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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I'm happy with Adam's win - I didn't think any of the sheds were all that great but he's done great things all season.

    I may be the only one but I hated them showing Nick's fan boy reaction to Adam's father.  Showing it on camera made it lessen Adam's win.  "Sure he won - because his dad is Nick's favorite baseball player of all time,"  she thought to herself.   They really didn't need to show that.

    Can you imagine what it was like to grow up with a famous parent, and then the one time you are recognized for your own great talent, the host manages to make it all about the famous parent again.

    • Love 3
  2. 20 hours ago, slasherboy said:

    Ok, I have to ask ... what is so horrible about Ted and Rebecca being together, if that happens? I'm sure it's obvious, but not to me. Could someone please bring me into the loop?

    He is her employee for one thing.

    Was the hostess waiting for Nate to tip her to get the table?  That's the way it works in the US.

    • Love 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Harvey said:

    I am unsure. Were we supposed to assume he was a gigolo? And Tanya subtly signaled to him that she is not interested?

    She told him it was someone else's chair.  So not such a subtle signal.  Tanya actually showed some growth in not just flitting away from the BLM guy to the next interest.  And she may not have funded Belinda's spa, but she didn't abandon her without a word - she told her she wouldn't be able to fund it, then gave her a big envelope of cash to use as part of a down payment. (It looked like the tip envelopes on Below Deck that typically hold $15 - $20K).  She also finally spread her mother's ashes.  So, oddly enough, I'd put her and Quinn in a tie for most positive character development.

    • Love 9
  4. I loved this episode.  Mostly because I can relate.  In high school back in the '70s, as a sophomore I got put into an advanced placement Civics class filled with brainiac seniors.  There were four sophomores to 25 seniors.  We did a mock Supreme Court and all of us sophomores were in one group facing off with four seniors.  We won and the look on those seniors faces was exactly the look on Ben's face.  The thought that they wouldn't win in an academic setting was inconceivable to them.

    So good for Paxton!

    • LOL 4
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  5. Me three!  And my daughter also, so that's four!  We were laughing so hysterically during the card sequence that I'm not sure what they said.

    This would make a perfect Christmas special episode - the plot didn't really advance at all, but it involved the whole cast.  Wish US television would do more of those.

    • Love 8
  6. On 8/8/2021 at 6:22 AM, Hiyo said:

    I hate the contestants on reality shows with sob stories. "I'll lose my home/my job/my family/whatever if I don't get on this show!"

    If you ever get a chance, watch an episode of a show from the '60s called Queen for a Day - the contestants directly compete against each other to demonstrate that their life is the most horrible.  The studio audience would decide who won and they would get a prize, like a refrigerator.  It's cringe worthy.  Modern sob stories have nothing on these gals.

    • Love 2
  7. So if bad boy Danny is really the father of the little lisper, that makes him Carson Bailey!

    I appreciated the heck out of Chenowith's big Music Man-esque number, but half way through she really lost steam.  Krakowski was wonderful!

  8. Not your hoser!  There's a Canadian pronounciation for "house" that comes out very different from the American or British pronunciations.  I did it badly - we say "howse" and you say "how ose"

    On the shows on HGTV that aren't House Hunters, they never want to say where they are.  Half the shows are set in Canada and eventually someone uses the Canadian pronunciation of house and they are busted.

    • Love 4
  9. On 8/4/2021 at 2:45 AM, mojoween said:

    Do you ever hear an athlete’s name on TV that’s the same name as your kid and you and your kid think “hey, that’s kinda cool”?

    No, but I worked with someone whose kid was named "Adam Thelin"


  10. Since I'm a Fed and always have a knee jerk reaction to the term BLM, I'm glad they put that in.

    I don't know how old the actor is but Quinn looks like he's 17 going on 35.  There is a couch in his parents bedroom.  Did anyone suggest that he sleep there?

    The music is really starting to bug me on this.

    • Love 6
  11. Plus they threw in the Landler dance from Sound of Music for no reason at all.

    So Melissa packed two dresses when she went camping?

    I'm really stupid.  When they were explaining about Mrs. Dr. Lopez having died, I thought they meant that old Doc had gone out doing wild and crazy things with an old lady he wasn't married to.

    • Like 2
  12. On 7/27/2021 at 8:40 PM, galaxygirl76 said:

    Remember Annemiek van Vleuten from the last Olympics? She fell in the road race in Rio in winning position and it looked like she got really hurt? She just won Olympic gold in the time trial event, following a silver in the road race.

    She also fell in the road race this time too.  Not as bad and she went on to medal.  And to think she'd actually won.

    • Love 1
  13. On 7/24/2021 at 2:03 PM, twoods said:

    I’m wondering if Ted has an issue with therapists and mental health to begin with. Didn’t he scoff at needing to see a therapist during his divorce? I’m sure it’s more than her not being onboard with his ridiculousness.

    Didn't he say in this episode that he and his wife went to see her therapist for couples counseling?  That's not a good approach to it.  They needed to see someone neutral, not someone she had been dumping her heart out to for months.

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  14. It's a truck commercial.  The guy driving the truck has a cat named Walter who he treats like a dog.  Walter herds cattle and jumps in a pond to retrieve a stick among other things.

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  15. 21 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

    I'd love it except for another thing that's different in my reality . . .

    How many of us are presentable 24/7? I certainly am not! I don't like the idea of anyone dropping by without a little bit of notice. I don't need to be dolled up, but if I'm lounging in PJs, no makeup and glasses on, I don't want just anyone seeing me like that. lol 

    Have you learned nothing from this thread?  All you have to do is take off your glasses, slowly shake out your hair, and you'll be gorgeous!  Totally presentable.

    When people spontaneously stop by my house with food, they're usually selling candy bars to raise money.  Not so much in pandemic times though.

    • LOL 17
  16. I watched the replay this morning - when I tuned in they have 30km to go and the Austrian was 5 minutes ahead.  I'd love to see a replay of how she snuck out in front.  Why didn't anyone see her?  It did turn into one of the most exciting things I've seen at the Olympics!

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