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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I think one big difference between the "sides of the Atlantic", at least when watching The Great British Bake Off, is that Americans would use peanuts/peanut butter much more often than I've seen on the show.  Actually, I'm not sure that I have seen it used.  A peanut butter buttercream layer would be very delicious on an Opera Cake, for example, and I think a US person would think of that right away. 


    I remember Martha using peanut butter in the last season that PBS aired.  And there weren't negative comments.


    But on the US season, Paul would get very critical about peanut butter and also about cream cheese.


    2 - Why does Rosalee still have an old manual cash register in her spice shop but secure WiFi in her basement?


    Because it makes that cute little bell ring when you open the drawer! 

    And everyone needs secure WiFi.  Jeesh!

    • Love 2
  3. About him going to take that guy's place in the stocks, I think he genuinely wanted to set that guy free. I had the impression that it was more his anger and frustration of the day's events that made him want to be take a stand.


    I think he wanted to set the guy free.  But, more than that, I think he realized that Mary waking up was a hallucination, and that he had taken advantage of her, and that he actually wanted to repent.  

    • Love 4
  4. What you all and I hate about Matt is the whole everything gets worse and worse for him by his own action and stupidity. Kinda like what happens in every Ben Stiller movie except it's not funny. Oh no wait, it's the same. He s nails on a chalkboard pathetic to watch and always on the verge of tears and mental collapse. It's not interesting and it's annoying as all hell. I really wish he was not a part of this season at all. And John's over the top ignorant self righteousness is wearing thin too. Other than that, love this season. More naked dudes please.

    And now we know his favorite book of the Bible is Job ....... Suffer suffer suffer
  5. People *want* to have pizza from Domino's?


    If I'm going to order pizza, and have it delivered, and pay and tip the delivery guy, it's not going to be Domino's.


    And, am I the only one who remembers the good old days when the only thing a football player, especially those on defense, would eat on camera was soup?

    • Love 6
  6. In defense of the Fargo writer - in addition to Hanzee happening to be Native American - he was also given the backstory in this episode of a veteran of the Vietnam Conflict....as a tunnel rat (black echo).


    Or he  said that he did that in Vietnam......it *is* Fargo after all.  I didn't think that the bodyshop guy was a vet.


    If Hanzee is a combat vet from Vietnam, that could account for his missing time as well.

    • Love 1
  7. I like the mushrooms in a British breakfast, it's the baked beans and stewed tomatoes that seem wrong.  Mushrooms are very popular in US breakfast omelettes.  Every omelette I ever had in Europe was not for breakfast and other than the Brits, I never saw anyone else eating mushrooms for breakfast (Germany, Holland, Italy, Belgium, etc.)


    So, I guess we all now know what Opera Cakes are!

  8. The opera cakes were not a success. After the show when they had the "Baking Bite" & showed what a professional opera cake looked like, it made it very obvious that nobody really got it right.


    Is "scrummy" a British thing or a Mary thing? This is the only place I've ever heard it used.


    I think it's Kimberley for the win.


    The opera cakes were awful because the judges wanted them to be customized and really it's chocolate, coffee, and almonds.  When you start messing with it, it stops being that kind of cake.  So, they liked Ruby's, the best and she stuck to the traditional flavors for the most part, and Becca's, with the banana, the least.


    I'm rooting for Kimberley too. Loved her call home and all the cheering on the other end.

    • Love 6
  9. As Bryce Smith pointed out, that was Ron & Kelley from "TAR7: The Boston Rob Edition".  And no no no he was never captured by the Taliban.  Nor was he ever in Afghanistan for that matter.  He was captured by the Iraqi army when his Apache helicopter got shot down.  And he wasn't all that great in real life choosing to go on with Kelley when the original applicant, his old girlfriend and mother of his child, was dumped by him for the SC beauty queen instead.  The producers liked his storyline and let him take his new trophy beauty queen girlfriend instead.  So he got the girlfriend he chose.


    Also Kelley explained afterwards she was trying to make a light-hearted joke which, of course on a TV show, came out all wrong.  She had a brother serving at the time and felt terrible how it came out all wrong.  It was no big deal.  Just a poor choice of a joke that backfired big time on her.  Ron didn't take it badly.  Much ado about nothing in the end.


    Thanks for setting me straight.  Clearly I would fail in a memory test!  It was the most memorable on-race flame out that I remember.  Kelley's joke did not come across that way at all.


    Speaking of shrugging off, I was unreasonably pissed off one of the Texans smilingly saying that "he's not a detail person." (Partly, I guess, because I often hear my students disclaim competence in essential skills in the same way.) That's not an immutable life characteristic, it's a temporary situation -- a choice, in fact -- and it can be changed. But no, "Oh the doctors got ahead because they have to be precise." Ugh.

    I don't think the race is the time to start making serious changes in your personality. It may be helpful to recognize your own limitations. It is also great when people can admire qualities in others that they do not possess themselves.

    Seeing the biplanes, I was worried that they were going to repeat some of the WWI tasks .... Trench warfare with field telephones.

    As to couples being broken up on the race, there was a war hero (recently freed from being a captive of the Taliban) and his girlfriend. As killer fatigue set in, she flipped out, at one point she accused him of taking the easy road by getting captured. They weren't talking by the end.

  11. I think you can be a liberal at the prosecutor's table *and* take no shit.   But, I stopped watching the show regularly when the ADA was Robinette.   So, what do I know?


    My UO is that I can't stand Helen from the Affair and think that she's as much to blame for the failure of her marriage as her husband.  And that's coming from someone in real life who was dumped and had to raise two kids.

    • Love 1
  12. I can't imagine the writers actually establishing that there was another departure. It doesn't seem like their style. I could see it being an unknowable possibility, though.


    According to this interview with Reza Aslan, who's a writer for the show: "It’s just girls romping in the woods. There’s deliberate symbology there that’s supposed to have the same kind of metaphoric feel that you have from the opening scene: The idea of frolicking in the wilderness in an Eden-like place. It’s definitely there for a reason."

    I don't think there has been another Departure - aka a mass disappearance for no known reason.  I think the girls disappeared in an event like what happened at the beginning of the first episode - an earthquake induced landslide that buried them suddenly.


    An Eden-like place.  The town is named Jarden, like the French word for garden.  The main girl who is missing is named Evie. Not a big stretch.

    • Love 5
  13. Is there such a thing as a winner's camera shot? Because the way they are staging Savage's talking heads give him this angelic backdrop with the setting sun and rolling blue waves that seem symbolic. 


    There is indeed!  During the season that Earl won (with Yau Man, Dreamz, the 4 Horsemen, and the best blindside ever), Earl was always being shot in hero-mode.  Standing at the top of a cliff, gazing out to sea, lit from behind, with a  big walking stick.  He was the first unanimous winner.


    If he keeps forgetting to read the room, I can't see Andrew winning this.  You gotta ask people who they think should be put forward as the supposed victim, not just pick Ciera.


    I love the gross food challenge!  It gets really boring to watch the "do something hard to get some bags of puzzle pieces, then do something hard to get them back, and finally, put together the puzzle" challenges.  Gross food is a classic, they used to do it every year.  The other one I hope they repeat is the march of doom where each tribe is chained together and they walk in opposite directions in the sea and try to lap the other tribe.

    • Love 6
  14. I cannot stand the Muppets, or puppets in general.  Never liked them, never will.


    The same goes for clowns, Gumby and those clay animation thingys.

    This seems a little odd coming from someone with a purple dinosaur as an avatar  .....  how do you feel about Barney?


    And, I don't know what's included in "those clay animation thingys" but who doesn't love Wallace and Grommit?  And the actual Claymation Christmas Special (made in the era of the California Raisins) is awesome, if only for the camels.

    • Love 3
  15. I was thinking, the only way to make the walker walk plan even more ridiculous would have been if there just happened to be another community 20 miles away (why 20, though? was it an arbitrary number or was there a specific formula? god, this plan was really, really half-assed), who then decided to relocate the herd back to the quarry, and the two communities could just keep volleying a couple thousands walkers back and forth leaving increasingly passive-aggressive little notes.


    (I'm desperately trying to get Rick fucking Santorum out of my mind, that's the worst Rick ever, what's wrong with my brain, jeez).

    No!  He's like an earworm.....not that Rick


    Know who had a good idea about walker control?  The Governor with his deep pits all around Woodbury.  The Alexandrians could have dug some of those pretty easily and had a second line of defense other than the fences.


    But, without calculating risks or looking for other solutions, Rick's incredibly brilliant plan is implemented.  

    • Love 2
  16. Skip only had the lock on the self-correcting Selectric.  If you want a regular model, you should be A-OK.  Or Okey Dokey.


    I too had forgotten about gas lines.


    The thing I kept noticing was Lou's uniform - red pants?  Presumably it's been researched and is authentic, but red pants on a trooper?

  17. It was on Sundance and I remember being surprised at the nudity.  They may have cut it because the marathon ran during daytime hours, whereas the series itself was on at 10pm I think.  Just a guess.  I hope they don't cut anything from Season 2 when it airs.  I hated what BBCA did to Broadchurch.

    I agree about Broadchurch - taking out whole scenes that were broadcast originally was ridiculous.  I can take some pixilation and gaps in the sound, as long as the show is intact.

  18. Donovan's supposed to be good at accents, that's why this one seems so bad.


    I loved the scene in the beauty parlor.   Especially when they laid out the entire sequence the way it actually happened.


    In the meeting in the Gerhardt's house, what were the men saying about buttering bread?  I still can't figure out how the Gerhardts make money.

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