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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. How sad.  She was very talented.  And every guy I dated in the 70's and 80's had a massive crush on her from the Avengers.

    In my corner of the theater world, my daughter bought a ticket to Andrew Scott at the Old Vic doing a one man play - Three Kings.  Really great although we had to watch it at 7:30am.

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  2. On 8/26/2020 at 1:35 PM, peacheslatour said:

    Yes but why oh, why have the Medicare supplemental insurance commercials multiplied like freakin' rabbits?

    Because the middle of the baby boom is about to turn 65 and that's when most people have to decide whether to get this or not.  1955-1956 were the peak years for the boom.  I was born Dec. 1955 and most of my mail now consists of Medicare "information".

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  3. I only recently watched this and most of what I thought has already been stated, especially the part about Moff Gideon pontificating and giving them time to surrender.

    Do we really know that the Child is a he?  Sure seems like a she to me.

    And, now for the really Unpopular Opinion - Mando's cape is really stupid!

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  4. 19 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

    So Malia radios Sandy to tell her Jessica is having heart palpitations and Sandie says "tell her to come see me".

    Wouldn't/shouldn't the captain go to where Jess is instead of making Jess walk to the captain? Heart palpitations can be a serious issue but once again...Sandie only cares about who she likes and who kisses her ass.

    Actually, it looked like she was alone in the wheelhouse.  Someone has to be there at all times.  So, the captain was stuck.  They put Jessica in the shower before taking her up there.  And she's the drama queen of all time.


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  5. 14 hours ago, Quof said:

    None of you have lived until you have a relative who insists the day between Friday and Sunday is called "Serrday".  

    I did buy a calendar once which I liked a lot until I realized that one of the days in the middle of the week was now Thurrday.

    And I taught a class with a Dawn and a Don and it was chaos!

    • LOL 3
  6. Did Callie stay long enough to pass Fowler's record?  He went 87 days, I think.

    If Roland's big emotional breakthrough was realizing how important his mother was, when he literally skipped her funeral to prepare for the show, it seems like too little too late.

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  7. On 8/10/2020 at 9:59 PM, nuraman00 said:

    What does she do with the other 25 airstrips then?  Turn them into different businesses?

    What Lupe said was that right now there were 25 airstrips operating in the great Los Angeles area, mostly flying in hooch from Mexico.  If prohibition isrepealed, there would be only enough business to maintain 5 of them.  She wants her strip to be one of those 5.  And because she is Mexican and a woman, it's much more difficult for her so she really needs Perry's farmland.


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  8. Arabella really does lead an unexamined life.  This episode showed that she is willing to read the riot act to anyone else however minor the offence, but she never sees that she's done anything wrong.  Locking Kwame in the room with a stranger who was really really interested in him sexually is 100 times worse than Kwame not telling the white girl he had sex with that he was gay.  Complaining that the doctor slighted her by calling her Afro Caribbean after he patiently waited through her making a video while going over her diagnosis was ridiculous.  She never got the important part - she has high blood pressure - because she stormed out.

    At the Wine and Paint, Terry made a trite picture of an orange pumpkin with green vines.  But Arabella and Kwame painted these big angry looking pumpkins in red and black.   Guess we know who still has issues.

    I didn't like Terry at first - I'm beginning to think she's a saint.

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  9. It's occurred to me that a lot of the power of the show is demonstrating how frequently one person interferes with another without their consent, and how it's always wrong.  And Michaela Cole's is fantastic because Arabella is often on the wrong side of the equation.  It's about 50-50.

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  10. I kind of liked it.  Loved that the boyfriend wasn't the evil monster and that they were able to do things with remote advice that made the situation better for all 4 cats.

    My next door neighbors had a baby rooster, kept in a pen near my bedroom, and I nearly murdered them.  They go off all night and sound like an air horn while they are learning to crow.

  11. On 6/29/2020 at 5:57 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:


    Poor Kwame. Although I appreciated Terry being supportive, I disliked that one of the first things she told him was, "You have to tell Arabella." No, he doesn't. It's his choice when to tell her (if ever). You are never required to tell someone about your sexual assault. I know this group of friends is in their 20s so they still have that mentality about how you have to tell each other EVERYTHING, but you really don't.

    He needs to tell Arabella so she won't lock him in a room with a strange man again.  I think that's what Terry meant.

    Loved the "promo" at the end with Arabella wolfing down fried chicken!

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  12. Watched and liked it.  Loved seeing the effort David Diggs and Lesley Odom Jr. put into their dancing.

    I've seen it twice in theaters with traveling casts.  It is clear that performing-wise, Lin Manuel is the weak link.  He's great in the raps, but his singing voice is thin and by the second act, he's noticeably hoarse and slowing down.  The Eye of the Hurricane should be his big singing triumph and he can barely stay on key.

    When they cast the touring companies, they get someone with a great voice for Hamilton.  Why not?  Lin-Manuel is the genius who wrote Hamilton, but he's not the best person for the part.

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