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Everything posted by zxy556575

  1. I skipped a couple of episodes but mostly slogged through for my own sense of completion. The cliffhanger was annoying, but the most commitment I'd make for season 2 would be reading the recaps to find out who the murderer is. (I'm assuming Barrett being shot in the damned heart means he's dead.) My feelings about all the characters didn't change much from the pilot -- Alexis remained the most annoying, even beating out Paige, which is saying something. Her entire love triangle plot was tedious. Nina is a horrible person but turned out to be the most fun to watch.
  2. It seemed like Charlie was originally set up to be the primary (ahem) "teen" but his importance and storylines diminished the farther along we got. Ram ended up being my favorite, but that's not saying much. He reminded me of Penny on The Magicians with his intelligence and bitter, loner angst. If there is another season, I guarantee I will have forgotten 90% of this before next year. Disposable TV. (Except for killing Ram's dad. That hurt.)
  3. Aha! Yeah, I don't think Trevor is the selfie stick type. :-)
  4. I may watch a couple more episodes only because they're available for bingeing, but I thought it was mediocre at best. It kind of seems like I just watched this in The Arrangement, which isn't the show's fault but I blame it anyway. I'm not familiar with any of the actors but they appear to have been cast for looks rather than ability.
  5. I was glad to see Trevor address the parade images from Spain and put the kibosh on further rumors and misplaced outrage. Still, the look on his face when he originally saw it was everything. Wonder why he was on vacation with a male friend instead of his girlfriend.
  6. What I know is that I have 42 minutes' worth of free time. This could have been a fun exploration of a contractual romantic relationship, high control groups, the downside to celebrity, etc. They decided to go with "as much sex as we can get away with." Boring.
  7. Here we are. Taxes. I usually don't have any complaints but last year I got a large special bonus after the sale of the company. I am and was retired at the time and bonuses aren't included as earned income for purposes of Social Security. YOU'D THINK. Because I was working as an independent contractor for the same company, SSA says that I was actually still employed by them and the bonus is earned income. So I now not only have to pay 50% tax on the bonus, I also have to repay a portion of my social security earnings and most of the $5K subsidy I received under the ACA. Basically I have to repay almost the entire bonus. It's small potatoes in the scheme of things, but I'm particularly annoyed at having to cough up a $132 penalty for underpaying my quarterly tax payments. Seriously, I didn't even know I was getting the stupid bonus when I made my first two payments, and even though I tripled the amount the next two quarters, it still wasn't enough.
  8. The general vibe seemed more like an updated Mary Tyler Moore to me, but since that was one of my favorite shows I'm good. I have no expectations about where it's going to go because there isn't a mystery to solve or government to save; it's just Midge adjusting to her new upended version of life. I agree with @Megan about Sherman-Palladino, as she does, possibly making Midge unbearable in her perfect spunkiness. I'm more forgiving of comedies, but don't push me, Amy. I really liked bar manager Suzie and hope she continues as a featured player. The period design was fun, too.
  9. Seems like a lot of them have been wearing rosé colored glasses!
  10. Here's a CliffsNotes refresher of season one: anyone is liable to die at any time.
  11. Netflix has stopped displaying aggregated user star ratings in favor of individual up/down votes to better "personalize" recommendations. That was annoying because I liked seeing the general consensus before starting on a show. I also seem to hold minority opinions on a lot of shows and may break their new algorithm. Netflix: You like standup comedy? Great! Here are a bunch that are 89% match for you! Me: Ahem. I don't actually like ALL standup. Up vote, down vote, up vote, down vote. Let's see what they do with that.
  12. Right? I don't dislike the character but am averse to Quaid playing him for some unknown reason. My mind can't get past, "What's Dennis Quaid doing in Fortitude?" Not disliking the character doesn't mean I'm exactly thrilled about his dying wife, financial woes, failed business, blah blah. Move somewhere else already! There are no new bad guy archetypes, but plots involving secretive Russians, mad scientists, and corrupt municipal officials aren't keeping me on the edge of my seat or anything. That said, I'm still watching.
  13. And Jeff said he'd once removed a 30 pounder! Even if it was on an Irish Wolfhound, that's incredible and horrifying. Owner of the kitten with worms: "And suddenly all I do is take cat pictures." Heh. Been there!
  14. April 14 episode: It wasn't very fair of the producers to match a traditional Indian man who only dates Indian women with a non-Indian. (The former might, incidentally, have a better cultural understanding of him living with his parents). His manic affect and constant phone addiction were different problems. Dylan, the man who dates by going to a bar with four beer bros and waiting for woman-manna to fall from heaven ... oh, dear. Like the pocket ballpoint pen nerd from last week, my heart went out to him. Seems like a good person but he could benefit from a few weeks with a real life Hitch. I would never have matched bearded Woody with Southern Sara, but at least they could, if necessary, gnaw on body parts together. Weirdest dating criteria ever: no unadventurous eaters! Good for the gay guys. I hope they have found a lot more in common than shared loneliness, mothers, and coming out stories.
  15. I'm not saying that "soap opera" isn't an overused term or that the concept isn't unfairly denigrated, but I don't think all dramas are soaps -- for example, crime procedurals, Bull, Designated Survivor, The Americans, Breaking Bad, The Crown, The West Wing, etc. Shows that are generally characterized as soapy tend to be more melodramatic and focused on interpersonal relationships rather than plot, IMO. But the phrase means different things to different people so YMMV.
  16. Moved from another thread: I thought I really was alone on that, especially after his award wins. I ended up fast-forwarding through his scenes.
  17. It may be the most diverse TDS team, though? Unfortunately for me as a viewer, being a Daily Show correspondent is not the end goal for any entertainer's career and they all eventually move on. Which reminds me how much I still miss Jessica Williams.
  18. But at least it's quick! Messily dispatching 4-5 henchpeople takes 60 seconds at most.
  19. He seems more like a Chad Michael Murray passing-teen-heartthrob on a soapy TV series. But as one of the supposed top movie stars in the world, he's also not getting nearly the amount of paparazzi swarms he should be, especially with a gossipy breakup and new girlfriend.
  20. Re different kinds of love -- I wholeheartedly agreed with Eddie that Annie's obsessive feelings drag him down, so was kind of sorry to see them take off together. I was also sorry every time he put up with her neuroses (although, okay, some of that may be my dislike for Paquin in the role).
  21. Of course Terence holds a very private discussion with Kyle while strolling amongst a bunch of Institute members. The Kyle/Detective Gaffey sex thing squicked me out for real.
  22. I didn't make it to the end, either. I don't mind Chris and spending the full hour with one guest could be good if I'm interested in the person. I wasn't with Elijah and probably won't be if the bookings continue to be the standard parade of actors. Chris seemed a little defensive in his opening when he was explaining why he was hosting yet another show.
  23. Oh, nice! As for entire towns, I was more in tune with Cicely, Alaska. It could also be a bit twee, but more ruggedly so. My imaginary eccentric-but-lovable self would rather hang out with alcohol in The Brick all day than a coffee shop.
  24. Kitty apparently won her game of pounce-n-catch with a fishing line. Petra cut off the barb end and pulled it out. She did lightly sedate the patient and gave her antibiotics, but you probably keep that stuff lying around the house anyway. I still maintain you could have made just as neat a job of it. :)
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