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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 3 hours ago, erikdepressant said:

    Sorry to steer the conversation away from butts, but the Opdivo ads that are aired every other commercial break are driving me bonkers.  I don't know much about clinical trials, and I've never taken a statistics class.

    In their "Longer Life" commercial, the fine print reads "In a clinical trial, OPDIVO reduced the risk of dying by 41% compared to chemotherapy (docetaxel)."  What does "risk of dying" actually mean, if it's not the same thing as "number of deaths?"

    I'm having more trouble understanding the fine print on their "Most Prescribed Immunotherapy" commercial:

    "In a clinical trial of squamous patients, half of those on OPDIVO were alive at 9.2 months versus 6 months for chemotherapy (docetaxel)."

    And "In a clinical trial of non-squamous patients, half of those on OPDIVO were alive at 12.2 months versus 9.4 months for chemotherapy (docetaxel)."

    At first glance, I thought they meant "You have a 50/50 chance of living an extra three months."  I just don't understand why they didn't word it like "At 12 months, X% of Opdivo patients and Y% of chemo patients were still alive."  Did they stop tracking a group when half its patients died?  Or did the survival rate even out between the two groups after 50% fatality?  Or were all the patients dead at 12.3 months?

    A few months ago, I learned about how the Number-Needed-to-Treat may indicate that medications are far less effective than advertised.  Does anyone know why the commercial would word the survival-rate time-frame that way?

    I think the best approach is to thank god you don't need to 'talk to your doctor" about this.

    It's clearly intended for the desperate.

    • Love 4
  2. From the "story":

    "Tamal is my forever love because his pulled pork vol-au-vent is inspired by one of the "top two" sandwiches he's ever had. "I think about that sandwich quit a lot," he says"

    You've got a lot of competition - get in the Tamal true love line.  I thought I was the only one who obsessed about the best sandwiches I've ever eaten.

    One thing featured a lot in the episode was Paul and Mary disagreeing in front of the bakers.  At one point, both of the hosts and Mary were giving him grief about one of his blanket statements.  But I loved:

    Mat - I've decided to base my frangipani tart on a pina colada.

    Paul - Of course you have.

    • Love 8
  3. The cab is evidence.  They hold evidence forever if they can.  Which actually makes sense - they know Naz was driving around in the cab after he left the murder scene.  What if they didn't find everything and had to check later?  I don't think they'd tear every vehicle down to the chassis.  Of course, I was convinced that it would be stripped after being left overnight on the street with the windows down and (as far as we knew), with the keys in the ignition.

    I, too, would like to hear a little more about the victim.

    I have never encountered a cat willing to drink milk.  "Crunchies!!!" they snarl, "we only eat crunchies!!!  Take away this wet stuff and bring our crunchies!  Or else!"  Maybe they just weren't hungry enough.

    So Naz gets shoes, and Stone wants shoes.

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  4. On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 11:52 PM, Zuleikha said:

    I just can't get my head around the idea that someone would question peanut butter and grape jelly as a combination. I've had gourmet peanut butter and grape jelly chocolate bars, and they're amazing, so I don't accept the chocolate as a confounding factor. I agree that no one should judge American baking if they don't understand the brilliance of peanut butter and jelly. 

    Paul doesn't like peanut butter.  I don't think they were questioning the combination of peanut butter and grape jelly so much as they thought putting the jelly into the ice cream was a bad idea.  And it turned out that it was a bad idea because the ice cream didn't set up.  If you have to roll something around it, an ice cream that fails to set up is a bad idea.  Remember that Alvin's ice cream was so hard that he was able to flake off long even sections of it.

    If Ugne had made peanut butter ice cream, slathered the jelly on the face of the cake, and wrapped it up, she might have stayed.

    • Love 3
  5. 2 hours ago, Kohola3 said:


    And who the hell would want to go to the agony of making their own pita bread (except you, stillshimpy)?  Geez, that looks like WAY more trouble than it's worth.

    I have made pita.  It is very easy - if you can use flour.  It's so cool when they puff up in the oven making the pockets.

    It was the ingredients they couldn't use that made these challenges so difficult.

    I will admit to laughing out loud at the shot of Paul's bikini clad, and yet penis-equipped sun bather.

    • Love 2
  6. Was it this week that Tamal realized he'd cursed himself by suggesting that he could win Star Baker, only to whiff the Technical?  That was funny.

    Mat deserved to win.  And you could tell Alvin was going home from the beginning.

    • Love 2
  7. 16 hours ago, janie jones said:

    I haven't seen this in a commercial, but I hate when people say "s'mores" with two syllables.

    Isn't it pronounced "su morz" ?  Two syllables.  Even decades ago when I was a Brownie, that's how it was pronounced.

    Now, if they're saying "smo rays" then it's just wrong.

    • Love 2
  8. It's certainly easier to destroy the world's finances than to think ahead about the consequences.

    I found the episode to be way too long.  They need to learn how to edit!

    Malek giving the speech about drugs at the group session was the only time I've ever questioned his acting.

    Has the FBI agent been up for 6 days also?

    • Love 1
  9. But they give you a chance to catch up on Star Trek TNG.  What if you'd missed an episode 20 years ago?  OMG, they're doing it for Ivy!

    I wish they hadn't saved some of the big reveals for this episode. It was also more than a little cliched with every man in her life, other than Mark, suddenly getting the big chance to race into action to save her.

    • Love 1
  10. 8 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

    Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, Wayward Pines!  Did you just do what I think you did?!  Kerry was totally Jason's mom this entire time?!  You've lost your damn mind, Wayward Pines!  Did Pilcher do all this on purpose or was it just random that Jason happen to select his mom as the girl he most wanted to bone, when he was looking at those binders of women (how Mitt Romney of you, Jason...)

    It was after Pilcher was gone, and Jason took his place.  He was leafing through his Romney like binders of women while they were cutting down someone hanged by the good old First Generationers.

    I've always thought that Kerry and Jason looked something alike, but thought they were trying to make the point that they were in synch.  


    I still find it hard to believe that in the 17 years since coming out of the cryo -- no one has painted the walls in Pilcher's office.

    I know!  Every scene in Pilcher's office, I'm fascinated by the walls.


    And way to be a man and solve  problems yourself, Theo.  He grabs the gun, marches in and signs up Xander for the revolution, and proceeds to try to trick Kerry into taking out Jason.

    If only Arlene had been the mom..... 

    • Love 2
  11. Since she accused him of copying her in the Breads episode, maybe it's just the two of them.  She and Paul were deeply convening over the instructions in the Breads technical - but it didn't help either one of them.

  12. 39 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    Speaking of the grocery bag On TV, I noticed yesterday that in the opening credits for Murder She Wrote, Jessica has not one, but two celery tops keeping her baguette company in the brown bag. This might literally happen Only On TV. I mean, she lives alone, and that's a lot of celery.

    Maybe that was her crime fighting secret.  Or she had a rabbit.

    • Love 4
  13. Having re-watched, I think it's clear that Paul would have been Star Baker if he hadn't completely whiffed the baguettes.  They can't give it to someone who comes in dead last in the Technical.  5th or 6th place and they probably would have done it.  They loved his quick bread, Paul H. shook his hand after giving him grief over it.  And the show stopper really was.

    • Love 4
  14. I didn't get any sexual vibe off the step father.  Just someone who had been dealing with her problems for a very long time, and apparently she had a lot of problems.  You can hear it in his responses on the phone call.  He figures she got picked up for something and needs to be bailed out or taken care of. 

    Where's her rap sheet?  You really don't know anything about her at all.

    The lack of blood on Naz is telling.  Whoever did the killing should be covered in her blood.

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  15. On ‎7‎/‎15‎/‎2016 at 11:42 AM, SoothingDave said:

    It does make sense to have some dogs if you want to preserve that Americana thing.  It just seems an odd thing to spend resources on, doggy freezers.

    Remember they went through the charade of having a real estate agent in season one.  So they must need the hotel for people freshly unfrozen to stay in if they haven't quite got the living arrangements worked out yet.  

    Either that, or for extramarital affairs.  

    Never question Pilcher's economic decisions!  If he decided they needed to spend on doggy freezers, then it was the right decision.

    I thought extramarital affairs in heartland America were traditionally carried out at the No-Tell Motel.  On the outskirts of town.

    My burning question is why Margaret doesn't have pointy ears like all the male Abbies.  They all look like rejects from Bat Boy.

    • Love 2
  16. Again, we are two nations separated by a common language.  What Americans call "quick bread" is banana bread and its many delicious cousins.  We call the British "quick bread" soda bread.  I couldn't figure out why they were insistent that quick breads be made with buttermilk, because mine certainly aren't.

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  17. Quote


    I was a victim of the time switch too.  By Friday night the episode was available on-demand.  And it could be worse - BBCA never aired the final episodes of Tantau (which starred the guy who is playing Emma's boyfriend).

    I'm sorry,  but if Mark was banging his brother's head on the floor, then some of his DNA would be present.  It wouldn't just be Ivy's.

    Tim comes off as a dim bulb but his wife seems like the most insensitive person ever. 

    • Love 2
  18. Mel and Sue frequently offer moral support to the bakers, so I think they are happy to have them around.  Think about Dorrett's melting disaster in the first episode.  Mel grabbed her and got her focused on what she could show the judges.  That kept her from being eliminated.

    Nadija's complete failure on all the technical challenges is clearly baffling the judges.  They know it's hard, but they expect you to get some of them right.

    And right after I make a snarky comment about the sheep, the black ones show up again.  Baaa Baaa and all that.

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