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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. 10 hours ago, SimoneS said:

    I have always thought that Daenerys will have her dragons burn Jon to test him or maybe it happens accidentally. Jon will survive proving he is a Targaeryn and a dragon also.

    He got burned pretty badly fighting the wight with a torch in Season 1.  Hope that's not her plan

    Her own full brother wasn't  able to withstand fire - why should her half brother be able to?

    • Love 4
  2. The guy that the dog went after is the neighbor who was visiting the sheriff and his wife.  He's the guy who burned down the trailer.  It was his watch that was found in the trailer.

    I'd like this better if it was clear what Kyle's special power actually was.

    • Love 2
  3. You would think a hypnotist wouldn't have any trouble convincing a young girl to do something she doesn't want to do.

    What I want to know is what happened to the supply caverns and the network of tunnels leading to them and the fleet of trucks driving through the network of tunnels to get to the supply caverns and bring back fruit loops for the good boys and girls of Wayward Pines?

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  4. To comment on the story - the case this seems most similar to is Jacee Dugard, who was held for 18 years and ended up having two children during that time.

    The detectives mentioned that no one in England had ever escaped from this type of abduction. Could that be right? The female detective said that she was concerned about Stockholm syndrome so I assume that's what we see playing out in the next few episodes.

    and "Plus the male detective has such a thick Glaswegian accent that I only understood every third sentence." Me too!

    • Love 3
  5. Bye Justin - Bye Justin's pecs.  He had no interest in staying there long term.  His shelter was minimal, he never reinforced it after moving.

    When I watch this, I think back to Frontier House where the families were graded on how well they prepared for the winter.  They had to have so much forage for animals, food, wood chopped, etc.  Do the Alone contestants get some briefing on how much they need to survive a longer period of time?   The local Indians would dry fish for the winter.  Maybe that's Jose's plan.

    Was this the first time they've shown much of Jose's site?  He really has a pretty site with lots of open space, small streams, and widely spaced trees.  Compared to Larry and Justin's vertical camps, there's no question where I'd choose to stay.

    • Love 2
  6. On 6/22/2016 at 1:20 PM, Cynna said:


    Yes it's real, I don't think there was any CGI used in that scene. It's a Cane Corso in the final shots, the other one seen is a Presa Canario. They're both mastiff breeds.


    According to the actor, the dogs were real but weren't there with him physically.  So lots of effects.  Not sure if  its actually termed CGI.  He says it was too dangerous to even consider having him in the scene with the real dog because if something went wrong, then he was a gonner.

    From an Esquire interview:

    How did you film that final scene? Were those real dogs or were they CGI?

    It's a combination. They use plates so it looks like the dog is there, but the dog isn't actually there. Those dogs are bred in a specific way and trained in a specific way… They're not like normal dogs that you can tell to sit and stuff. They only listen to their owner, and they're kind of like guard dogs. It's not really safe to have them anywhere near an actor. They're quite vicious.


    They're also not the type of dog that anyone would ever use for hunting.

  7. Milburn - It's here because it's part of the ESPN 30 for 30 documentary series on sports-related topics.  You should check others out some time because there are some real winners, even if you don't follow sports much.  There's even another one on what happened the day of the Bronco chase, because ironically, it was a big day in real sports.

    And I asked the PTV people to put in a link titled "People vs OJ" to lead to that other forum.  So that's why you could find it.

    Finally saw Ep 1 of this last night.  It's really good.  People who weren't around then never seem to understand just how incredibly popular OJ really was.  This gets that across in spades.

    • Love 5
  8. 14 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

    The whole forcing teens into procreation rooms is stupid. If you tell a kid they have to have sex they won't want to do it. Especially if you give them charts to follow. Just let them be normal teenagers, but never teach them about what a condom is. Have school dances with dark rooms and slow music. Let them have parties with lots of alcohol. 

    Lots of alcohol and they just throw up.  Lots of marijuana is better.  But then, I never needed a class or a chart to figure out how to do it.

    What's with all the Abbie drool?  And I think they are telepathic.

    • Love 2
  9. On 6/20/2016 at 0:04 AM, CletusMusashi said:

    I think if I lived in Westeros I'd work for the bad guys. I mean, come on. They're allowed to wear helmets, and carry shields, and they don't have to be named characters to wear body armor, and they're even allowed to shoot you from a distance with projectile weapons. If you're a good guy, your battle equipment consists of some cloth or fur, a short (non spear) one handed weapon... and gods help you if you're a giant! You'd think somebody who's twenty feet tall and considers the square/cube law to be the square/cube mild suggestion would be able to just stand back with a few wagons full of rocks and massacre the bad guys, but nope. Giants aren't even allowed to use a battering ram to break into castles full of archers.

    All I could think when Jon was glowering at Lord Kibbles was: "Shoot him! Oh. Right. For some reason you only own one weapon. Must make shaving your chest interesting. Well, then, have one of your archers... wait a second... all of you are like that now? What the fuck?"

    Yeah, what happened to all the archers among the wildlings?  That used to be one of their chief weapons, you'd think they would have perfected some tactics using them.  If the evil opposition can reach you with their arrows, then you should be able to reach them with yours.  This is no Agincourt superior English bows situation.  Of course the evil opposition gets to wear helmets and your locks must remain free to waft in the breeze (even though you are from the frozen north and would be likely to wear a head covering all the time).

    I don't think they've ever shown full length shields, like Ramsay's army was using, on GOT.  Half shields, like the one that Jon picks up at the end, yes.

    Jon's fight with Ramsay was a direct call back to his escape from the Wildlings at the end of season 3 (?).  Then he gets shot three times by Ygritte, this time Ramsay shoots at him three times, but he uses the shield to deflect the arrows.

    • Love 2
  10. This was fun.  I'm amazed they got so many kids to sit still through an entire television program.  I wouldn't have wanted to watch that elephant program at my age, much less at 6 or 7.  So many of them were crying at the end.

    Loved the discussions of where you get babies, both the womb parts and going to a shop.  And how none of them recognized Prince Phillip.

  11. ottoDBusdriver:  Xander also hit the abbie on the head with a big rock making an unpleasant squishing sound.  So, I think we can conclude that it is an ex-abbie now.  The well he got dropped down looked suspiciously manmade.

    It's not really great drama, but I actually think the show is better this year.  Last year, it was all weird and spooky and mostly totally pointless (cf Juliet Lewis' character).  Other than wondering why the normal people (CJ ?) don't just rise up and throw out their Nazi youth overlords, what's happening is vaguely interesting.  Loss of food supply (what happened to the tunnels to the food bins?), forcing them to grow crops and go outside the wall, forced procreation, someone who knows something about the abbies and how they function.

    • Love 2
  12. On 6/11/2016 at 4:34 PM, butterbody said:

    "so we're heading out the door, and my sister says, Jaz, you're wearing makeup, and I'm like no I'm not wearing any makeup and she's all yes you are! You are wearing makeup and I'm like no, girl, I'm not wearing makeup and she's like don't lie to me bitch and I'm like no I'm not wearing makeup and she's like are you sure you're not wearing makeup and I'm like no girl, not wearing any makeup and she's all, are you shitting me, that's makeup and I'm like for real tho Im not wearing makeup and she's all girl, you are Sooooooo wearing makeup and I'm all no way sister Christian this ain't makeup and she's like dude, that fully looks like makeup and I'm all if I'm lyin' I'm dyin' homeskillet cause there's no makeup on this face and she's all no way, girl and I'm like way."

    It's probably better in Michigan.  Just saying.....

  13. It makes me feel so old to remember how controversial it was for NYPD Blue to show some guy's naked back side.

    The only thing that I notice is still *always* censored on TV is Madeline Kahn's song from Blazing Saddles, where she sings about how the guys she's with are always "coming and going and going and coming, and always too soon." What they cut is the "always too soon" part.  Because it's OK for her to have sex with "hundreds of men, again and again" but not OK if we found out she wanted to get any sexual gratification from it.

    • Love 7
  14. 2 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

    That's one tiny flaw I always found with my beloved NYPD Blue.  There were some exceptions, but usually all other detectives/agencies they came into contact with were either incompetent, chesty or both.  Even the night tour detectives in their own house couldn't close a case without Andy having to take over.

    Early on in the runs of NYPD Blue and Law&Order, each show did an episode about a crooked precinct.  It was the other show's precinct they were investigating.

    • Love 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:


    And holy moly, does anyone else think he leaves Darius in the shade? My my (fanning self)

    I'm with you.  I couldn't figure out why they cast the well built guy as the manager rather than the NFL quarterback.

    • Love 2
  16. They're not supposed to be brothers.  Just friends - or since Schwimmer is in this, I guess "friends" not "Friends"

    The kid is supposed to be traumatized, not austistic.

    The woman from the support group is one of the worst actresses I've ever seen.  I bet she has a nice big role.

    Paul Kinsey must be over his devotion to Buddha.

    • Love 5
  17. 38 minutes ago, bunnyblue said:

    It's the Tyrell family sigil, the Rose. Margaery was letting her grandmother know she hasn't truly converted to the Faith, she's still a Tyrell.

    But also it was drawn to look like a fist to indicate that she is still fighting.

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