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Everything posted by PomPomPom

  1. That was a bit of fabricated drama by CMT. I remember it well. First office visit was rumour. Second visit TPTB said they didn't believe it and she was genuine. For someone who was supposed to be standoffish she mixed a lot. She shared an apartment with Molly her first year and was friends with Savannah, Tara and Lauren P (who was her locker buddy) amongst others.
  2. I think what broke the run of 5+ year veterans was the intakes of the late 2017/19s where a lot of DCC had come from other teams so already had a number of years cheering, Bridget, Savannah, Lauren P, Allana to name a few. You wouldn't expect them to stay 5 years when they have already done two or three elsewhere. Exceptions in that draft include Gina, Lexie, Lacey who came straight from uni. into the team. That is why they have made 5 and who knows maybe 5+.
  3. It would appear that CMT are time travellers. Did anyone else notice that show group announcements Ep07 actually happened after makeovers Ep08. The give away is KayDiana's hair, the reason you only see a very long shot when she is announced (but visible in an early long shot) and Kelee's new wig which is clearly visible near the end. Don't really understand why they feel the need to do that. We seemed to get a lot going on in some episodes while others are light on content.
  4. Agree with all you said except I hope she doesn't retire. It about time we had a years 6 (or two) again.
  5. Not sure where the "majority of viewers" comes from. Seeing her get point was so heartwarming for me. She completely deserves it. The endorsement she got from her team mates and from KaShara, Maddie, Amy etc. was well deserved. Yes, there are other girls who deserve a chance at it but "better choices" I doubt it. She has already been seen rocking it on the sidelines this season and her solos at tryouts have always been "bomb" so mid tier? As for her personality being basic, she was elected Veteran Of The Year last season. I think that addresses the way her team mates think about her.
  6. Can totally see it but I think Kleine might run her close.
  7. It's been posted on Reddit so the secrets out.
  8. I seem to remember that in the days when DCC changed their game day routines regularly they used to rotate a number of ladies at the point of the triangle.
  9. I think we are stuck with a double point at least until Rachel retires. She is not strong enough to be a single point and I don't think TPTB would insult her by stepping her down. Gina is rocking point this year, finally where she deserves to be. I've nothing against Rachel, I think she is a beautiful lady and a great technical dancer just not point material.
  10. She is beautiful, a great technical dancer but her power pom is weak. She is not strong enough for point. She will never be a strong point.
  11. Could be but it's a question of timing. Would need to know when Rockettes auditions took place relative to showgroup auditions. Does anyone actually have firm dates for either or both. If Rockettes was first then she had already decided.
  12. Did anyone else notice that the 5 non top 36 shown at Ep07 post show group judges discussion included Lea and Christina? Find that difficult to swallow based on what I've seen in previous episodes.
  13. In Ep07 at 15:44 KF says to the camera "The showgroup is made up of our more advanced technical dancers but they also have to be good communicators". I take this to mean the best trained dancers who can also conduct themselves with the media. Kat falls at the first fence not being a trained dancer. JT actually said "she dials it in". Alora Rose could dance rings around her. No wonder she looked a bit p*ssed about it. Yes everyone cheered but the reaction was one of suprise among friends. I find it difficult to understand
  14. One of the biggest problems with the shorts was pointed out by Lisa Dobson.....split seams due to long leg extensions. She said she was constantly doing repairs on these. Jinelle got singled out as a good example. LD also said that after a year on sidelines, and particularly the show group girls, the condition of some shorts could only be described as "wretched". It follows that they must be replaced.
  15. The DCC seamstress Lisa Dobson spoke at length about this on a Podcast a couple of years back. She said that of all the items the shorts got the most wear and tear and had to be repaired and replaced most frequently. She said that the shorts moulded to the girls bodies with use and the girls felt uncomfortable dancing if they had to break in a new pair. She aways tried to make them as close to the old pair as possible to reduce this.
  16. Think they need to talk fashion with Gina
  17. I would be interested to know that too but I suspect nobody but TPTB and Erin will know the answer. While they all do showgroup auditions it's not a compulsory activity and some can't do it because of time constraints/jobs. Erin's commitments may have changed making it difficult.
  18. I hope someone will be at the game and record the half time presentation. As I understand it the plan is for all the Alumni that can to take part. I don't think that has been done since Texas Stadium. Should be a great show to celebrate 60 years.
  19. I count 18 girls (first photo). It was suggested there were only 17 and discussion has to who was missing but I think they were all there.
  20. Sadly, I suspect whether the accusations prove to be true or totally unfounded, that to "protect the brand" TPTB will cut any future links with him anyway.
  21. Agreed......but oops! that might revive a previous thread. " X marks the spot"
  22. I love that everyone has their favourites but I doubt if you asked everyone on here that you would get the same list twice.
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