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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I really liked this film.  And anything that takes a swipe at comic book movies is all right by me.  More Birdmen and fewer Ironman vs. Thor's Cousin.

  2. Is that what happened to Graham Norton?  I thought it was just off temporarily.


    Having accidentally tuned in QI last night, I'd say it's not likely there's an American audience for it.  We recognized all the comedians as what we think of as "the third person on the couch" on Graham Norton.  The jokes weren't very funny and they seemed to laugh at each other more than necessary.


    What I have been watching is Million Dollar Critic with Giles Corrigan and it's pretty good.

    • Love 3
  3. Maybe Benjamin, Helen and Michelle could go bring fashion to some tribe in Borneo.  Somewhere internet-free where people could really use their special skills.


    Patricia, Justin and Fabio are lovely lovely people.


    Chris March seems to share my dislike for Dmitry.  

    • Love 2
  4. Good to know. Because I saw something just the other day that possible spoiled Downton Abbey. I immediately scrolled down, so I'm not sure if they actually did, but it seemed like it was heading that way. (And not in the DA forum.)

    Yes, it was in this very thread.  So, if it's OK to post spoilers for something broadcast the same night as this show, who cares about something that ran 10 years ago.


    The day can't come soon enough when people stop bringing up Buffy.


    The reason they're walking in the middle of the road is so that they can spot walkers coming out of the trees.  Being in the middle of the tarmac, although hot, gives them distance and prevents the walkers from getting a drop on them.  

    • Love 5

    (For some reason, though, even though I've known that Pepper always throws fabulous theme parties, I haven't picked up in his previous appearances that he's supposed to be fabulously wealthy. Like in a whole different social strata fabulously wealthy. Is that new?)


    He has an event planning business.  He's not fabulously wealthy, he just likes nice things.  And, he's supposed to have already raised a son so presumably he knows about the diapers.

  6. Dental records were used for identification by 1900.  Can't you just see Dr. Clarkson -- "This person had teeth. Gregson had teeth!  Must be him!"  Actually, maybe I missed a line (we should have seen the whole scene) but were the remains really sent to England for identification?  If so, why?

    No, I'm sure we are supposed to think that he was ID'ed by the Hun. I just like to bring up Dr. Clarkson's amazing powers of perception whenever possible.
    • Love 2

    I'd like to add that Marigold is all she has left of Gregson, but I haven't completely ruled out his return.  I know they said his "remains" were found, but were they positively identified as Gregson's?


    Well if Dr. Clarkson did the identification, almost anything could happen.


    I hope that Edith takes a flat/house in London, moves into it with Marigold, changes her name to something less silly, and that Bates and Anna move in to take care of them and they all  live happily ever after murder-free and disappearance-free off screen.


    That leaves more time to devote to the really important issues like who Lady Mary can get married to and whether Daisy keeps learning history.

    • Love 3

    But proofing in the microwave should only work if you have a power-setting that goes down to ten percent and it should only work on dough where the yeast flavor isn't something you want developed, like sweet dough for a coffee cake, etc.  


    Which is what Nancy said she did - used 10% setting and was making something pretty sweet.

    • Love 1

    All the breads looked delicious to me, I had no idea what a "sweet loaf" was when they started, but once they started making them, I realized they were babkas ::-)


    Mary & the cocktail donut really made me laugh, & I snorted my drink when Paul & Mary said they knew who was leaving & Sue said something about how she hoped that after Luis' donut she hoped they remembered their name.

    I know!  I kept thinking, Kate could have made her babka!  Which, she actually made in a tin and it didn't work well.


    Mary has the best positive reactions of anyone I've ever encountered.  She's not always a cheerleader, but when she likes something, she gets that across magnificently.  Richard's custard-filled donut and Luis' Bailey filled straw - her reaction was so funny.

    • Love 5
  10. I'm happy that Mei won, I would have been happy if Gregory had won.


    But, that congee looked horrid, worse than it usually looks!  (Clearly I'm not a fan of the dish.)  Why do people want to eat mushy food with uncooked egg yolks?


    If they want to start mucking with the judges, replace Gail with Francis Lam.  Replace Blais with Hugh Atchisen or Emeril or Hubert Keller.

  11. In this last one, where the baby came earlier than the house, what I really disliked was coming in the front door, to the dining room.

    ETA:  I finally figured out who the homeowner husband reminded me of, Bob Denver in Gilligan's Island.

    I've had the same reaction.  They always tear out any entryway that would separate the front door from the living space.  There's a reason to have an entryway.  It's so you don't have to have people entering or viewing the rest of your house, if you don't want them to.  I can't imagine anyone wanting people to enter their home straight into the dining room.


    Maybe I'm not ready for full on "Open Concept".

    • Love 2
  12. Coach's name is Ernie.  When he finally went to see his family at Christmas, his adorable niece calls him "Uncle Ernie"


    Winston was great!  I was so sure he was going to pull out a pair of shoes at the end.

    • Love 4
  13. Poor Elizabeth Falkner!  Let's hope that red hots never appear on this show.


    I loved Kate's rambling explanation of how long it might be before she baked anything.  "I probably won't bake tomorrow.  Or the next day, probably not.  And the day after, I don't think I'll bake........"

    • Love 2
  14. I think one of the things with Downton, that attracts such a big audience is, that everyone has characters to root for, others to despise and others to be neutral about. Mary and Edith have been the most polarizing characters of the show from the very beginning, so it's not surprising that they're polarizing right now.


    What does surprise me is how different the reaction in the UK and in the US are. In the UK people were mostly horrified by Mary's insensitive behaviour and while they thought the scene with Mrs Drewe was heartbreaking, most of the viewers seemed to applaud Edith for finally making a decision about Marigold and to leave Downton with her.

    Today in the US, the reactions seems to be much more negative about Edith and much more positive about Mary.

    I wonder if it is, because the Cora/Edith scene was in the US version? In the UK we didn't see ANY sympathy with Edith, you in the US saw that Cora took an effort to be understanding.

    Guess I'm secretly British.  Mary was beyond horrid.


    Who was Edith making her super secret telephone call to at the end of the last episode?  

  15. Princeton may not like it but you know how it is portrayed there has to be true, to some extent, for those doing the interviews.  But then I doubt you would do an interview for Princeton in a public place at a local coffee shop.  I am over 40 though, who knows what they do now. 


    That's exactly what is done now days.  And it seems like just a chat in a coffee shop with an alum, but it gets factored into the application.  Back in the olden days when I was applying to college, you went to their home, but everyone is so nervous these days that first date rules apply.


    And since someone mentioned it, the "local school" that Alex visited last season was Cal Tech.  As hard to get into as Princeton, except they don't care if you do music.


    I liked the line about the Downton Abbey marathon, and that the young lovely at the Closet store got the exact same shirt as Claire, but it didn't fit the same way.

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