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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. I don't care for video games, but I loved the nostalgic animation on this. Nice to have a Jubilee-centric episode.

    22 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    And here's a weird thing for the next three weeks-we have part 1 of an episode featuring Jubililee; then a different episode next week; then on 04/17, part 2 of Jubiliee's episode. Like, what?

    I don't think this is a spoiler - it should be a continuation of the Storm part of the episode. The Jubilee part is over.

    I am both excited and slightly worried about next week episode.

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  2. On 4/2/2024 at 4:40 AM, Bastet said:

    I like that the drawing of the cat on her blanket matches her coloring.  Intentional?

    Not really. It was mine when I was little, then I just kept it for nostalgic reasons and not used it for years, now it's hers.


    17 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

    I think my cat had a stroke. He will be spending the day at the vet’s tomorrow for testing and observation. He’s 20 1/2 years old and has been on Norvasc (BP med) for awhile now. I’m hoping he recovers well enough that I don’t have to make any big decisions tomorrow 🙏🏻2C432DA8-9B3D-44F3-A043-731F9C55D3C5.jpeg.260b3be49148337baca1439690a8692b.jpeg

    Oh no. Fingers crossed that he recovers.

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  3. Our beloved cat Micka is 10 years old today. She didn't feel particularly photogenic today, so here's an older photo that is one of my favorites. I can't imagine our lives without her. 10 years seems like such a long time and yet at the same time, I feel as if she's always been with us. 


    Also, if anyone remembers how I asked a while ago about moving with a cat... You were right of course, we've been at the new place for over 4 months and she got used to it very quickly. (So did we, BTW.)

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  4. 18 minutes ago, BlueSkies said:

    A general statement but sometimes it just seems real hard to find middle ground on anything for me with other people these days.  

    As usual, I blame social media. People got used to the idea that we have to have an opinion on everything and be ready to passionately defend it. The idea that we can care about some things more than about others and that's ok seems to be lost on some people. I can think of few examples where it's got way out of hand, but that's better left unsaid.

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  5. I checked a discussion on another forum and they made me feel better about Rogue/Magneto, with a theory that nothing romantic is going on and he's just helping her with her powers. It makes sense, as that would create misunderstanding and cause unnecessary conflict between Rogue and Gambit which seems to be the usual path for couples on TV to get further in their relationship. And at the same time, Rogue should get to a place where she can control her powers. 

  6. I know I keep stressing and panicking in advance about real-life things, so I'm now gonna try to do what others keep telling me and stop worrying before something actually happens. Maybe it's just a just-in-case note, because I can't remember anything mentioned here for a long time that could cause it. One of the directions said that problematic threads would be marked in different colors and I keep looking for colors and don't see anything in none of the subforums I visit.

    If this is about some reality shows about real people that cause heated discussions, I hope nobody would be so mean to tank the whole forum because of few toxic people. Most of us come here to discuss fictional characters who won't get hurt or offended even if we snark about them or call them idiots, because they are not real people and don't have real feelings. (Which is why I like to debate them in the first place.)

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  7. The 90's Spider-Man was full of other Marvel comic characters. It had Daredevil, Captain America, Punisher, Doctor Strange, Blade, etc.

    Plus the X-Men, Fantastic Four and Iron Man who all had their own animated series at that time. Since they all appeared on Spider-Man, I assumed it was meant as an intentional crossover. I watched it all dubbed on Fox Kids in Europe in the early 2000's, so I had no idea if the original voice actors were the same, but the animation looked more or less similar, so ...

    And the Secret Wars episodes were epic.

  8. Now, the


    third Summers brother

    , that was a thing all of its own. 😅 (probably won't be mentioned in the show though)

    On 3/30/2024 at 2:20 AM, DoctorAtomic said:

    I've always been bemused that everyone knows everyone's real name, but they also have 'X-Men' names. When do they know when to use which? 

    It's mostly a case-by-case basis. Some like Jean or Kitty mostly use their civil names, some use codenames in the field and civil outside, and Rogue for example doesn't use her civil name at all (at least she wasn't by the time I stopped following everything and just picked up a story here and there).

    On 3/30/2024 at 7:57 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Since most of the conversation is here, can I just say what an idiotic MORON Bishop was in “Days of Future Past”? With a scrambled memory, he just KNEW the X-Men were the assassins; no, wait, it’s Gambit! And shooting up everything. So glad Jean sent him back on his way. I think? My mind is all fuzzy today.

    That was actually because they mixed two different time-travelling storylines. One was Days of future past from the early 80's and one was about Bishop that was just being released in the comics by the time the show came out and wasn't really concluded yet. He 


    knew that the X-Men would be betrayed by one of their own, but didn't know who it was. And he recognized Gambit as someone called "Witness" - a person who was rumored to be the last person to see the X-Men alive before that. But because the Witness from the future never told him he used to be an X-Man, he was suspicious of Gambit.

    That story seemed to be written like the Lost TV show - they did not plan in advance who would be the traitor IMO. It was later revealed in a kind of throwaway way in the crossover Onslaught which might be covered later in the animated series, but probably altered like the rest of the stories from comics.

    It kind of made more sense in the comics.


  9. Wow, I did not expect them to go through all of that in one episode. But I don't mind that they didn't keep all of that stuff with Jean and Maddie unclear for long.

    Bishop being the one to take Nathan to the future was surprising. I thought he was going to stick around as part of the team.

    The nightmare scenarios were interesting. Eww to that Rogue/Magneto stuff. Are they going to have Morph have a crush on Wolverine?


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  10. 11 hours ago, Calvada said:

    I'd take some of the British tabloids lambasting Stephen Colbert about his comments about the Princess of Wales a little more seriously if they weren't the same ones who hacked phones of celebrities, including members of the British royal family, and if they weren't the ones who have been spreading these rumors about William and his alleged affair all along.  

    British tabloids have very creepy obsession with the Royal family and they are also merciless in their attacks on various celebrities who have done nothing wrong and are just living their lives. I wouldn't take anything from them seriously.


    On the other topic, I agree that Stephen's mocking of physical traits is over the line, regardless of the political leaning of the target. His comments about the presumed lack of parental love in this situation and the presumed resulting trauma also seem over the line for me. Once or twice was fine, but this looks too much like bullying.

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  11. From non-UK/US authors, I have to mention Astrid Lindgren. Her books are beloved all through Europe and she is one of the most translated authors. Her probably most famous and internationally-known work is Pippi Longstocking, but she has written several other books for children. Apart from Pippi, I have read her Bullerbyn books (known as Six Bullerby Children), one of her Kalle Blomkvist books and a standalone Ronia, the Robber's Daughter which is probably my favorite. (There is actually a new TV adaptation of Ronia coming to Netflix this week, I am very much looking forward to it.) Astrid Lindgren has also been a huge supporter of children rights and animal rights.

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  12. The Nice and Accurate Good Omens TV Companion, a behind-the-scenes book about making of Good Omens.

    It's pretty big and heavy, 300 pages with lots of photographs so it doesn't take much time to get through. I usually don't read this type of books, but I'm obsessed with this show and I already have the original book and the script book, and the comic adaptation hasn't come out yet, so it was only a matter of time till I buy this one 😅. I think I've read most of the information already in various interviews so it doesn't have anything particularly new for me, but it's still fun to read it all again and I would recommend it to all the fans.



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  13. 10 hours ago, Blergh said:

    How tough would it have been for Ray and/or Lucy to have had a momentary reaction of 'EWWW!!!!' while shuddering upon hearing the news?

    But,none of the characters who'd known about their unquestionably dubious encounters  ever even vaguely alluded to it.

    P.S. Yes, even had they NOT been related- for a grown employee to have had sexual encounters with an underage girl( his employer's granddaughter)  was already icky- to say nothing of criminal!

    I don't know if criminal, think she was 17, isn't the age of consent 16 in the US? But it's still icky considering the age difference and the fact that Lucy specifically was not very mature. She wasn't particularly mature when older either, though.

  14. Speaking of family relationships, I can't remember - once it was revealed that Ray is Jock's son, was it ever brought up that he slept with Lucy or have they conveniently never mentioned it again? I think it was the latter but I'm not sure.

  15. OK, overall I loved this. I rewatched season 2 recently (for some reason, I only have that one on my Disney+) and my main takeaway was how sad it is that all of the FOH stuff is still so much relevant today, 30 years later. So, I'm glad that they don't seem to pull any punches with the parallels to appease people who now complain about any real-world themes in TV shows. 

    Magneto's time leading the X-Men and his trial was one of my favorite storylines from comics and I like how well they updated it for this show.

    Poor Storm. I am confident though that she will get some great character development out of this and come out stronger (and probably a team leader at some point, I hope).

    I like how unapologetically badass they made Cyclops. I hate love triangles and the one with Jean and Wolverine is no exception, but I have accepted that writers are probably physically unable to move on from it, so we will always see it in some capacity in every adaptation. Sigh. Still, none of them are among my favorite characters, so I am not too pissed about it.

    But, this brings me to my one complaint - Rogue/Magneto. No. God, just no. Please, I am begging you, end this as soon as possible!!! I am not kidding, Rogue, Gambit and Magneto are my 3 most favorite X-Men characters and basically my 3 most favorite Marvel characters. But not as a freaking love triangle! 😭 😭 😭 Rogue/Gambit are my OTP, the only comic-book pairing I am seriously invested in and they just finally got some justice and good writing in comics. Magneto doesn't belong into that at all. Why are they doing this to me??? I understand I will not get any Magneto/Xavier canon and I am fine with it. Just please keep him away from Rogue.   😭 😭 😭 

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  16. 10 hours ago, Rushmoras said:

    Well, listened to penultimate album from Evanescence and this is their second or third album that they simply do their old songs in different style. Am I even allowed to say that I find this lazy?


    I have 4 different versions of Imaginary in my playlist 🤣.

    • LOL 2
  17. 5 hours ago, DanaK said:

    The BBC has finally confirmed the rumor that Steven Moffat has returned to write an episode for Ncuti's first season


    Official BBC press release



    I guess it's bearable if it's just one episode. I liked many of his stand-alone episodes, it was his season-long plotlines that I had a problem with, specifically that he always left them kind of unresolved and moved on to a newer, bigger and more convoluted storyline.

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  18. 1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

    Replying to myself here.  I do think there's a popular conception today that if a woman chooses traditionally "feminine" things such as appearance or behavior it must be coming from social conditioning and not anything innate.  But that contradicts the other popular conception that relates to sexual and gender preference.  Most people see those preferences and any behavior coming out of them as not chosen or conditioned to be so, but coming out of something innate about the person.  

    I've noticed something similar recently about people who seem unable to accept  that some other people (mostly women) might have different ways to express themselves and might choose to do things that they themselves see as repressing. A woman wants to shave her legs? Must be conditioned by society. She wants to lose a bit of weight? Must be conditioned by diet culture.

    Sure, some are, and some of these trends or what to call them can be damaging, but not everyone is the same and not everyone does everything they do because of them. As long as the person in question doesn't harm themselves by that behavior, who cares? Do I really want to shave my legs for myself because I feel better that way, or is it a result of hearing everywhere growing up that women should shave their legs? Counterpoint: If I don't, do I really not want to do it or am I just pressured by a trend that claims it's empowering and feminists shouldn't shave their legs, that seems to pop up every couple of years? I don't know and honestly, don't really care. I will shave them when I feel like it and have enough time to do so, or if I plan to wear something that shows them in summer (I hate summer and hot weather and prefer to wear long trousers anyway, so that is only a few times per year). Why not just let everyone do whatever they want. Over-analysing everything others are doing sometimes makes me think that people have way too much free time.

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  19. What's interesting is that what we assign as masculine or feminine can be completely arbitrary. For example, blue as "boy" color and pink as "girl" color is only few decades old. Blue used to be considered feminine color and pink and red manly.

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