm usually not one for miracle savings on TV but darn am I hoping some Navajo concoction can save her. I want her around at least for another season. I do wonder if her brand is the origin of the Yellowstone brand and placed over the heart because it's in her memory... I honestly lost track of how Josef & Risa was doing but I'm just hoping for a miracle for them as well. Dang my principles.
  19. Woop woop 1883 renewed for a 2nd season & yet another show about the Duttons. Count me in.
  20. Loving every episode of this show. I got shivers by that last voice over by Elsa though & just knew I'd heard some of it before;
  21. She has such a distinct face/features so that's only how my eye picked up on her even if we only got glimpses from a far of her. I couldn't find her character's name on IMDB either but I found it here if you scroll down to supporting cast and characters; Screenrant
  22. For some reason it's in/after the promo for next episode over at SpoilerTV Here
  23. I liked the first episode a lot. A whole lot. I agree the time period gives us lots to look at - dresses, hair/hats, lavarish interiors, "street life" - and this show gets an A+ for all of it. I liked that the opening gave us the Russells without actually showing us the Russells. Nicely done. I'm a big fan of Carrie Coon but since I know just how great she can be it will be nice to see her grow in to this role even better. I liked her chemistry with Morgan Spector. I hope her lady's maid Turner will fail miserably with whatever she's trying with Mr Russell. It's too soon to tell if he has a wandering eye or not & I guess that will also play in to what's to come. It's also nice to see a sibling pair that actually likes each other - Gladys & Larry. Taissa Farmiga is like the female version of Leo, she just never ages lol. I had no idea Jeanne Tripplehorn was in the cast as well. I had to go to the web to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. I can't wait to find out why Sylvia Chamberlain's mysterious past excludes her from high society. (quoted from an article I found online) I appreciated the 'inside the episode' video. I wonder if they will keep doing that or if it was just for this opening episode. Either way I have a feeling I will enjoy this show throughout the season.
  24. I've really enjoyed this show as well. I haven't read the book or anything that the showrunner or anyone else shared about the show. Still enjoyed it. I think the acting has been phenomenal. It's been odd and hit close to home even if so foreign in every way. I've been feeling emotional during every frickin episode for reasons I've never been able to pinpoint but I'm very grateful for it & this show.
  25. I've really enjoyed this show, some episodes more than others but they've kept my interest enough to prioritize this show week after week. Things in this episodes really brought more questions than answers though. Sad about Jackie but it wasn't that surprising she was dead I guess. Just sad to imagine her stuck in that cabin in the afterlife with those smiling ghosts & their ringleader Mr Shadow. Brings the question who was spiked in that pit wearing her necklace? Lottie went from freaky to freakiest. Van's "turning" came as a surprise but I guess she was vulnerable after everything she's been through. I was sort of hoping she would be the one still alive as I was imagining Sarah Snooks playing her as an adult. Count me in for season 2 either way. Agreed. She was VIP throughout this season imo. The youngsters impressed me more than the adults did actingwise. Which suprised me seeing who the actresses are playing the adults. The youngsters just had better chemistry playing off each other but then again perhaps the adults aren't meant to have it.
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