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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. On 11/22/2020 at 4:20 PM, ProudMary said:

    What I found amusing was when Beth was given a note to be able to buy cigarettes at the drug store. From personal experience, I can tell you that would have been completely unnecessary for the early '60s. As a five year-old in '63, I regularly was sent to the small grocery store around the corner from our house to get a pack of Chesterfields for my Dad, a pack of Newports for my Mom and a loaf of bread. No one batted an eye. 😄 Very different time.

    I thought the note was for her to charge the cigarettes to her adopted mother's account.  The store owner doesn't know Beth from Adam.

    I used to work with someone who grew up in St. Louis and told stories set about this same time about being sent to the local bar with a bucket to bring back beer for her father.

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  2. On 12/5/2020 at 4:49 AM, Haleth said:


    I love, love Love Actually.  The cast is perfection.  I bawl at the end with the shots of people hugging at the airport.  Especially this year.

    Are we the same person?  This has become our family Christmas tradition to watch.  My brother usually stomps off to watch the game.

    Christmas in Connecticut is great with Barbara Stanwyck. 

    The one I miss is A Claymation Christmas.  There is a part with four camels singing barbershop harmonies that is hilarious.  But they never show it anymore.

    • Love 5
  3. 15 hours ago, TimothyQ said:

    Was this the first f-bomb ever dropped on Bake Off? 🤣

    Lottie had one in this past season.  I know because I didn't realize that they would close caption it accurately.  Not only did she say it, but it's there in full spelling in the close captioning.

    Good for Tom for accomplishing something that he had trouble with previously.  I was happy to see all four of these bakers back.

    • Love 4
  4. 1 hour ago, dgpolo said:

    This. So much. I remember looking for instances of Tyler (he was called out individually a lot) 'mugging', didn't see any. Do not see Will or James 'mugging'. They get excited, yes, but no more than anyone else might.

    In this episode the blonde one leaned back in the tuk tuk and dramatically cried out "Hello Cambodia!"  That's mugging.  This team does it, the others do not.

    They want to be perceived as the fabulously gay couple and that's how they are going to do it.

    • Love 12
  5. 10 hours ago, Fukui San said:


    If I were to be named TAR producer tomorrow, I would ban Yields, U-Turns, and anything else where teams delay other teams. it's just not as interesting as it'd be to see teams try to get ahead on their own. I'd spend my time figuring out how to rejigger the Fast Forward instead.


    The Fast Forward is the kind of strategy that TAR should have - not these alliances.

    The alliance has only continued strong because they have had amazing good luck.  No bad taxis, haven't lost anything.  This week the brothers finally had boat problems.  The blondes had crap happen to them week after week.

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  6. 15 hours ago, Milan said:

    As far as this episode I can not get over the plating style and food prepared by Rachel. If you put all the food together on one plate you would not be able to satisfy the needs of a child. What kind of plating style is oiling all the food towards the edge of the plate?


    It's generally referred to as using negative space.  It is very common in high end restaurants and I'm not surprised that Rachel is using it.

    I'm kind of enjoying the growing Izzy and James relationship.

    • Love 7
  7. On 11/30/2020 at 6:38 PM, Suzn said:

    I was absolutely not suggesting some elaborate and complicated system, taking all bakes into account.  I am only suggesting that they can acknowledge that they are allowing someone to stay who has been very good and has a bad day.

    That's essentially the Tim Gunn Save from Project Runway and it always comes off as favoritism.

    I'm horrified that Laura is being dragged through the mud on social media.  What is wrong with people?

    • Love 8
  8. On 11/17/2020 at 6:58 PM, txhorns79 said:

    I think the people we saw were supposed to represent the entire empire (at the time), rather than it being a world wide event.  I did love seeing Claire Foy! 

    Well since the empire stretched around the world, it amounted to the same thing.  I got a chuckle from the production taking "the sun never sets on the British empire" literally!  Somebody should have been listening to the speech in the dark.

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  9. On 11/15/2020 at 4:09 PM, shipmate said:

    I definitely got the feeling Andrew thought the Queen/crown would be his golden ticket out of being personally involved in the Falkland Islands conflict.

    Since in their conversation he specifically asked to go to war, and she agreed that he should, I would say not.  

    • Love 10
  10. 1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

    I was annoyed when the boyfriends did not receive a penalty.  Reading and following the clues have always been essential elements of the Race.  Plus, Alana pushed the car while Leo steered to the hotel, so at the minimum, the boyfriends should have done the same thing.  Much easier to run the short distance rather than mess with a troublesome car (or even have to push it as Alana did).


    I think the blonde sisters also pushed their car to the hotel.  Unless their transmission was seized up, the boyfriends should have received a penalty.

    While Hung was ranting about the taxi, there was a German guy standing about 10 feet away.  Couldn't they have asked him to call a taxi for them?

    DeAngelo had no problem with the Trabant at all!

    • Love 2
  11. Jonathan gets released from prison, battles his way through every single journalist in the state of NY, and gets home.  Later that day, he can just roam around the city on foot, all alone, no reporters in sight?  In real life they would be camped outside the house and he would be trapped there.  So can we just assume that all that was in Grace's imagination?

    What did Jonathan do with $500K that Grace's father gave him?

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  12. On 11/13/2020 at 9:01 AM, AZChristian said:

    We watched the show this morning. We still think Matt is very funny, but we're a little uncomfortable with Noel and his spoon. I kind of got the feeling that Matt felt the same way. The scene with Matt and Marc, with Matt mentioning biting off your foot and Marc responding that he'd already done that once... We were on the floor laughing.

    I noticed that Marc in particular seemed to find Matt very funny.  There was scene after scene of Mark turning red as he attempted not to laugh at Matt.  If the contestants like them, then we should too.

    I've always found jello repellant so this was definitely not the week for me.  Hermine's flower was fantastic.

    You can make lemon rind edible by preserving it in salt and lemon juice.  That takes 6 weeks.  If you grill it, it starts to soften.  They didn't have a chance to get it right in the time they were given.

    Again, family wins.  Marc's daughters were great coming to get him at the end.

    • Love 3
  13. 15 hours ago, chaifan said:


    Whipping all that cream must have been hard! I've only attempted to hand whip cream once, and ever since then have used my KitchenAid.  Did the racers shower after that task?  The blondes were the only ones who looked like they had whipped cream in their hair.  Everyone else looked pretty clean.  Also, a number of the women had problems with the torque hats falling over their faces - that's a detail production shouldn't have missed.  Everyone should have had properly fitting hats. 


    I've whipped cream by hand - with a whisk and with an egg beater.  If you don't have the appliances, or they are dirty, you learn the old fashioned way.

    The blondes weren't wearing their hats when they entered the "delivery" tent.  Thinking they were last, maybe they didn't want to take the time to clean up?

    I admire Aparna for sticking to the task when she was having so much trouble.  She was laughing at the next one so not even stewing internally.  Getting over a loss quickly is important when there are many tasks ahead.

    • Love 4
  14. 6 hours ago, Melina22 said:


    This show is really bringing out my shallow side. Watching Nicole, in addition to wondering how some actors keep their skin so smooth and youthful looking, I find myself wondering how so many of the older actresses stay so extremely thin.


    They don't eat.  A friend of my daughter did a summer course at RADA with Colby Smulders.  Said she was a great person, but she never ate anything.

    But, back to the show...How many coats does this woman have?  Why does her lawyer friend only wear white?   Why were Jonathan's clothes in the closet all the same - he had 10 pairs of dark pants and 10 blue shirts?  

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  15. Part of the heat problem in the tent is the interference with the sound equipment.  The other part is the huge lights that are needed so we can see everything that's going on.  They just churn out heat.  Production needs to ditch the tent or film in the winter.

    • Love 4
  16. I've made ice cream cakes and the key is you don't include cake.  Make a base with something like a graham cracker crust - crisp small crumbs with butter.  Oreo's are great.  Then put ice cream on top, cover that with something like a tuile that's crisp but will separate the layers, then a different ice cream, and repeat.

    • Love 2
  17. I wasn't horrified by the spiders, but I didn't think the CGI was all that great.  They all skittered at the same pace.  Shouldn't Mando have taken the big corpse off his ship before trying to get out?

    The great thing about the jet pack is that it hides the stupid space cape!

    • Love 1
  18. Having watched this episode twice yesterday, I'm still confused as to why Dave wasn't on the chopping block with Lottie and Laura.  His signature and technical were disasters, and the show stopper didn't earn a lot of praise.  Lottie's signature quiches were very popular with the judges, she did better than Dave in the technical, and then the disaster at the end.

    I've often made quiche with sliced hard boiled egg in the custard.  Works better than putting scrambled eggs in.  He could have used quail eggs.

    Hermine has earned this and her son is adorable.

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