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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 1 hour ago, Lassus said:

    Not in early February.  I was in Manhattan the weekend of February 24th.  Saw West Side Story on Broadway.  I've been quite serious about the protocols since mid-March, but in early February COVID was not just not a concern, it simply wasn't even a conversation.

    I think the assumption it was COVID is a little premature and unfounded.

    It may be indeed premature, but in early February where I live, COVID was a big concern.  There is speculation that the first documented patient in Washington state was not the first person in the US to have the disease.  NY got bad because of the population density, not because it was the first place in the nation where the disease emerged.  We don't know where Avery's grandmother lived - might be in that nursing home in Washington.

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  2. On 7/27/2020 at 5:11 AM, Enigma X said:

    I am just curious if anyone has read the Hamilton bio that inspired LMM? I did when it first came out (and am re-reading it now) and took it upon myself while in high school to read two other bios on Hamilton. 

    I know you asked this a long time ago, but I just lifted a family curse and finished Chernow's biography.  I listened to it - all 35 hours!  It was fascinating to compare those politics to what's happening today, and not find many differences.  The other thing I noticed was that in his duel with Burr, Hamilton actually referred to "throwing away his shot" when he fired in the air, not at Burr.   And Aaron Burr was a real piece of work.

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  3. 1 hour ago, spunky said:

    I can't remember ever seeing this charter guest before. 

    He was on Below Deck previously, not as primary, when the boat couldn't move because it was so blustery.  He was on BDM as primary with guests who were all gay guys.  They ate everything in sight and made the gay male stew, Josaiah, wear a gold speedo to serve them dinner.  And one of them passed out drunk on the toilet.

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  4. On 10/30/2020 at 3:22 AM, kiddo82 said:

    Every Zombie movie ever*:  a member of your squad will suffer a non-lethal bite but know it's a matter of time before he turns.  He will sacrifice himself to a pack of zombies to slow them down and save the rest of the crew in a tight situation.  In a less frequent situation, he will shoot himself then and there.  

    *I've never actually seen The Walking Dead, but this has happened in at least 28 Days Later, Train to Busan, 2004's Dawn of the Dead, and The Crazies.  I don't remember if it happened in World War Z, to be honest.

    It did not happen in the best zombie movie - Shaun of the Dead.  In that one, Shaun's mother does get a non-lethal bite but she doesn't tell anyone because she doesn't want them to worry.  Far from sacrificing herself, she dies and resurrects at the worst possible moment.

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  5. 1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:


    Right.  But, he did all of those things to save Mando - not himself.  (The fire saved them all, but the other two were him protecting Mando.) 

    So, does he know how to protect himself?  Or does he need to follow Mando's lead? 

    (Again, rhetorical, I wasn't really looking for anyone to answer me, but I love discussing with people! 🙂 )

    It's more that they haven't yet had the discussion about people in cars offering candy or puppies.  Or whatever the space equivalent of that is.  The Child could just playfully wander off with the wrong person and Mando would never see him again.  Hence my tsk tsking.

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  6. I spent the whole episode wondering whether they were talking about the "Great" or "Crepe" dragon.  Enunciation is important!

    I have seen the 9 movies, but I don't play video games or watch cartoons.  Clearly this is going to bring me lots of interesting new creatures.  Is the Krayt dragon related to the creature that Han flies the Millenium Falcon into in the Empire Strikes Back?

    Every time Mando just leaves the Child someplace I engage in a little mental tsk tsking.  He clearly never practiced with a flour baby.

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  7. 3 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

    Sure, they are in the dill pickle section.

    So it's OK to be booted out of the competition because of a personal dislike by a judge?  Sorry, I don't think that's fair at all.

    The ironic thing about Paul's aversion to pickles is that the Japanese love pickles.  I've been served a course of nothing but pickles at a high end Japanese restaurant.  Not just pickled cucumbers, they pickle anything.  Wikipedia says:

    Tsukemono (漬物, literally "pickled things") are Japanese preserved vegetables (usually pickled in salt, brine, or a bed of rice bran). They are served with rice as an okazu (side dish), with drinks as an otsumami (snack), as an accompaniment to or garnish for meals, and as a course in the kaiseki portion of a Japanese tea ceremony.

    Seems like for "Japan week" he could suck it up.

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  8. On 10/29/2020 at 12:24 AM, bybrandy said:

    I'd also say that if I had a family history of depression I would be more apt to pick adoptive parents who disclosed treatment for depression.  It can be hereditary and I would want my child to have somebody in their corner whose mind might go their quicker when they saw their kid experiencing the same symptoms and who would be able to talk to the kid about their own experience with depression so the child felt less alone as they began treatment.   


    Similarly, maybe the birth mother is overweight and wants a couple like her.

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  9. On 10/23/2020 at 9:42 PM, LittleIggy said:

    So what? Lafayette is in the heart of Cajun Country. What difference does proximity to NO make? Maybe they took French in HS or college. I took French when I was in college in LA. 

    My sister in law is from Lafayette.  She has an uncle named Frozard and one of her ex brothers in law is on Swamp People.  They're raging Cajuns!

    I think the two sisters have southern accents.

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  10. On 10/26/2020 at 8:29 AM, Eulipian 5k said:

    For a show that's narrated by a mortician's daughter, we never see anyone really feeling the losses we see. Loy shirks off the killing of three men by Delmare and Swanee, we don't get to see how Doc's murder affected Loy. Oraetta* and Gaetano kill for kicks, and Josto secretly wishes Loy would kill his brother.


    We see that Loy is now visited by Doc's ghost.  Doesn't that speak to how he was affected?

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  11. On 10/24/2020 at 9:39 PM, sharifa70 said:

    Eat a ham and cheese sandwich on wheat bread? I’m trying to think of something that’s loaded with gluten and suddenly all my brain will contribute is...wheat bread.

    Answering my own question - the answer should be "switch to beer!"

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  12. 7 hours ago, dleighg said:

    That makes so much sense! When I heard upthread that these were eaten by miners, my first thought was "dirty hands"!!

    except for one guy who made a lime pie! It was fabulous (I've made it, including making my own "stem ginger" (candied ginger) which is not a thing around me.


    Coal miners at that!  Definitely dirty hands.  And the pastyies would be cold when they ate them.

    I thought stem ginger was just fresh ginger like you buy in the store that needs to be peeled.  I've seen Ryan's recipe before, but don't know how much "three lumps" are.  And the picture there makes it clear that he was using Persian limes, not Key limes.

  13. On 10/21/2020 at 3:27 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:


    The judges were picking and choosing who to criticize in the signature challenge. If crimping is a necessary part of a pasty, then why did only Linda get penalized for not having crimps? Lottie's shapeless blobs didn't have crimps either but they kind of barely mentioned it and then glossed it over.

    Television is so educational!  I learned from watching a Rick Steves travel show that the crimps are essential to the pasty.  The miners would have them for lunch and there was no way to wash their hands in the mine.   They held onto the pasty by the crimped edge, ate the pie, and then threw away the remaining dirty dough.

    I think Hermine should have got star baker, but at least it was one of the women.

    If you're playing the drinking game, what do we do when Peter doesn't make something for his brother?

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  14. 31 minutes ago, mojoween said:

    I adore DeAngelo, but he looked at the greeter and said “I can do that!” and he did a backflip.

    I like DeAngelo because of his reaction at being told he now needed to go back across the tight rope again!

    Working together has been part of the race since the first season - remember Nancy and Lenny on the Eifel Tower trying to spot something.  It's nothing new.

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  15. On 10/16/2020 at 7:34 AM, Prevailing Wind said:

    I saw a Hamill/Stewart commercial today that did, indeed, mention a local restaurant...Tin Lizzie's in Dunwoody (formerly a suburb, now its own city north of Atlanta.)  I just saw another that didn't mention a restaurant. I wonder how many of those they made.

    I've seen two of the ads and neither mentioned where the food was coming from.

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