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Everything posted by PomPomPom

  1. Yes I spotted the post. She looks stunning and more importantly she looks happy.
  2. No-one seems to have mentioned the contract they all sign in May that runs through to the following May. I don't know much about what it contains but surely leaving so quickly after TC must have been a breach of contract in some way. If this was not an issue then it would seem to indicate some sort of mutual acceptance by TPTB or that the contract is pointless.
  3. Gina has been Game Day Girl each of her Veteran seasons.
  4. That's the same website as accessed through Cowboys website. Same out of date content, just a more direct link.
  5. Am I missing something? I thought their only website was the cheerleaders pages within the Cowboys website. If there is another one I haven't found it. I just think the standard of media presentation is awful. I know we have had issues with covid but the Cowboys side of it seems to be back up and running fine.
  6. Yes, it's worrying. It seems like covid has hit the squad. I hope everyone is OK and on the road to a complete recovery. Three group leaders and a point down is no joke. Take care and best wishes ladies.
  7. Have you seen the video she posted on IG of her DCC journey to "I did it all". If not I recommend it.https://www.instagram.com/megan.mac_/tv/CWe0t_2j8IR/?utm_medium=copy_link
  8. Now that we know Lexie got pro bowl and Gina got point I can see a few other potential candidates for VOTY. Unfortunately we only see bits of what goes on during the season so I have to base it more on TPTB attitude to certain ladies. Jalyn seems to be back in favour with show group and 2nd GL. There is precedent for a 2nd Year. Bridget is the only 2nd Year ever to have won it but maybe Clare "how are we so lucky to have her" might be the second. Difficult choices for VOTY but I think Kellee has ROTY stitched up.
  9. I would say that I don't think Gina considers it a lot of work. Watching her dance you can see she loves every second of it. I can see her coming back as a 6 year vet. I don't think pro bowl has too much to do with it, simply the joy of dance.
  10. That sounds like they mistook Amanda for Holly.
  11. Yes, only Savannah and Rachel seemed to have time for the camera. Sydney was like her tenure, one and gone. I think that is the only time other than her Rookie season that I have heard Savannah speak on camera. DCC media and promotion need to get their act together and get these ladies "out in public" particularly as they are supposed to be ambassadors.
  12. This is a tough one. There are many talented ladies on the team who could be point and more coming through. As Judy said it's a good problem to have. I would love Gina to do another season as she is totally rocking point but unless either she or Rachel retire and assuming they stick with "a second look in the triangle", a lot of ladies will be disappointed. I don't think being "stunning" is the best qualification for point. They are all beautiful in there own way and beauty is subjective. Power Pom however is not and I think that is what is needed. Gina brings it and if she retires I would want to see another powerful dancer take her place.
  13. She looked fine on the field in MTT a few weeks ago discussing Ava's IG. That can't be more than 4 months ago.
  14. I've just purchased the 60th anniversary "electronic" edition and look forward to reading it. I take your point though. Rachel is beautiful but so are all the other girls. I'm sure she is a lovely lady but I think one of the things that rubs a part of the fan base up the wrong way is that she seems to get more than her fair share of exposure. That's not necessarily her fault but I think some fans would like to see more of their favourites and a little less of her. Thank god they have put Dani on the Christmas Spectacular poster.
  15. Is there anyone on here who will be at the game and try and record some of it. If so you have just become my best friend.
  16. Now that you mention it I think the first time it was used (Amy/Maddie) Judy said and I paraphrase "This time Maddie goes to the point......this gives us a second look in the triangle" referring to the position rather than the job. Amy had a whole section with her hubby on being The Point. It's interesting that when Gina was named it was as The Point not as joint point. I think the arguments will rage on this until they finally see sense and return to a single point.
  17. Check out the announcement again. You will find that Rachel is acknowledged and embraced by Gina. There is no way that Rachel can out "power pom" Gina but that said, as second point she actually gets longer in the limelight.
  18. It would make sense for visiting teams to be asked to advise players to keep a sensible distance from DCC while performing. Simple health and safety.
  19. Maddie was 2nd point to Amy but then first point to Rachel. This is Rachel's 2nd Year as 2nd point but this time to Gina.
  20. Claire is without a doubt one of the best dancers DCC have had for a few years. She can give Gina a run for her money. I'm going to hold Charlotte to her words that "we are lucky to have her". I hear a lot about DCC being 4s or 6s but who cares that much as long as they look good in the uniform and can dance to that level. Kashara had it and Claire is in the same mould.
  21. Yes, but in CMTs world the team hasn't yet been announced. Continuity is a shambles. Everyone on this forums knows who made the team and who didn't but anyone watching the CMT episodes followed by the "Overtime" releases must wonder WTF.
  22. Doh! I'm replying to my own post because I just rewatched "Overtime03" the one with the KayDiana "telephone" incident were Kelli thought she was going to faint. She is on at the end sporting her new curly hairstyle from episode 08. So not only was makeovers earlier than 08 but it was at least 5 weeks previous to that. Clearly what CMT are showing us is nothing like the order things actually happened in. So much for reality.
  23. What exactly do you think she said? I've been back through that episode and the only mention was a locker room rumour. She was later described as genuine. The problem with unsubstantiated rumour is that if it is repeat often enough people believe it. I think her subsequent actions and the way she is respected and loved in the team speaks more for her character than any rumour ever could.
  24. Yes, I stand corrected but I think the point is still made,. If the girls come in straight from uni. they are more likely to stay longer.
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