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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I wondered why proximity to the Swedish one's family wasn't an issue.  If you sell real estate in NYC, move your family with "small children" across the pond, and settle in Sweden, wouldn't you want to be close to the cheap babysitters?  There was some mention at the beginning of how they couldn't live forever off the profits from selling their place in NYC.

  2. A perfect example of this is Steven Bochco's "Cop Rock." "Hill Street Blues" was a wonderful show, so were so many others.  And then he came up with 'Cop rock."

    I hate to be *that* person, but Cop Rock was first.  Big big bomb.  I don't know how he ever got the funding for Hill Street Blues.


    The reason actors may not watch someone else who has played a role is that they don't want to be accused of doing an imitation of the previous actor.  You want to find the character yourself, and that means in the text that you are given (the script), not in the original material.


    My daughter was just in a production of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?   The one thing they did not do was watch the movie.

  3. Jon might not be illegitimate.  Targaryen Kings in the past took multiple wives, (including Aegon the Conqueror,) so it's entirely possible that Rhaegar married Lyanna which would make Jon a true born heir. 



    Married or not, if Rhaegar died before his father, which seems to be true, then the Targareon heir becomes one of his two surviving siblings.  If Westeros works like most of medieval Europe that is.  And since Ned thought that Stannis should be king if Cersei's children weren't fathered by Robert, I think that is the case.


    I liked production throwing in a cat crossing the road just as Arya came around with her cockles and mussels cart.

    • Love 2
  4. I'm happy with MIke's win - I thought he showed a lot of strategy, played hard, and earned it.  I'm still not sure what he meant at the reunion about what happened at the auction.  I think if he'd kept the full $500 to grab the advantage after agreeing to the $20 for letters, that there would have been no way he would have won.  People would have taken him as a goat.


    He never actually lied to anyone, which is really hard to do.  He did warn both Dan and Carolyn that they were targeted, and Carolyn listened while Dan chose to believe that he knew everything about everything, as usual.  So, too bad Dan!


    I thought that directing people's votes so he could tell if they could be trusted was genius.  It never sent anyone home, but he could tell whether they were with him or not.

    • Love 4
  5. Besides, when you have an accident, the agent doesn't see or talk to you; the adjuster does.

    When I had an accident, it seemed like 17 adjusters talked to me.  The only thing they asked over and over again was whether there were any car seats in either car.  They were disappointed when I said no.  It took 17 of them to realize that the accident occurred on my birthday.


    But what am I annoyed about:  pelvic mesh and bladder sling!  I have nightmares about them.  Won't they go away soon?

    • Love 6
  6. I'm  just imagining that final moment on Tuesday when Sawyer is announced the winner.  He throws his hat up into the air -- and his hair goes with it.  He reveals himself to be a 53-year-old garden gnome.


    Driving in to work this morning, I was thinking that he really looks like a garden gnome!


    But the kid can sing!  I rarely watch the TV while the Voice is on, just listen while I"m doing other things and Sawyer's voice is the real deal.  If you heard him unexpectedly on the radio, you'd listen to the whole song, not change the channel.  He deserves to win this, and I hate the D word.

    • Love 2
  7. I know that we only see Anne from Cromwell's perspective, but damn she was bitchy and lacked even an iota of charm. It is hard to say what Henry or the other men infatuated with her saw in the woman. I was watching episode 5 again, was it ever made clear who killed the dog? or started Anne's bedroom curtains on fire? One thing I think made clear in this telling is what a complete sociopath Henry was, not even a tear was shed over the wife of 24 years when she died, and some historical records suggest that they had a period of marital happiness.

    I thought we were to conclude from this episode that Lady Rochford had something to do with the dog's death. It was what made Anne slap her.

    • Love 3
  8. I find previouslies a total waste. If you've been watching, then you don't need them. If you haven't, those little clips are going to do little to help you understand the plot. Also, they tend to spoil episode, like showing a returning guest star or a returning plot point. Seems like shows would want to use that time for the current show rather than recapping an old one.

    The previouslies on Shameless are frequently better than the actual show. One of the cast berates the audience about why they didn't watch and so need the reminder of what happened. Fiona: "I'm raising five kids! What's your excuse?"

    • Love 2
  9. I just want to ditto everyone's thoughts about the final tasks being all flash and no substance. It seems that more and more lately they pick tasks that they think look good on TV, but leave little room for the teams to show their stuff and give themselves opportunities to pass each other through skill.  The football challenge was only a little tough (though it can be tricky to kick a ball from a stand if you're not used to it), and yeah, there was no actual herding in that herding challenge.  Then the tower, which really should have been a breeze for Hayley.  The trucks again look good but were no challenge.  The only real challenges, I guess, were the lock and ordering the photos.

    I guess I am not part of the hive mind. The leg was designed to have each team member have to do an extreme heights challenge. Many people are petrified of heights. The herding task had at least 2 people who had never ridden a horse, and Laura looked scared to death. Jenny's mishap was an indicator that things could have gone very wrong if the horse had rolled over on her. There wasn't actual herding but they had to ride fast, not just walk. The tower wasn't easy or Haley wouldn't have missed the flags.

    Compared to "eat a piece of deep dish pizza" this was a difficulty-strewn final leg.

    I'm all in favor of Team Blair and Jelani on another race!

    • Love 7
  10. That's a great point about how the young fit "blind daters" had an advantage.  I think there's potential in having strangers matched on teams if they were done more with an eye toward balance, but that would have obviously messed up the crazy notion that this show could work as a dating game, and whatever network exec greenlighted this theme never would have gone for something like making the races competitive.

    I was thinking the same thing until I remembered that one of the eliminated dating teams were Olympic athletes in their prime.
    • Love 3
  11. I still don't know what role the ambassador played in all this, but please don't enlighten me.

    And the worst line was not the "I've fallen in love with you."

    It was:

    Emma/Rebecca: I'll see you in hell!

    Peter: Not if I see you there first!!!!!

    (Punctuated as I imagine it was in the script)

  12. Henry's father was the last English king to win his kingdom in battle.  They had no reason to think that it wouldn't be necessary to do so in the future.  Isabella was a fluke, they thought they needed an heir who could physically fight for the thrown.


    Someone upthread mentioned that Cromwell was looking lustfully at Jane Seymour - I don't think he is, I think he's watching her take over the king's attention quietly and calmly.  And after that long speech about the lion's claws in the previous episode, it's telling that when Jane wakes Henry up at the banquet, she actually touches him on the hand.  For whatever reason, she's the only one not afraid of him.

    • Love 4


    Also imagine trying to spell something lying on your back.  'Okay, so from my reader's perspective, this has to go from left to right so for me, this is right to left, and backwards ...'  'Do I need to dip a bit more blood?  I think the 'e' needs more blood.'  'Whoa, getting a bit woozy - did I spell 'Rebecca' or 'Chewbacca'?  It's gonna be confusing - should start aga ....'



    I figured that Golan was going to manage to scrawl out an M and then we'd have a few scenes of Peter trying to figure out whether it was really an M or maybe a W and what could that mean?  Instead, Golan turns into a dying calligraphist turning out REBECCA in his final moments.  


    So Red is happily kicking up her heels with all the other cattle.  And Avram is the wandering Jew.

    • Love 2
  14. I liked the episode.  But my kids school always had lots of co-valedictorians - my daughter said "We had 8 valedictorians!"  Aggressive overachievers are our specialty.


    In California public high schools, gym is optional after two years.  There's no way that two aggressive intellectual overachievers like Alex and Sanjay would have taken gym as seniors - they would have needed brownie point classes for their applications.  And clearly Alex would have smoked him in the race.


    Benjamin Bratt can stop by anytime.

    • Love 2
  15. I hate that misogynistic piece of garbage commercial. Two white guys sit in a middle-aged-crisis-mobile (red convertible), laughing about a "crazy" ex-girlfriend while unidentifiable female torsos stand around and wait on them? Sonic can fuck right off with that bullshit.


    At least you probably have a Sonic to go to.  There are none  anywhere near me, and we still get the endless commercials.


    To the someone upthread who doesn't like "artisinal" - it actually is a word that means something.  It means - made by an artisan.  An artisan is someone who personally makes something, like a cabinet maker who comes to your house and makes your kitchen cabinets from wood, or a baker who makes a cake from scratch.  What is doesn't mean is food made by machinery that's sort of like what an artisan would make.

    • Love 3
  16. Did Anne say she renamed her fool Mary after the Princess Mary, or are we supposed to infer that?


    She said it.  I don't remember if they showed the fool before this episode.


    This is why I was excited that they cast Damien Lewis as the king.

    • Love 2
  17. But even if he's legitimized as Jon Targaryen, it's not a slam dunk.  Those who favor Dany's claim would point out that she had 2 Targaryen parents, but Jon only had 1, and that Dany was the daughter of a King and Queen, whereas Jon as the son of a Prince and Princess.  Plus there's the whole dragon thingy.  They're both a source of power, and a sign that she's not just a Targaryen, she's the Targaryen.


    And, she's the only Dragon left.  Remember:  "A dragon won't burn."  Both Viseyrous (or however you spell it)  and Jon Snow were shown getting burnt.  Being pureblood apparently isn't a guarantee.  Only Dany doesn't burn.

  18. Only Dig could make love between a boy and a cow something pure and to be admired, while making love between a grown man and a woman disgusting and tawdry.

    Sign me up for Avram and Red forevah club.


    I hope Red doesn't go through an ugly adolescence.

    • Love 6
  19. I liked Red in racing stripes!  She's cute whatever she wears.  Avram should have nicked her ear.


    Loved the entry through the window.  Golan leaps up like a cat and lands on his feet on top of the windowsill.  Then Peter goes and manages to get one leg through and has to lumber the rest of his body through.  Poor Jason Isaacs - it sucks to get old.


    Is the next one the finale?  Or is it the "one more exciting episode before the finale!"

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