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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I'll never understand walker physiology. A mummy prop from a Halloween haunted house was sturdy enough to to eat Carter's face, but fleshier-looking walkers managed to puree themselves by simply walking into walls.


    I continue to be impressed that rotting zombies shuffling around all day still have their shoelaces neatly tied. I can't keep mine tied a whole day.


    OMG - I've found my soul mate!

    I swear to god I hadn't read this when I posted on the Talking Dead thread this morning.

    Great minds think alike.

    • Love 5
  2. I'll stand with you, walnutqueen!  I liked it too! 

    I am Spartacus!  I liked it too.

    I especially liked reading comments in the forum that people didn't like it because:  "it wouldn't happen like that."  Because they have been through so many ZAs and just know.


    One thing I like about TTD are the questions from the audience, because they are usually good questions.  So, my question to all  is, what question would you ask?


    Mine is:  Why don't the walkers shoe laces come untied?  They should be rotting at the same rate as the clothes, and let's face it, they are not the most graceful of creatures.  But in the endless shots of their feet (cheaper than face shots I imagine), most of their shoes remain neatly tied.

    • Love 3
  3. I'm sure that the producers' desire to have the contests look as attractive as possible leads to their hair not being properly constrained.  In a commercial kitchen they would be wearing hairnets or hats.


    Ruby has some of the loveliest hair I've ever seen.  Of course mine is stick straight so that probably weighs in.


    So, in American terms, this was coffee cake week?

    • Love 3
  4. Well...that just ruined the bible for me.  Next you'll be telling me who begat Elijah, who begat Joseph, who begat John, I'm about 5 begat's away from figuring it all out.


    just kidding!

    Sorry. But I really only spoiled the beginning of the New Testament! My lips are sealed about what happens to Saul on the road. And there's lots more plot in the Old Testament anyway.

    • Love 3
  5. This is Previously TV. People do not like spoilers. Perry Mason spoilers are still verboten.

    If that's the case, I hope the OP doesn't let her daughter watch Modern Family - they have a Luke father joke every other show.

    There has to be some limit on this. Jesus dies and then comes back! Worst kept spoiler ever.

    • Love 8

    In general, I'm surprised by how many people here are defending Swapnil. Were any of his model's requests/demands unreasonable? As others have said, it's not hard to accommodate for not showing arms and legs. Sleeves do exist, and so do pants. Make a variation on a gown or something.


    The reason why I put some of this in the model's court is that he pretty much stuck to her specs.  He made one long sleeved shirt, she didn't like it.  He made another long sleeved shirt, she didn't like that either.  So, he had to borrow fabric from Ashley to make the last shirt.  He also made a longish skirt (mid calf) to wear with the shirts.


    She wouldn't tell him what she wanted, just that she didn't like what he had produced.  That makes her a little bit unreasonable in my book.


    And even so, Ashley's horrid dress was much worse.

    • Love 15
  7. And their vaginal mesh slings fail them.


    In the interests of clarity, and the American way, I must point out that it's "pelvic sling" and "bladder mesh" - ideally spoken in a nasal and flat intonation.

    One of my unspoken fears is discovering a big bag of the stuff.


    I have always wanted to go to the places where the "certain fungal infections have occurred" and then *not* tell my doctor.  But I'm a rebel at heart.

    • Love 13
  8. There's a touching commercial out from some health provider.  Middle school boy is pining from afar for a fair damsel, finally gets assigned as her partner in science, only to find out she has pink eye and they have to share a microscope.  Yada yada yada and he's home with his family and has given pink eye to his brothers and sisters.  Except, that they all have it in their left eyes only.  It's like some mutated pink eye virus that cannot find purchase in the rocky soil of anyone's right eye.


    Very strange.

    • Love 5
  9. I don't think anyone mocks the modest.  And there are examples in Austen of the type of false modesty that's described.


    Ruby is in a competition - she's trying to win.  You don't do that by pointing out flaws before they are detected.  You have to show some confidence in what you have made.  She's been Star Baker, she should know that Paul and Mary appreciate her skills.

    • Love 5
  10. My sister finally hit on what it was about the Wafflers that made me have this song running through my head every time they were on screen.....

    "Ooompa Loompa, doopity do.... we've got a waffle to sell to youuuuu...."

    I said that weeks ago! Glad someone else finally sees it.

    Yippy skippy! Glad the gals won and that they got rid of their horrid corn dog banh mi.

  11. Not to get all personal, but that's how many people felt about *you* and the Leftovers season 1.  You didn't get it, and instead of just going away, you went on and on and on and on about how it didn't make any sense to you.


    I made it 20 minutes with Bastard Executioner.  And then wiped my hands and wandered off.


    Even on TWD classic, if there aren't a lot of zombies, there seems to be a lot of complaining that the show is crap.  I think the tension that the people are living with makes for an interesting show, I don't always need gore.

    • Love 3
  12. Me too!  I hope we never see Tobias again.  Just because he had a little inkling of a clue, he's made into the savior of the ZA.

    I liked what they did, I thought the people behaved realistically, and I didn't need mobs of zombies chomping around to find the show worth watching.

    • Love 4
  13. I think Abi blames Shirin because Abi is a paranoid crazy person in the game who doesn't think or act rationally. And I hope she screws over a few more people, notably Terry and Jeff, before she gets booted. Abi's only fun for me if she's fucking over people I don't like.

    The problem is she's likely to fuck over people you do like.


    She reminds me of professional poker players talking about how hard it is to play with a novice at the table.  They are so unpredictable that the pros can't figure out a strategy to deal with them.


    I hate the people who play the "take care of me" card all the time - maybe she'll get put on a tribe with Ciera, catch whatever she's got, and get med-evaced out.  Ciera looked like death warmed over.

    • Love 5
  14. I don't care one way or the other about Kaley Cuoco, but better her on my tv than the Kardashians.  At least Kaley has some talent.


    To quote a gay DJ (male) I listen to, when he asked his straight friends about her, the answer was "She hot!"

    I think she's fine - it's difficult to play straight when everyone else is supposed to be strange.  But then, I think Jim Parsons is wildly overrated on that show.

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