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Everything posted by PomPomPom

  1. Gina engaged! When did that happen? LOL
  2. I see nothing unattractive about her therefore to me she is attractive and a great dancer. What's not to like?
  3. I'm puzzled why you think there is a hidden meaning in it. She has a Shih Tzu and it's name is Sugar.
  4. The biggest portion of the $9M was from media appearances and in particular CMT MTT. The podcast is worth a look. There are even slides showing the valuations.
  5. You are quite right in comparison with the football team they don't but I remember KF stating in a "Cowboys Way" interview a couple of years back that the DCC had a media value to the Cowboys in access of $9Million.
  6. I don't think anyone will replace Savannah. She was unique. A great ambassador, with a stunning Disney Princess look and not so much a blender that she got a perfect score at auditions and is now a DCC All Star. Christina will go far with DCC but it is unfair to compare her to Savannah other than their military backgrounds. I'm sure Christina will stamp her own unique style on the DCC team.
  7. I don't think so but as someone mentioned Kelli Q ("Tinydancer") don't forget she paired with Yuko.
  8. To be Kelli's comeback girl. Totally agree. There is a real feel of enjoyment and spirit about it!
  9. Couldn't agree more. Gina is rocking point and could have been for at least a couple of years. If TPTB insisted on two points then Maddie and Gina would have been a great combination. I don't know if Gina's ACL problem affected the choice but the girl is rocking it now and I think it's infectious to the rest of the team who look great. Can't wait for the Monday home game.
  10. There will be plenty of time to see her this season but damn Gina was rocking it!
  11. Agreed, but blending is not a crime and as you say she is a great ambassador and team mate. I'm a big fan or hers as well and full of admiration for the way she has handled herself both teaching and dancing through the pandemic. In her own words "it's been a lot"
  12. That's exactly what I mean. Comeback girls seem to have become a big feature of each year. Maddie, Christina, Brennan, Madeline S, Tori, Ashlynn etc.
  13. Do you think she is TPTBs new "comeback girl"
  14. If you check back through the seasons at finals solos this is mentioned on several occasions and seems to be one of the "badges of honour" the girls get. Ashlee was being recognised in a nice way BUT the Amanda senario seems to have required it to be edited out but not the number 52!
  15. Just went back and checked and Gina was wearing number 1 and went first. Ashlee must have been last on. Being last and first are usually big compliments. Jenna, Kashara, Maddie and Amy have danced in those slots at auditions in recent years.
  16. No, she was shown placed in the middle of the other solos. Gina got a mention as first on but not Ashlee as last solo.
  17. The previous time she tried out there was a clip where she said she didn't really consider herself a legacy until she made the team. Perhaps it hasn't been mentioned for that reason.
  18. She was clearly visible on the field during the solos and seen to be applauding although her own solo wasn't shown. The issue will be why she didn't complete training camp and if that will be shown.
  19. What choice did she have. If TPTB insist on her having to defend her spot rather than giving her time to heal its not surprising it happened. I'm angry about it and have already posted about it earlier. If DCC value their veterans they shouldn't put them in that sort of situation. For the sake of a few more weeks healing they have lost an experienced dancer. I can't help thinking it was all for the drama and I'm angry.
  20. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxz248Mvuq/?utm_medium=copy_link This was on her Instagram 2 days ago. It seems very recent. If it is then she may have left the team but not Fort Worth or friendships with other cheerleaders. That would point to a vaccination stand to me.
  21. That's strong stuff comparing anyone with Bridget but in this case I have to agree. Marissa, well for once MR is nor wrong. She is a DCC through and through. Ashley just goes from strength to strength. It's remarkable the impact Bridget had on DCC in just two years. Veteran Of The Year on her second year, the only second year to ever achieve this. Great dancer, great team mate and from what I can see in social media a great friend and beautiful person. Team Gina, yes that's me also. This woman got an unfounded and unproven bad press in her first year. Despite that she has become a popular team member, leader and hard core DCC. She has overcome an ACL injury and is back stronger than ever. She was sadly overlooked last year when other less deserving got point but things have been rectified to an extent. I hope she has a great season and progresses to a sixth.
  22. I completely understand your point of view but Daphne is not stupid, TPTB are not stupid and the stadium is full of dancers with similar experiences, trainers and former dancers who all know the "what's what" of ACL injuries. Putting someone in a position like that were they loose their well earned place if they don't dance and risk a serious injury for the sake of a few weeks to me is senseless and has a "couldn't care less" feel to it. I'll be interested to see it play out on MTT. I'm sure it will be great drama!
  23. As I understand it she compounded the injury doing the kick line and jump splits at what seems to have been a combined solos/show group audition. My point is that, had she been given more time, this might not have happened and DCC would not have lost a valuable member. She had no choice but to leave when she compounded her injury as part of that process. Totally avoidable in my opinion and smacks of sacrificing someone for the sake of a bit of drama.
  24. The more I think about the Daphne situation the angrier I get. She is a three year veteran DCC and show group member who has served the cheerleaders well. She has been injured but was making a good recovery and just needed more time to get back to best. Why did TPTB make her do solos and kick line when they did when the sensible thing to do would be leave it a few more weeks? They were compassionate with Danielle, Cassie and other DCC with injuries so why not Daphne? Do they think so little of the team members that they make them dance even when Kelli was saying on the clip how worried she was or was that just for effect and good drama....discuss!
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