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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. If you miss the first minute or two of this episode, as I did, nothing made sense.  And of course you get together with a chef on Monday, not over the weekend.

    I thought Wade's dead wife was friends with Delia.

    Noah continues to be a great character.  It sucks to be in between ages.

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  2. 13 hours ago, janie jones said:

    Did they accidentally buy the wrong ticket, or did they accidentally get on the wrong plane?

    It was decades ago but I think it was an international transfer thing - he had to change planes, didn't read English, and got on the one that sounded right.  He had a passport and a ticket and it was back when they didn't really check the tickets that carefully.

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  3. On 1/19/2021 at 4:17 PM, Blergh said:

    IIRC, there was an episode in Full House in which Stephanie and Michelle got on a plane thinking it was flying across the Bay from their Frisco home to Oakland , but instead  it wound up flying to Auckland, New Zealand! Even in those pre-Homeland Security days, it's hard to imagine that this could have happened (and the San Francisco International Airport is quite a distance from both of these Bay cities). 

    In real life there was someone who wanted to go to Auckland and accidentally got on a plane for Oakland.  It was on the news.

    Now I have to kill you since you used Frisco.  It is not done.

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  4. On 1/15/2021 at 2:47 PM, dleighg said:

    The Prevagen ads bug me. This couple that "we take care of ourselves, it's important" say they've been taking it for 12 years. "And it still makes a difference-- I can tell." How can you tell if you've been taking it for 12 years? You just know you'd be stupid as heck by now if you weren't taking it?

    Or are you doing double blind trials every year to prove that it still works?


    All I know is that after seeing the commercial all weekend, my daughter says she's going to start putting it in my wine to see what happens.

    • LOL 16
  5. Issa Ray's facial expressions were an illustration of the perils of going on this show - that you might find out your ancestors are people you really wouldn't want to associate with.  Her relatives being slave traders and then dying in the Haiti slave uprising looked really upsetting to her.

    The show last night was one of the few I've seen with all white people.  Pelosi, O'Donnell, and Posen.  They seemed to focus on more recent history rather than tracing them back to villages in the 1600s.

  6. 14 hours ago, 88Keys said:

    According to Wikipedia, "Man Overboard" is to be used when someone has gone over and is in need of immediate rescue.  Maybe that wouldn't apply here?  


    You have someone drunk enough to be just about ready to vomit dive into the ocean where the crew was watching sharks circling the lights - I think she was in need of immediate rescue.

    On a previous season one of the deckhands (Ashton) was dragged into the water by a line, and another deckhand (Rhylee ?) was read the riot act by Capt. Lee for only saying Man Overboard once.

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  7. Shouldn't have someone yelled man overboard three times?

    My daughter asked if James and Elizabeth were this season's Jess and Rob.  She's about dumb enough but James was smart enough to know to keep hook ups secret - not go telling everyone on board.

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  8. I'm the last one in the world to watch this because I'm a terrible binger....But, this episode should be totally watched for the actor who plays Patrick's father and manages to channel all the facial expressions that Noah Reid uses.  It's really easy to play a David, but to replicate the subtle expressions that we're used to from Patrick is genius.

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  9. The chateau used to dump its sewage in the moat.  Dick and Angel put in a septic system so it goes there now.  One of the funniest scenes that they cut from the HGTV shows are them putting red dye into the one functioning toilet and Angel flushing endlessly while Dick tries to find where it's coming out in the moat.

    They never say where the drinking water is coming from.  They may have a well or they may be on some municipal water system.  It's not moat water.

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  10. We watched this as our Christmas Eve movie and liked it.  Thought Josh O'Connor was overdoing it a bit.  Didn't like the Mr. Knightly approach being so juvenile, but choices!  The music was wonderful.  They actually incorporated more of the book than is usual.

    Emma's father does not have OCD - he is a hypochondriac.

  11. 40 minutes ago, MartyQui said:

    We plebeians call it pink champagne.  🙂

    Of course we do!  But if you call it rose champagne, you can charge $20 more per bottle.

    I've always wondered about how the guests pay for everything on these yachts.  Is the price inclusive or are they paying by the bottle?

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