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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I bet people who may be on TV will linger forever.

    nothing wrong with giving them electric stoves to work on for the QF.  Did they not give each of them a stove?  It seemed like some people had to share.  Not fair.

    Asking a chef to give you a recipe is common.  My brother in the wine industry does it all the time.  Give me a dish that will pair well with this Pinot noir.  It s good publicity for the winery and the chef.  No cookbook editor involved.

  2. A millenial hipster challenge with no kale?  How can that be?  I have a lot of the gadgets in my kitchen because if it's not broke, don't get rid of it!

    I agree that Chris has been circling the drain, but I would have sent Jamie packing.  That was the single most unappetizing plate of food I have ever seen.  A blackened block of liver with crap scattered around it.

    I think this was a great challenge - pushing the envelope in a way a Top Chef should expect to be pushed.

    • Love 10
  3. It looked like the place that Dylan chose to threaten Jess with his gun was the same area that the husband of the crazy lady from episode 1 set up his security cameras to record.  I doubt that he turned them off.  So, there might be a way to send Dylan away.

    So Dylan got shot and wounded - but now he's up and literally running around two weeks later?

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  4. Why was Gabe opening and tasting all that wine?  Did Penny even serve wine?

    Dawn was so excited to get to go into the store and pick out what she wanted.  Some people have to be inspired by the ingredients and for them picking off a list is demoralizing.

  5. In regular Restaurant Wars they usually split the judges up - Tom and Gail, and Padma and Guest Judge - and each pair goes to a different restaurant first, then they switch to the other.  That lowers the bias on "going first."  In this format, that's not possible.


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  6. 41 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

    I just know that Tom, Padma, and Gail are thinking Never again, never again. Producers, don't ever again let these lowbrow chefs be in our esteemed judging presence.

    Those low brow chefs have infinitely more knowledge of what it takes to actually be a chef than Padma and Gail who have never done so.  Dale Talde had multiple successful restaurants running at one point.  Ahmar has opened at least one.  Padma has written a cookbook and Gail has worked in food journalism.  I don't mind having actual chefs as part of the judging panel.

    You could see this week's results telegraphed from miles away.  Kokosan had a great concept with kaiseki courses, they worked well together, Maria handled FOH like a pro, and by working on the dishes collaboratively, no one could be called out as solely responsible if a dish failed.

    Penny had individual dishes and the two the judges disliked the most were both from Sara.  Too bad for her.

    • Love 13
  7. On 5/18/2021 at 8:44 AM, paigow said:

    Mare will beat Billy with the Championship trophy until he confesses or rats out John

    Is the ear condition a genetic mutation, sometimes caused by inbreeding?

    No - the ear condition is common in babies that age.  You need the surgery to keep them from having hearing loss.  My kid had it.

    I think she's going to trophy whip Dylan first.

    In an Irish Catholic community this small, shouldn't there be a bunch of people with the same name?  All we've got is the turtle named after Kevin.

    • Love 2
  8. 1 hour ago, AriAu said:


    While I thought the Beth/Rebecca scene was very touching, what was Beth thinking letting Rebecca go home alone...what were any of them thinking. Given the dose of misery that this show usually serves up, I was sure we were heading for a disaster.

    They were clearly leaving in Uber's.  The driver already had the address to take Rebecca to.  She was never in danger of wandering off.

    I've never seen Jerry Maguire or wanted to.  I don't care if Kevin gets back together with Sophie.  It may be time for me to quit this show.

    • Love 3
  9. 1.  Fall - there's football and holidays and it's sweater weather.  Plus Fall Back gets you more time!

    2. In my office in my underwear.  Because I know I have sweaters in my office and I know where the big tablecloth is kept.

    3. Smash Mouth - I can't stand the thought of all movies turning into a cartoon.

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  10. I am not a fan of insufficient cooking equipment.  I also thought it was crummy that they couldn't order their own food but had to deal with what was brought in.  That's what rattled Shota initially.  It probably led to Chris using chicken breast just because it was there.

    • Love 9
  11. Ace in the Hole is great!

    I don't know if its technically noir but Lonely are the Brave with Kirk Douglas as the last cowboy in the west is really good.  He literally loses an arm wrestling match to a one-armed man.

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  12. Pedantic Bore here (2nd class!)

    It's a discussion between Sheldon and Stuart.   Stuart says that something is very wrong and Sheldon snarks that there is only right and wrong.  And then Stuart skewers him with:

    "To say a tomato is a vegetable is wrong.  To say a tomato is a suspension bridge is very wrong."


    However, they are both wrong because a tomato is a vegetable.  My pet peeve is that people don't understand that vegetables are constructs - people define what items are vegetables and they include roots (potatoes), stems (celery), leaves (spinach), flowers (artichokes), and the fruiting bodies of plants (tomatoes).  Botanically tomatoes are berries, which are fruiting bodies.  But tomatoes are always vegetables because we all decided that they were.

    If this seems familiar to you, it's the same rant I posted over the weekend on the Top Chef forum.

    And I still hate ants.

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  13. 3 hours ago, Jobiska said:

    The interstitial Glen-alone-on-the-boat parts were the best parts:  "It's a cashew party in here!" and "I dreamed someone gave me a donkey!"

    There was also something about aliens coming out of his laptop when JL got "home."

    Why did the non-romance four have to sit facing the couples on the yacht (not at dinner but before)?  If you don't want to see them, turn away!

    Only the blind couldn't see that Sydney and Gary had hooked up.


    • Love 6
  14. On 5/7/2021 at 9:25 AM, CruiseDiva said:

    Is Garden Grove all that desirable these days? When I lived in Yorba Linda in the early 70s we mocked Garden Grove as "Garbage Grove" because it had seen better times even back then. Has it made a comeback?

    I don't know the LA area, but where I live in California (San Francisco Bay Area) it's the more run down towns that are actually seeing the biggest price increases from pandemic buyers.  People are feeling cramped while stuck in their pricey apartments and want space.  They can't afford the multimillion dollar areas, so go for the under $1M.  Today's paper had an article on one year increase in housing prices:  up 30% in Contra Costa County and 9% in Alameda County, about 3% in the other counties.

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  15. 18 hours ago, xaxat said:

    Maybe Gabriel moonlights as a lawyer. The Supreme Court, in Nix v. Hedden, declared that tomatoes and cucumbers are vegetables.


    Good for the Supremes!

    There is no botanical definition of a vegetable.  Vegetables come from the plant kingdom and can be root, stem, leaf, flower, or fruit from the flowering plants.  They can also be a fungi (mushrooms).

    Tomatoes and cucumbers are both fruiting bodies of their respective plants.  They are both vegetables.

    People make the distinction between whether something is a fruit or a vegetable.  I once had to explain why rhubarb was a fruit and not vegetable, to a bunch of Mexican employees in a grocery store.  It was hard!

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  16. 19 hours ago, Driad said:

    Instead of the thousandth Holocaust story and the thousandth slavery story, I wish they would look for people whose ancestors had different experiences.  I'm not making light of the stories they have shown, but more variety might keep the audience more interested.

    They've recently done shows with John Lithgow (7 ancestors came over on the Mayflower), and Gretchen Carlson, with Swedish ancestry.  It's not all doom and gloom.

    I think Ron Wood is the second person to find his ancestor who came from Africa.  The first was Questlove who had folks come on the really late slave ship Clotilda that arrived just before the start of the Civil War.

    • Love 7
  17. On 5/1/2021 at 7:02 AM, Anduin said:

    I wonder if they'll ever start using video games as a demonstrator of intelligence or ability. "He's ranked [whatever] in Starcraft 2" or "she runs the biggest guild in WOW" or "that group pulled off a massive heist in EVE."

    I doubt it'll happen any time soon. Maybe when kids who played video games become the suits at the top, they'll push the producers and writers to include those elements. Or the other way around. The writers know that world, they start chucking in a little more reality.

    On the other hand, we've already passed the point where that should start happening. Wikipedia says the Playstation 1 had a heyday from 1994 - 2000. Have none of the PS kids worked their way into the upper sections of TV hierarchy? Last I checked, games were treated as either from the Pac Man/Space Invaders era or 'murder simulators' like GTA.

    Of course, I don't watch much contemporary TV. I may have missed something.

    I think you're missing them - just about every sitcom that I watch, people play video games.  Big Bang Theory especially.  And the characters are supposed to be smart.

    But total love for True American on The New Girl.  FDR!

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  18. On 5/3/2021 at 5:51 AM, Lamb18 said:

    Speaking of look-alikes, maybe someone could have successfully recreated Mike Isabella's leek dish that he insisted was a protein because it looked a scallop.

    Horror - a deep fried eyeball? Not sure how you'd do that, maybe a deep fried Doughboy with an olive for the pupil, it would be creepy.

    You could do a Scotch egg!  Hard boiled egg breaded and fried.  Pair it with a spicy red sauce to look like blood.

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  19. On 4/29/2021 at 7:19 AM, Blergh said:


    BTW, I don't recall any  Native American regular  performers or characters on Sesame Street since this family's departure and, feel free to correct me if I've missed any, but I can't recall any others on any other US television show in the last 40 years!

    I don't watch Sesame Street but Northern Exposure, Longmire, Resident Alien, Flight of the Conchords, Dr. Quinn, Fargo, Westworld all featured Native American characters.

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