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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. And the sofa where nobody over 5 feet tall can ever sit....


    I think that Melissa and Mahdi just need to wipe off the excess grout from their tile.  It's installed correctly, they just didn't have time to properly wipe it down.  Likewise, the folks with the unsealed cedar wall can seal it.  Sarah and the nosy guy didn't seal their barn door either, but that didn't turn into a federal case.

    • Love 1
  2. The women on this show get screwed. As another so astutely poster put it, Ani is serving her own kind of life sentence having and caring for a child while on the run with no reliable income and no father, plus she's stuck with Jordan. And apparently Paul's baby mama was sentenced to raising a kid with the "help" of the Paul's mom - the trashiest grandmother on HBO since Gillian Darmondy on "Boardwalk Empire." I hope she wasn't stuck in that awful hotel room with her for too long.


    Many women who become mothers don't view it as a "life sentence".  Ani, Jordan, and Paul's fiance are still alive.  Neither woman is alone:  Ani has Jordan and Nails, Paul's fiance (Angela?) is apparently close with his mother.  Paul's pension will be paid (he was in the line of duty since they were trying to blame it all on Ray).  Ani and Jordan have money.

    • Love 3

    Of course, we might have a better sense of what Drill really sounds like if this show ever broadcast AN ACTUAL GODDAMN WHISPER.

    My people! 


    Don't a bunch of cops and a military officer have a moral obligation to turn over someone who deliberately attempts to kill another person?  Lena wandering around "helping" was the strangest thing ever.

    • Love 1
  4. Pretty much her only customers.  Guess she makes most of her money off the illegal immigrants.


    So Ray never saw The General?  (Perhaps the only Irish movie that CF wasn't in.)  You gas up before leading your trackers on a wild goose chase.  They were in a gas gulping SUV with 5 people, he was solo in a smaller car.  But then he wouldn't have had his High Sierra-ish death.


    What a waste of James Frain - the guy can actually act.

    • Love 3
  5. Tim says to every boot "I'm going to have to send you to your work station to clean up your space".   Then we always hear the voice over and see that shot of the dark workroom and the poor rejected designer packing stuff up under the glow of a single, lonely light bulb....*sob*  


    I kept wondering why the 3 without kits didn't ask Duncan for his.

    • Love 5
  6. Yeah what kind of an evil mastermind loses it like that? What was the plan, he was going to rock her world so much that she'd leave the CTO and he'd crumble and lose the job so boy wonder penis would slide right in?

    Maybe they should have tried their mojo on like the CEO, who makes the hiring decisions. Even if he didn't kill her, how is fucking the wife of a rival going to advance his career?

    As for Elliot, him mooning over Shayla when they met doesn't fit with her first appearance on the show when she was more of an annoyance to him. He hooked up with her because she gave him some free drugs and then in the morning, yelled at her to get out.


    I'm lost too with what the Swedish couple's plan was.  Clearly blackmail was out of the question.  The wife clearly had no compunction telling her husband about strange semi-sexual situations she was in - why would actual sex be any different?


    The first encounter with Shayla, what I picked up was that it was Elliott's need for the special drug that pushed her into meeting up with the psychopathic drug dealer.  So, he truly was the reason she died.

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  7. It seems like the show dropped the more interesting plot around Ani's father being connected to so many of the players, Ani remembered her trauma and had The Talk with her father and put him on a bus to Off-Screenville. 


    If you name a character Antigone, then there better be more to do with her father than there has been.  Her sister, Athena, has actually been shown to be a little wise.


    I am starting to think that Pizzolatto bet someone he could write something more convoluted than The Big Sleep.  

    • Love 5
  8. Did Paul literally say to fiance & mom in the motel:  "Don't answer the door unless it's me. Order room service."  Which is it, Paul?


    The ultimate culprit in this show's shittiness is the writing: From the largest concerns (we don't understand what's happening and we don't care--nothing's at stake) to the smallest (characters contradicting themselves stupidly in the space of two sentences).  As good as the actors are--and Farrell and McAdams have been very, very good--they can't redeem the spectacular fecal spray that is this show's writing.


    To me the strangest scenes were Paul's mother and fiance hanging out in the cheap motel room.  Not the kind of place that has any room service either.

    • Love 1
  9. Why in the world didn't they paint the walls before putting up beadboard/wainscoting?  You're in a hurry, decrease the amount of paint edging you have to do.  Slap your non-lurid color on the walls, then put up the wood.


    Rather than the floating bed, M & M could have put a pull out in the sitting area they were putting in.  Comfy chair by day, twin bed by night.

    • Love 3
  10. David Morse is her dad. Flashback guy wasn't him. I don't think. If nothing else, flashback guy doesn't look like someone the uber-rich are going to take spirit advice from.


    Am I the only person old enough to think that Flashback Guy looked just like Bob from Twin Peaks?


    And anything they got from the sex party is going to be fruit of the poisoned tree, right?  They were breaking and entering, no warrants or identification.

    • Love 3

    Invisible ladder seemed a lot more doable as mentioned. It's still a killer, but much more doable than it seemed in Venice. 



    Is it possible that some of them had seen it in Venice?  Once you see something, you can work out a strategy to beat it.

  12. Oh and hate the Land Rover one.  Get married at the fucking lodge in front of the fire for godsakes.  Don't be such a self-absorbed asshole and drag them up to a not that nice anyway soaking mess of a "view". 


    Well Excuuuuuze me!  That's my future boyfriend you are dissing there with your fancy sensibilities about getting married in the rain!  He's so polite!  He doesn't even snap at the obnoxious bridesmaid who insists weddings in the rain are bad luck.   I can't help it, I apparently like all the wedding in the rain commercials.  Especially the Tulare whiskey one with the four Irish guys singing outside the church.


    Single Mother Alert time - guys expect to be thanked for doing everything.  We helpless females, on the other hand, are expected to handle it all as part of our duties.

    • Love 6
  13. I totally disagree with everything but the last sentence. (She is capable of having a coherent conversation, I admit - it just seems like the writers aren't really interested in allowing her to show much in the way of her obvious intellect. I was feeling snarky before.)


    To me, it has been very clear across both episodes the "operations" referenced were referring to Jordan's prior abortion(s). Why would Frank flip out about laparoscopies? Why would Jordan keep those secret? Why would they discuss her known prior pregnancy and the "operation" that followed in the way that they did if it was a laparoscopy? I'm open to being convinced otherwise but this theory feels like a massive stretch.


    Frank is the one insisting that a child of his own is the only way to go.  His finances are also up and down.  He thinks that they can get pregnant, she wasn't sure so had the first surgery.  If he thought that was all that was needed, she hid the fact that it wasn't successful.  Now they are broke and can't afford in vitro and a surrogate to carry the fetus.  She may well have had an abortion earlier, but the "operations" she is talking about aren't abortions.


    I did think the conversation about adopting to give another child what Frank didn't have growing up was very powerful.


    I think you are correct, it's the characters calling them "operations" as a euphemism, not the writers by proxy.


    It was pretty clear from the dialog in this episode that the "operations" were laparoscopies, or other procedures designed to improve Jordan's fertillity, not abortions.  She had the operations after they started to try to have a baby.  She had one operation that Frank knew about, and then two more in the vain attempt to have a child of his.  And I think she's perfectly capable of coherent conversation.


    Where did the diamonds come from?

    • Love 11
  15. However it's not realistic as to their reno cost and other cost they fail to disclose i.e. co-op real estate fees, city inspection fees and either the cost for their line of credit or the percentage they pay their real estate investors.

    I've bought and sold a reasonable amount of real estate in California over 30 years.  I've never heard of co-op real estate fees.  The houses they are flipping are stand alone single-family residences.  Occasionally they mention home owner association fees, but they're not co-operatively owned.  No need for co-op fees.


    Real estate costs and practices vary widely from state to state and even between areas in one state.  It's not just costs that are different.  In some states, you have to have an attorney to buy or sell houses, for example.


    What always strikes me as weird about the show, is not getting termite inspections right away, because if the buyers have to get a loan, the lending institution will require a termite inspection.  And unless the house is made entirely out of redwood, in California there will be termite damage.

  16. Yes he was  he non red haired non Russian henchmen who maced that bookmaker in the face in episode 2. Again I think the writing/director are making some point about how incidental Stan was, so his murder is SUPER out of bounds, but whatever he's a fucking violent mobster, so stahp.


    I honestly thought Stan was Frank's lawyer.  So, a henchman, but I don't think he was the macer.

  17. Having just seen this on rerun - I can't believe they had Bow operate on Charlie, after she had like 11 shots in a row!


    There's also a great line from Charlie about Bland What's his name's outfit:  "He looks like he just came from Build a Bear!"

  18. What was the thing that Niska dug out of the back of her neck?  And wasn't the bright blue blood creepy?


    Since someone brought up Downtown Abbey - one thing that struck me was the idea of adding servants, in the form of synths, to homes of people who weren't used to having servants.  You'd feel like you were being watched all the time.  The Abbeyers are used to that kind of life.  They always have had other people around taking care of them, but also observing them.  The Dr. has bonded with Odi, but they've been together for six years.  Laura and the cop are having a much harder time.

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