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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 3 hours ago, TVbitch said:


    If she doesn't have a gill net, couldn't Kielyn make the barge into some kind of floating contraption to push out with lines hanging off it? 


    Or couldn't she try to make a gill net from line she brought or from debris?  Like Amos did on this very same episode.

    • Love 4
  2. 2 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

     Sorry it still grates that in a show entitled How I Met Your Mother the women we the viewer learn the least about is The Mother.  

    She is the object in the sentence.  The subject is "I" and the show was all about Ted.

    • Love 2
  3. On a technical side, the three young actresses playing Arabella, Terry, and Theo were superb.  They must have watched the film of the adult actresses playing the same parts - had all the mannerisms and vocal quirks down pat.  I have great trouble understanding Michaela Cole, and it was the same with the girl playing her younger self.

    And it really played against your pre-conceptions.  I thought that Theo's step father was going to be shown as a molester, instead he ends up the victim of her mother's problems.

    • Love 4
  4. 2 hours ago, paigow said:

    Life insurance payout to a beneficiary is protected from the creditors of an estate.

    If he had life insurance, he would have tried to borrow against it.  And, that may have not been the case back then.

    • Love 2
  5. I would think they would try to have just the outside exhibits open, and keep people out of the indoor ones.  The big cats have outside space don't they?

    In my neck of the woods, the Oakland Zoo is desperately trying to get dispensation from the state to open as an "outside museum" so they don't go bankrupt.

  6. Don't you mean, bit of a change from Home Town?  I swear they run it 24/7.  The guy's voice bugs me and the woman is sappy.

    I did see a new show but didn't get the name of it.  People write in with DIY problems they have encountered, and a professional shows them how to do it correctly.  The crazy thing was that one of the professionals was Wendell from Survivor!  He is an actual furniture designer and showed someone how to properly make a bench.

    • Love 1
  7. On 6/30/2020 at 8:03 PM, Cotypubby said:


    The song Drake was listening to in his kitchen was from 1951 (🤔) so I’m wondering if it was a little nod to “LA Confidential,” which used that tune, and they figured no one would notice the error?

    Actually, all of Drake's kitchen was anachronistic.  It's tiled in a very distinctive yellow tile with a contrasting edge color.  This was widely used in California, but not until after WWII.  I had the exact same tile, yellow with baby blue edge, in a home built in 1950.  One of my friends had yellow with green and another yellow with brown.

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  8. I have stopped watching Animal Planet at lunch time because they insist on running this ad for the Humane Society that is at least 5 minutes long and consists of some woman in a plaintive voice telling over and over how terrible the lives of animals are and begging us to donate.  It makes me want to do the opposite, although I suppose that would be actually opening my own puppy mill, so probably not.  What's wrong with puppies and kittens are cute and fun - send us some money so we can keep them alive?

    • Love 11
  9. They don't seem to be very creative in solving their problems.  Melanie is worried about revolution in the Tail, and that the janitors in Third class are corrupt.  Why not offer Layton a swap?  She'll arrange for them to all move to Third and take over the janitorial services, while the current janitors are exiled to the Tail.  Makes the Tailees happy and solves her janitor and drug problem.

    But Layton is right - there is plenty of room on a 2001 car train for them to be moved out of the baggage car. Whether they paid for, or applied for a ticket, after 7 years it's just inhumane to treat them like they have been.

    They can't just detach the Tail - they would encounter it the next time past (3 months?) and derail.  By then it would be frozen solid to the tracks.

    • Love 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

    It's so hard to find good badinage these days. (I had to look it up too. No one has used it on any show I watch so it has no meaning to me. lol It's a great word though. I think more shows should use it.)

    The problem is that Tim Gunn is the only person on TV who could get away with saying it.

    Carry on!

    • Love 9
  11. Don't know how long they waited to euthanize, but it must have been a huge drain on the staff to take care of them all.  They went from 30 venomous snakes to almost 200 overnight.  They couldn't hire extra people so that meant that busy people all had to work even more.

    I found it ironic that while the zoos seem to find it difficult to breed reptiles and herps, this snake hoarder person had the mad skillz.

    • Love 2
  12. There was at least one scene where they were describing the expenses they could charge.

    I didn't realize that the money he was trying to get from the movie studio (600 instead of 200) was going to his partner as well as him.  They ended up with 50 cents each.

    Those poor cows!  They look like they're starving to death.

    • Love 3
  13. 1 hour ago, Raja said:

    And coming on as a TV Star Wars I doubt if Lucas himself could have made a successful Battlestar Galactica show reusing the same stock space dogfights week after week.

    But mostly it was the stupid robot dog.  And the adorable moppet.

    Although it was progressive - they had two black guys!  Tighe and Boomer.

    • Love 3
  14. On 6/16/2020 at 7:37 PM, Neurochick said:

    X Files was originally on Friday night.  The first season did not do well at all.  What happened was FOX really didn't have anything to air during the summer, so they aired repeats of the first season that summer.  That's when people started watching, and then that's when the Internet started to take off.  I think X Files might have been the first TV show that benefited from the Internet.

    If you want an example of a show that the network seemed to hate, Hill Street Blues in its first season is pretty good.  They moved it from week to week.  One week it was on Tuesday, the next on Saturday, etc.  It was a miracle that they renewed it for the second season.  And that show changed television completely by bringing in story arcs that lasted between episodes.

    I think X Files did benefit from the internet, but before that Quantum Leap definitely did.

    • Love 2
  15. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

    I still don't understand this.  If Melanie was afraid that LJ was going to blackmail her with the knowledge about the experiments... wouldn't the solution have been to immediately send LJ into a drawer?  That's what she did with Layton... Layton found out Melanie is or is posing as Mr. Wilford.  Layton goes into a drawer.


    We saw Miles actually in school.  Not sure why Mia didn't get the same treatment.  I guess "apprenticeship" might just be code for "experiments".  But if so, why the kids?  Why not other random Tailees?  Why not take the mom of the revolt girl for a drawer instead of cutting her arm off?

    Layton is from the Tail.  No one knows who is back there - none of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class folks are hanging around the Tail.  Only the Tailees know that Layton is missing and nobody cares what they think.  So she could put Layton in the drawer with no one the wiser.

    LJ is known in 1st and 2nd.  Everyone knows that Wilford pardoned her.  She can't just get disappeared.  And she would have told her parents about "Wilford" if she wasn't pardoned.

    The arm cutting off was done to suppress future uprisings.  Just taking the culprit away wouldn't have the same shock and awe effect.

  16. On 6/16/2020 at 6:36 AM, PRgal said:

    Do you think Amanda’s husband is a bit resentful/jealous of her success?  Or maybe he’s just he awkward type....

    I'm only 4 episodes in, but I don't think that at all.  He moved from California to NY to support her during her residency.  He's flying back and forth across the country to keep running his business.  He's probably just jet lagged.  During her ultrasound, she says how grateful she is that he can ask the practical questions and that he has totally researched Noonan's syndrome.  Anyone who isn't a professional actor can come across awkwardly on camera.

    My mother died of jaw and tongue cancer so this hits close to home.  Especially the doctor who is worried about his face being disfigured if they operate.

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