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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. I am a vegetarian and usually get very upset at the idea of animals being killed, but for some reason this empathy doesn't extend to insect, spiders and the like. I have no moral issue with killing spiders or mosquitoes, I just need to overcome a bit of fear. I mean, when they are in what I consider "my space", I don't go out of my way to kill them outside in their natural habitat.

    On the other hand, I can't stand it when people talk about killing fish, chicken or other farm animals. I had one colleague who had horror stories about how she was forced to learn how to kill chicken as a child and I almost started crying right there. I think she saw it as fairly normal thing for a girl to learn, but then again, she had other stories about child abuse that she seemed to consider no big deal.

    • Hugs 1
    • Sad 6
  2. Every summer there are warnings not to leave a kid in a car under any circumstances. In can get unbearably hot in a very short time. I would consider it risky under any circumstances, regardless of weather or if the heating/air conditioning is on. You never know what might happen, what if you have trouble unlocking the door or something? Car is like a trap sometimes.

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Rushmoras said:

    The more I listen to them, the more I realize that, sadly, Amy Lee did not create anything better since Fallen album (at least for me)... Though, only three albums in; here's hoping to hear at least something on par with their first album... But I get the feeling it will be a Within Temptation thingy...

    Well, Fallen was a masterpiece, so I agree with you there 😉.

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  4. Evanescence was my thing when I was a teenager. I could probably still remember all the texts from Fallen and Open Door, plus several pre-Fallen songs that I downloaded from some sketchy website.

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  5. I thought if there was one thing that Disney learned from John Carter, it was that you don't just use a random name for a title, unless it is a unique and well-known one like Loki.

    Agatha sounds like it could be anything from a rom-com to biography and I would probably just pass on it, if I didn't already want to see it.

    • LOL 2
  6. My peeve is people putting everyone on speaker, especially outside. It's meant for special circumstances when you can't hold the phone, not for regular conversations. Also, it's basic courtesy to inform the other person they are on speaker. Not everybody is fine with strangers hearing their private conversation.

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  7. I also love this one from our local singer, she was big for a while in 90's and early 2000's, then kind of vanished from the music scene. I loved the song even as a kid when I didn't relate to the lyrics yet 🙃. (Translation of the name: I want to play fair.)


    I am not one of those who can be

    sweet, gentle and innocent.

    Pretending that everything is ok.

    Even when the love has lost its plot.

    So understand me.

    You will manage, I hope, to be alone for a while.


    You have known for a long time that I am not one to be

    faithful to only one love for ever and ever.

    That is not me, so why waste any useless words.

    I want to play fair, not a fake, awkward show.

    So understand me.

    You will manage, I hope, to be alone for a while.



    You want to have the one you dream about.

    The one you'll never loose.

    But I'm not the giving type.

    Please let go of me, I have to go.

    You know well that I'm no angel.

    So understand that and make peace with it.

    I want to be free while I can.

    I want to play fair, so make peace with it.

    So make peace with it...


    I am not one of those who can be

    sweet, gentle and innocent.

    That is not me, so why waste any useless words.

    I want to play fair, not a fake, awkward show.

    So understand me.

    You will manage, I hope, to be alone for a while.


    Chorus 3x:

    You want to have the one you dream about.

    The one you'll never loose.

    But I'm not the giving type.

    Please let go of me, I have to go.

    You know well that I'm no angel.

    So understand that and make peace with it.

    I want to be free while I can.

    I want to play fair, so make peace with it.

    • Fire 1
    • Applause 1
  8. The angry reaction reminds me of my favorite "unamused" emoji: 😒. But I'm still wary to use it until it's clear that it's generally understood that the reaction is to the post and not to the poster. Sometimes it's clear, for example if the original poster says something like "Can you believe this person said that?" I'll see how others use it. 

    The grateful reaction...... I'll stick to the heart, or write Thanks. 

    • Like 7
  9. When I worked as a customer support, I once had a call when the customer (after we had been speaking for a while!) insisted that she wants to speak to "a real, living person". I replied that she is speaking to a real living person, to which my coworkers sitting next to me started laughing. Not the weirdest call I had. What was funny, we didn't have any kind of automatic operator, it was just the 3 of us taking calls. I don't know if she had experience like that from other support lines or if she thought my voice sounded too monotone or what. But at least we had a good laugh about it. 

    • LOL 9
  10. 16 hours ago, Bastet said:

    Oh, and on a much lighter note: I can't find my pants.  When I'm wearing lounge clothes and don't shower before bed, I don't change into pajamas, I just take off my pants and any sweatshirt/cardigan I'm wearing and crawl into bed in my tank top and panties.  I woke up this morning, went to put them back on, and -- my sweatshirt is on the dresser, but not my lounge pants.  Maybe they slid off behind the dresser.  Nope.  Okay, did I take them off in the bathroom?  They're not there.  They're not in the hamper or washing machine.  I thought maybe I tossed them on the floor and they slid under the bed, but nope.  I remembered I got the leg bottoms wet when I took some trash out right before bed, so thought maybe I took them off right when I got back in the house.  Nope, not there, either.  I walked through the whole house -- no pants.  What in the world did I do with them?!  If I'm going to go an a hunt for last night's pants, I really prefer it to be following a much more interesting evening than the one I had!

    Is any of your cats prone to stealing clothes? They might move it to some other place in your house. 

    I apologize to the cats if this is not something they would do.

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    • LOL 4
  11. 21 hours ago, Anela said:

    I also think, if they want a younger community, that ship has sailed. Message boards aren't popular, anymore. Tiktok, discord - that's where I see them, if they aren't on reddit. But I'm not a kid, so there are probably apps out there, that they don't want their parents joining. 

    I'm young (I guess? Early 30's) and I love it here. I much prefer the system of forums like this where you can have separate discussions in separate topics and people can even have multiple conversations in one topic thanks to quotes. I don't like social media (which I call anti-social media) and places like comment sections in youtube or under articles are not well-designed for longer conversations, if several people start reacting at the same time the timeline gets confusing quickly, not to mention that it's useless to come to the discussion few days later if you missed it. Here you can write your thoughts even if you discover something later and people might see it and even reply to you.

    I also think this place is much nicer and more polite than about 90% of the internet. I like that people can get snarky and very enthusiastic and I love that we can use some swear words casually, because it's obvious that it's not directed at each other but at the characters or the situations, etc.

    • Like 19
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  12. The Cruciamentum is basically a symbol for patriarchy and how a men-dominated group of people on a power trip treats girls and women who they have reasons to be afraid of because they are (potentially) more powerful than them. The symbolism of taking away the girls bodily autonomy is a part of that. So is the fact that many people who benefit or at least don't suffer from the system (like Giles here) only become aware of how unfair it all is once someone close to them gets to be directly affected (kind of like many parents only become aware of how homophobic and transphobic society is after one of their kids comes out and they experience it first-hand). If Giles took time to think about it before (after all, he was aware of the system his whole life), he could have thought about a way to avoid it - he could tell Buffy and they could devise a plan together without him risking losing her trust. As she points out, it's not just about the test but also about him lying to her and brushing away her concerns about losing her powers. (People brushing away girls' and women's concerns about their medical issues are still a huge problem.)

    And just so it's absolutely clear, we get several mentions about "tradition". It's still very often that some people try to justify or diminish violence against women and children by calling it "tradition" or "cultural".

    There are some great points made about it in this guide (I recommend the whole channel):


  13. I am planning on going through the entire Vangelis discography now. I love his albums Antarctica, El Greco, Alexander soundtrack (terrible movie, but great music) and Opera sauvage (with my probably most favorite track Hymne).

    I also know Oceanic, 1492 and Blade Runner which I still find good, just not as amazing as the above (1492 is great, but slightly overrated IMO) and I have his compilation albums Themes and Reprise. But looking at his entire discography, it's still just a small part, so I wonder if I find some other great music.

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