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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. It was clear to me that Hernan thought he was getting away with really calling Sandhya a bitch -good for her for objecting. Just because gay guys think it's "cute" to call each other bitch, it is an insult when they call someone else bitch. He was insulting her.

    And what was so bad about his suit? He should have traded with Mitchell or Seth. Sandhya's was worse.

    • Love 5
  2. If I were one of these contestants, I'd be pissed that the choreographers can't seem to stop creating dances that feature the "all star" more than the current season contestant.  



    Ricky's solo - This kid can launch himself into orbit with his leaps alone.

    Yeah, but he can't go left.  It's always that right leg up in the air.  He's a great dancer but it's the same solo over and over and over again.


    Zack nearly fell on one of the slides in his solo.

    • Love 2

    And what is The Master a master of, exactly? Lurking in the shadows? Surviving for hundreds of years without drawing too much attention? Not exactly a figure of power and control...  I do like his flapping strands of tattered cloak as he whisks in and out of places. Does The Master prefer tattered clothing?

    Everytime I watch an episode of this show, I'm following along, and then The Master shows up in his styling brown bathrobe and his little num num num noises, and I crack the hell up.  I'd love a The Master runway show!


    Did I mishear or did they refer to the concentration camp barrack as a "bunk house?"  After they showed the tattoo, I knew they would go there, but kind of a cheap hack.

  4. That's what I thought about #121, once we finally heard it.  She has been thinking that her family would be coming back, hence the shopping pattern.  (I sincerely hope that this is the closest we get to any significant numbers on this show!)


    I am an admirer of the actor who plays Wayne, so I'm happy when he's included in the story.  And it looks like whatever he's doing, that it works.

  5. Regarding the "single splash" controversy - I figured the doctor's reaction earlier meant that he had already lost something. But the final result reminded me of Phoebe Bufay discussing Ken's "smooth area."

    Best part of the episode - no big bad in the brown bathrobe!

  6. Thank you to everyone with good eyes and large monitors for confirming that Amanda's dress was not made out of muslin.


    Even with Angela's sad entry (basically a simple short dress with a minor amount of paper tatters glued one, she missed the whole idea of the competition this week), Fade and Sean should have carried that team to a victory.   Angela has a bigger problem than her lack of self confidence and whining.  She's really rigid in her thinking and was unable to come up with something new.  She wanted to design a paper version of her wedding dress.  Thank god she was talked out of those paper flowers.

    Imagine if Angela had just made her flowers out of the straws.  They probably would have won.  But, no, she had to make her paper cut outs instead.  My younger sister is just like her - a fluttery bully.


    Didn't Amanda's team win the duct tape challenge in her original season?  So, of course she was a strong advocate for using duct tape this time.

  7. I've figured the brother was involved in Sonya's sister's death ever since he showed up.  They keep focusing on one picture that shows two black stick figures.  The picture he took from Sonya's refrigerator must have been incriminating as well.


    Linder was particularly incomprehensible in this episode.


    Yes.  I grant that Ricky, the Chosen One, can dance, but I still maintain that he looks like a hobbit.  If I want to watch hobbits dancing, I'll catch a rerun of Lord of the Rings.

    He looks almost exactly like Daniel Radcliffe.  Maybe he can wear round wire rimmed glasses and do a solo with a broom.


    The group routines are so much more interesting than any of the pairs.  And why hasn't Mr. Lythgoe dislocated his arms from patting his own back constantly?

    • Love 2
  9. Sister Act 2 was my daughter's favorite movie for years.  We watched it over and over and over again.  Come of think of it, she was equally as fond of the second Adams Family movie.  "I have seen the unholy maggots that feast in the darkest recesses of the human soul!"  


    I can't miss A Knight's Tale - it's the jousting.  Followed by the long discussions about why the lead actress is not as good looking as the actress playing her hand maiden.

    • Love 3
  10. I watched this late so....I find that I'm enjoying the show (if not thinking about it so as to miss the plot contrivances), but every time the big bad in the hooded brown bathrobe shows up, I can't stop laughing.  Really? A big brown velour bathrobe?

  11. Patricia was from the Teams season, same as Amanda.  She came in second to Michelle, the "lone wolf".  I get the same Patricia vibe from Sandhya.  She's more of an artist than a designer.


    Something seemed off when she announced so quickly Molly was carrying a genuine fetus.


    Something seemed off when she could do an ultrasound, especially using old equipment, and the patient didn't have to drink lots of fluids.  The fetus seemed awfully large and well developed for that time frame also.

  13. From more recent shows:

    Treme - great great song and graphics.  I've watched the whole thing on DVD/On-Demand (vs live broadcast) and have never FF'd through the credits.  They're slightly updated every season but always include the huge wave entering the house and then turning.


    Masters of Sex - every image in the credit sequence is a play on euphemisms for having sex.


    Mad Men - so great a credit sequence that people are speculating on when it'll turn into live action.  There's an ominous realization that the show will probably end with Don Draper falling/jumping out of a window, just like in the credits.

    • Love 3
  14. Had a real Losty vibe!  Which I liked because first season Lost was awesome.


    The guy who brought his son in to be baptized gave a name of someone who disappeared who was no saint to Jamison.  When Jamison researched him and printed out the poster, it sure looked like our friendly dog shooter.  Am I missing something?


    And big points for me - Laurie got a Sharpie!

  15. There was also Young Indiana Jones. He actually lectured the parents of America to make their children watch it so "they would learn history." It was fiction.

    I'm intrigued enough to watch further. It might help that I don't watch any shows on CBS. This is kind of in the tradition of the one crappy summer show that you watch - they never turn out well. Like Harpers Island, Persons Unknown, The River, and Siberia; when it's hot out, you need some time wasters.

  16. If a lot of on the show will be communicated by the characters writing notes to each other - please give all of them Sharpies!  Everything that Laurie wrote, I had to stand next to the TV to read.


    Something made me think that Nora is just asking the questions on her own.  To be the only one from her family not snatched must be devastating.  Maybe she was the one with the Chief?


    Peter Berg!  He was the dead guy in the gas station.

    • Love 2
  17. I Want to Marry Harry - the guy did party with Ryan Lochte in Las Vegas.  There might be room for doubt..... but they probably are just fame whores who want to be on TV.


    I think that Deadliest Catch is still pretty real.

    • Love 1
  18. "Go you chicken fat, go"?


    I've been cracking up over this ad.  Because I am as old as dirt, I remember when each elementary school classroom had a copy of this record.  During inclement weather, the teacher would play it and the class would follow the instructions and exercise instead of going out for recess.


    Chicken Fat, it was a thing.

    • LOL 1
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  19. That's what I thought.  Except that Hugh's character would have realized that the readers of Horse and Hound deserved an answer to a real question.  And he would have drunk tea.


    But the commercial that has me scratching my head is one from Lincoln Financial (?)  that ends with the punchline that they are the company to contact when you are ready to put together "your senior living solution."  I know it's corporate speak, but it smacks a little too close to the Final Solution for me.  Who wants to have their final years referred to in this manner?

    • Love 5
  20. "That sex scene between "Always be Closing"-Lite and Computer Grrrrl was a little annoying in that it seemed to be a blatant attempt at selling sex early on in the program to keep the audience from switching off, but I know that they do what they have to do."


    I was 25 in 1980.  And I worked in deepest darkest Silicon Valley, in high tech.  At the risk of being branded as a total slut, that sex scene seemed pretty in line with what I experienced.  After the late 60's and before AIDS, people had lots of casual sex.


    The hair, not so accurate.

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