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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 13 hours ago, SimoneS said:

     I cannot begin to put into words how happy I am that Brienne and Jaime are likely to meet. I just know that she will tell him some hard truths about how worthless his life has become. He has forgotten that he wanted to find his honor and be respected again.  Hopefully, he will pledge allegiance to Daenerys and eventually take the Lannister army to the Wall to fight the White Walkers. 

    Since Daenerys' father was the King who the King Slayer slayed, I don't think she'll be thrilled to have him on the team.

    Interested to see what happens when he and Brienne meet up.

    • Love 1
  2. Staying home sick for a few days, I finally saw the episode where they redo the "carriage house" next to their B&B.  It might have been cheaper just to tear the whole thing down and start new.  This was a perfect opportunity to show budget tradeoffs, but no, they just went with their same old formula.  At least that nice old couple will now have a giant wall clock in their lives.

    I also saw the one where they find the bottle in the wall during construction.  It's also where they "discover" that the brick wall of the house isn't really attached to the actual house, but is free standing.  It waves when it's pushed.  If my construction firm didn't notice that before I bought the house, I'd run screaming to the authorities.  

    • Love 2
  3. I believe you completely!  I couldn't figure out why what I was watching was so disjointed. Your version makes some sense. *  I'll have to watch it on Demand.

    *As much sense as Wayward Pines has ever made.....do they kill every doctor they defrost these days?

    • Love 4
  4. I saw that last night too!  Buying in Baltimore and looking at rowhouses, they were astonished when they couldn't fit their monstrous couch into the narrow living room spaces.  And it wasn't even a nice couch!  Just some U-shaped sectional monstrosity that looked worn out to boot.

    They were also the kind of entitled younger folk who were going to have to tear out kitchens and baths that seemed new and functional because they didn't like the colors.  I found myself muttering, Buy a new couch!  Live with it! 

    • Love 4
  5. ottoDbusdriver - thanks!  I swear only half of that happened in the version that I saw.  Like this:  "Theo reunites with his wife, Rebecca, at the WP Academy, and then gets a dinner invite from Jason to the mountain."  They didn't show this scene.  I don't think I went to the bathroom that often....

    Consequently, the show made even less sense than it did last year.  And I only watched it to see if it was going to be better.

    • Love 1
  6. 2 hours ago, RedHawk said:

    Seamstress extraordinaire Sansa was sending care packages? 

    To: Bran Stark
    c/o Three-Eyed Raven
    Hole Deep in the Tree Roots
    Cave Somewhere North of The Wall

    Don't leave by the back door, 

    Children of Forest will sign at cave entrance.


    I thought Tormund was married/in a committed relationship.  Didn't he say something about his daughters?  I don't think Brienne is the type for casual romance.

    • Love 1
  7. I enjoyed watching this, but the ending wasn't worth the other 5 episodes.  Le Carre rarely writes super tied up endings where the bad guys all get their comeuppance and the good guys and gals ride away into the sunset.  So, this ending seemed too tidy.

    To whoever was wishing that they had done this like the Tinker Tailor movie, they kind of did.  That film took out all the subtle shadings from the miniseries and wrapped everything up into a big tidy bow.  In that book, some of the good characters don't triumph;  it sounds like in this book, that's similar.

    I laughed at Pine putting sedatives into Freddie's drink, only to have Freddie keep taking cocaine which offset the sedatives.

    Good for Burr for being a pregnant bad ass!  Now Olivia Coleman joins Frances MacDormand in the club.

    • Love 5
  8. 3 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    In the original show, they had three families.  One family with four children (two of them teen aged girls); one family with two children ( think both of the children were "tweens") and a father and son, the father left when the son's fiance arrived; they had a frontier wedding and the son and his wife finished the remaining time together, I think the entire "experiment" took five months.  So I wonder how teenagers today would fare.

    PBS actually did several of these.  The last one was Texas Ranch House which did not end well.  There were teenagers on that, and it was well into the laptop era, if not cell phones.  I don't think PBS is looking to repeat the experiments.

    The BBC did several also.  They had one set in Edwardian time period (Manor House?) where they couldn't get volunteers to be scullery maids and make it more than a week.

    • Love 2
  9. So there's actually a back door, a physical door, to the root space underneath the weirwood tree?  Why?  So that the Children of the Forest could take out the trash?  Why didn't the wights and white walkers try to get in there when they couldn't get in the other opening?

    The attack of the wights reminded me of those endless attacked-by-the-orcs sequences in the Hobbit.  Except for the Hodor part which was actually sad.  Hodor

    Does Little Finger have a transporter?  Everyone else, tramp tramp tramp, days between places.  Little Finger, zip zop from the Dale to the Wall.  One day!  It took Ned Stark longer to pack.

    One other problem with Sansa not telling Jon about Little Finger and his army - won't they see it as they go tramp tramping past?  Armies are kind of big.

    I'm with everyone else on the wonderful crown that Euron is wearing (why does his name sound like a brand of gasoline) - shouldn't it be made out of iron?

    And enough with  "the Iron Price"!  Everytime I hear it, I think it must be 20% off something.  "Today's special, the Iron Price!"

    • Love 3
  10. Luis, who was Celia's actual son.  As opposed to Thomas who she called her son, but who wasn't really her son.

    I thought it very fitting that if she didn't think the walkers should be taken down, that she end up with them.  And they were eating pigs.  There was  a scene with people bringing pigs up to the chute earlier.

    • Love 2
  11. 13 minutes ago, piequinn35 said:

    Neal said Nick voted for Aubry, which means Deb voted for Michele

    It turned out it was Michele who Debbie was gazing lovingly at during all those TCs.  You could tell when Michele started her final statement.

    Everyone worried about the chicken - there are people all around, she wasn't abandoned to the wild jungle.  The vast majority of those people stuck around until the next series was filmed on the same location.  There are actual Cambodians who live there.  I'm sure the chicken found someone to live with, for a while.....

    I loved Scot and Jason's certainty that Michele was going to eliminate Jason from the jury.  I doubt he ever entered her head.  It was either Joe or Neal.

    • Love 1
  12. 3 hours ago, emma675 said:

    I live in North Texas, too (hi, neighbor!), and I'm not getting the Houston ads, but I am getting a ton of ads for San Antonio. Is our state really that big that we feel the need to advertise our own cities to each other? I wonder if people in South Texas get ads to visit Dallas and Fort Worth?

    Maybe you should check out Grand Rapids instead.

    I'm in California and we all get the California ones.  We're just average Joe's.

    • Love 4
  13. 21 hours ago, Little Spoon said:

    The reason it was so boring, or no room for movement, is that each task was ultra simple. Once Matt established a lead, which in my opinion is due to his long arms and legs, the others lost it for themselves with the simple mistakes  (St. Theresa Museum, anyone?). Nobody even made any errors in the final task. As viewers, aren't we used to the camera shots where there mistakes are pointed out to us by production? 

    Who designed this leg? Obviously a cbs intern! 

    I didn't find it boring.  There were plenty of places to switch leads, but it didn't happen because Matt and Dana actually competed very well.  They were the only team to need one jump to get the first clue.  She paid attention to the clue about the boat and knew that it had to be somewhere near the museum which cut down on the time they spent searching.  She, and apparently the other contestants, had noticed the hashtags scattered through the clues, had them memorized, and got the final task done quickly.  They lost time looking for a cab, and also got lost looking for the lake on their way to actually win.  The other teams could have capitalized on their mistakes, but they didn't.  And the other teams should have done the final task faster, because both of them were tall enough to get the medallions on the hooks easily.  Dana had trouble reaching.

    There was a camera shot of Tyler and Korey missing the clue box.  We don't know if anyone really screwed up the final task, because they didn't show it.  But they showed Tyler jumping 3 times, Sheri jumping twice, Sheri and Cole having to find a taxi, etc.

    I may be the only one, but I don't miss the TAR classic bunch at Narita, when one team can't get on the early flight.  I don't like any required bunching in the final leg.

    Where are the complaints about the "spoon fed" helicopters?  "They should have to walk!"

    • Love 5
  14. Or the people who only post about how they didn't watch the show.   ????   If you watched it and disliked it, then swing away.  But if you didn't watch it, why bother to check in?  Life's too short to fixate on what you ignore by choice.

    My UO is that I'm getting so pissed at having to scroll past this stuff, that I'm thinking about doing it myself.  Just go to some popular show that I don't watch and post about not watching it.

    • Love 15
  15. They're in a bunch of commercials, as an engaged couple getting ready for their wedding, that have been running for a while now.  It certainly wasn't a "secret" elopement!

  16. 4 hours ago, LanceM said:

    Okay, your 32nd finale is but a week away. Tease us up for three-hour finale/reunion extravaganza.
    It’s a very exciting finish. The drama is definitely not over. There will be more surprises, another Survivor first, tears, and a very fulfilling final Tribal Council. This should be a really good conclusion to what fans are telling me has been a really entertaining season. And as always, Mr. Ross – I’ve enjoyed our weekly chats!

    When haven't there been tears?  Tai is weeping away every episode and the others aren't far behind.

    The finale is next Wednesday?  Not Sunday, right?

    • Love 1
  17. The Dunphy's house on Modern Family is radically different inside than out.  As well as having a magically disappearing and appearing basement (no basement in early seasons, in later seasons, Hailey lives in the basement).

    There's plenty of Warped Space in movies also - it's not just "only on TV."  For example:  any movie that uses a trailer as a residence, will use the one that's 40 x bigger on the inside than the outside.

    • Love 1
  18. These have *me* scratching my head.

    I have wandered into a set of channels where they seem to play only commercials extolling the wonders of Michigan.  I don't know who they are trying to attract, but this Californian is not really swayed by the wonders that are seemingly available in Grand Rapids.  I got the ones a few years back for Detroit.  I don't get these.

    • Love 3
  19. Lots of babies are born with one color hair and have another when they grow up.  And his mother has blonde hair.  Although it's always so gloomy it looks like she has gray hair.

    • Love 2
  20. If Travis hadn't suggested towing Alex and the boy in the raft, then what did she think was going to happen?  Strand wasn't letting her on board, and the shore was covered with zombies.  They could have died right there, died in the water, or died on shore.  Travis did her a favor.

    Who thought that Maddie was going to wreck the Abigail by turning too fast and sharply?

    • Love 3
  21. I know what a minaret is, but I can understand that others might not.  The problem is that they saw the letters "minaret" and said they didn't know where to find the "minuets".  They've failed reading in addition to vocabulary.

    Sheri looked great on the unicycle!

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