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Posts posted by meep.meep


    Jake and Terry in the gym. That's it. The rest can just be recalled.


    And Boyle's dogs being even hornier than usual. I doubt we'll ever see them again, but it was still a great sight gag of Jake washing two while the third is humping his leg.


    The shot of Terry Crews with those weights - I just said "Dear God" in astonishment.  I've never seen anyone do curls with that much weight.  Patrick Willis is hiding his head in shame.


    Who doesn't find a horny dog funny?   Three maybe overkill though.


    Whole wheat no flavor nutrition bricks - it's got to be better than green smoothies.

    • Love 1
  2. Re the death of Dr. Reginald Crawley

      I thought Bates murdered him!

    my madness is spreading!


    BTW - has anyone but me noticed that Thomas no longer has an artificial hand.  Guess it was too much trouble.


    And on a less snarky front - I too think it's odd that with all the talk about the war memorial, no one has mentioned Thomas' service or the household's fallen.  Shouldn't the committee be consulting with the widows of those who died?  That would include Mary and Daisy.  Not to mention Ethel the forgotten prostitute.

    • Love 2
  3. Hooray for Luis!  I like a man unafraid to use gold leaf to decorate the olives on his bread show stopper.


    Even if I'd been told to let my ciabbata rise at room temperature, I might be tempted to put it in the proofing drawer when the temperature dropped and torrential rain started in.  Again, why are they in a tent?


    Jordan's goopy berry twisty loaf looked horrid at every stage.  I can't imagine why it would ever work, unless he used miniature berries.  Bye Bye.


    I counted two duckies and a horse.

    • Love 3
  4. I commented to my sister that Michelle is starting to resemble Pepper on American Horror Story.

    I can't stop seeing her as Olive Oyl....


    So many of these designers are now filling me with hate (Michelle, Dmitry, Helen, especially) that I can barely watch the show any more.

  5. I hope when this thing is finally over, that Fellowes has it that Bates secretly was behind all the evil things that happened.  He did kill Vera and rapist valet!  He got rid of Grigson in Germany.  He caused Matthew's car crash.  He convinced the Earl that the other doctor was right about how to treat Sibyl. He infected Lavinia with the Spanish Flu even if he had to do it from prison!  He probably talked Robert into all those schemes that lost all Cora's money.   He sank the Lusitania!


    It's all been Bates Bates Bates!  He's pure evil.

    • Love 1

    Yeah, I would think they would. I can't find any examples of this Dowager thing either. The closest I've come is the Duchess of Windsor. I don't think anybody referred to her as the Dowager Duchess after the death of the Duke but I don't know if that was a personal choice or because of the idea that a kid/stepkid/grandkid has to be in the mix or maybe some people did refer to her as the Dowager Duchess and I just didn't come upon any references for it.

    If anyone had dared call that woman Dowager, she would have gotten her revenge!


    I think that the term is only used when there is someone else with the same title, in order to eliminate confusion.  On Downton, Cora is the current Countess of Grantham, so Violet is referred to as the Dowager Countess.  Violet is still Countess, but this way everyone knows who you are talking about.  With the Duchess of Windsor, no one else became Duke of Windsor after her husband's death, so there was no new Duchess and she could continue on being referred to as the Duchess of Windsor with no confusion.

    • Love 2
  7. This is the kind of challenge I like.  It was all about cooking - not promoting a brand, a celebrity, wannabe celebrity, or doing some dumb stunt.  I wish all challenges could be solid like this one.

    Me too.  Sorry about Doug, but it didn't look well cooked.  That's when you should go.


    I know it's common to snark on the Texas season, but they had one challenge that was similar to this one and that's one of my favorite shows ever:  The Evil Queen dinner with Charlize Theron.  This reminded me of that.


    I agree that Gregory saying he was following Julia's own recipe is what spared us the Tom C rant on coq au vin and roosters.  This is the first time I ever noticed how short he is - he's the same height as Jaques Pepin.

    • Love 1
  8. I must be getting tired of this - the only things that seemed funny were Schmidt getting oogled while he lotioned up, and all the people named Bishop graduating from the police academy.

    • Love 1
  9. Well if we're all weighing in, I, as an American, prefer American biscuits to scones, because I find that scones tend to be dry.


    But, as a German-American, I know that the real gingerbread made to make real gingerbread houses is inedible.  It hardens to the consistency of concrete within 10 minutes of taking it out of the oven.  If you were trapped with your gingerbread house in the Arctic winter, you could probably eat it.  But you'd eat your shoelaces first.  When I make it, there's always a phase that I call "wrestling with the dough" which sounds similar to what Enwezor  mentioned.


    There's a great moment in the episode when Chetra (? Chitra - the Indian woman) realizes that Paul is lurking behind her and wills herself not to freak out!

    • Love 4
  10. I currently have an interest in fiction dealing with WWI and its immediate aftermath in Europe.  I've blown through all of Charle Todd's mysteries in record time, and am currently in the market for something similar.  Doesn't have to be mystery, although I do prefer that genre, but I'm not particularly into romance-type novels.  Anybody have any suggestions?

    Christopher Isherwood of course

    Jonathan Rabb's trio of mysteries about a Berlin police officer between the wars (Rosa, Light and Shadow, and The Second Son)

  11. Watched it again, and laughed just as hard and even more in different spots.  I also watched the ABC promos this time that you all spoke of and I guess I'm in the minority but I thought it was clever and pretty adorable that ABC did this.  I got a kick out of it.  

    Me too!


    The whole show is worth it, if just for the signpost.

    And for Maybe You're Not the Worst Thing Ever!

    • Love 3
  12. Maybe she wants to make sure Gillingham isn't the kind of guy who dies right after his orgasm.

    All I know is that we were screaming at him not to do it because of her poison vagina.


    We also think that the production company has cornered the market in Dingy colored paint to use in the servants' quarters.

    • LOL 1
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  13. First of all, I love the scenes of the farm. They don't add anything as far as baking goes, but that farm gives a nice feel of serenity and calm to the whole.  I was very impressed by those 3-D scenes.  I thought Martha was quite clever in her choice of dough flavor that related to her snow scene, but it was hard to compete with the engineering skills of Richard and Luis.  I could tell by Mary Berry's face that she wasn't happy with Enwezor's purchased fondue (wasn't that against the initial rule they set out?) and his rocket seemed singularly uninspired compared to other things he had baked.  Best of all is how kind they are to each other.  We get so used to snark and meanness that it is almost a surprise when people can be civilized and polite. Good show.  The only problem is I get an attack of the munchies when I'm watching it.

    I appreciate how friendly the contestants are with each other.  There's no "I'm not here to make friends!" attitude coming from any of them.


    Clearly they are given the theme and sent home to spend the week coming up with ideas.  Hence the many patterns and examples of people doing trial runs at home.


    Did Martha make the marshmallows from scratch that she used to cover the base of her design?  If not, why isn't that as horrible as Enwezor using store bought fondant?


    This after show that many of you are talking about isn't shown on my stations.

    • Love 3
  14. There is an ad running with a guy sitting at a bar drinking, and thinking more and more stupid things as he drinks more and more, and the tag line is "buzzed driving is drunk driving", which, okay, except that the background is punctuated by the really, really, really annoying sound of hands clapping along with the rhythm of the background music.  It's really annoying.  And the worst part is, when they run this ad, they always, every time, run it TWICE at each commercial break.  It's getting to the point that I'm going to have to reach for the remote to mute it when it comes on.

    I have never seen that one. But every freeway sign in the Bay Area has been displaying that message since the Monday before Xmas!

    They can't remind people to turn on their lights when it's raining, but they can put up that crap.

    • Love 1
  15. I think this was the first time that the menswear that was designed actually looked good.  The two other times I recall recently that had menswear challenge, the horrendous Thunder from Down Under challenge that Michelle and Sam participated in and the infamous "Sheepdogs" challenge from a season before that.  These men's fashions were wonderful compared to those.

    You've forgotten the Androgenous challenge from the previous All Stars. Emilio's outfits were some of the best work ever shown on PR. Of course they were really costumes.....

  16. In their last conversation before the detective shows up to arrest Noah, Alison and Noah were talking about how busy they'd be the next day. Then Alison asks, "Can you be here when Julianne leaves?"  Is Julianne their daughter? If so, and if their daughter is (presumably) very young, why would she be "leaving"? I thought that was a strange question, or at least a strange way to word it. 


    Also, the detective only says Noah is under arrest. He doesn't say what for. It would be very interesting to find out that the detective has been suspecting someone else for the murder all along, and is arresting Noah for something else, whether it's obstruction, bribery, or whatever.

    I figured Julianne was the nanny.

    I liked the episode and think that West is very attractive and that he and Ruth Wilson have lots of chemistry. I think that Jackson's performance in Alison's version of the last scene was appallingly bad. I don't believe for a minute that he pulled a gun on Noah, Whitney, Helen and Alison. I think that Noah's version is correct.

    I want to know what happened after she got on the train.

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