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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. So underneath that tattered brown bathrobe was a giant wearing the worst makeup ever. Ooooh scary!

    I watched on demand. When the episode ended, I was startled to hear a clear voice say, "We'll, now that we've seen The Master ....." Until I realized that I'd been watching HDTV.


    The diner may be the same set but I'm not sure it's meant to be the same venue.  After eating, Kevin and Matt continue on their way, crossing the Hudson and heading further south (most likely) as the sun begins to set.  It's dark by the time they arrive in Mapleton.  It seems unlikely Patti chose a specific place so distant, to have it out with Laurie -


    Patti very specifically did choose a place so far away from Mapleton that they would not be recognized.  She wanted to have Laurie and Gladys feel free to speak if they wanted to.  So it is the same place.


    We saw the dolls of Norah's family, the Down Syndrome boy, and the father with the shopping cart.


    And I'm sorry but I've never heard of Santos and Johnny much less some "famous" piece of music they put out.

    • Love 1

    The Chief running into a dying Holy Wayne at a random restaurant bathroom on his way back from Cairo also seemed kind of forced into the story (and with no explanation of how Holy Wayne got there or who stabbed/shot/injured him ?).


    Since they were in the same diner that Patti and Laurie stopped at, and before that Patti and Gladys, I figured it's the only restaurant in the greater Mapleton coming and going area.  The only place to stop.


    I loved the symmetry of the guy in the parking lot asking Tom if he needed help with Kevin realizing that he needed help and calling Matt.  The whole burial scene was really moving.

    • Love 2
  4. And it was the only memorable dress produced that entire season.


    I don't think there's anything wrong with Nina saying that Samantha's dress looked like one for an intern and "not the important person."  Interns are playing a supporting role.  This gala dress was supposed to be a focal point and highlight the gems.  You don't know who would be wearing it - could be  star, could be a star's wife, could be the old lady who's given millions to the opera, could be a senator, or a judge, or a businesswoman.  That person needs to shine.  Samantha's dress was not going to make anyone shine.

    • Love 2
  5. I think Korina deserved her win, if only for the under dress that she made in about 30 minutes and actually was faboo.  With me, she earned her mean girl reputation with the nasty talking heads in the first few episodes.  I know they're goaded into them, but ....


    I couldn't understand the love for Sean's.  To me the velvet looked sad, except for the part in the back.  He did have a lot of jewelry to show off.

    • Love 1
  6. Yam is the funniest short word ever!

    I think Mountain Yams are a kind of sweet potato, that is pretty gelatinous when cooked.



    FWIW, Anthony Bourdain, who prides himself on eating pretty much anything that isn't still fighting, wrote a big chunk of one chapter in one of his books about how natto (the slimy ingredient, which is made from a mountain yam) is the most disgusting thing he's ever only mostly successfully tried to not offend his hosts by keeping down.


    On the original Iron Chef (you know, the Japanese one), they did an episode with natto as the secret ingredient.  One of the judges refused to taste dishes after a while.  Natto is made from soybeans, not mountain yam.


    I disagree vehemently with Gail on this one.

    • Love 1
  7. Sorry - since I brought it up.  Madres are serving Mexican food.  Lone Star BBQ is serving primarily Tex-Mex (tacos, quesadillas), despite their name. They don't serve any barbeque.  The surfers truck is getting by on fish tacos, which are also Mexican food.  I have yet to see anyone eating one of their fried avocados.  Because, frankly, yuck.


    If I saw all these trucks lined up, I'd go check out Middle Feast first.  Because they might have some food that I don't have at home.


    It's the show's epic fail that having picked these contestants out, they haven't told us what makes their food great.  I assume that there was something unique about the MM's peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but we will never know.

    • Love 1
  8. None of these teams are thinking outside of the box for locations - in previous seasons trucks have set up at Costco and done well. No one was on 6th - presumably they couldn't?

    And there's a real failure in menu diversity. I don't know what the Military Moms were serving. Three trucks are doing Mexican food. If I was around all the trucks, I'd go for MiddleFeast

  9. It apparently was Jody Reynolds singing "The Girl from King Marie" - so not the Everly Brothers. The single voice should have been a give away....

    I seem unable to copy relevant paragraphs to reply to, but the style of presentation that Ganesh is advocating seems like Flash Forward to me, and I think this show is a lot more interesting than that was.

    • Love 1

    Why do they always travel to the south? Have they ever gone through the north states?

    Last season they started in LA, went north to San Francisco, then to Portland (?), to Boise, and on to the mid-west (Chicago, Cleveland, etc.).  So, yeah they do.  It's nice that they take different routes each time.


    It's weird when they go someplace I'm familiar with - spend a lot of time at UA campus.


    There's a chef called René Redzepi in Copenhagen who runs a restaurant called Noma which has become sort of a mecca for foraged food. It's insanely fashionable with chefs - he got a _lot_ of play in Anthony Bourdain's Mind of a Chef on PBS - so this is probably CJ putting himself in front of a trend.

    It's been ranked #1 restaurant in the world for a few years.  CJ staged there.


    So, the whole thing was set up for CJ to win.  Surprise Surprise.


    I've always liked Stefan - good for him going home to take care of his mother.

    • Love 6

    Moving to Las Vegas to help form a church:  He was hilarious!  Reminded me of Richard Pryor.  But "casita"; what?

    We love the casita lady!  When I start getting whiney and complainey, my daughter will ask me, in soothing tones, "Do you need to go to your casita?"


    I saw a weird episode last night (a repeat) about a couple moving to an island off Vancouver to live off the grid.  Nobody ever said what they were going to do for money.  Everything in their price range had an outhouse a long way from the main house.

    • Love 2
  13. How happy John and Whitney must be that they had David Bromstad as an advisor when they designed the kitchen!  What did he do over there anyway?  Paint a picture?



    he married couple probably thought the picture frames were the "pop of color and design" that David taught them to add to their spaces, but it was still a bad choice.

    Wasn't his show about helping a homeowner redecorate what they already owned?  They are trying to sell their condo and get the best price.  Pops of color need to be few and easily removed.  Cushions on the couch are good.

    • Love 2

    I thought it was interesting because that return trip really did not influence the outcome. For those who decided to start from scratch, with the exception of Sandya, their new designs sucked also plus they were in a time crunch.

    None of the returnees made the top 3, but it made a couple of them safe.  Sandhya and Char both moved out of the doom zone.


    So, the winning dress featured fringe and Amanda didn't make it?


    Her dress reminds me of the winning look in the pet shop challenge several seasons back, where the winner glued aquarium rocks to the front of a shift dress.

    • Love 1
  15. I honestly think that this is going to help the brothers when the auction occurs.  People want a blank canvas that they can put their own touches on.  Their condo will contain well constructed work, with very little to offend anyone.  Off white sells.  It also makes a small room look bigger.  It also resulted in a room that was *never* going to get a spread in a magazine.


    I sold my mother's house when she passed away and had to paint over a beautiful hand-painted mural wall.  It was going to turn off buyers.


    Big Hair is putting way too much stuff into each room.  That turns off buyers as well.  You want a few things that suggest how the room will function, not fully decorated with furniture, artwork, and knickknacks.

    • Love 1

    Another thought. With the GR stationed outside Nora's home, how was the break-in undetected? Or were the kids just certain that the GR wouldn't talk?

    I think the GR pairs follow the person around.  So, now that Nora's headed off to work, they shamble over there.  So they weren't there when the kids broke into her house.


    It still makes no sense to me at all.

    • Love 1
  17. It was clear to me that Hernan thought he was getting away with really calling Sandhya a bitch -good for her for objecting. Just because gay guys think it's "cute" to call each other bitch, it is an insult when they call someone else bitch. He was insulting her.

    And what was so bad about his suit? He should have traded with Mitchell or Seth. Sandhya's was worse.

    • Love 5
  18. If I were one of these contestants, I'd be pissed that the choreographers can't seem to stop creating dances that feature the "all star" more than the current season contestant.  



    Ricky's solo - This kid can launch himself into orbit with his leaps alone.

    Yeah, but he can't go left.  It's always that right leg up in the air.  He's a great dancer but it's the same solo over and over and over again.


    Zack nearly fell on one of the slides in his solo.

    • Love 2

    And what is The Master a master of, exactly? Lurking in the shadows? Surviving for hundreds of years without drawing too much attention? Not exactly a figure of power and control...  I do like his flapping strands of tattered cloak as he whisks in and out of places. Does The Master prefer tattered clothing?

    Everytime I watch an episode of this show, I'm following along, and then The Master shows up in his styling brown bathrobe and his little num num num noises, and I crack the hell up.  I'd love a The Master runway show!


    Did I mishear or did they refer to the concentration camp barrack as a "bunk house?"  After they showed the tattoo, I knew they would go there, but kind of a cheap hack.

  20. That's what I thought about #121, once we finally heard it.  She has been thinking that her family would be coming back, hence the shopping pattern.  (I sincerely hope that this is the closest we get to any significant numbers on this show!)


    I am an admirer of the actor who plays Wayne, so I'm happy when he's included in the story.  And it looks like whatever he's doing, that it works.

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