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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. On 7/11/2016 at 5:02 PM, DocTerv said:

    While I had no idea what an arlette was either, I can say that those "goats outside the tent" are actually sheep. Herbridean sheep to be exact. I now feel compelled to to check in with my own sheep and their opinions on the palatability of biscotti.


    They are definitely sheep not goats, but they are not Hebridean sheep.

    "The Hebridean is a breed of small black sheep from Scotland, similar to other members of the Northern European short-tailed sheep group, having a short, triangular tail. They often have two pairs of horns."

    These are not black, small, or horned.

    • Love 1
  2. On 7/12/2016 at 11:08 AM, ABay said:

    I've always wanted to live in a soap opera because your house is always beautiful and so are you and your partner, you have a ton of money but only have to work an hour a day at some glamorous career that you're completely unqualified for, and any children you have will age much more quickly than you do.

    Yes but also remember that your baby will be kidnapped.   And, there will be at least one person in your family with a previously unknown identical twin - usually it's the twin of someone who died unexpectedly  in a quick accident a few years earlier.

    But, since you live in a soap opera, once you get your baby back from the kidnappers, and it grows (rapidly) to adulthood, it can attend a great accredited university right in the same small town that you live in.  And all the kids from the same high school class will also attend.  And they'll all continue to live at home.  That's the real reason for the plethora of crystal alcohol decanters.

    • Love 15
  3. But why was Harold Dietterle in the kitchen?  When they come back to start making the meal for the food critic, he is randomly standing among the other chefs.

    The number of people in that kitchen goes up and down.  Sometimes there are four people, other times it looks like twelve.

    Waitress, the Broadway musical, was expected to do well at the Tony's until that lousy Hamilton showed up to win everything.....

    • Love 1
  4. The knife that Naz took was in the living room where they'd been doing the drugs and stabbing between their fingers, not in the kitchen where he woke up

    I'm assuming that we will be learning the reason why she said she couldn't be alone that night..

    And for weeks they've been running promos that looked to me like a crime scene was taking samples from a stuffed animal and I've been trying to figure out how it was a dead woman.  It must be the stag's head in the apartment.

    • Love 1
  5. On 5/22/2016 at 11:49 AM, Rick Kitchen said:

    Well, the song was used in the movie Hatari, about a veterinarian in Africa, and it was used during a scene with a baby elephant.  I don't know which came first.


    Hatari is not about a veterinarian in Africa, it's about a group of people in Africa who catch live animals for zoos.  The catching sequences were mimicked in the second Jurassic Park movie.  They are spectacular.

    By the end they have three baby elephants.

    It was my kids favorite movie growing up.  

  6. It's definitely sung as "Grampy plunk Tim" and I guess I heard the plunk as "and".  If not, Bon Jovi is just stretching out the "Grampy" to excessive lengths, which is admittedly part of his style.

    But still, Jon Bon Jovi is magically teleported into people's living rooms, and nobody wants to take a selfie?  Or call someone?

    • Love 5
  7. On 7/1/2016 at 3:16 AM, Neurochick said:

    I don't know if it's casting, but someone lied to the police when they were asked a question and I wonder why.

    As mentioned above, one person who lied was Bodie-from-the-Wire who didn't mention the person he was walking with.  The person who took a long searching look at Naz and the girl.  He also didn't mention his racist comment to Naz.  Naz also left out a lot of stuff, including the cat.

    When the girl (Abbie Cornish? really?) let out the cat, she didn't close or lock the gate.

    And the police just left that cab unlocked with the windows down by the side of road?  It would be stolen or looted that night, and then they'd get sued.  If they took Naz, wouldn't they send the cab to an impound lot?

    • Love 3
  8. On 7/8/2016 at 8:12 PM, editorgrrl said:

    @meep.meep Elliott broke into Ivy's therapist's office and read the file. Ivy expressed regret at leaving "him" because now she's all alone.

    Thanks!  Last thing I saw was female cop going into the basement where she presumably found the "body in the basement" which I also missed.

    • Love 2
  9. I missed the last 15 minutes, thanks for not covering it in the "story." Craig's reactions seem pretty normal. I wonder about Ivy's mother letting him live with Emma in her home.

    Could someone describe what happened in the last 15 minutes?

  10. On 7/6/2016 at 4:37 AM, paulvdb said:

    In my earlier post I mentioned two ways you can unexpectedly end up becoming the parent of a teenager. .......And now your teenage child will show up at your house looking for his or her father. And related to this: your high school girlfriend gave the baby up for adaption but something went wrong and the kid ended up in a bad foster care situation. When (s)he became a teenager (s)he started looking for his/her birth parents. 

    Only on TV is it always raining when these teenagers show up.


    All you potential theatrical knitters - I once did props for a production of The Music Man.  One of my jobs became unfolding the laundry from a scene where Marian and her mother fold and sing.  There was apparently an awkward episode in one performance where they had to take out the neatly folded pillowcases, shake them out, and then refold them.

    • Love 4
  11. On 7/4/2016 at 7:42 PM, chitowngirl said:

    My PBS station used to show Roy Orbison-A Black and White Night a lot, but I haven't seen it in a long time. I'd love to see that one again.

    Years ago, I was equipment manager for my town's soccer league.  I had a night where I had to organize all of our pinnies:  wash, sort by size and color, and pack by team (98 of them).  That Roy Orbison special was the only thing on TV that night.  I re-upped my membership.

    • Love 2
  12. The people who compete on Top Chef are in the food business.  I have been to many of their restaurants.  Cooking is their career.  The people who compete on this show are amateurs - they don't make their living by cooking.

    A better comparison is to MasterChef where the judges and contestants are indeed frequently unpleasant.

    Contestants on competitive reality shows are often sequestered from their family and friends to maintain security. That isn't the case with this show and I think it helps the contestants that they can return to normalcy.

    • Love 1
  13. 14 hours ago, ArmoPrincess said:

    So refreshing to watch a cooking show where a) you'll learn something; b) the judges aren't condescending; and c) the contestants aren't psychotic a-holes. ARE YOU LISTENING TOP CHEF?

    To my mind, one major reason this is successful is that the contestants get to go home between episodes.  So they get to decompress with people they know, not total strangers.

    Top Chef is for professionals, this is for amateurs.  No comparison.

    • Love 5
  14. If the soil inside the town is not good for growing crops, then they could have transported soil from outside, built raised beds, and grown something inside so that they wouldn't need Abbie protection for all their crops.  It's called minimizing their risks.

    The woman playing the secretary is in a whole other show from the rest of them.

    • Love 13
  15. On 6/28/2016 at 0:29 PM, Rick Kitchen said:

    I don't get enraged very often, but I'm enraged that Rolling Stones songs are being used for pet store ads.  I know it's probably a song that's used in the movie, which I don't object to, but this is just wrong.



    I hope your rage is directed to the Rolling Stones who must have sold the rights to their song to be used this way.  Does this really reach levels of rage?

    • Love 1
  16. Todd is definitely poor man's Pablo Schreiber.

    I love the "the survivors make a discovery that could change everything" in every episode description!

    I'm not taking this very seriously, but it is funny.  About half the cast is missing in every episode.  In this one, Rhys Darby and the two younger women.

    And after watching Alone, their shelters need major improvements.

  17. 3 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

    Montez and Selina are in different political parties.

    Now there you go, thinking logically.

    If you do want to think that way, a President always brings in their own personal secretary.  This thing with Sue going from administration to administration is funny but completely wrong.  

    • Love 2
  18. So what did happen to Catherine's film?  Who is taking bets on Dan going to CBS vs CVS?

    And does this mean no hot interns next year?  Because you could get used to them.

    The writers can easily contrive a situation where Selina becomes VP again.  Suppose something "happens" to Montez, the VP steps up, and they have to get a new one.

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