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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I think it's clear that they wanted the DRAMA!!!!! of playing the Super Idol.  But, unfortunately for them, someone  forgot to give Tai the reassurance that he needed about being a key member of their alliance.  They just assumed that he would do what they told him to do.


    My prediction is that Scot is going to be the worst "My question is you suck" jury member ever.

    • Love 16
  2. She told him to send the information if something happened to her. She seemed kinda pissed that he sent it before that, but she basically forgave him because she knew she was screwed either way.


    Yeah.  The part that I wrote about guilt, you guys missed the part about giving the envelope to the Brits right then.  He could have waited a week and then it wouldn't have been obvious that it was her who gave it away.  

    • Love 2

    thanks to all who answered about driving a manual transmission. I think our sample size is small and skewed older. Don't young folks use the Internet anymore :)


    I'm 60 and my two kids are under 30.  I can drive stick, and my son does.  My daughter doesn't though we have tried to teach her many many times.


    I think there's an age factor, but it's not the only one.

    • Love 3
  4. No, I don't go in for comic book series very much.  I watched Arrow for two seasons, and gave up.  I watched one episode of The Flash.  Surprisingly though, from reading here, I found out that some other series that I've watched started out as comic books, like Lucifer. 


    Fuck the comic book movies - if you want to see Hiddleston act, watch him play Prince Hal in Henry IV Parts 1 and 2, opposite Jeremy Irons.


    Isn't Pine haunted by the woman because he believes he caused her death, not because of some great love after 1 night together?  He didn't have to look in the envelope and pass the info to British intelligence right then.

    • Love 12
  5. Lou should've held out, for the next season on TWD.

    He clearly watches that one as well.


    Didn't he tell a story about having the only cabin on set for Longmire that had cable?  (They film out in the boonies in Montana, I think) So everyone would come to his place on Sundays for Walking Dead night.


    He's also been on a whole series of Food Network cooking competitions and is pretty good.


    I think Kim Dickinson is just not comfortable with doing this.

    • Love 2
  6. I'm glad the character was changed to Maori, but I wish they'd have let Cliff Curtis keep his natural accent. Why? Well, there are very, very few Maori-Americans that were born and raised in the US as Travis seems to have been. Like, almost zero. I think that affects the believability of the character. Secondly, CC has a lovely accent that's not difficult to understand. There could easily have been a line last year explaining why he is in the US ("I came here when I was in college and fell in love with the place, so I stayed"), and it would have played up the diversity the show seems to be striving for. Travis having an American accent just seems off to me.


    The whole point of the ranger recognizing Travis as a Maori was to tie back to their love of native soil.  The ranger felt the same way about his island, and that's why he would never agree to leave.  And why he wouldn't agree to let his children leave.


    The little girl found the globe, opened it, and took her power pill.  And, I think Nick was definitely looking for drugs for him in his little stroll about the house.

    • Love 6
  7. Ha, this is why I refuse to be navigator! I learned to drive in a friend's car, and we were the exact opposite. She'd want to know every step of the instructions, because she can apparently recreate a 3D topographical map with her brain and carry on.


    Whereas I'm like WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME WHAT TO DO 3 TURNS FROM NOW? Giving me extra directions I can't process drives up my blood pressure instantaneously. 



    Why was Brodie screeching at Kurt to push it when he was the one drafting off Kurt? He is loud and annoying and ruins everything.

    This is why people should learn to navigate with a map, not a gps. With a map you can see alternate routes and where you are going to be going 3 turns from now.

    I think you mean Tyler and his partner, not Kurt and Brodie.

    Now I have to ask a strange question - have Burnie and Ashley been on the race the whole time, or were they some mid-season replacements that production sneaked in?

    Because I don't remember them at all before maybe 2 episodes back. UTR isn't a strategy for this game.

    • Love 2
  8. I think that Debbie went home because she acted like she was in charge, and Aubrey, Cydney, and Julia, each got a little threatened by that.  They are at the stage in the game where you have to start making moves to show that you are a winner.  Debbie laid out a voting strategy without consulting anyone else.  So they chopped her off at the knees.


    I think there is a lot of disconnect between what recent votees (Debbie and Nick) are saying in recent interviews, vs. what you see in the confessional after the vote.  They've had an exceptionally long time to brood over what happened and rationalize it internally.  So that's what's coming out.


    And if Tai gave the idol back to Jason, he's stupider than I thought.

    • Love 3
  9. For the same reason as Bow.....


    I did take my husband's name mainly because it moved me up in the Alphabet.  Alphabetical order is no joke.  Got tired of always being near the end.


    Me too!  My kids got to sit at the front of the class.

    • Love 2
  10. I almost lost it myself when Julie was having a breakdown over Pee Wee. And Emerson just up and leaving ("I quit! I can't!") cracked me up, too.


    And yet he apparently is enthralled by every Real Housewives show there ever was.  


    I'm on team Pee Wee.  And now I know how to pronounce Joe Manganiello's name.  TV is so educational!

    • Love 4
  11. "Korey is quite possibly the least coordinated human being ever."

    Damn! I'll say. It was like one side of his body had absolutely nothing to do with the other. Oh, the humanity! They let him through out of sheer pity.


    Did you miss Dan and Andrew from a few seasons back?  They made Korey look like a gymnast!  They couldn't walk.

    • Love 1
  12. I guess I'm the outlier.  I thought this was really draggy and overly reverential.  Anderson Cooper's role is kind of stifling - he's neither objective journalist nor subject.  It's kind of like a home movie that doesn't really dig at the hard stuff.


    If she was emotionally deprived by her upbringing, why did she ignore the one constant through all the custody battles:  her nanny?  Leaving her to die in poverty is horrible.  Apparently Gloria had money problems caused by a bad attorney later in life - not mentioned here.  The estranged son is glossed over, although mentioned.

    • Love 2
  13. another concern: maybe they got a deal, but they have to be spending some money on the whole "water" aspect of this show, what with building the boat and other sets, and renting the Titanic pool and filming in Mexico (yes, just over the border.) true some of these expenses (set building) are part of any show, but the aspects that specifically are for "water" have to eat into their budget. Does that mean they won't have enough money to do adequate "herds of walkers?" That was a criticism last year, that there weren't a lot of Walkers even though they were in LA.


    There weren't "herds of walkers" on original recipe until the second season.  Rick and most of CDB were just as useless and annoying as most of these people.


    What I noticed about this, was that it was clear they had filmed a lot more, and had to cut way back.  Cliff Curtis mentioned a big scene that he did that was cut.  When they first get on the Abigail, Strand is pointing out a series of fixed lights and saying that they are trouble, but then that just gets dropped.


    And I, for one, hope to never see Tobias again.

    • Love 3
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