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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. Everyone knows how to ride a bike.


    Not everyone knows how to surf.  Or snowboard.   Or both.


    I get that everybody has their favorite teams and they'll fanwank (i.e., "it is likely that") what we see on the screen if it generates some positive spin for their favorites.   But come on.


    This spring my daughter had to pay someone to teach her to ride a bike because she had to do it on stage.  For that matter, Charla couldn't ride a bike - on her original season she and Mirna had to choose between bike riding and walking down a mountain and they had to walk.


    I'm just glad that the FF was hard.  To many of them are so easy that it's just a matter of who is the first team to get there.  Actually completing the FF is a foregone conclusion.  This one wasn't like that.


    And let's not forget Nick's grandfather who had apparently done everything!

    • Love 5
  2. Actually, both situations have occurred on TAR in the past:  Luke and Big Easy come to mind.  They did nothing to make it easier for either one of them...no tasks were eliminated.

    Nothing was changed for Charla or Sarah. Racers who can't swim have had to go in the water.

    Adam and Bethany might have had a slight advantage for that FF, but anyone who snowboards or uses a Bosum would have had the same. It wasn't really surfing.

    • Love 3
  3. I have no idea - but now I want to watch it!  The People's Couch is so educational.



    I would marry Blake and have a thousand of his babies before touching Adam Levine one time.


    Thanks Walnut Queen!  I remembered that Julie had one real zinger, but I couldn't remember it.


    And why hasn't Depp and the Hollywood Film Awards been top story?  Bet he's thanking his lucky stars for Ebola and Ferguson.

    • Love 1
  4. Does anyone have any idea whose wedding was taking place the day that Scotty died?


    I've assumed that it was Hal (the brother who is now in the hospital) and Mary Kate.


    It's felt strange all through the series that Helen didn't know Alison.  She knew the Lockhart brothers, they come to Montauk every summer, and the Lobster Roll seems to be the place to go to with kids to eat.


    Mare Winningham is sure grabbing up all the meaty parts for middle-aged women.  The scene in the kitchen was intense.

    • Love 1
  5. I thought this entire show was meh, and fast forwarded through so much of  it. But what I really wanted to talk about was the styling. Were they going for Little Mermaid with Danica? If so, A+! Those hair extensions are completely unflattering, and red and wavy.....just no.  And Ryan Sill's shirt looked like what the crew of the USS Enterprise wore.  I just couldn't watch him without thinking "Dammit Jim!"

     C'mon - it's at least TNG!  So "Make it so"


    Little meep.meep hasn't seen much of the season.  She was underwhelmed with everyone.  Danica - "she should sing Adele"  Me - "that's just because of the hair, she should sing Aretha"  She was greatly perplexed by Taylor three names - "this is singing?"  I don't think I've ever seen an episode of The Voice where I didn't end up singing one, or more, of the songs over and over that evening.  Last night - nothing.  Barrels have been scraped.


    Although, it should be counted as a triumph that Christina remembered to wear pants.

    • Love 1
  6. On the bowling - I read the AVClub's recaps of it too, and in their comments people discuss that the mini-bowling is popular in Canada, where the thing is being filmed. I guess nobody stopped to consider that it is basically nonexistent in the States.


    It's particularly absent in the part of California (about an hour north of San Francisco) that this is supposed to be set in.  But then, everything else is wrong so why should this be any different.

    • Love 3
  7. Makes you wonder...if she can't glom onto Nick's emotional states, how the hell can she tell when a doggy patient isn't feeling so hot?

    Maybe she needs to feel Nick's nose? He doesn't have a tail to wag.

    I think Juliette has a perfect right to hold an opinion that might differ from Nick's. Him being a Grimm has affected her own life, and not for the better. I don't want to watch a comic book show -that's why the Adaline in Europe stuff is so dumb.

    And somebody please talk to Wu!

    • Love 1
  8. I admit that I haven't seen the commercial, but it is fiction not reality.  Nobody's stuff really got hurt.


    I must have been tired last night, because I didn't realize she actually ran over his gaming equipment; I thought she kept driving right up to it and slamming on the brakes to freak him out.  (Both are ridiculous responses, of course, but I think it's even worse to destroy expensive gadgets.)


    However, after watching my beloved football team on TV yesterday, coupled with watching Walking Dead and Talking Dead that night, if I have to see another video game commercial, I might be tempted to employ her tactics.  

    • Love 1
  9. It wouldn't be just birthday sex, it would be onlyifwefindanicestreamandcanwashthefilthaway sex. 


    All these buildings made me think cities might be safer, if you can get higher ground. Barricade lower floors, walkers would be less likely to find their way up. Maybe not with foraging having been cleaned out around them. ROOFTOP GARDEN! 


    Hanging plastic bags out the window was to collect water?? 


    It was the plastic bottles that she hung out the window, I assume to collect water.


    I think the setup at the hospital is pretty good for survival.  Several secure floors, the roof top garden for growing food and space to put out big water collectors, enough personnel to go on foraging runs for other stuff, even eating the guinea pigs for meat.


    I got a real Heavens Gate vibe from the "camping" walkers - like they all committed suicide not realizing that they would come back even if they weren't bit.

    • Love 2
  10. So, if Tazneen is the one running the plot, she's managed to remove two heads of station in Islamabad. Who does she want in that position? The ambassador wanted Quin.

  11. I think the last All Stars got like 3 days for their "collection."  This is all about getting the big bucks, there's no illusion that they are really making a collection of clothes.


    I hated Dimitri's dress - Michelle has him pegged right.  And I'm so tired of his petty THs.


    Isn't the chorus of gasps from the designers everytime Alyssa appears, just recognition that she's still pregnant.  It's getting to that Generalissimio Francisco Franco is still dead stage.

    • Love 6
  12. Katie's dish also had the redeeming characteristic of being pretty cheap.  Since the budget was split across the entire team, that helped out the other chefs.  Aaron's dish used meat (pork for the meatballs) and seafood (scallop noodles).  No one has ever liked scallop noodles when they've been served on Top Chef.  And apparently his meatball was dreadful.  He lost, or she beat him, whatever perspective you put on it.


    Maybe now that there's only 1 contestant whose name starts with an A, that I can remember it.  Adam, not Andrew damnit.

    • Love 1
  13. The eyeball!     Mega yuck!



    I'm cracking up at the Vizsla being described as a "ginormous" dog.  I would be surprised if that dog cleared 60 pounds,  I have two on me right now.

    When everyone else has purse dogs, it becomes ginormous!  In the first season it would just suddenly appear out of nowhere, and it was very large for something appearing out of nowhere.  Having owned labs, I'm always amazed at how calm these dogs are.

  14. Lol, Fara really is the worst spy ever.  I had a slight hope that this episode would come back with Fara being completely on top of the fact that someone tripped the alarm at the villa, knocked over the trash and left the cardboard window in disarray.  But no.  She's just that bad.  Yawn.

    She is the worst spy ever - because she is a forensic accountant. Why is she even here?

    • Love 8
  15. If they were bound and determined to have the Jersey Shore girls as judges, this was the right challenge.

    Elie Tahari should be the guest judge on every episode - he's gentle to the designers, but not afraid to express his opinions.

    Justin deserved the win 100%.  It was the black cords that made it distinct from his pipette dress.  Which was a copy of his drinking straw dress from earlier in the season.


    And my mother had one of those standing yardstick chalk puffer things too!  Maybe we should start a club.

    • Love 4

    One of my biggest peeves in this modern explosion of original content is that shows aren't allowed to be good. Or even fun for that matter. It's either the Best Thing Ever or it sucks. 


    And right away.  No waiting to see if it can sustain the high or if it gets better.  

  17. I loved Michael Schlow saying, purple team, I want it quiet so things go smoothly.   We didn't see it but you know Katsuji and Aaron were at each other. 

    I thought he made a comment about drinking some herbal tea to them.  As in mellow out.


    Each team had to make an antipasto, a pasta, and a secundo (main) course.  Not one team really made antipasto - they made salads or they made hot appetizers.  Weren't they dependent on what was available in the kitchen to cook, or did they get to order food?  I think purple was forced to use frozen peas, if they wanted to use peas, for example.


    Why didn't any of them make tapas for the bar snack?  

    • Love 1
  18. While I hate it when someone quits, at the same time I wish Jeff would take this as a wake up call to STOP casting this show with people recruited to play specific roles. There are literally hundreds of thousands of people out there who'd love to play this game, but their video submissions are a waste of time. Every single person on this show is recruited to play a role. Rocker was brought in to stir the pot and cause controversy, yet he's gone in the third episode with an idol on his pocket. I want to see every day people who have years of video submissions to prove that they've been trying to get on since the first season aired. I personally know someone who had a very nice professional video made and he's still waiting after 12 years of trying.

    But true fan players have quit.  There's no guarantee.  This was the most calculated quit I've ever seen.  She wan't sick, she had had one bad night.  Why not ask to be voted out?


    Cooking the crab - you don't kill them before you boil them either.  Sorry.  The tender hearted sometimes put them in the freezer first.  Not an option here.

    • Love 1
  19. I'm happy to let the show take me on a long slow ride to wherever it's going.  It's the mysteries that keep you hooked.


    So why did Alison come back and find him on the island?  She had stomped off onto the ferry to Connecticut, he wanders around town for an hour or two, then she turns up in the shop.  Did someone make her come back?  She doesn't look very happy, ever, in her recollection.


    Having her literally looking into a mirror when the sex mirrors what she had with her husband seemed like a cheap move.


    The shirt he buys to replace the coffee stained one is the exact color of the shirt he wears in the interrogation, but that's not a button down.

  20. I watch a very strange show called the People's Couch which is about people watching TV.  One of the shows the people watched on the last episode, was this one.  I guess most of them had never seen Grimm before.  One couch is three male gay friends who had the following exchange:


    Scott on "woge-ing": "He goped?"
    Emerson: "I dunno, I heard vogued."

    Emerson: "I don’t think Hallmark has any cards for 'I’m sorry I slept with a demon that looks just like you.'"


    And then they all started doing Voguing hands....

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