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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I kept waiting for Paul to break out a plumb line and school Ruby in building techniques, but, nope, the dangerous lurch in her cottage went completely unremarked. (I also expected the judges to take Christine to task for not really running with the 3D aspect of the challenge -- although her cake was beautifully decorated, it had no vertical element.)


    I thought it was a little harsh that they harped on Frances about style over substance in this challenge specifically. No one's cake tasted very good, and the challenge was pretty much all ABOUT style.

    Ruby's cake house looked like it was built on a hill!

    Christine's was a 3D rendering of a guitar.  She just chose a flat object.

    I thought they objected to Frances for using real flower pots - not everything was edible.  If Donatella Arpaia judged this, she would have broken a tooth!


    So, pumpkin bread, if made with no dairy or eggs, would have been OK for this?  

    • Love 5
  2. Who is the commentator with the love affair with the word "stout" ?   He's driving me out of my skull.


    I love watching the games, but I get up and do things during half time, and never watch the manly men saying manly men things after shows, so I can't put voice to face.

  3. Episodes in the U.S. begin on Halloween, October 31st at 7 pm on the Sundance Channel .


    Episode 1:  Survivors from the Helping Hand try to move on; Lena and her father Jerome continue searching for Camille and Claire; Adele has recurring nightmares about her pregnancy; Sandrine's daughter appears.


    Watched season 1 for a third time on the Sundance Channel "The Returned" marathon.  Enjoyed it just as much as the previous two times and looking forward to seeing this great cast of characters continue their stories.  Noticed that the Sundance Channel blurred out swear words.  Nudity was blurred or totally eliminated as in the case of the full frontal nudity shot with Simon in the morgue in season 1.  Makes me wonder how much will be cut when it airs on the Sundance Channel.  Hopefully this won't be the same as what happened with Broadchurch when it aired on BBC America.  Fortunately there will be people here such as Ottobusdriver who have already seen it and can tell us what if anything has been left out of an episode    


    Was it on Sundance or on IFC originally?  Because I saw season 1 first run (in US) and there was nudity and no blurring of swear words.  Pierre Perrier in full frontal glory.

  4. So tired of all the jiu jitzu with Tony.  Nice to see he's getting in shape but after all these years the constant martial arts being interjected in his shows is growing very old with me.  If not for that I would have liked this episode better.  Although he's just phoning it in anymore going to Swan Oyster Depot, I mean how many times in the past decade have I seen him go there?  I think I've lost count.  I would love to go there one day, though!

    I prefer hearing about the jiu jitsu if it means that his attempts to be a rock music "expert" are minimized.

    He made fun about how many times he has been to Swan's.

    But he missed the boat about gentrification. The problem isn't that it's too expensive to open a new restaurant in SF, it's that the people you need to work there can't afford it. If labor has to live across the bay, why would they want a long commute to a minimum wage job?

    Good that he finally made it to San Jose. Would have been nice to mention Yosh Ushida the father of modern American judo. After the war, his gym was one of the institutions that brought the Japanese back to town.

    • Love 1
  5. I loved the balancing task right at the end. Why does it have to be a foot race to the mat every time? Nice to see the order shuffled up.

    I remember Kevin and Drew at the drop, but also the guy who totally freaked out about doing it.

    • Love 4
  6. I wouldn't call these people novices at all.  Some of these bakers have many decades of experience with home baking.

    They are not novices, but they are not professionals.  They've maintained their amateur status so they can someday bake in the Olympics!


    As a fellow amateur baker, I'm amazed by how pretty everything is on the show - my stuff may taste good, but it's usually kind of lumpy.

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  7. "I would like to say this. Tardiness is not something you can do on your own. Many, many people contributed to my tardiness. I would like to thank my parents for never giving me a ride to school, the LA city bus driver who took a chance on an unknown kid and last but not least, the wonderful crew from McDonalds who spend hours making those egg McMuffins without which I might never be tardy."  

    Very fond of Clueless.  My favorite is Murray breaking the news that Cher's new crush is gay:


    He's a disco-dancing, Oscar Wilde-reading, Streisand ticket-holding friend of Dorothy, know what I'm saying?

    • Love 4
  8. There is no way in hell I fly in that contraption over anything then a massively large pillow. No way no how. Nope


    But....you're ProfCrash!


    I also remember a spitting greeter on another season.  The title of the episode was something like "The Princess Spit on me!"  Maybe in Polynesia?

    • Love 1
  9. Since I was a Negative Nellie, I will mention one tiny positive about the show:  right after the main title is shown, if you listen carefully you'll hear the little bell sound that a Selectrics makes when you hit the carriage return.

    • Love 3
  10. I'm sorry, but it wasn't just the commercials.  There were many many overly long scenes.  How long did we have to watch Jesse Plemons stand in front of the fire burning stuff?  The scene of him with the truck on the street was endless and unnecessary.  You can leave some stuff out and people will get the point.


    I thought it was amazing how bad this episode was after how good the pilot was.

    • Love 3
  11. Does Bokeem Woodbine steal every scene he's in? I guess he can't help it.

    Question about his character here: Occasionally he slipped out of the Minnesotan lilt to a hint of ghetto speak. Is that accidental or on purpose? I guess it depends upon how he speaks to his inner circle, but the twins aren't exactly conversationalists. They seem to go more for hand gestures, heh.

    So now I'm thinking this happens IRL more often than we would know, and I'm wondering if some cases of Parkinson's might really be Kuru from eating meat tainted by human brains.

    Why in the world would you leap to such a conclusion?  No one in the episode had Kuru or Kreutzfeld-Jacobs or scrapies.


    I found the episode waaaaaaaaay too long, unnecessarily gruesome, and boring.  Needed a better director and some serious editing.

    • Love 1
  12. The MIT guys came across as investigating a crack pot theory - I don't think it holds any weight. I also don't think you are going to get any better explanation of why they disappeared. As far as this show goes, they just disappeared and no one knows why and no one knows whether it will happen again.

    • Love 4
  13. 3D printing is so awesome.  I've seen it turn some of the crustiest curmudgeons ever into drooling early adopters.  They needed a lot more time to really explore what it could do.


    Didn't the dreaded Gretchen make some of her jewelry with 3D printing?  I know Justin did. 


    I'm sure I will be revealed as a lowly worm with no taste, but I actually liked Ashley's.   It was a dramatic superhero costume, but it wasn't like any other dramatic superhuman costume ever.  


    In case someone from production ever reads any of this.  Consider that maybe bridges + 3D printing + avant garde might be 1 item too many for a challenge.

    • Love 1
  14. Awww.  I was sad to see Howard go, although I sort of thought he was going to go this week.  Those little peachy buns were so cute, too bad they didn't taste like peaches.


    I was glad to see Glenn stay, though.  I love him and want him to stay as long as possible.  I don't think he has a snowball's chance in hell of winning, though.  His survivor's guilt this week at Howard's going home instead of him seemed very sincere and was touching.  It's part of what I love about this show - the contestants all seem like such decent people who, while each hoping to win, are still pulling for each other. 




    I laughed at a couple of things during the episode, damned if I can remember what.  One thing I laughed at was the conversation about hemp - I don't know if Mary was putting on but I really got the idea she had no idea what that conversation was about.  And then when Howard presented the loaf, she said so dryly, "It looks as if it's quite healthy for me."  I just love the British art of understatement.



    I'd forgotten about Mary's "quite healthy" line.  Truly funny.


    I too want to see Glenn stay.  Drinking a cup of tea and trying to not obsess at how his bake is going.  There was one episode where he did really well in the first two events, and then it was obvious that his show stopper was not all that and he had this great line about watching Star Baker float away.


    The peachy buns were so pretty!  I never would have figured they were Howards.

    • Love 2
  15. I believe Tasha has been braiding her hair. I seem to recall Kass making a comment in their first season that she didn't want to braid hair with the girls.

    It gives you something to do and when my hair is super dirty, I'd rather have it braided.


    "Sure, no hard feelings but how do you think that made me feel?" was this episode.  In the first episode it was "I'll let bygones be bygones" but let me keep harping on PG "stealing" my bag.  It's all about her.  And because people see her as the ultimate goat, we'll be stuck with her selfishness for the rest of the game.  When she will lose.


    Was that a moth or a bat at the TC?

    • Love 2

    As far as Cole's "look" at the end...it may be too early to draw conclusions but I agree that there is something sinister there. I think that money/wealth/power is as much a theme of this show as desire and self-fulfillment. And when all of that is thrown into the mix together, it can be a dangerous.


    I saw Cole's look in the final scene as a call back to what he did when his part of the episode started:  pointing a finger gun at Noah and pulling the trigger.  It may have taken a few years, but he finally got him where he wants him.

    • Love 4
  17. I think Botched would provide a ton of snark-worthy moments for the Couchers (Couchees?).


    Also, I would say yes to Once Upon a Time, Big Brother, Married At First Sight, and Keeping Up with the Kardashians.

    Congratulations!  15 months later, you win the internet!


    Have they never watched Big Brother?

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