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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 21 hours ago, Chyromaniac said:

    It‘s probably due to a number of factors.  First and foremost, it’s a competition about making money, which incentivizes high ticket prices. However, the food costs for this show are probably relatively high compared to actual food prep operations - these teams are buying ingredients at grocery store prices (not even wholesale like a Costco or Sams Club), then having to make a profit on top of that.  A normal food truck would probably be able to spread out costs more than someone who’s only in business for a weekend.

    As for why people would pay that much, it’s likely due to the novelty.  Getting to try food from these trucks (and maybe be on the show) is a one time thing.  Otherwise, I believe I’ve mentioned this in past seasons- but overall food trucks aren’t necessarily designed to be cheap.  They are generally supposed to provide convenient food options for people who don’t have the time or ability to go to a normal restaurant.  Basically, if you’re an urban office worker, you might be willing to pay more for lunch at the food truck outside your building, rather than figure out a way to make it to the Subway two blocks away on your lunch break.  Obviously there are no high rises in Talkeetna, Alaska - but there really shouldn’t be food trucks there either.

    Food just costs more in Alaska.  Most of it has to be brought in from a long way away either by ship or by truck going through Canada.  The ingredients cost more than in the lower 49 (if frozen tater tots can be considered an ingredient).  People in Alaska are also used to paying more for their food.  Plus it's a novelty.

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  2. So violent!  So much to figure out.

    Was the guy killed at the beginning the shooter or the driver?  Or someone else?

    What happened to all of Finn's gang who went into the pub to "get" the Armenians?  I expected a pile of bodies, but it was like they vanished.

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  3. The judge commenting about N&J's marble floor getting slippery when wet - it literally has a roof over it!  It's a covered porch, that keeps the rain out so it shouldn't get wet.  Did he make the same inane comment about everyone else's wooden floors?  They'll get slippery when wet also.  If anything, the screens should keep some of sideways rain out.  And I love that marble tile, it looks gorgeous!

    People put in putting greens out here where it doesn't snow.  But it's something the homeowner does for themselves.  I doubt it would be a selling feature in a multi-bedroom home, aka a house filled with kids, where there's no backyard play space.  Then again, these were the people who thought a "bourbon room" would be a selling point.

    I liked B&M's pergola a lot.

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  4. Too bad Daisy didn't compliment the two members of the crew who did make an effort to help:  JL who headed into the galley to wash dishes, and Sydney who got stuck cleaning up all the candle wax and flower debris after the proposal.  Better to say thanks to those that helped than slog everyone for not helping.

    The shellfish drama continues - how could Natasha have forgotten 10 lbs of mussels!

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  5. Have we retired his nickname?  He's no longer Angry Dale?

    I rewatched.  I loved the pieces of Roscoe's art that they showed.  They should give him an easel and let him paint what's going on.

    I started liking Gabriel who worked for Tom better after listening to the discussion at their hotel about how the Alpine chef had forgotten the pumpkin seeds for the Quick Fire and he immediately claimed that was why they lost.  It was funny.  They really did have the worst combination of ingredients.

    Their hotel is a Kimpton - they always do great things for their customers.

    • Love 9
  6. On 3/28/2021 at 9:49 AM, Razzberry said:

    Although I've never understood the fascination with the thug, this film is an underappreciated gem, if a bit long at 2 hrs 40 min.   Breathtaking cinematography by Roger Deakins. 

    Speaking as one of the six people who actually saw this in a real movie theater, its cinematography truly is art.  And it's all done with lenses.

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  7. Metalstorm:  The Destruction of Jared-Syn

    in 3D!  It's a Mad Max/Road Warrior rip off.  We went to see it because it was really hot and the theater was air conditioned.  That's probably why we stayed to see the whole thing.  Spoiler alert:  Jared-Syn just disappears, so no real destruction.  The best thing was that we were selected to give our comments on the film.  The entire theater of people just went to town on their little note cards with our miniature golf pencils!  How rare it is to be invited to express your opinion when you really have one!

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  8. He made Nashville hot catfish.

    Why do they even include catfish on this?  This is not Chopped.  Why not use high end ingredients to showcase the chefs great abilities?  Trout not catfish if you have to do a freshwater fish.  It would be even more fun if the Randomizer included Wagyu beef or foie gras or razor clams.

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  9. If I was Darcy and had single handedly climbed out of the crevasse, then hauled the other two out as dead weight (and considering Harry is really a 9 foot alien with extra arms and a tail, that's a lot of dead weight), and then they ditched me and vanished, well I would be pissed!  Mighty pissed!

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  10. On 3/16/2021 at 10:15 AM, lh25 said:

    I think it was both.  The condition of these truck is shameful.

    In addition to the grease left in the first episode and the Quencenaria's pilot light issues, the ordering window door on the BFD truck doesn't work and the Tasty Balls truck has windows blowing open.  These are not new unused trucks by any stretch of the imagination.

    If you're not ready to serve your food to the people waiting in freezing temps, take them a complimentary hot beverage while they wait!  Cider, tea, coffee, whatever you have.

    • Love 7
  11. 11 hours ago, ZoqFotPik said:

    The Guys' story reminded me of a story either Tom Hanks or Martin Short told on Letterman years ago. Hanks, Short, Steve Martin, and Jeffrey Katzenberg all had their colonoscopies at the same time. They did their prep at Martin's house because he had the most bathrooms and they spent the night playing poker. The order that they were knocked out of the game was the reverse order they did their exams.

    There was an episode of Men of a Certain Age where they all got colonoscopies.  They went to a big hotel in Palm Springs for prep night.

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  12. 35 minutes ago, madmax said:

    It's not just a Black character cliche, it happens all the time with white characters.  Mostly with mothers and daughters.  It would be less cliche if it was father and son.


    It happened with Rebecca and her mother on this show.

    It's March in Philadelphia - how long does Randall think his little bud the basil plant is going to last?  And if you have to go back in the house, take the laptop with you.

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