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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. The gold standard for War and Peace is the set of movies directed by Sergei Bondarchuk, which were two movies, each three hours long.  I saw it twice in theaters.  It won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in 1969.


    This one, and every other adaptation I've ever seen, are pale imitations.  As a small example, the clouds that Andrei looks up at on the battlefield:  in this, they were wispy and far away; in the Russian version they are magnificent clouds, worthy of being wondered over.  


    And who casts Jim Broadbent and doesn't cast him as Kutuzov?

    • Love 4
  2. The reason I hate the stamps.com commercial is because by encouraging people not to go to the post office, the USPS can justify laying off workers and closing offices. I like the people who work at my post office, and don't want to see them lose their jobs or even have their hours cut.


    My post office has had a huge banner above the entrance for the last 6 months saying that they are hiring.  And they no longer sell rolls of 100 stamps, so I have to get them on-line or at a retail store (Office Max).

    • Love 1
  3. I'm not sure if this has ever happened on tv, but several times I have had someone call my number and upon answering the caller asks "Who is this?". You called my number. Shouldn't you be asking for who you wish to speak with? 


    That happens to me all the time at home.  My reply is "Who are you?"


    Back in the olden days, the "Hi, it's me" opening was used by prank callers.  They'd call, if the person answering was a woman, say "it's me" and hope that she would think that it was someone she knew.  Then they'd try to steer the conversation into lurid topics.  If a guy answered, they'd just hang up.

    • Love 1
  4. Random thoughts -

    Jason deserved to go home for that hideous jacket.  So much for the gays and fashion sense.

    They showed a picture of Karen's wife so you could tell that she is female even if her pronouns don't give her away.

    Did Carl marry his sister?  They looked identical in the picture they showed.

    Fish tacos and Cesar salad - how cliche can you get?

    It was cool that the top tier were all from different beer groups.

    Bet Jeremy's going to start cooking with carrots again.  Was this the first time he wasn't in the top?

    • Love 1
  5. I really liked this episode but someday they're going to have to explain how all these people live together.  Do Pops and Ruby *share* the guest house?  Is there a guest house?  Are they just in an unseen part of the actual house?  How did Ruby and her gentleman caller get outside Dre and Bow's bedroom if they are in a separate building?


    I loved Bows "I am a doctor and he's not having a heart attack."

    • Love 4
  6. Tonight's barn was strange.  I hated that downstairs "harvest gathering room".  The kitchen is upstairs!  Who the hell wants to carry that much food up and down the steps when you have people sitting at that 17 foot table?


    Did they put in a dumb waiter?  Or have allowance for a footman?  What a silly use of space - make that the living/family room and have the dining room upstairs near the kitchen.


    I agree about needing insulation!  Ship lap over barn walls is freezing in the winter and boiling in the summer.  It must be full of vermin too if it was a working barn.  

    • Love 2
  7. The return of Ferguson the Cat makes everything better. I have to wonder how super hip and cool, world traveler mom and dad ended up with Fred. 

    As a parent, it's scary how much nature (genetics) overrules nurture.  


    I loved the part where it came around to the parents bargaining with Jess to keep on with Fred.  And Jess and Winston were on fire!

    • Love 1
  8. Since I haven't seen any of the Rashida and Joey commercials, I'd say no.  I have no idea who Joey Slotnick is.


    My new favorite is one with a father driving around with his two young (under 12) sons.  He parks and leaves them in the car while he runs an errand.  They take advantage of the car's new electronic features to say "Text Mom" and send messages about how good they are and what she should buy them.


    Dad returns, gets in the car, looks at the dash, turns around and asks the kids, "Why are you texting Grandma?"

    • Love 1
  9. I've yet to meet anyone who can do this IRL, but on TV anyone packing for a trip goes into their closet, pulls out 5 outfits and tosses them into the suitcase, ready to go.  They never have to try anything on or coordinate, and everything is already pressed.  Who does that???


    More than that, they never have to do a load of laundry so that they will have enough clean underwear!


    Getting shot in the butt - in the book that Band of Brothers dramatized, it said that was the body part that more of the men were wounded in than any other.  Presumably from all the crawling along the ground they did.

  10. From the recap:

    "Dates are sweet and succulent and sticky," Teigen says. "Like you," Padma adds. Then they both laugh at how naughty they are. I would laugh too, if watching them yuk it up together hadn't already caused me to die of embarrassment.


    I die too.


    And the thing with Jason and Angelina and the dolma?  And how it's "his" dish?  She's not winning this show, but he can back the fuck down on the intensity.  He looks like he's wearing those Ramona crazy eyes masks that Andy Cohen uses.

    • Love 5
  11. Yes, Kwame is a star. And I loved hearing Wesley(?) say he envied Kwame's knowledge of more exotic flavors and that he needed to be more open to different countries and flavors. He showed that he's very aware and open to change. Hope he goes far.

    I had no idea who the quickfire chef was but LOVED Kwame's reaction to her. Glad Isaac did so well. Love his personality. If I were on Top Chef, I could totally see us hanging out on the balcony cracking up and just being silly!

    Gummy mashed potato sauce? Ummm, no. But I did appreciate him saying that was his intention. At least he owned up to his dish. But the loser talking about going out with her integrity in tact? I didn't see where her partner was all that wrong, she was trying to save herself and the lady asked questions it seemed like every minute! You are a chef, you should be able to add to the dish. Gail was right in her assessment. This is not Top Sous Chef!

    And I saw no reason for the chef to add his two cents about Phillip's mashed potatoes. He was doing bad all by himself.


    I definitely thought the right person went home.  Without Phillip's beef there would have been no main course.  And the potato sauce sounds horrid, but at least it was what he was trying to make and he stood by it.  Giselle had to be hand held constantly.   That's not Top Chef, it's not even Top Sous Chef, it's Beginning Sous Chef.


    Was the pile on from the sidelines because they were all supposed to be one team working on the menu together?  Therefore those not on the bottom felt justified in commenting on those who were.  Or was this just what production had in mind when they started having everyone stay for the top and bottom discussions:  that sooner or later, someone would blurt out a comment and they'd be off to the races?


    I think Chrissy Teigan was there because she's a fan of the show.  And I hated Padma's "hilarious" comment about how she's like dates.  

    • Love 6
  12. I confess I dislike John C. Reilly for horrible, shallow reasons. I know he's considered a darn good actor and an all-around nice fella, but to me not only is he utterly unattractive, he represents every unfair, sexist double standard in Hollywood. And I know it's not his fault, I know he didn't make it that way, but think about it: if Reilly were a woman, do you think he'd have anything resembling a career? It's bad enough that so many talented actresses don't get jobs because they're not considered pretty, but Reilly, who looks like a pork rind with hair, gets important, sometimes lead parts in movies (goofy comedies, but still), is always busy, and even "gets the girl" in some movies. Adding insult to injury, he's even played Stanley Kowalski in a production A Streetcar Named Desire. The hell? John C. Reilly as Stanley Kowalski? Stanley Kowalski, who is tall, muscular, feral, ruggedly handsome, repellant but also charismatic, sexy but dangerous? A role originated by young, handsome, pre-obesity Marlon Brando? A role that's also been inhabited by the likes of Anthony Quinn, Blair Underwood, Aidan Quinn, Gary Sinise, and Alec Baldwin? And now he's being by short, dumpy Reilly?


    You are entitled to not like who ever you don't like - but John C. Reilly is taller than everyone else on your list.  Except for Quinn, who is dead.  So, you shouldn't hate him because he is dumpy.  And if John Malcovich, another guy with few looks, can successfully play the seducer in Dangerous Liaisons, I'll believe that Reilly might have the moxie for Stanley Kowalski.


    But mine is Benedict Cumberbatch.  He looks like a giant turtle, has a ridiculous name, and is the worst movie runner ever.  He somehow convinced someone that the plot of Tinker Tailor should be changed so that he could play gay and get a big crying scene.  He ruins everything he's in.

    • Love 3
  13. I think part of, or all of the problem is that Julian Fellowes wishes it was still 1912. Like in real life.  


    Well he shouldn't have set this episode in 1925 then.


    Yeah no more Greene the evil valet plot complications!


    As soon as the Hughes-Carson wedding night concerns were raised, my daughter and I turned to each other and exclaimed - "They should go on Sex Week!"  It was wasted on Lady Mary.

    • Love 2

    I made the effort to sample every new Fall network show this season and gave up on all of them except The Grinder, which I catch up on when I have time. I was particularly disappointed by Blindspot, Limitless, Code Med, Minority Report, The Player, and Quantico. Others were just startlingly bad, like Rosewood and Wicked City. For summer series, I made it through probably 5-6 episodes of Mr. Robot and Humans, but eventually couldn't be bothered.

    Well, the rest of us appreciate that there's someone out there willing to try everything. Many thanks!

    Out of your list, I'd suggest sticking it out with Mr. Robot. And Grandfathered is decent.

  15. Good charity, to be grassroots-level aware that education has to start with a well and not a crate of textbooks.  Name?

    When Marcus Samuellson won Top Chef Masters, his charity was UNICEF's The Tap Project which was trying to provide clean drinking water to the third world. You could check that out.

    • Love 1
  16. So the Gaines are now involved in:

    Magnolia Homes (new builds)

    renovation of old homes for TV show

    HGTV show

    Silo project

    Magnolia store at silo

    B&B in McGregor

    Flour. Jo will soon be selling JoJo Flour, per her blog


    What have I left out? Does it seem they're over-extending themselves? Good for them if they can keep all this up and raise 4 kids too. Personally, I think they "ruined" the B&B house. They modernized it too much, made changes where they shouldn't have, and were still left with a very awkward floor plan. And just because you know a metal worker who can make a great stair railing doesn't mean you should. That banister didn't go with the house at all. <rant over>

    They are apparently launching a furniture line. You know, the chairs that go with giant clocks and rusted schoolhouse fittings.

    This whole show made me skeevy. Making the kids recite their "blessings" and dragging their parents into it. Chip's dad has lost a lot of weight since they found his brick.

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