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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. Yes, they are not allowed to bring recipes of any kind. Tom even mentioned this during this seasons restaurant wars when he was complementing Majorie's bread course. They can bring blank notebook and jot down recipes/ideas once they get there (caused controversy durong All-Stars when Blais felt Isabella ripped off a recipe he saw in his notebook.

    Getting to go to the library last week was the closest the show has ever allowed them to use recipes.


    The first season they were allowed to look up recipes on-line, I remember Stephen looking up wedding cake recipes for the wedding episode.

  2. I sort of feel this way about Buffy. In fact, I've often thought that many of these very forums should have their own Buffy sub-section so the rest of us don't have to read page after page after page after page about Buffy Unpopular Opinions, for example.


    To quote someone else, I wish I could give a thousand thumbs up for this, but I'll have to go find another 998 thumbs to do it.  Never watched it, never wanted to.


    To my Buffy loathing, I'll add dating shows, and the plethora of shows that feature unpleasant women yelling at each other, usually for no discernable reason (Real Housewives, Bad Girls, Little Women, etc.)


    I don't watch all the Law and Orders and Criminal Minds and Jags, but I don't get worked up about them.

    • Love 1
  3. Didn't say you did. I was addressing the question of why people who think Jeremy sucks aren't piling on Jen.


    Because she isn't competing this season ?


    Jeremy seems like a dull person, I would much rather watch Amar or even Carl in the finale.  We can't taste their food and the judges can and they say that Jeremy 's food is all that.  So he goes.


    I'll be the person who says that if Marjorie had worn the outfit she wore to dinner at Fleur de Lys as her uniform for Restaurant Wars, she would have been congratulated.  She looked great in a jacket, top, and nice skirt.  That's what you wear to do front of house.

    • Love 5
  4. The same thing applies to health insurance.  There was a time when there were no such things as deductibles or co-pays.  You simply paid your monthly premium, and your insurance took care of the bills because that's what it's for.  You didn't have to shell out several thousand dollars out-of-pocket before the insurance would even kick in.  Such an idea would have been dismissed as outrageous because after all, what's the point of having insurance if you end up having to pay most of your costs out-of-pocket anyway?  Doesn't that defeat the purpose of even having insurance, be it health or auto insurance?


    The deductibles came in with HMOs.  Before them, insurance would pay first, but it wouldn't cover everything.  The HMOs have a deductible, usually a small amount, and then they cover the rest of the cost.

  5. There was a great line about a Corgi's top speed.


    And the hacky sack guys recognizing Jake.


    Why can't Kevin come back to Holt and Cheddar for a weekend?  And who really believes that the two of them would name their dog after such a prosaic cheese?  I'd expect Cheshire or Wensleydale, or better yet some strange exotic Welsh cheese name.  

    • Love 6
  6. So enquiring minds want to know what Lady Mary had at her wedding breakfast, after she sneered at Mrs. Hughes wanting one.


    And my favorite line of the entire series was Lady Edith the morning after Stralan dumped her at the altar:  Spinsters come down to breakfast.

    • Love 4
  7. But Hilltop seems to be a better spot for Rick and crew to take over ;).


    Because they've destroyed every other place they've been?  I give them a week before Hilltop is in ruins.

    • Love 14
  8. One thing that I couldn't tell from the show was how much of their menu each chef was serving.  The menus were extensive, but did Isaac, for example, make 5 different gumbos?  Was Carl able to serve every combination of mediterranean food on his menu?  Or were they allowed to be "out" of certain dishes?

  9.  Your post got me thinking - I am surprised that PR never had a partner challenge where one partner will be in top looks, and the other will be in bottom looks. Think of the drama it would create if a designer's only guarantee of staying until next week would be to make an outfit better than your partner makes.  "Oh, I think that shade of fluorescent green will look fabulous on your model" - "The orange faux fur would make a wonderful skirt!" - "Sure, I can help you finish your hem...oops! the machine tore a hole right in the bodice of your dress!"  (note: I am not saying I would like to see a challenge like that - I much prefer shows where everyone gets along and it is about the craftsmanship).

    I think they have had a head-to-head challenge, but not recently. And there was one instance of one person in the pair winning, and they sent the other guy home because he hadn't done anything.

    • Love 2
  10. When I hear "Second place is the first loser," I immediately think of the No Fear T-shirts from the 90s.

    When I hear it, I think of the jerk on the last season of The Amazing Race who managed to become The First Loser to the delight of many.

    • Love 8
  11. There's an episode of Say Yes to the Dress, Atlanta, that's a prime example of this.  It's about a family who just had a child die of leukemia.  His parents weren't married and he really wanted them to, so now they have decided to do so.  The bride's parents contacted the bridal shop owner, and she drives to their home with inventory and the bride picks out her dress.  The show is normally all about bridezillas and their entourages and every one on this episode is the exact opposite.  It makes you feel good.

  12. I'm sure Kwame knows how to make waffles. And I doubt the producers would have gotten him a waffle iron - he would have had to buy one out of his food money at Whole Foods.


    The frozen ones would have been OK if he had toasted them in the oven.  But it looked like he fried them in a pan, so they weren't even waffley  and crisp.

  13. Of course the most important thing we learned from this episode is that Mrs. Patmore's name is Beryl.  She's the least Beryl-ish person ever!


    And we will be left to eternally speculate whether Mrs. Hughes, Baxter, and the footman glanced at Thomas's wedding vegetables while pulling him out of the tub.

    • Love 5
  14. I must be the last person in the world who got to watch the episode.  Yay Richonne!


    I assume we will never be given an explanation on how "Jesus" got untied, followed a running truck (and these guys never put put along at a safe 20mph), and got up on top of it, while it was running.


    Alexandria has just been overrun by hordes of walkers and the Wolves, resulting in the destruction of their walls and massive death counts.  Michonne is a sentry, who spots something in the woods, leaves her post, and without telling anyone else, wanders into the woods to check it out.  Really?  And she's supposed to be one of the smart ones.  Even Boston Rob could figure out the buddy system.

    • Love 5
  15. There was a big article in the paper today about making this episode and particularly the quickfire.  Apparently Isaac's dish won by a landslide and Padma had to coach MC Hammer on how not to make it obvious when they were tasting.  He did well.


    This quickfire has finally put Marcel's "rapping" firmly in the Top Chef past.  Hooray!

    • Love 2
  16. I thought Jeremy's drumming was as excruciating as Craig's rapping.  Why are they choosing guest judges who have no connection at all to food?  It's not like he's a hot current celebrity who would bring in viewers.  Weird choices.


    Because Hammer is a local Bay Area guy, and it was a quickfire.  This wasn't all that far fetched for a quickfire.  They're all about thinking on your feet.


    Jeremy comes across as a really really dumb guy. Very nice, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer.


    I appreciate that they all seem to genuinely care about one another, lack of sniping makes for a much better season in my book.  

    Oh, worlds of word. People, you have no idea how spot-on this is. (unless you live around here.) The Maze is like a demon portal of random lostness.


    I liked the Narnia part.  I won't go on 980 because it isn't real - aka they put it in recently and I don't know where it goes.  

    Yesterday I drove on 80 to 680 to 580 to 238 to 880 to 84.

    • Love 3
  17. Every Foodie knows it's the Schweddy Balls that are the most sensual.

    I'm afraid not....

    Vivian: You...very knowledgeable.

    George: Well, I'm also an architect. Is that pastrami?

    Vivian: Yes it is. I find the pastrami to be the most sensual of all the salted cured meats. Hungry?

    George: Very.

    [They kiss and fall down to the floor.]


    Shweddy Balls only appeal to people who really like NPR.

    • Love 1
  18. My biggest disappointment in life is that this hasn't matched reality. It takes real dedication to go to the same bar/coffee house/pub/restaurant so often that the regulars and staff befriend you. The gang from Cheers must have been really unhappy with their home lives.


    I've been wondering if this is a cliche on British soaps, too, when we see the entire neighborhood hanging out at the local pub every night. It's pretty rare for someone to go to a different pub because they have a friend who lives more than a few blocks away on these shows. Then again, on Corrie and EastEnders no one ever gets a job that's more than a short walk away, so when the gang from the office decides to go out for the same drink afterward, they have the same neighborhood pub.

    The British thing is part of their culture - your neighborhood pub is referred to as your regular.


    I don't go out often enough to be befriended, but I gave up going to a taco place when I walked in and the counter guy yelled to the cook, "Dos Bajas, por favor!"  Nobody likes to be predictable.

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