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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. The Amazon commercial featuring the special door for the pygmy horse will have my heart forever and ever.

    The Pygmy horse has weird feet. What's wrong with the classic pony?

    My new favorite holiday commercial is the author who asserts that the best gift for everyone is a copy of his book.

    My other favorite is the dog on the pogo stick.

  2. I hope they don't do a third season. I was getting tired of watching entire episodes where the dialogue consisted of various people asking each other if they were OK. I even learned to say it in French.

    The second season didn't clear up the basic mysteries of the first season, and introduced a bunch more.

    • Love 2
  3. If anybody ever tries to serve me food on a rock, I will flip it upside down and smash whatever is on that rock and tell the person serving it that they are a doofus.

    Don't ever eat at Manresa then. They served me two courses that way.   It is something that is done at very high end restaurants.  Man Bun's interpretation left much to be desired.


    I don't know how they expected anyone to cook on the solar equipment without a demonstration or training session.  Why would production think that any good could come from that.

    • Love 2
  4. Yes that was one of the original rules of Survivor in which they thankfully changed. It was first used in Australia where Jeff Varner was voted out because Debb Eaton at the first tribal council randomly threw a vote his way


    No, he was voted out because Kimmi blabbed about the vote he had received to Tina who then knew who to target.  


    I loved Probst diagramming the tribal council like it was a football play.  I wonder if the Rules of Survivor really cover two idols being played in the same TC?


    Too bad we missed the final 3's statements to the jury.   Those often seem to influence the type of questions that the jury asks.  Guess we will never know.

  5. I don't know if this was already mentioned but those same symbols appeared over the bar that Hanzee shot up.  I think they were carved in wood.  (Can't remember what episode that was actually)


    They were also in the convenience store near the cabin at the lake, underneath the picture of the owner, his wife, and the red car.

    • Love 2
  6. So much for my theory about Ainsley winning it all.  Figured Nicole was screwed, but it seemed like the judges were pleased that she went to so much trouble to complete her reindeer.  But honestly, that thing looked gross and unappetizing.  Just a caramel covered mess.




    And fwiw, Tim seems like a decent guy.  He's sociable with the other contestants and I thought it was sweet that he went to comfort Nicole when her reindeer was falling apart.  I'm also a sucker for chocolate mint, and his reindeer sounded delicious, even if it wasn't gorgeous to look at.  

    All the show stoppers looked gross and unappetizing to me.  Tim was saved by his minimalizing.  Lauren's didn't look like a tree.  Nicole's was falling down. At least she didn't include pumpkin!   Ainsley's was toppling and brown.  Reminded me of Ruby's allotment patch!


    Tim's comforting was front and center.  Good for him.

  7. The Xfinity ad with the kid who is moving and all his friends basically tell him to fuck off makes me sad.  My kid moved a couple times when he was early twenties and his friends always helped and he always helped them. 

    There's actually two - a guy and a girl are each moving.  This may be the only helpful thing that Comcast does......


    I had a friend who we moved several times.  The last time, we realized that we were moving the same boxes of empty bottles that we had moved the previous time.  And it was over.


    To quote Mark Brandanowitz:  I hate having a pickup.

    • Love 5

    Persuasiveness with taxis is a race skill.  They didn't come in second because the race is a personality contest.  They LOST THE RACE (as I prefer to put it) because he didn't have the skill to maintain good rapport with their driver, and because inflating his image was more important to him than winning the race.  To be honest, I thought that they had a pretty good taxi, right up until Justin decided to screw the man over, to save a few dollars!


    This finale was not about taxi-luck.  Yes, taxis were involved, but the game was not lost or won on the basis of who got a good taxi.  It was won and lost on the basis of who didn't know how best to utilize their taxi resource properly.


    Or, we can take a different perspective and say that Kelsey and Joey won because they had the skills to win over their cab driver.  Might have been money, might have been what they said.

    • Love 4
  9. Yeah, what's with the Season of the Carrot??   I like carrots well enough but jeez, is there some growers lobby going on this season?

    It was what was fresh when it was filmed.  It's better than the Season of the Rutebaga during the Chicago season.


    The elimination made no sense, but her voice was so odd that I'm kinda glad she's gone.

  10. Kromm - we have a running joke at our house about how bad the music on British TV shows is.  If they achieve Average, it's worth celebrating.


    A current great theme is the one from the French Returned (Les Revenant ?)  - it's spooky and unique.


    Everytime I catch a plane, I have to stifle the urge to burst into "San Francisco International Aiiiiir  Poooorrrrrttttt!" - the theme from a show long forgotten by everyone but the theme is stuck into my brain with superglue.

  11. Maybe it was symmetry, both Rye and Bear meet their demise staring up at the lights.

    Yeah how did Hanzee know about the motel? He was there before Ed and Peggy and the local yokel cops arrived.


    Rye actually met his demise in Ed and Peggy's garage.  He was alive when she drove into the garage.  It was him trying to get out that made the noise that Ed followed to find him, and then actually kill him.


    I thought Hanzee got some of the info about taking Dodd to Sioux Falls to hand over to Milligan from listening to the conversation between Constance and Peggy.  Poor Constance.  Were those UFO symbols on the wall of her hotel room?

    • Love 1
  12. PBS has only shown two series so I think you'll get another two out of them.


    I hate fruitcake so this wasn't the episode for me.  And Jonny's tiramisu cake might be handed down from his mother, but it's not a grand Italian tradition.  Plus it looks weird with the lady fingers standing up above the top layer.  Kinda in a "have fun storming the castle" way.  It was telling that Lauren, goddess of perfection, chose to make her lady fingers cake height.

    • Love 3
  13. Noah is delusional if he thinks that he IS or every COULD BE a "great man."   Do well-balanced people really think like this?

    All the time. Especially those, like Noah, who have realized that they cannot be considered a "good man."

    • Love 8
  14. My crush on him began with Blade.  But Terriers is the show that made me realize what a great actor he really is.  RIP indeed ;(

    But the great thing about having a crush on Donal Logue is that he is in everything!  Vikings, Copper, Sons of Anarchy, Gotham.....  Just wait and he'll be back on your TV.

    • Love 5
  15. Nice explanation Pallas! I think the kids obviously resented the hell out of the town claiming to be spared,and while they had no one depart, all the ugliness was right under the surface. The way I look a viewing The Leftovers is that it shouldn't be watched expecting a literal interpretation, that way, when there is some closure, like in the finale, it is a bonus. It is the journey, not the destination, that should be enjoyed. I loved that, in the end, it was never questioned that Kevin would harbor no ill will towards John. Their parallel journeys were intersecting at times, and ended on the commonality of the human condition. Loved it when Kevin told John to come to his house if no one is there at John's.

    I could barely breathe when Erika was trying to get through to her daughter on the bridge, and loved it when they could not stop her from going to her child.


    I'm with you.  To me, John and Kevin at the end was the logical conclusion of what they'd been through.  "You come to my house then" and the hand on the shoulder.


    Michael beat Meg to the punch by telling the Jarden congregation that they weren't so special.


    Why were the earthquakes only happening to the greater Garvey family?  No one else seemed to feel the one that woke up Mary or the one that Kevin went through just before getting home.

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