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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. On 3/9/2021 at 5:54 PM, Dowel Jones said:


    "George Jones is still alive."  I feel tears wellin' up deep inside like my heart's sprung a big break; and a stab of loneliness sharp and painful, that I may never shake... Hand me another drink, boy. Scotch.

    I know!  Somebody tells me "George Jones is still alive." and my reaction is going to be "the singer?"  The race is on!

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  2. 57 minutes ago, Suzysite said:

    I'm waiting for the new doctor to peel off his skin and reveal that he's a green lizard alien, like he was on People of Earth.   The D'arcy actress was also on that goofy show. 

    I know!  I'm surprised that there haven't been more comparisons between People of Earth and this show.  Harry did make some comment about a Gray in another episode.

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  3. The snowmobile got stuck.  She left her supplies, detached the snowmobile from the first sled, dragged that to the station and entered.  She went back the next morning to get the supplies but the avalanche in the night had covered them up.

    The Tailee Trick was setting up the apparatus to catch the rat.

    Sooner or later, she's going to eat the arm and really become a Tailee.

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  4. On 2/26/2021 at 1:54 PM, txhorns79 said:

    Please, it's obviously the child of someone who once bumped into Jack while riding a bus with William after being sold heroin by Laurel.  I'm sure we'll get a three or four part episode about them at some point.

    But Ellie is a west coast girl and all those people were in the greater Pittsburgh-Philadelphia-New Jersey zone.

    No, the daddy is the son of Josh Molina's character so we'll get a three or four part episode about them and how the daddy moved to LA to fulfill his dreams because he was being stifled by his dreadful father in Washington state.  Maybe he's one of the characters at Disneyland.  Yes, the bio father of Kate and Toby's baby girl is Goofy.

    • LOL 3
  5. When they showed Harry sleeping next to his wife, he had his hands out on top of the bedspread just like they were hands from his (alien body) little legs!  So cute. 

    The sheriff frequently seems to be from a different show, but I love his enthusiasm over the growing crime spree in town.  A real murder!

    • Love 4
  6. 27 minutes ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

    I thought the boat set looked very much like the one they had for Peter Pan Live a few years ago. 

    I was hoping for a new episode of the Raging Queen.  Yes, I am old.

    Great show all around.  Except the terrible sound quality on Bad Bunny.  Why would anyone want to go on the show and sound like shit?  They are supposed to be professionals at getting this done.  He didn't bring a 20 piece orchestra or anything hard.  If the Graham Norton show can handle it, SNL should be able to.

    • Love 1
  7. 12 hours ago, shapeshifter said:


    I'm glad they also included Kasi Lemmons' laughter at learning she was pretty much just "6 degrees"* from Kevin Bacon. 

    Actually, if she's related to him, she's 1 degree from Kevin Bacon.

    They're not really cousins - they just have some identical DNA.  They didn't even show how much the two of them shared.

    I think it's one thing to know that your ancestors were enslaved and had a hard life.  It's another to be confronted with the description of that life from an actual person who you are related to.  Pharell seemed overwhelmed and about to burst into tears and is apparently someone who can't show emotion on camera.   

    • Love 6
  8. Randall's bio mother had the brother who existed to be sent off to be killed in Vietnam.  What if Josh Molina's character's father was in his squad and ended up with PTSD because of witnessing his (the brother's) death.  Oodles of Pearsoning ahead.

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  9. So who is looking forward to the two or three episodes that can be devoted to the backstory for Josh Molina's character?  He could be Toby's long lost father!  

    • LOL 8
  10. The question now is:  if you can only take one person to do an Escape Room, should it be Michelle or Alexis Rose?

    I had a kid who would always try to watch the movie rather than just read the book, so I'm totally Team Wade on that.

    • Love 4
  11. 18 hours ago, Teri313 said:

    Wasn't sure where to put this, but I found it interesting. These charters are really expensive. Also didn't realize that there are actually six guest cabins on My Seanna.




    Thanks!  The link is really interesting especially the breakdown of what the "charterer" can be expected to pay.

    I thought some of the cabins on any of the BD franchise boats were reserved for the production crew.  They need somewhere to stash all those rolls of film!


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  12. Having taught 2 kids to drive, this really struck home!  Especially the mailboxes.  After taking my son out for the first time and talking about how it felt like he was too close on the right, a friend mentioned the first time he had driven with his father, that he kept yelling out "Mailbox!  Mailbox!" 

    • LOL 5
  13. It sounds like that's what happened to Jim Gaffigan's family.  The name was actually Gavagan but it wasn't written very clearly on the shipping manifest.  It's not a big stretch from Gavagan to Gaffigan.

    I have an Indian guy working for me whose wife's last name is his first name.  They had trouble with the paperwork and it was never worth it to try to straighten it out.

  14. 12 hours ago, dleighg said:

    ah, yes, I (an American) do think of sprinkles as the little log shaped things. Hmm, not sure I have a name for the little balls.... They are a pain in the neck to put on cookies, as they just roll off! I'm sure the margarine on the bread (yuk!) helps them stick!

    We call the little balls dragees

    James may be a shit to Elizabeth, but he stayed up with Aisling as she dealt with the drinking boys.  If he hadn't been there, they may well have moved on from threatening to "tell" on her.

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  15. 1 hour ago, WinnieWinkle said:

    Totally agree and if the show had just stuck to making the point that the two women working outside the university environment made more than the guys I'd have been fine with that.  My problem was they went further than that and suggested all through the series - but especially in the later years - that working as scientists in a university like Cal Tech meant they were not earning good salaries.  Which was laughable given the way they all spent money over the years, but also laughable if anyone wants to take the time to research how much scientists.engineers working at the level these guys did would be making. 

    The show's point was that people outside academia/government (the guys are at CalTech and JPL), the people working in private industry make lots more money.  Bernadette and Penny worked for a pharmaceutical company and got paid more than Howard and Leonard.  Leonard and Sheldon made enough to loan Penny money and buy her expensive things (a car) without tightening their belts at the beginning of the show, so they weren't making peanuts.

    The truly odd thing about money and the show was that at the beginning, Penny, a waitress at the Cheesecake Factory, could afford a 1 bedroom apartment in Pasadena all on her own.

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