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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I have a mad crush on the can-do groom who gets his bride to the altar in the Subaru ad.  "Actually, rain is good luck for weddings."

    Maybe things won't work out....

    • Love 1
  2. I'm in the "who is Stan" club.

    The dialog that VV has to deliver is awful. I hesitate to blame him for not being able to sell it.

    The show is called True Detective. We've seen that the folks in Vinci don't want Ray to solve the murder. The county wants Ani to get Ray instead of solving the murder. I am sure that we will learn what the state wants Woodrow to do instead of solving it.

    Frank is the detective here. He has to solve the murder in order to find the money he gave Caspare. He's on the case.

    • Love 6
  3. Jim must be trying to give Russell Hantz a run for "most hated reality show contestant ever" - does he ever go and get the water?  He boils up what the other guys bring back from an hours long hike.  It's no more his than theirs.


    What Dakota actually said was that he didn't get to meet many gay people, presumably because he lives somewhere pretty rural where you don't meet many people at all.


    Minus the three camera men and Buck, there are four people left, right?  Jim, Dakota, Rob and Jud.

    • Love 1
  4. Being woken up in a town you know is a lie, being given an arbitrary set of rules, knowing your movements are under constant surveillance, being forced to pretend that everything is hunky dory and knowing that you and your friends and family can be murdered at some unseen power's whim if you do anything that displeases them would be in the mix.

    Even worse, you've been kidnapped, taken away from your family and friends, and forced to live like this with no explanation.  The lack of choice may have been a factor in non-acceptance of Dr. Pilcher's pretty great future.

    • Love 2
  5. Angela was certainly not incompetent. She did everything right, including calling in the Asian Tech guy ASAP because they had to use the secure lines in the office and then calling in Elliot for help. It was the asshole E corp VP that belittled her and the Allsafe boss who didn't back her up.

    And Elliott didn't belittle her, Gideon and the E corp head honcho did.  Elliott stuck up for her.


    I don't think Elliott is belittling anyone - he just can't resist peeking into everyone's background, just because he can.


    I liked this a lot but having watched in real time, I wish they'd run a notice that it would be limited commercials!

  6. Each time I have watched an HBO documentary, I am soooo bummed and ask my husband why I do that to myself. (Except for the Frank Sinatra one). I just don't think I can do this one, and get totally depressed, feel hopeless, and wish I lived in Australia where I feel better about their gun laws. Are there any happy HBO documentaries?


    Yes there are happy HBO documentaries!  Check out Living with Lincoln.  It's about a family whose life work for several generations was collecting photos and information about Abraham Lincoln and his family.


    There's another one, Finding Vivian Maier, about a strange French nanny who was an unknown but brilliant photographer.  It was nominated for an Oscar.


    For some reason nobody starts threads about the happier ones.

  7. The pig situation still makes me mad. He was just lying there, looking happy. He had no worries. Had no idea why he was out there.


    Honestly, most pigs get eaten.  If they hadn't eaten him, someone else would have done so later.  It's their piggish destiny.  And, it's an introduced species so when he wasn't just lying there, he was screwing around with the ecology of the place.  What about the fish?  Nobody cares about that cute little fish that they ate.  Or the crabs?  They all had moms and dads and places to go.


    The reason they didn't boil the crabs is that the only pot they have is the big water jerry can.  It would be really hard to fit the crabs in the narrow opening and nearly impossible to get them out of there once they were cooked.  Roasting them over the fire is perfectly acceptable.

    • Love 5

    On topic - these guys would be toast without the Doc.  The only truly competent people seem to be the camera guys.  I want to see a show about them!


    I've had the same thought.  Then it occurred to me that they are the only ones with defined jobs.  Maybe that helps keep them from some of the aimless wondering and soul searching that the others are going through.  They are surviving, but they also have things they have to do.

    • Love 4
  9. Fine pilot from my perspective.  I don't want to see Rusty and Marty 2.0 - I want this to be a new story.


    Questions:  who was the singer in the bar?  And, isn't that Russkie the guy who still owes me a miniature giraffe?


    And based on nothing but watching too much TV, I have pegged James Frain as being at the center of things purely based on the "too high a paycheck for a member of the supporting cast" factor.

    • Love 6
  10. Sounds like an argument my ex husband used to have with me, he'd say his opinion is an opinion and can never be wrong, so if his opinion is that grass is pink, he's not wrong. Huh?

    Oh those ex husbands - they're great for stories.


    On one of the early Big Bang Theory episodes, Sheldon and Stewart, the comic book store owner have a discussion about right and wrong.  Stewart has said something is very wrong.  Sheldon says there's only right or wrong.   Stewart says;  "If I say a tomato is a vegetable, I'm wrong.  If I say it's a suspension bridge, I'm very very wrong."

    • Love 7
  11. Yeah...once they found out they couldn't build the extra unit I wondered why they didn't seem to consider adding a bedroom and bathroom. If they were willing to go to the bother of building an entire second structure, and knowing that there is plenty of room on the lot, it seems like the obvious way to get a higher value.


    I'm guessing we didn't hear the whole story, per usual. I didn't love what they did to the house, either. 


    Why didn't they just clear out all the trash, and sell it as is.  Someone else could tear that one down and put up a nice big house.  They didn't want to tear down because they thought they could add an additional home.


    Between the foundation repairs and replacing all the plumbing, and paying too much because of the other guy bidding, they invested way too much in this one place.

  12. There was at least one other flop.  Of course, they didn't actually come out and call it a flop.  It was the house with the chickens.  They dumped more than $100K into it, and at the end, it had been on the market for at least a month with no offers.  

  13. None of these kids need someone watching over them - they are teenagers. If they'd been born in the 1800s they would have been adults. If they were Jewish, they would be adults. And the adults aren't rebuilding civilization - they are stuck in some pretense that nothing has changed. If I was looking for kids to survive in a new world, I might select kids with some survival skills.

    So they haven't come close to the Truth. Who is listening and why? Why would anyone bother creating a generic 21st century small American town, bring in a bunch of people, and deliberately not tell them why they are there?

    • Love 10
  14. I don't know if this counts as a "trope" but it always bugs me.


    The phrase "last best hope" is beloved by science fiction writers, is pretentious, and means nothing.  If it's your last hope, it's the last one.  If it's the last best one, then there must be another one, so it's not the last one.  If it's the best because it's the only one, then it's the only hope.


    They had Tyrian Lannister say it, so it must have spread to fantasy as well.

    • Love 1
  15. Many have mentioned the truncated travelling, where characters appear instantly in a new location. So, I'm wondering, did Littlefinger get lost on his way back to Winterfell? Where's he been all this time?


    He's belly up at the bar with Gendry.

    The same little out of the way bar that the White Walkers and horde of un-dead were hanging out in  for two seasons.

    • Love 2
  16. In my city, beer garden really means the bar & grill's outdoor patio, lol.


    With Andy committing suicide by electric fence, after trying to commit suicide by Reckoning via third-strike rules about vandalism and truth, it reminds me that Bill's wife told Ethan that her husband killed himself in front of her.  (Bill was the other agent, right?  Kate's partner whom Ethan found dead in the creepy house?)  Did she say how he killed himself?   Did Kate ever say why he was Reckoned?

    I think Bill's wife said he cut his throat in front of her.

    Thank you eagle eyed posters for noticing all the mentions of types of meat which I missed.

    The shot of the alien was really disturbing.

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