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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. One big question this season is why no one seems to target Jeremy.  One reason: because he has not appeared like much of a challenge threat.  If he had done real well in challenges -- winning some and challenging more in others -- he would have painted a bigger target on his back.  So I think there's a reasonable chance he is sandbagging some of these challenges.  It's part of his strategy to keep a low profile.  Sure seems to be working! 


    Jeremy is definitely sandbagging.  Re-watch the reward challenge from last episode.  He grabs Joe and holds him in place for a long time during one round.  He's not great at balance and that's what most of the immunity challenges have been about.


    Is Keith perhaps trying to turn himself into a bigger goat than Abi?  Appearing clueless, scattering votes to everyone without appearing to be aligned with anyone?

    • Love 1
  2. Bolded mine. It occured to me while watching that the fact that Kevin cut his palm was probably not an accident. I see that playing into it somehow. His palm print doesn't match now because of the cut? That doesn't really make sense, but it can't have been an accident that he was cut there, of all places.


    But after he killed Senator Patti, he took off the bandage and the cut was gone.


    Plus, who knows what happens to your body if you go to purgatory, come back, get buried for 3 days, and finally come back to life?

    • Love 2
  3. Biakbiak, I don't think this show is going anywhere. :) I'm hoping it means they come up with some new episodes in January.


    I'm glad it's the mid-season not the season finale.  I need my people!  I think Teddy needs a vacation.


    Every time we watch this, my daughter says to me, "There must be other people watching, otherwise it would be cancelled."


    Emerson on the Alaskan Bush People: "They don't talk like Nell, which is better than I expected."

    I die.

    • Love 2
  4. The thing is, Treem entered into an awful zone with that rape-ish scene (with Noah & Alison).  And in her own words (in the Times interview) she did it on purpose.  OK then.  The prob for her is this scene now colors how many viewers see Noah.  Many (not me) can't see Noah with a woman, without seeing him as a potential rapist.  Hey Treem, you set this situation up.  


    If Allison didn't think it was rape, was it?  She didn't even say no.  The very first episode of The Affair showed Cole and Allison in a "rape-ish scene," but no one ever accuses Cole of being rapey.   Seems like a double standard.  Nothing that Noah did in this episode, either from his perspective or from Helen's, was close to rape.  If you overuse the word, it loses its power.


    I think that Noah, even from his own perspective, has real problems.  He seems himself as a douchebag, much more than Helen does.  And I agree that it's newfound fame.  In the past, he was always in the shadow of Helen's family.  He had a steady job and was a good father, but this is the first time he's got recognition for something he's achieved.

    • Love 6

    Noah had just come from the gym in which the only other person was reading his book. He also told Alison about a glowing review from the New Yorker, that people kept e-mailing him and that he was looking pretty good for the PEN\Faulkner based on his information.


    The woman in the gym reading was the same one he saw later in the lobby.  She wasn't reading his book in the gym, she was reading the Kite Runner.


    The person who makes Noah look the worst, is Noah.  And sometimes Allison.  But it was Noah's POV where he was complaining that he didn't win the prize because he was a white man, and where he was upset because someone was reading another book, not his, and where he got turned down for sex.

    • Love 3
  6. 14 lbs 6 oz?  That's bigger than Sinatra! (13.5 # and apparently delivered vaginally *and* breech).


    My favorite:

    "I make her uncomfortable? I should go confront her about this at length."

    • Love 1
  7. I just re-watched the pilot because I had forgotten about the spare kids in that first episode. It appeared to be a Lockhart family dinner with a few extra kids there. I think there were two girls and a boy around age who looked around eight years old. I have a feeling that these children were forgotten in the story line because it would have conflicted with the theme of the 'Lockhart curse'. The writers must have deep-sixed those kids in the hopes that nobody would remember them when the time came anyway.  And, we didn't!


    Or maybe they were kids from the sister-in-law's side of the family.  


    I liked this episode and I usually don't like the ones with Helen.


    My problem with the lawyer is that he was Helen's divorce attorney.  If I was accused of murder, I'd want someone who specialized in that, not someone really good at looking for hidden assets.

    • Love 3

    I'll use this opportunity to reiterate how much I disliked that performance. It was dull and I didn't like Amy's vocals. America bought it itunes (it's in the top 10 and one spot below Drake's version) so now I'm not too thrilled with America's taste.



    What a bizarre choice.  It's monotonic and boring with no hook at all.  Why give it to someone who has range?


    I haven't been watching much this year, but there's really a contestant named Even Keel?  Is he always in the middle?

    • Love 3


    Sasha remembering that Daryl is a tracker and having them stay put rather than roaming around hoping to run into him.  Something many people should have done previously.


    The walker who locked himself in the office before he turned.  Thanks random dead guy for thinking of others.  You’re a mensch!




    A random note:  somebody wash Daryl’s hair.  Pin him down in the yard and take a hose to him if you must.  Watching him makes me itch.  And we already know Abe’s ass is itching.  I just can’t take anymore more itchiness.


    But, if Sasha hadn't stayed put and waited for Darryl to find them, we could have had another episode of the two groups wandering around aimlessly.


    I figured that Darryl's hair is hiding his forehead so that he can pretend to be a Wolf later on.  Cause it was long and greasy and impenetrable.


    So the three in the woods, setters of fire and sufferers from diabetes, when they led Darryl to the chain link enclosure with walkers inside, they were looking for Patty their truck?  The same Patty the truck that they abandoned previously and covered with brush?  That they should have known where it was?

    • Love 10
  10. OtterMommy..I heard that some of the actors bought houses,,but then i wonder why? I mean, just how long did they think this gig would last, given ratings the past couple of years? The odds of this particular show lasting as long as say, ER or Greys Anatomy was always pretty slim. I just thought the actors just liked the area.

    Because this is the fifth season and real estate is almost always a good investment.

    They couldn't just hand over the kids to kindly wesen because they'd kidnapped a woman. The show has been pretty good at showing wesen going into the non-wesen criminal justice system when guilty.

    • Love 1
  11. I do this too! I also say, "Survivors ready?" and "Want to know what you're playing for"!


    We do that too!  And "Head on back to camp, I got nothing for you" to the dejected reward challenge losers.


    If you ever want to break the tension at a business meeting, walk in, sit down, and say "Survivors ready?"

    • Love 7
  12. So, before the earthquake and the disappearance, if Erika buried a  bird, it stayed alive.  But now, they die.  So, something has changed.


    Loved Nora hanging up as soon as the woman on the phone started talking about demons.  Also loved the mad scientist at the beginning having a furious argument about how everything correlates.  That's the problem with not having a viable theory about the disappearance - any variable can be correlated to some degree.  But that's junk science.


    I didn't think they needed to lay out the goat and wedding dress people, that seemed clear after Matt trying to reproduce the conditions under which Mary "came alive."  But Erika was magnificent in her indignation.

    • Love 5
  13. I can't figure out why Savage and not Jeremy.  Not that I am complaining but still, why wouldn't you want to get rid of someone who is a legit threat to win the game.  Instead of a guy who would probably have little to no chance of winning if he were to make it to the end.


    Because Abi and Ciera are mad at him for voting against them, or suggesting that they be the decoy vote?  And Kelly was in "anyone but me" mode.  And Andrew was pulling strings and trying to run things. 


    Why wasn't the title "Joe's balls are moving" ??????

    • Love 6
  14. It's kind of Black Swan meets Smash meets the video for Broken Wing.  The dancing is good.


    Has no one on the production side ever had sex?  They showed three "encounters" and they were all of the loud overly energetic bouncing  and thrashing variety.  Where are the L-shaped sheets and the slow seduction?


    I'm not sure I'd want Dewey Crowe living underneath my apartment building. 

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