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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I totally agree with this. We can talk about other factors being part of the reason Sam freak out but we can't leave Carol out of it. The writers made sure that we saw that it wasn't memory of his father beating up his mother or Rick killing his father that freaked him out but the words and images that Carol put in his head. Carol didn't do it as way to make him tough or anything like that, Carol did it to protect her own ass. She knew it would have a negative affect on Sam, because she used it to keep him silence but she didn't care. Carol played a part in this and I won't excuse her actions or make it seems like she was being helpful to the kid. She was being a cold-blooded manipulative bitch and I honestly don't have a problem with that but I won't call it something it wasn't.



    Plus if anyone should have been able to sympathize with Sam for having to grow up in a household where his father abused his mother, it should have been Carol.  Because she was the abused wife and knew what her daughter had gone through.  Instead, she used his fear to protect herself.


    Everything bad that happened in Alexandria was the fault of Rick and his people.  They drew the Wolves there, and they had the bone headed idea to parade a herd of walkers past the town.  They don't know when they have it good.  Now the walls are down, there are dead walkers everywhere, they've lost the real doctor and three quarters of the population.  Excellent work.

    • Love 7
  2. Vane, Hornigold, Rackham, Bonney, Woodes Rogers, Blackbeard were real people.


    I'm reading a history book called The Republic of Pirates by Colin Woodard that's about all this.

    • Love 2


    No offense to that adorable puppy (because there is no such thing as a homely puppy) but they must have gotten it from the local pound.  If it was supposed to be a purebred Lab it had one ugly head.  Not that Robert would care.


    I had the same reaction.  Its legs were too long also.  And the color was off.   But still, Puppy!

    • Love 3
  4. Magical Irishman.


    Excuse me but "Tom is one suntan away from being a Magical Negro" 


    If they stick Mary with him, I'll take out a contract on JF.


    Mr. Carson needed to be taught a lesson, but cooking on those wood burning stoves must have been a nightmare.  Why did they have so many courses?   I'm having a nervous breakdown because my "science oven" is on the fritz.

    • Love 1
  5. Flint SHOULD have been taking Silver seriously since he helped him out of Gate's killing and taking the Spanish man o' war but I don't think he did.  My sense has always been that while he appreciated that Silver wasn't stupid or completely uneducated he always thought he was a bit of a lightweight, knowing that Silver didn't like to fight and wasn't much of a fighter.  But it was very apparent in his attitude toward him in this episode that he now understands just what Silver is capable of and sees him as an equal.  His taking him into his confidence about the Nassau pardons really sealed that for me.  Sure, it could just be that he doesn't really see a way out of that cage without them dying soon and doesn't feel like he's got much of anything left, but have we ever seen him mention his past that specifically to someone who wasn't already privy to it?


    This was the first episode I really appreciated what all the fuss about Blackbeard was about.  His intro was good, but he's mostly been relegated to shitstirrer status since then, so to see him really step up to help Vane fight his way out and then likely mastermind the fireship that allowed their fleet to slide out in the ensuing chaos was a thing of beauty.  My husband did look at me at one point though and ask if anybody can understand what Zach McGowan is saying half the time or whether his costars also need subtitles.

    I can't understand a word that Zach McGowan is saying. The sound guys are letting down the side.

    The Man o War was a victim of the collision between history and the Treasure Island story. I bet we never hear a word about it again.

    The fire ship was great!

  6. Risotto should not be in a giant vat waiting to be ladled out like gruel!  It should be prepared a la minute, which is why it's a bad choice for something like Restaurant Wars.  Fucking Gordon Ramsay and his stupid shows do not depict fine dining.  Mushrooms in a risotto should be cooked in  the stock with the rice, so it's probably hard to take them out.

    • Love 4
  7. As a divorced father with a disabled son, I would welcome such an app.  I am frequently "forgotten" when it comes to requirements and appointments so the app would be useful to make sure everyone is on the same page. My ex isnt malicious, we get along great, but she is scatterbrained at times and I am simply left out of a lot of things which annoys me but what can you do?

    Exactly!  It's not that anyone deliberately leaves someone out, it's just hard.  And then people get remarried so there's new people in the mix, and you add in grandparents and aunts and cousins and it's really hard.  An app could really help.

    • Love 1
  8. Both the guys who did FOH wore sports coats - having a coat or jacket makes you look more professional.  And like you are in charge, and that's what FOH is all about.  Fabio exemplified that when he did it.  If the women didn't bring them, they could have borrowed them from the guys.


    The conversation between Gail and Tom about the crudo was cringe worthy.  Neither of them has tried to do what the contestants are doing, under pressure and with cameras rolling.  Having at least one dish that can be prepared ahead of time is probably a good idea.  It needs to be a good crudo, though. 


    Were they all out of carrot broth for Jeremy to use in the risotto?  Water, really?


    I disliked this format and hope they don't do it again.  Last year's "special orders" was a better test of the kitchens.  What do you do if you have to feed someone with allergies or who is a vegan and you have a set menu?

    • Love 4
  9. "And the notion that he was some universally beloved character in his retirement is just plain false.  He came across to me as a jovial back-slapper like a lot of retired athletes. I didn't have any particular respect for him as a person or fondness for him. Maybe I'm not as much of a sucker for fame as others, but I don't think I'm alone."


    You may not be alone but you are few and far between. He was absolutely beloved. Also, never being on a super bowl team doesn't mean you are not or were not a great player. They didn't have free agency at the time OJ played. You were pretty much stuck with the team that got you until they decided to trade. If you got stuck on a lousy team, that's just the way it was. It doesn't mean you were a not so a good player just because your team didn't do so well.


    This.  He was a great football player and he really was beloved.  He got the glory role of the noble African chief in Roots!


    I was an adult, and somehow I missed the chase.  Must have  been on a business trip.  For years I've been asking my daughter who the Kardashians are and she mentions Robert Sr. and the letter.  So, now I know.

    • Love 4
  10. This show should never be taken as an object lesson in good parenting.


    I'm not a millennial, but I was a divorced mother with two kids who spent umpteen frustrating hours trying to communicate about schedules and requirements and who had to go where and who was going to pick up whom.  An app would be very useful.  

    • Love 3

    I'm hoping Mrs. Carson kills Mr. Carson with her fying pan (or strangles him with a tightler cornered bedsheet).  Deadbeat constable has to show up to investigate, but he's an idiot, so he ends up arresting Daisy because she's just really annoying, while Thomas gets hired to be the butler to Bertie Pelham's cousin, who is dashing and kind and wants to live in Tahiti all the time and Tom gets an actual plotline and his personality back, while the Dowager and Isobel sit around drinking tea and making delightfully snarky commentary for the rest of their lives...  I really don't care what happens to the rest ... 


    Whatever Mrs. Carson does to Mr. Carson, she needs to smite him.  Because if there ever was someone who needed some serious smiting, for his own good, it's Mr. Carson.  Although the tightly cornered bedsheets do have their appeal!  Who made his damn bed when they were sleeping at the Abbey?


    I've been hoping that Thomas goes with Edith and Marigold (who I always want to call Buttercup) and lives the fabulous life in London, with or without Bertie. 

    • Love 4
  12. Just a little. If your battery is low or the air temp is really low, you don't want anything else draining the battery when it's trying to turn over the engine to start the car. I wonder if folks in the Yukon disable their dash lights for that reason.


    Folks in the Yukon plug their cars in overnight.  I don't know if they leave their radios on....


    My mother died at home after a long illness.  The closest I've seen to it on TV, was Clark Peters death on Treme.

    • Love 1
  13. The building was originally an Abbey - a place where monks lived.  During the Dissolution of the monasteries, under Henry XIII, a lot of the church's property was turned over to the crown, since Henry made himself the head of the church, that meant turned over to him.  He handed them out to those who pleased him.  So there's no going back to "medieval times" for the Granthams and Crawleys.  They go back to the Reformation at best.


    Those shields were probably a Victorian decoration added to the fireplace.


    I hope the three ladies did ad lib their "tours" - they were great.


    Should we be taking bets on what Mrs. Hughes is going to hit her husband with?  Poker?  Frying pan?  Walking stick?


    • Love 3
  14. FWIW I don't know what is meant by a "douchey LA accent." There are certainly accents that sound very douchey but LA wouldn't even make my top 20. ;)

    Just listen for someone who insists on putting "the" in front of freeway numbers: you take the 5 to the 405 to the 55.

    In Northern California, we don't do that: you take 237 to 880 to 238 to 580 to 680.

    I think Isaac's wife wants him to come back with the same accent he left home with.

    • Love 3
  15. It's nice to see that Tom C. hasn't lost his weird approach to holding his knife and fork.  It's like he's fighting off the food.


    The real problem both teams had was the people not leaving after they'd been fed.  Marjorie found a solution. Kwame didn't.  I don't think that's ever occurred on Restaurant Wars before, so it's not something they would have prepared for.  It does happen in real restaurants, but then the table gets a bill.


    Isaac's food always sounds like it would taste really good.  I'd like to try it someday.  He reminds me of Sheldon in some ways.


    Could this be twilight for Top Carrot?  Or apparently Top Crudo?

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