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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. I loved April and her friendship with Cliff. I also liked when Bobby and Cliff were friendly. One of the story devices that frustrate me the most is when family drama of past generations destroys the lives of the next generations (I know, I picked a wrong show to watch 😆). Cliff was one of my favorite characters, but it was frustrating how his hatred of JR made him act in self-destructive ways. I didn't like the finale with the alternative reality, but I found it believable that without JR, he would have been able to make a huge career.

    Charlie, I just felt bad for her. I can't imagine growing up in an isolated place like that, plus with all of the drama with her mother's imprisonment and then Ray the Creep getting too involved in her private life. Poor girl.

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  2. 54 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

    Unpopular opinion:  I never liked that movie!  I also dislike Some Like It Hot.  Upon seeing mentions here and on the TCM thread, however, I decided to rewatch Tootsie this morning, after a 42-year hiatus.  I still don't like it.  He's so horrible to Teri Garr.  There are a few funny scenes, though.  But he seems so fake as Dorothy, I just couldn't buy the whole premise. 

    Same. Also with Mrs. Doubtfire. Yes, I despise a Robin Williams movie. The horror.

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  3. We also rarely see what happens next to the killer. They might still be released if they get a good lawyer. I remember one episode of Bones that showed a trial for someone they caught some time ago. But usually we don't know, unless it's a killer who comes back in a later episode to target the team or to kill a next victim in their area and only then we learn that they were let go for some reason (I think in reality the team who caught them would probably be told?). 

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  4. 9 hours ago, ICantDoThatDave said:

    There is literally no downside to adapting the version of a character that has existed for decades. That character likely has many fans, who would love to see their favorite character adapted faithfully in a movie.  Fundamentally changing that character's look or personality has no upside. Even if there's an Elseworlds version that happened for a few issues which might have been interesting as a "What If...?" scenario.

    There is no upside to changing the long-standing, decades often, version of a character, only a downside, particularly when we're talking about movies which only come out every 2-3 years & need to make hundreds of millions of dollars to even break even.

    There could be fans of that specific actor who come to watch the movie just for them. Pedro Pascal is popular now, I'm sure that there will be people who will come to the movie just for him.

    One of the reasons I was interested in the first FF movie was because Julian McMahon played Doom. Hey, don't judge me, I was a teenager and I liked his character on Charmed, ok? Yes, the writing for his character turned out to be horrible and the overall impression left me unimpressed. I have faith for now that Marvel will do better than that.

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  5. 11 hours ago, Quof said:

    I got a warning that required an acknowledgement.   I refused, so I waited out a 1 year suspension and it disappeared.  

    In case you were all wondering why you didn't hear from me for 12 months.

    Respect. 👏

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  6. I learned about TWOP from another, more international forum for A Song of Ice and Fire/Game of Thrones. TWOP had a thread (or maybe an entire subforum?) dedicated to a part of the fandom that called themselves Unsullied (a reference from the books/show) and they were dedicated to watch the show without any book spoilers or even any trailers or interviews. They then posted very detailed speculations based only on the aired episodes, some of which were completely wrong but very interesting to read. People on the forum I was visiting were mostly book readers and they were fascinated by the Unsullied group and even had their own thread where they commented on them and how right or wrong their theories were. It wasn't that interesting to me, to be honest, but it made me aware of the website and I was really happy to find discussion about some shows that I haven't seen discussed anywhere else. I was mostly hanging out on a comic book forum, so shows based on comics or some sci-fi shows got plenty of discussion, but something like The Mentalist or Sherlock didn't. I wasn't registered there though and then I took a break from being on forums once I graduated and got a job and had much less time. I only came back here maybe a year before the pandemic and then got an account much later, when I felt confident enough to post.

    On 4/24/2024 at 11:41 PM, peacheslatour said:

    I've got three big red warnings on this site. I don't dare tell you about them but they're still in my profile.

    I got one that I was very confused about. I was told we don't mention political parties here, which I knew, but I wasn't doing that. All I said was something that contained word "liberal" and I believe it was clear from the context that I wasn't referring to any political party but to people with liberal opinions.

    And the wording of the warning was so humiliating, something about me having to click and acknowledge I did wrong, or I wouldn't be able to post here again. I think I'm usually reasonable, but I can get very stubborn when somebody is condescending to me, so I had to breath through it and remind myself that I want to discuss TV shows here that I don't have anybody else to discuss with.

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  7. I've heard this yesterday on the radio. A blast from the past. It's one of those songs that I like when I'm listening to them, but then kind of forget they exist, lol. 

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  8. On 4/25/2024 at 10:08 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

    However, there are instances where movies are trying to adapt a specific/well known (at least to comics fans) storyline, where i think they need to prioritize the story over the character...looking at you Dark Phoenix/Age of Apocalypse 

    Dark Phoenix Saga was attempted in both movie versions and failed both times and will IMO fail again if they attempt to do it in live-action movies, because it requires a lot of set-up that live-action movies don't have the patience for. Just leave it to TV or animated movie-verse like DC had.

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  9. Since we're at a point of sharing personal anecdotes, I wanted to see Gambit as part of the X-Men movies, because he's my favorite X-character. I was a bit disappointed when he never appeared in any of the main movies, but I understood, as there are many of them and you can't have them all. I was one of the few people who liked the first Wolverine movie and loved the way Gambit was portrayed there. I was a bit vary when Channing Tatum wanted to do a solo Gambit movie, because 1. I don't think that any of the X-Men besides maybe Wolverine need solo movies seeing that it's a team, and 2. I did not see Channing Tatum as Gambit at all. But ... I was still happy that someone likes the character enough to want to make a movie about him. It didn't even occur to me to throw tantrums that it's not done the way I want it to be, because having a movie at all usually means that there is more attention on the character in comics, several of classics get a reprint as the company is trying to maximize on the momentum, there are more potential new fans of the character and those might eventually get to read the stories that made me fall in love with the character and have a similar experience and what can be better than that as a fan?


    12 hours ago, rmontro said:

    Agreed.  One of the problems with the MCU's attempts to push more female heroines is they haven't done a good job of writing real female, feminine characters.  If they can do that with Sue, while keeping Reed as the true, but distracted and sometimes misguided genius, they'll do well.

    MCU didn't do so well with their female characters (an understatement) in part IMO because the best Marvel female characters are in the X-Men comics and then in Fantastic Four. There is no Marvel equivalent to Wonder Woman. Marvel works IMO better with teams. I think they can make a new success now that they have all of them in the same playground.

  10. Rebel Wilson memoir to be published in UK with Sacha Baron Cohen passages redacted


    The UK edition of Australian actor Rebel Wilson’s memoir will be published with redacted passages relating to her experience on set with Sacha Baron Cohen.

    In a chapter titled Sacha Baron Cohen and Other Assholes, Wilson recounts filming the 2016 comedy film Grimsby – released in the US as The Brothers Grimsby – alongside Baron Cohen. “SBC summoned me via a production assistant saying that I was needed to film an additional scene,” she writes.

    “What followed was the worst experience of my professional life. An incident that left me feeling bullied, humiliated, and compromised. It can’t be printed here due to peculiarities of the law in England and Wales”. The rest of the page of the book is blacked out, and there are several further lines redacted on the following pages.


    “We are publishing every page, but for legal reasons, in the UK edition, we are redacting most of one page with some other small redactions and an explanatory note,” a spokesperson for HarperCollins told the Guardian. “Those sections are a very small part of a much bigger story.”

    I understand there's a legal reason, but I still don't like such censorship. And I'm not even a fan of Rebel Wilson, just ... principle.

    I hope people who want to read it will buy the uncensored version.

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  11. Disney's agenda is the same as that of every company that isn't a non-profit in a capitalistic (read: fair) economy. To make profit. As it should be.

    If they think that by now, not having most of the main characters be exclusively straight-cis, male and white is the way to make more profit, they should stick to it for more than few movies, because the current numbers can't IMO reasonably confirm if the smaller viewership is due to that or to the changes in the industry (pandemic, strikes, putting movies quickly on Disney+, ...). The last few years have been rough in general.

    What we now know is that until a few years ago, there was an intentional bias against having women and people of color as main characters. Having them now is putting things to normal, not having an opposite bias. (I'm not saying that that is impossible, but that is IMO not what is happening ... come on, the majority of main characters is still straight-cis male white characters. Even if they only produced movies with only non-white gay women for a few years, it would take a lot of time to get to a balance. And that is not happening either. Last time I checked, the next movie is Deadpool and Wolverine, two white cis dudes - one is not straight so that is something at least.)

    Regarding catering to only comic book fans, that was never the case. They want to make movies for general audiences. There are always some nods and easter eggs for comic book fans, but that's it. And if they wanted to cater exclusively to comic book fans ... well, good luck with that, we can't agree on anything, lol, so the chances that people would be pissed no matter what would IMO be even higher 😄. Plus, you know, much smaller audience, which would mean much smaller budget (not necessarily a bad thing if they concentrated more on practical effects and less on CGI, but then we wouldn't have all those pretty visuals we got used to, so a double-edged sword.)

    • Like 4
  12. 19 hours ago, PRgal said:

     For months during the fall and winter, my hands were peeling and were chronically dry.  Even the prescription cream I got wasn't working.  I thought about it, switched soaps and BINGO, things began to get better!  Funny thing is this:  My shower gel is from the same brand as the hand soap and it hasn't affected me.  Must be something specifically in the foaming soap that was giving me issues!  

    Antibacterial soap causes the skin to dry a lot more than regular soap. 

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  13. Has anyone seen it? I just finished it and found out it's just the first half. There's gonna be more episodes later this year. 

    I liked it, but it seemed too stretched out. The book has like 300 pages in larger print. 6 episodes would be more than enough, 12 is too much and I did not care for any of the original characters and their stories. But the casting of the main characters is great and the visuals are stunning. Beautiful shots of nature, the castle looks just like the illustrations from the book and the fantastic creatures were great, wish we could see more of those.

  14. 17 hours ago, Mona Lisa said:

    On another subject on my Facebook feed I keep getting this, I guess, anecdotes from various sources.  Some of them are interesting but most of them aren't all that accurate.  I guess my peeve is I am spending more time checking the truthfulness of these stories than they deserve!  And when I find it isn't true, well, what do I do with this information?  I'm not going to waste my time commenting on these random site.  I guess I have the satisfaction of knowing "the real story" but still.  Time waster 101!

    Misinformation, especially political, thrives on social media.


    25 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

    Also, sort of related, the notion of "shoving it down my throat" when those being accused of doing the shoving are simply existing, perhaps [gasp!] in public (especially when the "shovees" consider themselves to be of a tougher variety than the shovers).

    I hate that too, but I get a bit of amusement out of homophobes, especially men, overusing the phrase "shoving it down our throats". Hm, maybe they are a bit too fixated on the idea of having things shoved down their throat for some reason?

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  15. I used to buy Avon from a friend whose mother was selling it. No problems or pushing of any kind. Now my mom is registered for both Oriflame and Avon, but we only buy thing for ourselves, it's more comfortable this way. She gets some promotional emails but isn't bothered by the company in any other way. I guess they understand they will get no big business from us.

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  16. Thank you Stephen and Christiane 💔 I have been saying this for a long time. A lot of people who love performative activism 1) can't seem to comprehend nuance and 2) apparently can't care about more than one thing at a time and unfortunately, genocide happening in Ukraine is not trendy enough right now for many of them. GOP is blocking critical aid to Ukraine (that the US is bound to provide as per the Budapest Memorandum, but who cares) and it doesn't even seem like it's worth reporting. Fucking times we live in.

    And she is 100% right in explaining how the rest of us are bewildered that a country (well, a political party) that has been such a strong fighter against communism and russian imperialism is so lax right now when it is the same evil we have to fight and why we are all worried about the possibility of a second term of the whiniest wannabe-dictator. Honestly, after time spent on the internet I am very pleasantly surprised that a reporter from American media gets it so much, it shows that she is actually listening to people from other countries and is able to understand points of view from different backgrounds which is not always the case. She's a good person and good journalist. 💗

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  17. 15 hours ago, kathyk2 said:

    Archie Bunker was all bluster but he truly loved his family. Mike really wasn't all that liberal I loved Gloria and Edith. My family was more like Roseanne than the Cosby Show. I don't think Roseanne was nasty she and Dan fought but they loved each other. The Connors were a blue collar couple when you didn't see them on television.

    I never watched that show, so this is not a comment about that, but I am always puzzled when people say that someone cares about their family, or children especially, as if that is some positive trait. Isn't that like a bare minimum that a parent/spouse should do? I don't give people points for that. One doesn't get to choose their parents or siblings, but does (in a normal society) choose their partner and chooses to have children that they are supposed to love and take care of no matter what. 

    The showrunners of GoT were always talking about Cersei like "Well, you know, she is a murdering psychopath who hates and hurts everyone, but at least she deeply loves her children, so that is her redeeming quality ..." No, it isn't. She was partially responsible for one of her children being a complete monster and some of her worst actions were justified by some viewers as "protecting her children". No, thanks. That doesn't redeem her at all in my eyes.

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  18. 1 hour ago, DoctorAtomic said:

    My state delayed an execution because they couldn't get the right drugs. So a bill was put in to reinstate firing squad, but I don't know if it passed. 

    I mean, I don't support the death penalty, but if I was to be executed and had the option to choose a method of execution for myself, I would pick a firing squad.

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  19. So I learned that The House in the Cerulean Sea will get a sequel in September. I would be fine with it being a stand-alone book, but I am also now looking forward to this sequel.

    But considering I have found out by randomly looking into the author's books at Goodreads, it makes me think: do you know any good website for book news and upcoming releases? When it comes to books that I know are part of the series, I can keep track of what I am looking forward to, but if something supposedly stand-alone gets a sequel, I don't really know how to find out about it other than having luck or regularly checking every author's website.

    (Please don't suggest social media though, especially "Booktok", I would rather not know anything than support fucking Tiktok.)


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  20. On 4/15/2024 at 2:50 AM, shapeshifter said:

    You might be surprised to know I'm often not great at verbally answering simple questions either.
    But I do have a lifelong obsession with repeatedly editing my writing.

    I actually do better answering complicated questions.🙃

    That's the problem with conversations ... you can't edit what you said afterwards, once you think of a perfect comeback to some stupid comment. Or when you realize that what you said made perfect sense to you, but people may have missed half of what you tried to say because of a lack of context.

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