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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 28 minutes ago, candall said:


    LOL, I had forgotten about everything being "Fierce!" with him.  I think he's done an excellent job of maturing into both of his designer/mentor roles.

    His other constant comment was about "hot tranny messes" - if you ever do manage to rewatch the season, apparently the production company has gone through and removed all of those.

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  2. No love for Giuseppe's wide stance?

    This was an OK episode, no where near the offensive levels of Japanese week.

    Bye Freya - she really took on a difficult task deciding to do all vegan in signatures and show stoppers, and did remarkably well.

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  3. That's what I meant when I said that Koreans play marbles strangely.  When I played, you had a shooter and a pool of little marbles.  The play was to  shoot the little marbles into holes in the ground.  You could shoot other people's marbles out of the way, but you didn't collect any unless you won the whole thing.

    Back to dubbing gate - if you didn't watch the marble episode with subtitles, you missed a lot of subtle anxiety in the performances.

    The VIPs speaking English sounded bad.  Maybe they used the usual English-Korean dubbers for their voices.  None of the actors were well known enough to recognize their actual voices.

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  4. Wasn't this the perfect time for Genie to play the Shot in the Dark?  She clearly could see that both of the others were shady.

    Along the same lines, why didn't Lauraina  (?) just trot up to Xander and get his idol/advantage?  Why do people keep burying their idols?  Can't someone else find them

    The editors totally gave Ricard a "hero" camera shot during the IC.  I don't think there's been a clearer one since Earl.  Hmmmmm....

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  5. I serendipitously finished on Saturday afternoon so I could appreciate the SNL short.

    Koreans sure play marbles strangely!

    I share a lot of the sentiments I've read here:  Episode 6 is the standout, hated the VIPs, want to know more about the cop, who takes over for Il Nam.  But, I always watch with subtitles because I want to hear the actors' own voices.

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  6. No one has seen Daniel Craig in Knives Out?  Okay...

    Glad I finally finished Squid Game before seeing this.  And there are non-Korean, non-Southeast Asian actors in the original.  One of the major characters is a Pakistani immigrant, and there are white characters as well.

    Loved the imitations in the school sketch.  Rami's Pete was much better than Pete's Rami.  Melissa was a dead on Kristin Wiig.  And I hated the Angelo sketch at the end.  I think Aristotle is an acquired taste.

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  7. Actually, we thought if George had used peanut butter instead of a layer of peanuts in his show stopper, that it would have worked much better and still gotten across the peanut flavor he wanted.

    Good for Chiggs!

    I have to admit that when Prue and Paul were rhapsodizing during the technical, I actually raised my hand when she asked "who doesn't like a sticky toffee pudding?"  I also dislike meringue and those mousse fillings.  I am the anti-Paul.

    • Love 11
  8. 1 hour ago, blackwing said:

    When Jeffy talked about how the winning tribe at the reward was going to be taken to meet a survival expert who would teach them tips and tricks.  Was anyone else besides me cringing and half-expecting to see Rob Mariano?  I wouldn't have put it past the show at all.  After all, Rob Mariano built that entire two or three story bamboo house, all by himself!

    My daughter speculated that it might be Ozzy.  They don't need houses, they need food.  Thank god it was neither.

    It appears nobody asked him - "are there other plants we can eat?"

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  9. I hope there was more to that house than they showed.  Was it just 2 bedroom?  They never showed the bathroom or the basement, but it looked like long and skinny on both stories.  And I understand taking out the kitchen door, but didn't that mean eliminating their door to the backyard?

    They need to show the whole house, then you can understand why they do what they do.  And I hate open shelves.  Just dust collectors.

    • Love 8
  10. I don't pay much attention to Noel or Matt.  They seem to be beloved by the contestants and that's what really matters.  While they are all stuck living together, they are probably getting pretty close to one another.

    Neither of them has ever broken a contestant's bakes and Sue did that repeatedly.  That's much worse than a joke going badly in my book.


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  11. 2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    Again, I would imagine that it's pretty binary: either parents tell the child "We're divorcing and you're living with mommy/daddy but you'll get to see daddy/mommy each week/month." or they say to the child "We're divorcing. You'll still see both of us but do you want to live mostly with mommy or daddy?"

    It's unclear if Shan's parents did anything to make Shan feel guilty about the choice other than her dad crying after she made it. I'd imagine it would be hard for a kid of any age to not feel guilty about making that choice, as well as the overall divorce.

    Most divorcing parents bend over backwards and tie themselves up like pretzels to avoid asking a child to make such a decision.  If you are a normal responsible person you work hard to keep the child's life as intact as it possibly can be.  Shan's parents sound like anything but normal responsible people.

    I'm not going to watch next season if they don't dial back on the idols and advantages.  Why bother with the game at all?   Let them just search the jungle for objects and show up to vote out random people.

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  12. 3 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

    Just when a boat full of guests are coming on board to make their lives miserable, I think this will be the charter from hell, lots of people with all sorts of different preferences, drink orders, expectations, beach picnic, primary cabin unpacking, guest laundry...just wait for it, two stews will not be enough.

    Wasn't it Jemele Hill on her bachelorette cruise on BD that Kate had the penis cake made for?  Now she's coming back with her husband and friends.

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  13. I'm scratching my head over the Cologuard commercial with the Cologuard box interacting with a table of four people in a restaurant.  They listen to his spiel and it ends with them clinking their glasses of suspiciously milky beverages and toasting "to screening!"

    Who thought this was going to get me to race out and buy it?

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  14. 22 hours ago, iwantcookies said:

    I guess Jurgen is not Benjamin’s father. Guess he is the stepdad. His eyebrows are something 😂

    Noel looked nice with his hair pulled back.

    Some parents prefer to have their children call them by their first names.  I've known several couples who did that.

    Giuseppe's show stopper was the game I know as Othello.

    And they don't always use gingerbread for construction.  One of the money shots in the introduction used to be of a tower supported by shortbread biscuits and macarons.

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