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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. 10 hours ago, PRgal said:

    FINALLY!!  Google Translate has Cantonese!  For a long time, it was only Mandarin.  Cantonese is still largely the main dialect/language spoken in the ethnic Chinese community in Toronto, so it's great to have it - especially for people like me who can't read Chinese but can speak.  Or for anyone at all who is, say, shopping or dining in a Toronto suburb like Markham.

    https://translate.google.com/?sl=en&tl=yue&text=I don't understand&op=translate

    I am happy for you, but I'm also afraid that Google Translate turned to shit recently, like the rest of Google. It is giving me some questionable results sometimes.

    • Sad 3
  2. 3 minutes ago, Affogato said:

    well, no,  but then something else would be happening to make it non consensual sex. 

    when people become adults in the eyes of the law they are allowed certain liberties. A 21 year old woman is allowed to decide to sleep with a 50 year old man. You may think it is a bad idea, but that really is not your decision to make.  Furthermore, micromanaging people’s sex lives is dangerous in itself. If someone lets you manage their sex lives they are more likely to let you make other decisions for them. Many cults use this ploy. 

    if some well liked writer, for example, has orgies with fans at conventions without breaking the law, it is okay. You don’t have to participate.

    Some of the participants may even regret it later and that should also be okay. Regret is part of life. Regret having sex that one time, regret eating a boatload of ice cream and gaining weight, decisions have consequences and outcomes. 


    This new trend of "something something... your brain does not mature until 25 therefore you can't make some decisions about your life" has become so toxic. Apart from how much it was spread by transphobes to keep adults from transitioning (and they have already suceeded in some cases), it is also used to infantilize adult women who want to sleep with whomever the social media crowd deems problematic (I'm not talking about situations where there are further issues like here). Funny, how it's never used to influence drinking age, driving age, gun-purchasing, choosing your future career, joining the army, etc.

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  3. 10 hours ago, Blergh said:

    Where was Gaiman's child's mother. .and for that matter child when all this went on (and even his 'defense' seemed to point to, at the very least, very inappropriate actions on his part to an employee- especially one who was there  to be caring for his child)?

    I'm not blaming ANYone besides Gaiman himself for what happened but I just wonder where the others were when this happened (and the child's mother COULD be an ally for the onetime employee).

    From the additional info I've read, the nanny was a friend of Amanda and was hired by her. They also had open marriage, so apart from him pursuing their employee (with some already crossed boundaries between employee and friend), she might not see anything wrong about it.

    • Mind Blown 1
  4. I can be very critical of Lorelai, but I am 100% with her on keeping Rory separate  from her romantic partners. It's just common sense, especially since her partners are men. And initially, she agreed with Anna having the same approach with April. The drama that followed was IMO all just writers manufacturing drama for the sake of drama.

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  5. On 5/25/2024 at 12:47 AM, millennium said:

    As a lifelong Batman fan, why would I want to see this?  IMO, Damian Wayne is the worst thing to happen to the Batman mythos, worse even than Harley Quinn.   What makes Gunn believe people want a Robin who is "a little son of a bitch?"  Seems utterly tone deaf.  Either that or it's just a big fuck-you to people like me.   As far as the general public goes, it's etched into peoples' minds that Dick Grayson is Robin.  Not everybody follows comic books.   Most people don't know about the uninteresting parade of Dick Grayson surrogates foisted on us by DC over the years.   Probably even fewer have heard of the Bat-bastard Damian Wayne.   So far, the "DCU Batman" sounds like a suck-fest.

    On another note, I think Karen Gillan is greatly overrated.

    Well, Damian is my favorite DC character, so at least for me he is a draw to what I would otherwise probably dismiss as XYth Batman adaptation. Plus, he was one of the main characters in DCAU and he was popular with fans as far as I know.

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  6. On 7/3/2024 at 1:18 AM, ABay said:

    Reddit has not helped, but maybe I'm not doing it right. I find it chaotic and most of what might be relevant subreddits are either archived or gross. Definitely not fanfiction. But, I sincerely thank you for trying to help.

    What I need is a chatbot that isn't a prig. I found a story I really loved and want to find more like it. It was a sweet story! It genuinely moved me to the verge of tears. But there's no way to describe it without triggering sensitive AIs. A general web search is useless* and all the chatbots I've tried need to fan themselves and take to the fainting couch. Gemini practically clutches its pearls, ChatGPT will flash (don't...) info on screen then it disappears and there's a "this might violate our policies...", Copilot hates most of my prompts, like if it isn't fit for toddlers it can't deal, etc. I haven't actually tried Claude for this but I'm not hopeful.

    Maybe there aren't any others like it. One of things I like about it is how different it is from anything else I've read and another is that it purports to be a true story and I think it actually might be. The author hasn't written anything else and it feels like real life, unlike all the other things I've seen that are clearly not true regardless of how they're tagged.

    Truly, it's a sweet story,it just happens to be about things that make all the AIs I've tried reach for the smelling salts.

    *Love you DuckDuckGo but please consider advanced search features.


    I don't want to sound like on an anti-AI tangent, but... what makes art work is the human element. AI will never produce honest art. It might produce something workable but that is just because it copies what humans produced and maybe putting some good parts together works once in a while. But it is the art we produce from our emotions and experiences and mess that is the good, honest stuff. 

    Have you tried AO3? It is the biggest online archive and it also has original works in case you are not looking for a particular fandom. And I promise you, there are people posting who do not blush at anything. I don't think anything is off-limits there, as the idea behind it was to store all stories, including those that other websites rejected. (Honestly, there is stuff that I find problematic, but the reasoning that people always use it that once you start censoring something, it will just lead to more censorship). And once you understand the tag system, it is pretty workable to find what you want to find and not see what you don't want to see.

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  7. 13 hours ago, Ancaster said:

    I have no interest whatsoever in doing one of these kits.  I object to paying a private company to know and potentially misuse my DNA.  Also, as some of the stories above illustrate, some harmful personal history is being revealed.

    Just me?

    I'm the same. I would be vary of sharing my DNA, there is already way too much personal information we are required to provide to be able to function on the internet. 

    I also wouldn't see people I have only a biological connection with and never met as family. The only positive I can see is getting more information about possible genetically transmitted diseases. Similarly, if I found out I had ancestors from another country, it wouldn't make a difference to me regarding my identity, because my culture is the stuff I grew up with, not my genetics.

    But, different strokes for different folks...

    • Like 10
  8. 8 hours ago, ABay said:

    And now for something completely different...I have a question about online erotica and am hesitant to post it here. Is there a more appropriate forum on the site?

    Do you mean fanfiction? We have a thread for that, in the Everything Else TV forum. Although the conversation is more general and doesn't go into much details about explicit stories.

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  9. 2 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

    We used to have one of those a long time ago, in a first apartment in a not-great neighborhood. We bought it after the place had been broken into. The locksmith who sold it to us told us that for extra security before we went to sleep to put a penny in the space where the stick would slide over when you unlocked the door, which would keep the stick from moving. So we did that, not really thinking it would have any effect. And then a few nights later, a noise at the door woke us up. The burglar had stolen an extra set of keys, and he was trying to get into the apartment with them, surely knowing we'd be there. That penny probably saved our lives. I'm suggesting you do the same.

    We turn the key sideways after locking the door, so that even if somebody had a spare key or some sort of lockpick, it would be harder to stick it in.

    • Useful 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Anela said:

    There are people who will attack the partners of these actors, on social media.  Either they think they should be with the other actor, as you mentioned, or with them - the fan.  
    there was a guy in the walking dead, who shut down social media, when people wouldn’t stop attacking him, over something his character had done.  

    Oh yes, some people are shipping actors because they believe they have such great chemistry they must be secretly in love. Like, not as a joke or a fanfic, some people really believe that. And post nasty things about their actual partners. 

    Sometimes I understand why people say the fan is short for fanatic.

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  11. I'm not as familiar with UK's politics as I am with US', probably because they don't have such strong influence over the rest of us. From what I understand (hopefully not too uninformed):

    - The Tories can't be gone soon enough. Their mishandling of covid was well known and I remember the outrage when people learned about the secret parties - lots of them were sharing stories about how they managed to keep to the rules even if it was painful, like not being able to see a close relative in a hospital before they died - truly heartbreaking stuff. I don't think those people forgot. Also, to deflect from their incompetence, Tories seem to have chosen trans people as a scapegoat and are very vile towards them (I know, it's a shock that conservative politicians are against LGBTQ+ people, but they seem especially focused on them, which is sad considering how UK used to be seen as one of the best places for LGBTQ+ people - I think they even dropped in some list evaluating countries on this).

    - I would personally choose Liberal Democrats based on policies, so even though I hate my own country's political scene, UK makes me appreciate our multiple-party system that doesn't disadvantage smaller parties. But Labour still looks like a much better solution at the moment, especially with Keir Starmer instead of the antisemitic far-left Jeremy Corbyn. I hope one day politicians who are seen as "boring" will be the norm again, instead of the crazies and populists that dominate so much of he political scene now.

    - I am always cautious about celebrating too early.


    On 6/24/2024 at 6:03 PM, peeayebee said:

    Is there any way that Britain can rejoin the EU?

    This was asked by people on another forum I visit and UK-based posters explained that this isn't anywhere in Labor's program, so probably no. LibDems and SNP are more pro-EU and Labor might need them to form a government, but it's probably not likely that this will be the topic of discussions.

    This might be unpopular, but by now I'm in the "what is done is done" camp. I was very upset when Brexit vote happened, it was the first (though not the last) time I cried because of voting results. Mostly because I had this feeling of dread that this would be one of the moments that future historians will be pointing to as the steps when it all went wrong, like we do now with events from the 1920's and 1930's. Follow-up events just made me more certain of it.

    But, they had plenty of time and opportunity to walk back, IMO, the negotiations were long, very detailed and often frustrating, so it would seem like a slap in the face to all of the EU officials who negotiated them. If they want to join again, there would probably have to be another vote and I don't know how likely it would be that they would vote to rejoin, especially with the conditions being more difficult now. Then, there are countries on the waiting list who want to join (in some cases like Ukraine, people literally died to have that right) and I would be very pissed if UK got any preferential treatment over them.


    On 6/25/2024 at 5:19 PM, purist said:

    In Australia, where I live, the Labor Party is red and the Liberal Party (the conservatives, confusingly) is blue, like in the UK. I've always wondered why the US Republican Party uses red rather than blue, when red is much more usually associated with left-wing ideologies. So I googled it, and found an article in The Verge that explains it. The reason is pretty ridiculous:


    In my country, red was associated with the communists and is now used by the populist left anti-democratic party, with blue being associated for a long time with pro-democratic, pro-european/pro-western parties. So, it makes sense to me that Democrats are blue and Republicans are red, because in my case any left/right division doesn't matter to me much, only which party is more liberal and upholds democratic values and which is populist and authoritarian.


    On 6/25/2024 at 7:56 PM, MicheleinPhilly said:

    I strongly suggest subscribing to The Guardian's daily email blast. Yes, The Guardian has certain biases but I find them to be more objective than the other dailies.

    Context: I keep up with the UK news for my job. 

    The Guardian is biased and some of their opinion pieces can go to very far places, but I have to stick to them for more detailed UK news (and some other international news), because BBC publishes maybe like 20% of their number of articles (and I prefer reading news to watching it).

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  12. 9 hours ago, Ancaster said:

    And please tell me I'm not the only dirty European who doesn't change their sheets every week?  ("I took a bath last year even though I didn't really need it.")

    I change them every other week. I didn't even know what is the norm. We don't have a drier and I have space for just one wash per day to hang and dry (my peeve is when the weather is such that it takes more than 24 hours for the clothes to dry). I change my towels almost every day though.

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  13. Considering the talk about cars and that summer (and with it, extreme heat) is starting in the northern hemisphere, here's a reminder that one should never leave a kid or a pet in their car alone, no matter how short they plan to stay away. It can get overheated a lot more quickly then people might think and lead to terrible disasters.

    10 hours ago, PRgal said:

    Regarding vegan burgers at restaurants:  I wish they WOULDN'T offer Impossible/Beyond burgers!  They're gross and chocked full of sodium.  I know Beyond is trying to do a better/healthier version that doesn't have as much sodium and additives, but can't they just use black beans and quinoa or something?

    9 hours ago, Yeah No said:


    Impossible meat is one of my pet peeves. It is marketed in such a way that many people think it's "healthy" or at least healthier than regular meat when if you really looked at the nutrition label it is NOT, even as far as fat and cholesterol content as well as sodium. The only people that might benefit from it are vegans or vegetarians that miss the taste of real meat but don't care about the unhealthy aspects of the product. And given how health conscious most vegans I've known are, that's not a lot of people. So the companies that put this stuff out are benefiting from the fact that the general public thinks it's eating healthier by eating their product when it is NOT!

    BTW, a little known fact I just found out is that 95% or higher lean beef burger meat is actually healthier and lower in fat and cholesterol than skinned chicken breast. Wow, that blew my mind. So now I eat that in moderation.

    Yes, please. I wish people, especially if they want to eat healthier and environmentally-conscious, would move more towards eating naturally vegetarian food, instead of all that overprocessed stuff. Plus, eating more seasonal + local when possible.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

    Tell me if you think I'm just being an old lady yelling at a cloud...

    What's with people going on the defensive over stupid shit on social media or TikTok? They think it makes them look somehow good and noble, but I think it makes them look like petty attention-seekers. You probably heard about that mom who posted a video defending her brave, bold, courageous choice to... never return shopping carts to the store or even the cart corral. Her reasoning? She didn't want to leave her kid alone in the car.

    Um, couple of things....

    1. Who cares?

    2. Why did she feel the need to loudly announce this online? This lady is nobody, it's not as if she were being publicly dragged for it.

    3. Does she realize that if she had just kept this to herself and said nothing, no one would even know? 

    While I don't think everyone has to pipe down all the time, some reticence here and there won't kill you. Remember, having an opinion doesn't make you a hero, and loudly saying random crap all the time won't save the world.

    I think social media has significantly increased some people's self-centeredness. And their need to argue with others.

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  15. 2 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    Is anyone else not peeing frequently in the summer heat?

    Do you drink the same amount? I find that when it gets too hot, I somehow drink less and have to remind myself to drink, which is not the case for the rest of the year when I have no problem to drink up to about 3 litres a day.

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  16. 22 hours ago, PRgal said:

    As a Canadian from a large city and from an "ethnic" (i.e. immigrant) family, I'm always surprised at standard (smaller town/city) American cuisine.  From portion sizes (okay, we're not much better) to selection, it seems turn-off-y.  Despite Chinese food being seen as high in sodium and other things, it's usually just the restaurant stuff, especially ones that are kind of repurposed to suit non-East Asian (and less foodie) palates.  My family didn't use a lot of soy sauce/sodium growing up and a lot of our mains were steamed rather than even stir-fried.  We actually stayed away/limited a lot of store bought sauces.  There are people out there who think I have disordered eating because I just choose to label read and limit my intake of certain ingredients.  I don't ban myself or my family from them and yes, we eat out a lot, but I just don't buy them for my cooking.  Others just see this as me showing off my privilege.  I guess it's d@mned if you do, d@mned if you don't, right?

    You have my sympathy. Food snobs are irritating. God forbid people want to know and/or control what they put into their bodies.

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  17. 6 hours ago, voiceover said:

    I’ve noticed practically everyone who’s posted here has a different fave (speaks to how terrific he was!).  

    My first I've seen him in was a WW2 TV movie Uprising, the last one probably Crossing Lines.

    Pride&Prejudice is my favorite and Buffy the Vampire Slayer ... was a choice. 


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  18. On 6/19/2024 at 5:17 AM, Annber03 said:

    Hell, one doesn't even need to watch that show to realize that having the government being THAT deeply involved in your personal reproductive choices is a very, VERY chilling thought on so many levels.

    What is fascinating is that this comes from the party who says they don't want the government interfering in people's lives ... when it suits them, of course. And yet people can bend over backwards to ignore the hypocrisy. 

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  19. I usually prefer stories that are close to canon, but I like some AUs that are like, what if that happened differently, what if the character that appeared in season 3 was there from the start, or another character didn't die when they did, etc. But AUs that are completely different setting, like high school instead of fantasy world, pirates instead of current time, coffeeshop AU, etc., I just don't get the appeal. The setting is usually a huge part of why I like the canon story. But good for people who get to explore their creativity this way.

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  20. On 6/17/2024 at 10:07 PM, Spartan Girl said:

    Third party voting/not voting didn’t work out too well in 2016, you’d think they’d learn their lesson...

    Oh, somebody has learned. The Russia-Iran-North Korea-China axis have learned that manipulating useful idiots on both sides of the horseshoe via social media is exactly the way to go and they made sure that Biden has enough on his plate to make him look unappealing to young dumb naive voters who want their candidate to offer 100% of what they ask for and not a bit less, unless they apparently can't be bothered. It doesn't help that some people don't seem to understand how your political system works and blame Biden for stuff he's not responsible for just because it happened during his term, like Roe v. Wade getting axed. Or that media seems to under-report all the good stuff that he does. And how much has John complained about him as well? I'm not saying don't criticise when it's fair, but maybe it wouldn't hurt to see the bigger picture and what people are going to take away from all that negativity.

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