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The Pretender

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Everything posted by The Pretender

  1. Another great episode, happy it's staying on a high note. I agree with above posters that the crossing of the river was a hard watch. I'm almost happy we haven't gotten to know the emigrants so much cause it would've been gutwrenching if a beloved character drowned (not to sound shallow but you know I hope!?). I agree Faith Hill did an awesome job this episode. Seeing her on the banks of the river with a scratched face was just super sad. I'm still in to Elsa/Ennis, they're cute together. And I like how she can show all sides of herself to him, & that he only played a jerk for a minute that morning after their first kiss. Also interested in seeing where this Thomas and Noemi fling will go. I must've missed when one of the germans said that they weren't allowed to learn how to swim. I'm a swede myself so I find that kind of hard to believe but I'm no truth-holder so who knows. Over here at least swiming was introduced in schools in the 1800 hundreds, women were held back in the beginning but were included in swimming lessons from the mid century. This of course means one had to attend school which wasn't always the case. Our naval force started pushing the importance of knowing how to swim already in the 1700 hundreds. Sweden is surrounded by more water than Germany I guess but I think the amount of lakes are about the same. As a swede I'm not foreign to seeing the trials of emigrants on the screen. There was a movie made back in 1971 (before I was born) called The Emigrants (that people still talk about) that they did a new adaption off just last year with Gustaf Skarsgård in the male lead role - The Emigrants (2021) The movie(s) are based on a book from 1949. They've also done a musical adaption of that book + the others in a series the author made, called Kristina from Duvemåla The musical - music by half the duo of ABBA Björn & Benny. Anyway the movie(s) & musical is about a family's poverty-driven migration from Sweden to America in the mid-19th century. It reminds me a bit of this show, biggest difference the swedes seemed to head towards Minnesota. Two of the songs from the musical are still on my playlist and I always get misty eyed when listening to them. My mom took me to see the musical when it came to Stockholm and it just blew me away, probably what started my love for musicals.
  2. I just caught the last episode of the season and I'm hoping for a third season as well. Mark Boone Jr (Petey) is a brilliant actor but man did I cringe just thinking of Jackie "partying" with Petey. I wonder if we'll see him in a potential season 3? Will Frankie make it? It looked pretty bad. I did not think Osito would be the next kingpin. I'm hoping Charmaine has left town for good, not cause I got anything against the actress but just after her sister dying and all I'm hoping a fresh start could do her good. I guess living on the run won't make that easy for her though. I hope Saintille gets to take Ray & Renee down at some point. He's a much better cop than Ray any day of the week and he did not deserved to get pushed away like that. Leslie made it out of the season alive. Hurray. I can't blame her for speaking out against Jackie, that was poor judgement even if you don't want to see a sister bleed, but also rating out Saintille. I don't know. I think you should always speak your truth but she only did it to save her own ass/job & didn't seem to have such a problem with the assignment when it was given to her. This was probably the end of Jackie and Leslie and probably for the best anyway. And cheers to Ed for making it to his retirement! I hope that won't mean he will be written out though. I like him.
  3. Great finale. Relieved there wasn't a major cliffhanger like the previous season. Clueless on what's to come on S5 though but just happy it will be back on my screen again. Beth is an awesome character. Love how complicated she is and how she follows her own moral compass (even if that compass is out of wack). Did I like how she adressed Carter in this episode? No. Does she need therapy? Yes but I don't think we will ever get there or that it would stick either way. I'd take another season of this current Beth but I also hope to see her enjoying married life a bit in S5 & also bonding with Carter a little bit better. That wedding was everything. I smiled throughout that entire scene. Her jail-hooker-wedding dress, kidnapping the priest roflmao, Rip getting Lloyd to attend awww, John the only one with wedding jitters. Just perfect. Jimmy proved me wrong. Glad he did and also happy to see him leave while on top. Mia was a bit too dramatic there in the bunk house (& on the road) but it was fun to see the reaction of the others during that brawl. I did get misty eyed during that Not-a-goodbye-but-see-you-later-scene. I wonder if this means Jefferson won't be in the bunkhouse talks episode though, that I will miss if so. He may be busy with the podcast though, that I have yet to come around to listen to but surely will in the near future. Beth quizzing Carter on prison was fun. The comic relief that is Ryan/Colby, that was made even better this episode with the help of Emily/Laramie. Teeter! The Summer/courtroom scenes not so fun but at least it was adressed & hopefully a closed chapter (although I don't mind Piper/Summer on the show if that's the case, for a love interest for John I prefer the Governor though). I don't know what went down with Kayce either but the scenery was nice, I like wolves, that dream sequence was beatifully shot & man do I miss Lee. He and Rip would've probably been too similiar in characters but I wouldn't had minded two Rips so... Jamie. Bio dad. Not so sure what to say about that and Beth's involvment in it. I did wish bio dad would be gone but I did not see Jamie being the one to make that happen. Even though I don't like Jamie it was still nice to see that John still feels for him, not sure 'owning' him is what he wants but at least he seemed relieved knowing he was still walking. I'm nervous where this Beth/Jamie vendetta will result in. I feel she has valid points in why she hates him but in the end I think that fuel will, and has, hurt herself more than anyone else (I'm not sure Jamie's bio dad will agree with me from the train station but oh well). Thank you Taylor, cast & crew for another season of this fabulous show. Happy to have 1883 to fill the void for another few weeks at least.
  4. Great episode but hard to swallow for a Beth fan like myself. I really thought John already knew at least some of her mischieves/methods, he seemed totally clueless to this side of her which I find suprising. Don't get me wrong I thought Beth deserved being told off and even reprimanded but to actually ask her to leave the house, especially after just moving in/being asked to move in by John himself, that was a step too far imo. I really hope this rift won't last for too long. I love their scenes together. That first scene in the kitchen was fire (not approve of throwing hot coffee at/towards anyone though) and I would miss this duo a lot. Kelly in the bts video for this episode got me misty eyed. She takes Beth so so serious and I appreciate it so so much. This is such a stellar cast (except for one of the tiny actors this particular season but yeah) Rip and Carter in the bunk house was fun to see. And Teeter. Like Jen Landon you are freaking amazing. Also Jen in the bts video, pure gold. Finn Little is so far off his character Carter language wise it's hilarious to see the contrast in those bts videos. Yeah obviously not a Jamie fan but how can he even stand to be in the same room as his bio dad knowing he killed his bio mom!? I will probably never get him. Feels like Jimmy became a cowboy quickly but then again I'm not really sure about the timeline. Either way it will be nice to see him back at the ranch with the rest of the guys so we can spend more time there instead of other places. Hoping for no gf drama though but it seems my wish won't come true. Nay. Opening scene was fun. I giggled at John feeling like he worked with pirates. Carter's first time on a horse haha. Will he get to stay in the house when/if Beth leaves? Think not :( Excited about the two hour season finale. I'll prepare myself for another big cliffhanger but I'm hoping there will be no potential major characters deaths, I don't want anyone gone but Jamie's bio dad. I told you in a previous thread that I am a Rip/Beth shipper and I did get kind of nervous about this scene. When she first stood there in the door of the bunk house I hoped Rip would be the first to spot her but when it was Walker I feared she would just take him out and jump his bones as per her usual destructive ways. Then I thought the actual asking him to sing her a sad song was sweet and the scene was nice, Bingham has such a good voice and Kelly constantly nails Beth even when she's not-so-Beth'ish. The part that had me most worried was the way Rip closed the door after he spotted them out there. If he'd just closed it slowly I wouldn't worried but now it was sort of harsh and un-accepted (sorry english isn't my first language and I'm not sure I'm using the right word here). I'm hoping I'm just reading too much in to this but then Bingham goes and makes me worried in the behind the episode segment. Very interesting take. I can see this being it. I'm also really appreciating Kayce's journey currently and the show teaching me all this. I'm trusting the show/Taylor, especially since Birmingham and Mo Brings Plenty are there in the actual scenes, to show this accurately. Looking forward to see where this takes Kayce in the next episode and beyond that.
  5. Late to the game but yet another good episode. I don't expect every episode to be great but I far from think Taylor is lacking or has lost interest in this show. It still beats a lot of shows that's out there currently. The dinner table scenes are epic. Beth needed to hear that from Rip and I know things need to evolve but I'll miss the good 'ol table in case we won't be there in the future. (I just watched ep9 and I'm now kind of regretting wishing for more good 'ol table scenes yikes I never thought I would see a JD/Beth rift). Seeing Rip and Carter in the main house is fun. I would've loved to see them actually moving in to the house & like exploring their room/s but I get we don't have time for that so I'll just imagine it & it's still fun. RIP Sheriff, I'll miss Haskell. He was a nice reaccuring character as he was hard to pinpoint. I'll also miss Dillon as I don't watch the other show he's now on, good actor. That was for sure a LOL moment. Rip is awesome, and perfect for her. 1883 is so great right!? I was thinking the first two episodes were just a fluke but ep 3 proved me wrong. It's brilliant! And yes I also loved the dinner scene (I actually love all of them as I feed on dysfunction lol), I love how well Rip reads Beth and just gave her such an easy solve for a (for her) huge threshold. Yeah I wrote something about this kid in a previous post. I used to think he did a marvelous job on previous seasons but this season he just seems off. I'm not sure if the writer/director wants him like this or if it's some preteen thing. I'm hoping he will be back in form soon so I can give him praise again. Why though? I don't get comments like that. Like why don't you (as in all people writing comments like this and not you per se) just go watch something else and let those of us that still love the show watch it? I didn't like Mayor of Kingstown so I just stopped watching, I would never wish it gone as there are clearly fans of the show still watching. Diehard Beth-Rip shipper here, I'll die on that hill for them. Thanks for that. Had not seen it. Goosebumps. I love how the actors also takes the relationship serious per the bts material after each episode. I still haven't gotten around to the new podcast but I will as I want everything Rip/Beth related I can get.
  6. Agree. I loved the first two episodes but feared it wouldn't hold, so glad the show is proving me wrong. I actually got shivers like multiple times watching this new episode, that does not happen often to me these days while watching tv. The storytelling/Elsa POV stories are so mesmerizing. I especially loved her 'thought speech' on/regarding her mother.
  7. I'm in. The entire production was amazing, so well done by cast & crew. Since the show, or at least that's how I've understood it, was going to be about the Duttons I did wonder why Sam Elliott's character got such a big chunk there in the beginning. But that also gave us his backstory before he entered the Duttons' trail so no major complaints. And who am I to complain about Sam Elliott getting screen time really!? I'm usually not a big fan of flash-forwards - Elsa being speared, James Dutton bleeding (to death?) on his own porch - but I trust Taylor Sheridan enough to know where he's going with it and that it will wrap up in the end in the best way possible. (Please let both characters survive please!?)
  8. Another awesome episode. I don't want this season to end, same feeling I've had with every other season. I do find the Jimmy segments boring but at least this episode it was a nice view (bar the horse's erection erhm) and I found myself thinking for their own sakes as well as Jimmy's they should've sent him on this bootcamp from get-go. He needed this training, & time away from the Y ranch, really bad. Beth probably saved that assistant's life by firing him. Kelly Reilly kills every scene, she's awesome as this character. I'd say John get a C- for that 'ask'. And I don't think Rip really looks forward to this move. He must miss his burnt down house more than ever right now. Lol. I hate to hate on kids especially but I've really enjoyed the charater Tate the past three seasons but he's just off this season for me. I could understand some PTSD out of character stuff but his lines just comes out clunky somehow and the actor doesn't seem on his A game. Hoping it's just some awkward pre-teen charactistics we're dealing with & he'll be back in form by season 5. I'm also fully aware it could just be my conception of the character and he's playing him to a t for the one that wrote him/writes for him. Glad Carter and Beth are back on good terms, I think they can be good for each other. It will be fun to see him in the main house. Talk about from rags to riches. What a journey. He said he wanted to be John some day and he could be on his way now. Laramie isn't working on the ranch as far as I saw it. She made a booty call to the bunk house, Walker clearly wanted her to disappear as Lloyd walked back in which showed me Walked at least have some decency. Happy Lloyd brought a guitarr btw and not a gun, that would've been a bit too much had he given him a bullet. Yikes. So happy Teeter is back. She belongs there (with or without the brand) & the bunk house wouldn't be the same without her charm. She was so precious in that scene with John and Rip. Bless Jen Landon for forcing me to like this character after all. That last scene was so awkward to watch. Even though I loathe Jamie I felt for him a little bit. He looked as happy as a child there on the stairs as he thought he would be named and then (fake)dad pushes by him down the stairs. I wanted to both squeel with happiness as well as hug Jamie a bit. I thought Beth would come out with something even bitchier but seeing her in the background there behind her dad by the podium with Jamie almost fainting with disbelief by the wall was such a joy. John for governor yay! I hope it's not the last we see of Senator Perry though, she's great & my otp for John lol
  9. They also had Kyle listed for 10 episodes over at IMDB. Right now he's listed in 9 episodes but I guess that will go down further. Very sneaky. But not in a good way this time around. I was in it for the cast but foremost for Taylor Sheridan, after seen two episodes though I can conclude it isn't for me and I'll leave it to those who enjoy that sort of violence. I could stomach, & enjoyed, SoA but apparently not this. Is it a sign I'm getting older/old? And here I was hoping I would get cool & jaded as I got older. Huh.
  10. I told ya no one gets to be happy on this show. I did however not think a simple ILY would end Jacke and Leslie 😏 I guess we haven't seen the last of them/that though so we'll see. I'm a little sad about Daisy tbh. Not at all sad about Jorge. Props to Luis Guzman though, he's played some shady characters but this might've been the worst I've ever seen him. Thank you and bye bye. And can we talk about Renee... whoa. That was wild. I know she shot him by accident but then scrambling around in his blood and opening the door way too soon for my liking, poking him, falling over again, asking the cleaning crew to "clean". I did not know if that was dark comedy or just straight up cray cray. I was fearing Ed would bite the dust as well but I'm glad he only made a bad bust & got butt hurt. He should get to enjoy his retirment when he's ready. But with Jackie by his side I'm not so sure he will get there.
  11. So not the greatest episode but in fairness it was hard to top those two first episodes. In my humble opinion of course. Kayce was this weeks MVP for me. Love Rip and Beth's relationship and how far they've come, they fight in the very best way. Beth's greatest fear showcased in the cabin when they were alone though. I'm worried it will come between them even if Rip says it won't. Still a fan of Carter even if he's a brat at times. I hope Tate will join him outside so we can see them bonding (and I suspect some fist fights in the future between them like Kayce/Rip). I'm not a fan of the bunnies either but I can see them hanging around seeing how they were there when the ranch was hit, they're in this screwed up/branded family now I guess. I want to see Lloyd kick Walker's ass in some way or another, he has it coming. I love Teeter. Jen Landon is doing awesome work in the background, she's hilarious to keep an eye out for, and I appreciated that they didn't show her topless last Sunday even if she was topless in the bunk house. Great placement of head of other actor in that shot. Not as impressed by the horses this week. I wanna see llamas. Give me llamas. They're frickin adorable.
  12. I binged the first four episode of the new season and I think overall they are doing an even better job this season. I didn't mind the first season but it had minor flaws that I was able to look beyond just because the show was hot (like why lie about that). Anywho back to this season I agree with you @Bluesky , I worry about Daisy and just as she finally got to a place where I can root for her. I also worry about Leslie just because she got together with Jackie and Jackie seems happy. This show don't do happy. But I do like Leslie so I hope she sticks around even if I can't see the relationship with Jackie lasting. I also like the actress so I hope she doesn't want out of the show. I like the storytelling of this show. The backdrop is usually beautiful even when gloomy. The characters are flawed which I like. There's a lot going on in each episode and they keep my full interest which I can't say about that many shows.
  13. My expectations were way high and I've been waiting forever for the show to come back and... I did not get disappointed. I loved it. All of it. Fluff, plot holes and the lot. This show is amazing. That first episode. Like I couldn't breathe for about 20 minutes. I almost felt like pausing for a bit just to get some air but I couldn't do that either as I was so hooked. The way they use the camera and shoot this show is just great. The views are amazing and I'm in love with Taylor's storytelling. I don't mind the time jump from all the action to John waking up in the hospital. I get they don't have forever screentime and the tidbits we got later on (Kasey showing his bullet wound to his dad, Beth showing her burns to her former boss & the shot of her back on the bed with Rip). Of course I loved Beth shooting at the windchime (and the bird saving itself) and all of her zingers. Carter had me from get-go. I don't mind his hair, it feels realistic to his character. John in the bunkhouse, love. The only thing I would've changed was to not have left Jimmy with that cliffhanger from last season and instead just have him injured, or even killed off, when the attack happened on the ranch. He went from someone I rooted for to just a dimwit and it makes me sorta sad as I like the actor. The second episode didn't disappoint me either. Loved that Carter got space in the episode and a good introduction. I admit it - I don't like horses that much but man was I impressed with how they moved with those cattle. It was like watching herding dogs with sheeps and I was majorly impressed. But yes I don't really get what was going on there with John and Travis and their business talk but damn those horses were amazing so who cares. I did miss Tate and (I never thought I would say this) Monica in the 2nd ep, their complete absence & not even being spoken about was a bit weird. I don't trust Jamie at all. I love to hate him but in this case I think he's being used as a pawn if anything. Roarke went quickly, good. I missed Yellowstone and especially Beth Dutton on my screen. Can't wait for the next episode.
  14. I'm not really feeling this season. I usually like messy but it has just become some sort of uninterested mess. Still love Octavia Spencer though.
  15. I would wait on picking up the book cause I've read it and I'm a whole lot of confused a lot of the time while watching the show. I wish they would've let the author written the script, or at least been a part of the process in some way. I find some things in the book more... well appealing than the show. In the book we find out what happens in the mill as it happens and since I'm not sure if they will go down that same route or not (they are changing up some vital parts like I did not get any romantic vibe between Billy & Isaac in the book just to mention one thing, it was more a brotherly bond in the book) I find it hard to even discuss the show in this forum as I don't want to spoil anything. First time I've felt like I wish I hadn't read the book beforehand.
  16. Same. The show would not be as great if not for the oumph Kelly Reilly brings to the character of Beth. Her lines are epic. Every. Single. One. I however rarely these days get bothered by characters I don't like/enjoy. I can just turn to another show & save me (& others) from complaining. Jamie is obviously the character I like the least but if he wasn't on the show it wouldn't be the same & I might not have started to like Beth as much so in the end everyone's needed. So looking forward to the new season. Bring it.
  17. Good start. Jeff Daniels & Maura Tierney are both really class acts. Even if this goes down the drain I will probably keep watching just for them two. But so far so good. I like the pace, the grittiness. The rest of the cast is okay, I'm hoping some actors/characters (hard to know just yet which it is) will grow on me. I did not even recognize Dallas Roberts at first. Wowsa. And my fave from The Deuce was behind the bar, I hope we see her again (she's only listed in one episode over at IMDB so far). I like that they have chosen to go a slightly different route than the book. By keeping what went down inside the mill a secret (for now). I wonder if we will get bits and pieces with every new episode and if they will go with the plot in the book or not. Time will tell.
  18. That looks really good I have to say. I did, & still do, ship Grissom & Sara so it was nice to see them holding hands as we got very little of that in the earlier years. I do like that they keep the personal side of the show to a minimum, I never felt it interrupted the show previously and I feel secure they won't do it with the reboot either. I liked that little scene with GSR (in what looked like a hotel room) putting their glasses together and having an eye-to-eye talk just the two of them. I wouldn't mind more of that even outside the lab. I will miss the rest of the gang but who knows who might have a guest spot? I'm really looking forward to this.
  19. Thank you so much. I'm very hyped for this show but didn't want to make a fool of myself if this board perhaps was for some other show lol. They mentioned this show on the Swedish morning show today. They compared it to Mare of Easttown. Gulp. That's really aiming high but with the material (I've read the book) & this cast it has the chops to go there. Fingers crossed.
  20. I'm really stoked for this one. They had me at Taylor Sheridan but add that cast and just wow. First promo is up at SpoilerTV; First promo look
  21. Is this forum for Showtime's American Rust?
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