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Everything posted by elle

  1. It was part of the lack of character the character had or didn't have. Christopher Fairbank – Fenton - was supposed to represent the not so nice side of us 3D humans. Yes, the train did appear as graffiti on the wall. It's not a a box, but if you wanted something about this episode.
  2. I always have to look up that name and when I do, I have to laugh be he is "that red-headed guy, I remember from watching Doctor Who". I think I started really watching the show to figure out what that guy was up to. The episode that stands out for me is Enlightenment, which is the last of Black Guardian trilogy, though I did not know that at the time. That sounds like a good adventure. I have seen reconstructed silent movies where they use stills. I would be interested to see how they do it for a tv series.
  3. I learned long ago how inaccurate, and funny, CC can be, I still give them a lot of credit for getting so much correct. I am going to have to find a way to watch this episode, or that part at least again, I thought I heard him say that. Now I'm not so sure. It seemed so out of character for the character and the show. I heard it as "This plane is protected" with the Doctor referring to the 3rd dimension the aliens stumbled into. He did say "plane". That I did hear. ;0) I thought at the time that you could replace "plane" with "planet" and you would have almost the same speech that Eleven gave to the aliens chasing Patient Zero. That was very annoying, yes! Then they had to go and practically highlight it by having Clara not answer "PE's" call at the end of the episode. (it took me a while to figure out why the Doctor called Danny "P.E.".) I remember reading, I think here somewhere, that one of the Doctors suggested that the Time Lord Academy should be opened to others. It feels as if Clara has been being tested this season to see if she is eligible to become, dare I say, I Time Lady. Thinking back to how she survived Eleven's time stream, I wonder if this was the plan all along. No pun intended? :0)
  4. Danny respondng to Clara's hello: What's up, b****? *Excuse me, MISTER Pink?!* Talk about being taken out of the how. That was completely unnecessary. No, I don't see that as an endearment. The writer even had the Doctor say just that "wouldn't that be a nice change" (may not be exact quote) I guess there wasn't enough time for a non-malevolent look at "Flatland comes to Bristol" when we have to have the bit with Missy. I thought that the Doctor's number one rule was "The Doctor lies." On a shallow note, I did laugh at the "Thing from the Addams Family" homage.
  5. This is a quote from the Den of Geek review for "Flatline". My question is, what two-parter? I thought that after this episode there is one more and the season is over. Or is this another way to say "cliff hanger"?
  6. the Meddling Monk? What a great character name! Was that actual policy or a choice of some unknown tptb?
  7. Thanks for explaining this for me, Llywela! I can only hope that some writer is bold enough to bring up this character. Has anyone here seen the latest Capital One Cash Back card commercial with Samuel L. Jackson? He is wearing a dark fuchsia vest/sweater paired with matching pants topped by a dark plaid topcoat. He has the glasses already. I'd love to hear reactions of other people, I won't say of who (whom) I thought because it is pretty obvious (and it would have been sooo cool if he had been asked and said yes). If I can find a photo, I will add it.
  8. Myrna Loy had tons of sparkle. The studios just thought it was exotic for too long before someone finally gave her a break. With Larraine Day it seemed as if she got caught in the good girl role and even in the unusual movie like "The Locket" she really didn't seem to get to stand out. I often mix her up with Teresa Wright. I wonder if that was part of the problem, too many looking too much alike. "Wife vs Secretary" - I will never understand Gable's reasoning for not including his wife in his plot to take over the other publishing company. What better way to hush up your reason to go to Havana than to have a romantic week with one's wife? eta: Norma Sherer this morning in "Let Us Be Gay". This is the movie I keep mixing up with "The Divorcee" because of the dramatic change in Norma's appearance. It was only a photo she used to convince her husband to let her make that movie. In this one, she transforms after her movie husband leaves her. One wonders why she didn't bother before. The thing I find mesmerizing about this movie is all the glitches. Often one feels as if it is a play being filmed and not filmed too well. Equipment is seen, a shot of an empty room is held too long before someone wanders by. So often in these pre code movies, I wonder why the heroine goes back to the cad that dumps her, as I said above about "Lady with a Past".
  9. Movies with beautiful people in beautiful clothes today, including Wife vs. Secretary. Did people really dress like that, not just in the movies, but ever? And then there are movie that are fun to watch for the clothes like, Lady With a Past, but have awful storylines. What a hypocritical jerk Donnie was before and after Venice had gone to Paris. And the movie ends with her more or less accepting his awful proposal, dreck!
  10. Or the TARDIS, which at least once had locked out Clara, has been giving the Doctor the happy ending he needs to move on. There, she is home safe and sound where she wants to be, (time to move on or why do we keep coming back for her? - your choice)
  11. and found her way to Wonderland? Wacky, wacky, wacky! I wonder what happened to her sister, Griselda.
  12. A nice "what if" set there, imagine a the aggrieved heart of Marian combining with Zelena's pendant to fight against Regina. Who or what was Ana in Wonderland?
  13. That makes so much more sense! It is also is a nice callback to Karloff's mummy. So back to the original question, yes, yes that would do for me - in lieu of an actual Boris Karloff movie. Thank you, Lantern7!
  14. Yes, and Thank you! A very key reason why they never should have gone to Trenzalore in the Christmas Special. Oh that was a waste, time that could have been used to really explore and explain Twelve, without the Clara plea to the history scar. As a mummy reference, right? Because the guy in the middle is wearing the necessary gas mask, "are you my mummy", got it (finally). Thanks! I did not recognize David Bamber at all and certainly not as "Mr. Collins". I thought his job as audience surrogate helping them/us make the tired/wounded solider connection to the mummy itself.
  15. For those of us who never watched the spin-off, I do hope the writers are kind and give us a few lines about it. Btw, does he have a lion tattoo too? Not available, she is currently over on Dr. Who having been taking over by someone named Missy.
  16. The more I see that episode, the more I am convinced that the Doctor that appears in the diner is the same Doctor who just escaped the Tessaselecta. There is something in the way Matt Smith plays those scenes that makes me think that he knows more than he is letting on. Why is he so surly about going to 1969? I also think that River suspects that this an older version of the Doctor too and that is why she slaps him. He just had her complete the mission by killing him and here he is talking about straws? Then, at the end of the episode when she kisses him goodbye and he reacts as if this was the first time they kissed, I start wondering if my theory is wrong.
  17. I was thinking about the time between "A Christmas Carol" and the very beginning of "The Impossible Astronaut" before they receive the envelope. It seems to be a while, more than a month since they saw the Doctor last. I have theory about you second comment which I'll take over to the Eleven thread.
  18. Taking this over to the "Amy Thread". :0)
  19. That happens in "The Beast Below", right? Is it ever said how much time on Earth passes between the "doctor's death" and his return to Amy and Rory?
  20. About Amy, did you mean 12 years (and 4 psychiatrists) instead of 2 years or are you referring to the time when Amy and Rory were waiting for the Doctor's return? The first is a great example of time on Earth vs the time on the TARDIS (5 minutes vs. 12 years). The second part, in hindsight, does a nice job of showing what it would be like to have the Doctor as a friend and how it would affect one's daily lfe: neither Amy nor Rory were considered to be reliable because they were so often gone for months on end. Clara's request to be brought home on time adds to that sense of lack of awe and adventure which has been missing from this series. That last comment there from the Doctor I can see Twelve saying that without missing a beat. Eleven would be cooing over the baby and translating what it was saying. Nine would be less than thrilled but still nice about the baby. I'm not sure what Ten would do anymore.
  21. It is interesting for me to learn of this Valeyard character. First of all, to learn that there was a precedence set that the regenerations could go past 12 . This quote is intriguing in light of how Twelve is being developed: I also had not known that it was *Rassilon* who had set the limit of regeneration for the Doctor. (I would happily see Timothy Dalton again!) Didn't we see a dark side of Eleven in the episode as the Dream Lord? I thought it was implied then that it was the Doctor himself projecting this shadow, could it have been the Valeyard? While I do not want an "eeevil" doctor, I would consider it a daring take on his history if the series does make this turn.
  22. I think Ralph Bellamy is one of those actors that outlived his typecasting. He went to a lot of TV shows, and Broadway. His most famous movie role is probably his turn as FDR with Greer Garson. For younger viewers, he is one of the Duke brothers who trick Dan Ackroyd out of his position in "Trading Places" or the sympathetic shipyard magnate in "Pretty Woman" "Mr. Lucky" was just on. It is one of my favorite Cary Grant movies. I think Lorraine Day is great in it. However, I recall a spot on her where they were saying that she was beautiful but didn't seem to have the spark needed to be a great actress or the studios didn't know what to do with her. What are your thoughts?
  23. Ah! Got it! Heh, you know with the dying/after life references this season it would be appropriate to have a ghost show up.
  24. Oddly, the companion who received the worse treatment from the Doctor was the one who did go on to lead a better life, and that would be Martha. I thought that we got to see that change in how she went from the co-dependent caretaker of her entire family (every single one of them called to complain and to get her to fix the problem with her brother's birthday party) to being able to step out on her own. She probably would have not joined UNIT if it had not been for her travels with the Doctor. I also like that they did bring back Sarah Jane for a visit. Even if they did not set her off on her own series, we did get to see that she was still, or back to being, the intrepid investigative reporter. (The lesson that Rose should have taken away from that encounter was that one does not get to stay with the Doctor forever, but I digress)
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