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Posts posted by meep.meep

  1. I like this.  It's loopy and stupid, but I like that.  It picks up where Galavant left off.


    And how do they all end up in London, and who all is in that bunker?  That's an American soldier all shot up, right?  And we haven't spotted Rob Lowe yet.


    There are the two British twins, our hero and the hacker.  Then our hero's wife looked to be played by the same actress who plays the nun.  Are we going to get double roles out of everyone?

    • Love 2
  2. I prefer to watch weekly, because I am old and need something new to come along to bring light into my sad and lonely existence.  Besides, I have discovered that I am unable to watch more than 3 episodes of the same show without getting bored and restless.  I don't see how people watch 8 hours of something all at once.  There's too many other things to do.


    Someone has to mention the Portlandia episode where they binge watch Battlestar Gallactica and things go very wrong.

    • Love 1
  3. Reign invented a half-brother for the King of France who never really existed, not to mention a cabal of witches that were plotting to overthrow the rightful King  Would that bother you?  ;)


    It would only bother me if they were trying to convince me that they were going for historical accuracy.  Like Steve Spielberg and Young Indiana Jones - he said that children should watch it and learn history.  Sounds like  Reign set out for bodice ripper terrain from the start (but I've never seen it.)

  4. I am not a chef so I might have over-simplified, but what part of this elimination challenge did not scream "BBQ RIBS" to any of the cheftestants ????


    Probably the length of time they had to cook.  Being perfectionists they know that BBQ means low and slow and you can't do that in 2-3 hours. 

    Thank god What's His Name got to cook carrots!  He was looking a little pale.

    • Love 1

    Allen Leech looked a bit heavier than he does now, when he made his PR round for "The Imitation Game" last spring, but not as nearly as heavy than he looks at the show. I think the heavy tweet and the Make up is adding to it. Here's picture of him in April (with his parents, btw), when they were filming the episodes we're currently watching: http://media.gettyimages.com/photos/allen-leech-with-parents-david-and-kay-attending-the-downton-abbey-picture-id471683264


    I think Leech bulked up for his part in The Imitation Game and then started filming this right afterwards.  The tweed suit doesn't help, especially with full waistcoat.


    Everytime I see Michelle Dockery, I want to spoon feed her whipped cream.  

    • Love 1
  6. When did Tom become such a sage philosopher concerning all things life and love?


    And what makes him think every other character needs to hear him spout his superior wisdom at every turn?

    At this point Tom is one good suntan away from becoming a magical Negro.


    The first story that Chamberlain mentioned was true:  Hugh Cole and friends dressed up as a party from the Abyssinian embassy and were given a tour of a brand new Royal Navy vessal.  One of the friends was Virginia Woolf.

    • Love 7
  7. I'm fine with the show.  I don't think the women characters are cliched.  I think that Maggie Sith's character's job is fascinating.  Clearly we're going to find out about something Bobbie Axelrod did during 9/11 that's pretty unsavory vs. his image as "the only survivor" from his firm.


    And I'm with the 99.99% of the population who would have taken something out of the trash, or hit up the guy with the newspaper, to pick up the dog shit.  And told Giamatti where to shove it when told to pick up someone else's dog shit.

    • Love 3
  8. I just find an event where people are expected to tear into cooked meat and fish with their bare hands to be inherently skeevy. It makes me angry that the chefs tried to make it a less disgustingly messy experience, and were then castigated for doing so.

    • Love 7
  9. This was just awful.  From the Quickfire that had nothing to do with cooking, to the challenge not being explained properly to the contestants, to the drunken judges - epic epic fail.  Bye bye Chad's beard!

    • Love 3
  10. The waltz was dirty dancing. Byron was scandalized enough to write a satirical poem. 


    By the way, it dawns on me that my assumption Dolokhov was cheating may not be warranted?

    This was one of the first historical novels - Tolstoy apparently fact checked everything.  In the novel, first Helene starts dancing with one of the Tsar's adjutants, then Andre asks Natasha to dance, after Pierre asks him.  So, there are only two couples on the dance floor for a while.


    Dolokhov may not have been cheating, but he was determined to ruin Rostov.  The 43,000 rubles is an amount that he decided ahead of time.

    • Love 1
  11. Great first episode!


    Ray Stevenson as Blackbeard is perfect casting, and it will be interesting to see how his character is going to shake up things this season. I wonder if his arrival will be good or bad for Nassau. Did anyone else like that they seem to be portraying Blackbeard, despite his ruthlessness and fearsome appearance, as an educated, cultured man? That seems to line up as well with recent research on Blackbeard's origins, which points to him coming from minor gentry and being the grandson of an Anglican minister.




    The man who cut a deal Eleanor probably isn't going to turn out to be a clueless fop from London. Like Vane and Blackbeard he's based on a historical person. It is hard to say of course of how closely the show is going to stick to historical accuracy in its portrayal, but if his portrayal even loosely resembles the real person he'll probably turn out to be a formidable antagonist. 


    I have a hard time recognizing Ray Stevenson with hair.  I'll work harder.


    Woodes Rogers - more minor spoilers

    His family fortune was made through the slave trade.

    • Love 1
  12. In Jason’s dish it seemed like the fish was poached well, but that was the only positive.  There was nothing interesting or unique to the plating and overall the food was bland. It was also boring – poached fish with some vegetables.   Kwame’s dish had some good flavors but did not come together at all and the pudding was bad.  He did try something new.  Unfortunately it did not work. 


    Jason had been dinged a couple of times already for resurrecting an "old classic" dish, which, according to his story, was what he did again this time.  It was something that was made in the restaurant he was in 10 years ago.  The judges had told him that they were looking for something new, and in the shots of deliberating indicated that sometimes there's a reason why dishes go out of fashion.  He just kept plowing ahead with the same old stuff week after week.


    Kwame tried something new.  Didn't work, but who has ever had jerk broccoli before?  Now we don't need to try it!  If I'm choosing between Mr. Old-School-Dish and Mr. Try-Something-New, I know what I'd pick.


    Jason's obsession with the classics is actually very similar to Phillip's obsession with turning potatoes into thin soups and foams.  

    • Love 1
  13. As for Tom traveling back, he looked prosperous, so perhaps he made a decent go at the automobile/truck business and then when he realized he wanted to return to Downton, his brother bought him out. 


    Or he's one step ahead of The Law, again, and spent his last shilling on 2nd-class tickets.


    Maybe he just couldn't figure out how to drive on the other side of the road.....


    I thought it was pretty crappy of him to say that his "real" family was at Downton when he has actual family members to whom he is actually related.

    • Love 3
  14. The line about hording the frozen peas was great, but I can't remember how it went.....


    Those were the worst prosthetics ever!  Did they put tennis balls under some fake skin?  Not getting the Emmy for makeup!

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