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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. On 4/15/2024 at 2:55 PM, Hanahope said:

    the show runners/writers have difficulty creating a good cohesive story without source material.  S8 was indicative at that.  they knew how it was supposed to end, but they had no idea how to get there since GRRM hadn't written it.

    They talked to him about it and kept some main points.

    I think the problem was that they got over it and wanted to wrap it up quickly, instead of delving deeper into character motivations.

    It's the general problem of media today - people get hyped up for something and then get quickly bored of it. It seems it's not just viewers, but also producers.

    • Like 1
  2. I am mentally preparing for the fact that tomorrow episode's intro will have no Gambit and no Magneto.


  3. Neil Gaiman confirms that season 3 starts shooting in January


    Neil Gaiman (Good Omens, Lucifer): “I sort or remember somewhere in 2019, I remember looking around and saying, ‘This is a gold rush. We’re in a boom town. And I’m not sure how long this thing is sustainable.’ And I was thrilled to have been able to, you know, to help get Sandman set up during the boom and stuff like that. Right now, the boom is over, the gold rush has finished. And I think people are starting to go, ‘OK, how do we make money out of television again?’ And that is going to change things. That being said, you know, Dead Boy Detectives comes out in 10 days. I’ve seen half of Sandman Season 2, and it’s astonishing. I’m writing Good Omens Season 3, and we start shooting that in January. So I’m making stuff. And I’m definitely feeling that, OK, the ship is still sailing. But the boom is over. I think the boom would have been over anyway. I feel like the strike, you know, our strike and the actors strike in a lot of cases became an excuse for the streamers in particular, to just go, ‘Oh, we actually bought more than we will ever need. And maybe we can let some of the stuff go.’ And maybe we can, you know, so I think that happened as well. They’re trying to reinvent television right now. And I don’t know what it’s gonna be like, five years from now. But I do know that a writer who can come up with stories, who has a great story that people will care about, will have a job, and that’s the important thing and especially for the young ones.”


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  4. Reading and if there's electricity just no internet: watching DVDs or listening to CDs.

    Or just thinking 🙂. I have a huge imagination and can keep myself entertained for hours just making up fanfiction about my favorite shows in my head (without the need to write it down), or just having a stream of thoughts. No worries of getting bored for me.

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  5. 12 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    That's what I figured when I said the term wasn't lost on me. However, I think my follow on point is apt about class. 

    They lived as a tight community, not used to trust others. It's IMO understandable that they would keep themselves separated at first even in a mutant-only country. People still form their own groups in every equal society.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Dandesun said:

    I've seen Gambit become the Horseman of Death for Apocalypse. I don't expect either of these deaths to take but that doesn't take anything away from how good they went out in this episode.

    God I hope that is not where they are going. I want him back, but I HATED Milligan's run, every second of it. From Mystique's BS to all of the Horsemen stuff. 🤮

    2 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

    That Beau DeMayo says "episode five" is just the warm up and episodes 8-10 are the big ones makes me fearful that we may be in store for one hell of a cliffhanger.  😟

    I have seen that. I am not ready. 😨 By which I mean: I am scared, but give it to me now!

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  7. Nothing is scarier for a child than the prospect of losing their mother (excepting situations when the mother is abusive). Nothing.

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  8. A separate peeve (or maybe slightly related, since it's about internet): I joined Tumblr a couple of days ago and my experience is mostly very positive. Still, I was slightly surprised to find that there are some pretty toxic people in my favorite fandom. By toxic, I mean being very much invested in the private lives of the actors and posting some weird and inappropriate comments about their (female, what a surprise, right?) partners. Sounds like someone is jealous to an unhealthy degree. I know, not a big problem compared to everything else, but it kind of pisses me off that there are people being so nasty to such kind people. It reminded me of when I had too much time recently and went to an unnamed tabloid website (rhymes with fail) to check for some pictures of dresses from award ceremonies. The comments there were horrible, but I sadly expected that considering where I was. I though Tumblr would be the cool place - and it mostly is, I don't know why it got me so much to see maybe 1% of the posters like that. It's like there is always some small part of every group that is toxic, but they can often be the loudest and bring a bad name to the entire group. I am debating between blocking such people to preserve my mental health when it comes to my comfort TV and keeping reading it because I'm mildly curious what else they can come up with.

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  9. Surely there is possible to have a compromise between "Everyone can say anything no matter how insensitive" type of anarchy and a "People are scared to voice their fairly moderate opinions because everything will be called out" over-policing? I know everything is evolving into extremes now and being moderate is almost considered an insult, which is IMO kind of scary. 

    I think it worked fine here before with the moderation 🤷‍♀️.

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  10. I love the comics, but for various reasons I kind of stopped keeping up around the Second Coming era, with Mike Carey's run being the last I really paid attention to. From recent comics, I've only read the Rogue/Gambit minis by Kelly Thompson.

    My favorite are the Claremont original era and then some miscellaneous stuff from 90's (mostly Nicieza) and 2000's.

  11. 8 minutes ago, baldryanr said:

    I wonder if Scott has been watching Magneto's old speeches.  That little diatribe he unleashed was straight from the mutant supremacist's handbook, and he wouldn't have had it ready to go if he hadn't thought about it.

    I would co-sign every word he said.

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  12. Well, that was a thing. A lot of things.

    I was afraid they would go there with the genocide as soon as they mentioned Genosha being a major location. Apparently we can't have persecuted minorities having a safe country to live in even in a story. Yes, I know it happened in comics, I was just hoping that for once, we could have a nice thing.

    Also, not a fan that they went there with the Rogue/Magneto flashbacks, especially since she was very young at the time. Now he looks like a creep.

    Gambit was awesome and I am going to remain calm because they have to reverse that somehow, right? You all agree with me that they will reverse it, right? Right?

    • Applause 1
  13. I know just a few older songs from Within Temptation and I like those. Now I see they are really good guys too. They just did a collaboration with Ukrainian musician Alex Yarmak to help raise awareness of the ongoing war.


  14. On the topic of hypocritical influencers, my peeve is youtubers who go on and on about how capitalism is bad and the source of all that is wrong in western society, blah blah. Like, girl I know you probably mean it well and I like the rest of your content, but you are literally able to earn money making these videos thanks to capitalism. 

    I am not saying that it doesn't have its problems and of course there have to be proper checks in place to protect the workers and the consumers from those who hold more power. But that works for any system. And claiming that it is responsible for sexism, racism or homophobia doesn't check, because those are present in non-capitalistic countries too (even more so sometimes, because at least democracy has some tools to fight them). Of course, this is personal for me, coming from a former socialist country where people literally risked their lives trying to escape to the other side of the Iron curtain. But that doesn't disprove my point, on the contrary it gives me perspective those people are lacking, not having experience with anything else. 

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  15. 2 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

    It's snowing here in Rochester NY right now.

    We had only a bit of snow this winter. Now, all of the fruit trees are blooming - the fruit growers confirm that it's too early and are afraid that if it gets freezing cold again as it often does at some point in later spring, all of the harvest will be affected. Last year, it was about half I think, now it can be a lot more and what survives will end up way more expensive .

    • Hugs 3
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  16. 13 hours ago, Anduin said:

    I'm just trying to be positive. Anyway, it's officially autumn down here. I say officially, because we're having a very long run of nice weather. Nice enough for me to want a bit of a change. I'm sure I'll feel differently when I'm in wet and windy Britain in a few weeks. :)

    I am a bit envious of you all in the southern hemisphere now. I love the four season climate and I love whenever seasons change, including early spring when many of my favorite flowers start blooming. But knowing that I now have all of the warmer parts of the year ahead of me makes me a bit depressed. Also, when the spring officially started about 2 weeks ago, my only thought was "Now? What about the last month, what was that?" It's starting earlier and earlier each year.

    • Like 8
  17. 40 minutes ago, Dandesun said:

    Similar shit happened with Kitty. Hell, Claremont, who wasn't even writing her anymore had very specific opinions as to how old she was and wasn't shy about saying so. 

    I never paid much attention to Excalibur - didn't Ellis age her up to 18 specifically so he could have his much older character avatar take her virginity? I don't remember anything about Claremont, other than her being 14 when she started to date Colossus who was at least 19/20 so that was ... not great. 

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  18. I'm not on Reddit and don't plan to join, but I have discovered two new youtubers who frequently do videos about posts in some subreddit called "am I the asshole?". My God, it is so addictive. I generally don't like getting into other people's business, but since these people ask for opinions on their situations, I don't feel bad to analyse it. I have already learned I have some strong opinions I was not aware of on some topics 😄. It's pretty time-consuming to watch and then read all of the comments though, so I can't make a habit of this.

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  19. 22 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

    Unless we buy unsalted butter, there is plenty of salt in regular butter. 

    As a European, I'm always surprised that salted butter is considered regular in some countries. I know I've heard it before, but it's like my brain can't comprehend it, so I'm always surprised anew. 

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  20. I don't care for video games, but I loved the nostalgic animation on this. Nice to have a Jubilee-centric episode.

    22 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    And here's a weird thing for the next three weeks-we have part 1 of an episode featuring Jubililee; then a different episode next week; then on 04/17, part 2 of Jubiliee's episode. Like, what?

    I don't think this is a spoiler - it should be a continuation of the Storm part of the episode. The Jubilee part is over.

    I am both excited and slightly worried about next week episode.

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  21. On 4/2/2024 at 4:40 AM, Bastet said:

    I like that the drawing of the cat on her blanket matches her coloring.  Intentional?

    Not really. It was mine when I was little, then I just kept it for nostalgic reasons and not used it for years, now it's hers.


    17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    I think my cat had a stroke. He will be spending the day at the vet’s tomorrow for testing and observation. He’s 20 1/2 years old and has been on Norvasc (BP med) for awhile now. I’m hoping he recovers well enough that I don’t have to make any big decisions tomorrow 🙏🏻2C432DA8-9B3D-44F3-A043-731F9C55D3C5.jpeg.260b3be49148337baca1439690a8692b.jpeg

    Oh no. Fingers crossed that he recovers.

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