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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I was just sad that Pilar didn't have to dart back to the office for just a second.

    The "explanation" for why Tommy didn't smell the gas was that the screen on the pass through was closed.  

    So Dion gets the money to pay off Patrick, coincidentally from Patrick, and now it's going to go up in flames.  Hard work just doesn't pay off.

    • Love 1
  2. Army brat here - similar existence.

    The most recent episode showed the beloved pets having terrible reactions to all the demolition.  I had a dog lose his voice from barking at roofers so demolition/renovation is not something that pets deal with well.

    Didn't they rehab another house with the idea that it would be their long-term home where they could raise a family?  Why are they doing it again?

    • Love 1
  3. 1 hour ago, ganesh said:


    That whole room with the clocks was freaky too. Anyone who has a lot of one thing is always suspect on tv.

    Last season White Rose had a thing about time - allotting a certain number of minutes for a meeting.

    So who trashed the FBI office?  It wasn't Angela.

    I hate the Dom lollipop thing.  She's no Kojak.

    • Love 3
  4. Game birds are traditionally hung for a few days before cooking, so road kill isn't all that different, except that you don't really know why it died and how long it has been there.

    The last time I remember them doing savory pies, it was for a show stopper and they had to stack them.  The fillings were not very successful then - I remember Martha's oozing grease.  This time round, everyone pretty much got the fillings cooked correctly.

  5. Addressing hard hitting social issues?  It's been more like driving past them waving.

    If any of the producers and show runners ever read this, I'm not looking for a show that's mind-blowingly amazing only in the final episode of the season.  Because that means that I've had to put up with a season of dreck to get there.  I don't care what they come up with next week, it hasn't been worth the poorly thought out ideas of the previous nine.

    My bar is low for this, but they can't even get over a low bar.

    • Love 10
  6. On 6/20/2016 at 3:32 PM, Quilt Fairy said:

    Can anyone recommend any of the current documentaries available on HBO, Showtime, etc.?  There're just too many to choose from these days.

    I saw one on Showtime (I think) called Meet the Hitlers about people in the U.S. named Hitler.  Some of them are OK with it, others not so much.  They track down the final relatives of Adolph Hitler, descended from his brother Alois.  Part of it focuses on a couple who are neo Nazis and named their children after Nazis.  They order a birthday cake labelled "Happy Birthday Adolph Hitler" for their 4 year old son and all hell breaks loose.

    I also saw an interesting Nine for 9 (like 30 for 30 but focused on women athletes) about a free diver who died attempting a world record.  Don't remember the title.

  7. On 8/1/2016 at 6:46 AM, SomeTameGazelle said:

    Didn't the gerrymandering subplot mention that Red and Laurel's brother are both Senators for Maryland?

    It did.  I've been wondering about Red's accent the whole time.  It must be Baltimore.  And Red is gerrymandering the districts for The District.

    I still have high hopes for Laurel's Polynesian music.  Don't let me down show!

    I'm old too, and the only other CBS shows I watch are Survivor and Amazing Race.  But I'm a Fed so this really hits home.

    • Love 1
  8. Wait!  I thought HBO was responsible for reminding us that the free-spirited shameless women of NYC always wore a bra while having sex.  

    The wonder was that Turturro didn't keep his trenchcoat on.

    At least *someone* is investigating the crime.  The scene was filled with drugs.  The police who have trashed the Khan's home, know that there was no drug paraphernalia there.  They also know from talking with the step-father, that the victim was no angel.  

    • Love 3
  9. Paul sure loved those Charlotte Russe's!  I guess we know what he really loves - soft squiggly things in layers.

    Where is Ugne when you need her?  Because you could have made a delightful one with peanut butter flavored bayonnier (whatever it is) and clear grape jelly layers.  And he would have had to eat it!

    I think the others are fine with Ian - he gets lots of Mate comments while they are baking.  I figured his TH about being excited about doing Victorian dishes was pride going before a fall.  But he pulled through as usual.

    • Love 1
  10. The female Abbies are all discretely off screen because it would be too much to show that many boobies on a broadcast network at 9pm on a school night.

    Were any characters (like people who had had lines in the other episodes) left in the town after the great nighty night?

    • Love 1
  11. from the recap/story

    "Stop transposing abstractions and dialectics onto hackneyed images that comment on what's happening and have something happen."

    This times 1000.  He's turning Mr. Robot into the second season of Les Revenant - nothing happens, you can't understand what anyone is saying because you literally can't hear what anyone is saying, and most of it is mental masturbation.

    But, Rami Malek's hair sticking up behind the mask was really funny.

    • Love 6
  12. Can she also demonstrate how a collection of oversized clocks is better than a single one?  Will it have another regular feature called Banged up Aluminum where she demonstrates how old "distressed" items from the closed down junior high can be used in the modern living room?

    Doesn't HGTV have reruns of anything else they can show?  This is on four days a week now.   The same episodes over and over and over.

    The vast amount of space in these houses does seem to be there from the beginning.  I can only recall one house that they actually expanded:  the 2br for the missionary couple.  The contrast in home prices in Waco vs what people are paying around here has me watching this show like it's a documentary of a long lost time.  "Remember when you could buy a 4 bedroom house for $130K?  And it wasn't a crack den?  Or next to the railroad?"

    • Love 5
  13. Between the conventions, which seem like episodes of Brain Dead, and the time switch, I'm sure people are just lost.

    I am now convinced that the Polynesian music that Laurel is trying to make the movie about, is going to be the key to saving humanity from the aliants.  They've made a point of playing it every episode, and frankly, it's not very pleasant to listen to.

    • Love 9
  14. 3 hours ago, proserpina65 said:

    I do some Moroccan/Middle Eastern cooking, and have wanted to try making pitas but have been too intimidated by the recipes I've found.  Plus, I've had very bad luck with bread baking.  Is it easier than bread?

    I followed a recipe in the booklet that came with my bread maker, then baked in the oven.  I made whole wheat ones.

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