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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. 22 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

    Forrest Gump was I thought great watching it as a kid.  Today, something about it doesn't hold up all that well to me.  Even for nostalgic sake.  

    I think it's one of the dumbest movies ever.

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  2. There seems to be a lot of online discourse about Taylor Swift and especially her latest album, with people either loving every second of it and relating to it so much, or tearing it all down and hating on her.

    I guess my unpopular opinion is that I just don't care. I liked some of her songs and probably wouldn't recognize most of the others. But to get so popular in today's climate, she must be doing something right, so good for her I guess.

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  3. On 6/8/2024 at 10:51 PM, chessiegal said:

    I signed up for a CSA basket from a local farm. I didn't ask for it, but today's basket had kohlrabi in it. I've never had it before. I've been looking at preparations on-line. Any suggestions?

    If it's a new one, you can also just eat it raw, or as a side to a sandwich. It has a different flavor than cooked or steamed.

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  4. On 5/31/2024 at 4:47 AM, qtpye said:

    I have a serious question.

    Why was Rory so hellbent on being a journalist?  She seemed to pick that job like small children say they want to be a ballerina cowgirl astronaut. 

    She would have been better suited to Academia, perhaps as an English professor.

    You know her grandparents would happily have paid her bills while she got her PhD. 


    I have seen people being stubborn about what they wanted as children/teenagers even once they realized they are not that suited for it. And Rory gets a lot of stubbornness from Lorelei and Emily. I can see her being inspired by someone like Christiane Amanpour, she seems to be an amazing person, but we can admire someone and want to be like them without wanting to do the exact same things. 

    I think Rory would be suited for teaching and/or writing novels, or running a local newspaper if those were still a big thing. 

    Or, to make a crossover with another show, there was a TV show called The Bold Type about three young women working for a women's magazine a few years ago. It was good, but it received some criticism over how idealized the portrayal of the job was. One of the main characters basically had free reign and could write whatever she wanted, wasn't very good at receiving criticism and still made a great career. I can see Rory working in a job like that, lol.

    But anyway, Rory thriving in high school and then facing difficulties at college and work and having trouble dealing with changes and insecurity is one of the most realistic and relatable things on this show, IMO.  

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  5. On 5/31/2024 at 6:32 PM, AnimeMania said:

    ‘The Rings of Power’ Actor Confirmed Not Returning for Season 2


    Nazanin Boniadi, who plays Bronwyn, the human healer, who is the mother of Theo and had a forbidden romance with the elf warrior Arondir has chosen not to return for The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power Season 2.

    Nazanin Boniadi has decided instead to focus her time towards activism, specifically supporting the people of her homeland, Iran, who have been risking everything for freedom. #WomanLifeFreedom 

    Story-wise, I'm sad because I liked her character, but real world trumps the fictional and I wish her all the luck with fighting the real evil. 


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  6. 6 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I will defend Petunia here a bit.  She loses her sister twice and is stuck raising Harry because Dumbledore said so.  I'm sorry, the world that JKR created is cruel to Muggles. 

    Oh, definitely. They basically kidnap Muggle-born kids from their families at the age 11 and do what they can to alienate them with the boarding school that has no electricity and probably no mobile connection, only a scary, pooping bird that brings you letters written with quills.

    Also, I can't believe I'm defending Petunia, but let's remember that she was only in her early 20's when Harry was dropped on her and she was already way over her head with one kid (that she raised terribly, but that's another issue).


    3 hours ago, Bookworm 1979 said:

    Thank you!!!  On so many message boards for Harry Potter people like to forget that Snape terrified Neville to the point that his boggart was Snape.  My theory is that people actually like Alan Rickman, and that's why they get angry when you argue that Snape was a bully to the students who weren't in Slytherin. 

    I think it's the usual love for the bad boys. Similar excuses were used for Draco, while characters like Ron were ignored or vilified by these fans.

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  7. I don't know if it's because I only watch bits and pieces of Last Week now, based on the descriptions of the videos, but my main takeaway is that there seems to be waaay too many politicians that only seem interested in letting everybody else know whatever sex thing they are preoccupied about at the moment. There was that woman recently who kept crying about dildos, then all those people reading from YA books, now this poor guy looks like he just wants an excuse to tell us about how much he enjoys vagina. Nom nom nom nom. Poor repressed souls.

    Swimming in Seine... I have no words. Maybe John's sewage plant could somehow help with some tips to clean the water? I'm meh about the Olympics in general, but either way I don't see the point of swimming in the river.

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  8. As far as ASoIaF goes, Jamie/Brienne are a pretty good ship. They are not related and nothing unconsensual ever happened between them as far as I remember. I haven't read any fics about them, but good for you to have so many to choose from. I have ventured into ASoIaF fics some years ago, but I can't really remember anything special, other than The North Remembers, which was a doorstopper of a fic that basically covered books 6 and 7 and was IMO very faithful to how the characters were written in the books. I think Jamie and Brienne had a rather good but tragic conclusion there. Other than that, I've read some Dany/Jorah fics, because I'm creepy like that, but there wasn't anything particularly noteworthy, IMO.

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  9. On 6/8/2024 at 8:53 PM, ESS said:

    Does anyone have a case where they love/ship a couple/pairing, but they can't read fanfics about them? I have this issue with a couple I love and ship in a fandom and it's so weird because this has never happened to me before. I've tried reading several fics on these two and I just can't get through them and I usually end up just reading the comments people leave. 

    I can't think of any, but I've had a sort of opposite situation: a couple I very much don't ship romantically in canon, I love their platonic relationship and shipping them seems incestuous and even creepy to me. But I've had this weird fascination once that I just had to read several fics that shipped them romantically. And some of them were even really well written. Still didn't make me ship them and I still find that ship creepy, but I don't think of my time as wasted, it was an interesting experience, lol.

  10. 9 hours ago, Raja said:

    About the only thing I remember about the Thorn Birds was that it was a period piece with a woman seducing her Catholic, presumably with an oath of celibacy Priest. Is there something else in the story that is not  doable today?  That main story point I have seen in shows produced from South America to the Philippines ? Did he rise to Bishop with everyone in the church hierarchy knowing of the extramarital sex.

    I wouldn't call it seduction, considering she was a child when they met and he was already an adult. The only thing I can see people having problem with now that they didn't before is how their relationship might come off as grooming. She came from a huge family and was the only girl, so she was often overlooked by her parents and the priest was often the only adult she could talk to. I don't think there was any intentional grooming going on, both of them were usually victims of circumstances, but as an adult, he was the one who should have been more careful about keeping their relationship from becoming romantic and failed at it. It makes for an interesting and tragic story, but I think that many people today especially on social media lack enough media literacy to comprehend when something in a story means that the authors are endorsing the behavior vs. just showing things happening because people are human.

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  11. On 6/6/2024 at 7:29 PM, Ohiopirate02 said:

    I also hate the context nepo baby is always used.  It's always in a derogatory manner, and always leaves out important bits.  Yes, having a famous parent can help one land their first gig in the entertainment industry, but that does not guarantee subsequent gigs.  It gets your foot in the door, the rest is up to you.  Whatever leg up the children of famous people have is not really all that important in the long run.  It's knowing what to look for in an agent, how to behave and dress for an audition, etc.  Stuff most loving parents who want their kids to succeed do anyway.  It's also an acting gig most of the time.    

    And, nepotism makes the world go round.  Every single one of my jobs was obtained through knowing someone or my mother knowing someone.  I suspect the vast majority of people can say the same.  People like known quantities.

    It used to be the norm that people would often take up the job that their parents had. Farming, all sorts of crafts, clerks, etc. I really appreciate that we are now more free to pursue whatever careers we want without being shamed for abandoning family business. 

    As for nepo babies, yes I have the same peeve. Sure, there are some that don't have talent, but as others have said, usually you have to be good to make it. Yes, they have the advantage of knowing more about the industry. And? Does that mean they should abandon it because others don't have the same advantages? Almost everyone has some sort of advantage at something. Talent, skills, stable home conditions, ... There will never be total equality in terms of everyone having exactly same starting position, and if it was we would lose so much diversity because different experiences are what makes us all different, for good or bad. Most "nepo babies" acknowledge that they have advantage due to their family at some point. Could we maybe please ease on this attitude that everyone has to acknowledge all of their privileges all the time? 

    My related peeve is how some people treat celebrities in general. Just because somebody chose a career that makes them visible to public doesn't mean that we are entitled to all details of their private lives. Some share a lot of it, but some of it is PR that they might feel they have to do, so it still doesn't feel like it's ok for us to pick apart all of it and make comments that we would not appreciate somebody else making about us. Not to mention how this might affect their families who didn't choose that life.

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  12. On 6/2/2024 at 6:56 PM, DoctorAtomic said:

    I think the general consensus was they should have ended Red John with the guy they caught in the third season. He was only a disciple or something iirc. 

    Agreed, that was a great season finale.


    On 6/3/2024 at 3:36 AM, Danielg342 said:

    I'm with @DoctorAtomic that the Red John storyline should have ended with Bradley Whitford's character shot in the mall cafe at the end of S3, because that moment was too perfect and it was too well-built up. Nothing the show could have done afterward could have topped that.

    (For the record, Whitford's character was revealed to be a Red John minion named Timothy Carter who held a woman prisoner in his basement)

    I could go on a rant about Red John but I'm not sure how on topic it would be, so I'll just mention the most salient point: Bruno Heller has actually admitted he didn't know who Red John even was until halfway into Season Four. Which meant we got three and half years of clues that were based upon someone who didn't yet exist.

    Which is really Hollywood's big problem with its overarching mysterious criminals (and its overarching mysteries in general- like Lost or the "Mombatross" of Castle). Too often a writer or a producer (more likely a producer, methinks) falls in love with the idea of their show having this "mystery" that they introduce it, give it some bare bones but never develop it any further.

    Eventually you get a character or a concept that falls flat because they have all these things tacked on to it without a concern about if they actually work together, leading to a mishmash the writers try valiantly to put together at the last moment only for them to realize by that point they're in way over their heads.

    Agreed with everything. I prefer when the creators have everything planned from the beginning. Of course, now there is always the threat that their show will be cancelled before they are able to tell the whole story.

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  13. On 6/3/2024 at 12:16 AM, DoctorAtomic said:

    'Woke' is thrown around the internet so much now that's it's basically lost all meaning. I mean, the original Star Wars was woke by that measure. 

    Perhaps the real woke was the friends we made along the way... (Sorry, couldn't resist.)


    1 hour ago, Mabinogia said:

    The main thing I learned from Doctor Who is that a great writer doesn't always make a great show runner. Moffat wrote some AMAZING episodes. My all time favorite Blink, The Girl in the Fireplace, The Empty Child. he's great at one offs but tends to crawl up his own ass when given free reign.

    Second this hard. He has some very good idea but boy, does he get over himself when given the opportunity. Don't even get me started again on Sherlock and how that went from great to terrible.


    12 minutes ago, Affogato said:

    I’m female and I spent years identifying with men in media, so boys can find female role models. It would do them good. In addition there are some men who would make good, non violent role models, so I think you are being really hard on men in general. 

    I think both can be true. The Doctor is a huge role model for this very reason (even David Tennant said that that was what drew him to the character as a kid). But we definitely should have a lot more characters like this and also male characters shouldn't keep being considered as the default - i.e. the idea that women/girls can identify with male characters but men/boys can't identify with female characters.

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  14. On 5/27/2024 at 8:16 AM, Danielg342 said:

    I've personally never understood this. On one hand, I get that it's likely more visually appealing to see two people talk to each other (and easier on logistics) than to have them communicate by letter, phone or (in today's age) online. I also get that it's a common safety tip to meet someone you don't know in a public place first before going anywhere else, and production crews would save on time and space filming one scene at the bench instead of filming a scene at the bench and a scene somewhere else.

    On the other hand...revealing secrets on a bench, where the public could hear it, is incredibly risky and reckless. I'd imagine real spies (who are, likely, nothing at all like James Bond) don't conduct "business" out in the open. They'll go to safe houses or homes or at least talk in places that are more private than a park.

    Good Omens parodied this by having multiple pairs of people meeting in St James' park in London, sometimes approaching a wrong person. 

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  15. I've always hated phone calls, ever since I was a kid, especially if I have to be the one who calls. For whatever reason, I have decided in the past that I should overcome this and forced myself into customer support job where I had to take phone calls (thankfully no face-to-face interaction). After 3 exhausting years of that, I now realize that it's better if I choose a job where I can use my strengths rather than force myself to overcome my weaknesses and suffer for it. And I got better at recognizing what my strengths are.

    I just wish that companies were not pushing so hard for coming back to the office. I have a new job now and I'm not sure how much I will be able to work from home once I'm done training. The HR guy who I talked to originally said 2 days a week, but now my boss is saying things like, well it's a case-by-case system and for example the colleague who takes two days of home office works there for 2 years already and lives far away. I don't care how far away people live, I think that rules should work the same for everyone, regardless of if they are from the city, have kids (don't get me started on that) or anything else that is connected to personal life.

    I work much better from home. At my last job, basically all of us in my team said that we prefer working from home, but the company also forced us to come to the office 3 days a week. I hate that once again, things are being set up to mostly accommodate extroverts. I get that the lockdowns were hard for them, but maybe they could have realized that the opposite is always hard on us and not whined so much that all of the progress that was done with realization that most office jobs can be done just fine from home was basically forgotten. Why not let everyone decide what works best for them personally?

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  16. I don't like Joss Whedon after all we have learned about him, but Buffy the Vampire Slayer is IMO still one of the best TV shows ever created and I'm not gonna trash it because of it's creator. The show is incredible, has great characters (a lot of the credit goes to the actors, but a lot of it goes to how they were written as well) and had an unquestionable impact not just on the genre but on TV shows in general. It was feministic and had a great impact in how LGBT+ characters are portrayed on TV. And it IMO holds up well even 25 years after it debuted. I am tired of people calling it sexist or misogynistic or whatever just because Whedon turned out to be, when the show was mostly the exact opposite (now Charmed, that was a different beast, very sexist at times towards both men and women somehow). It had some issues like every show, but nothing is for everyone. I will happily complain about some aspects of the last 3 seasons, but the show as a whole deserves its place as one of the most influential and best written TV shows in the mystery/fantasy/horror genres. Thank you for your time.

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  17. 9 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

    Non verbal communication.  Someone told me once 80% of communication isn't actually spoken out loud.  


    I'm not sure about 80% but some people do give off vibes sometimes without speaking imo.  

    A lot of people struggle with non-verbal communication, or "social cues", "unwritten rules", etc. I personally would prefer more straightforward, honest communication. 

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  18. On 5/21/2024 at 5:23 PM, GHScorpiosRule said:

    And once done, I went scrolling and just what popped up on my screen? Richard Chamberlain's The Count of Monte Cristo!

    It has its flaws, but it's my favorite adaptation of that book (apart from one amazing stage musical, that is).

    The last scene with the Count and Mercedes saying goodbye is just so heartbreaking. 

    "You will never find him. He died a long time ago at the Château d'If. And much of me is buried with him. But I celebrate the Count of Monte Cristo's return to the world of men. And I wish for him, from the depths of my heart, that he will find the peace for which he yearns."

    "But never, never will he find that perfect love which two young people lost so many, many years ago. Bon voyage, Countess Mondego."

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  19. I don't even understand what the issue with showing/not showing if a movie is musical is. If somebody goes to watch a movie without looking up info about it and then is disappointed, it's their problem.

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  20. It took me a while to watch the last episode, but it was worth it. I especially liked that they did not do a straight-up adaptation of Fatal Attractions as I feared, but changed the ending. Those scenes with Xavier and Magneto in his mind were so emotional. I liked Onslaught in the comics, but I'm not particularly in the mood for it right now. I want Xavier and Magneto working together, as they should.

    I was ready to throw up from disgust when it looked like the X-Men were going to sacrifice themselves to save the world that, let's be honest, doesn't deserve them, but that is textbook X-Men, I guess. The twist with them ending up at different points in time looks promising.

    Also, cameos of Lorna, Wanda and Pietro, yay!

    On 5/18/2024 at 10:40 PM, Noneofyourbusiness said:

    I think the Phoenix made them no longer Prime Sentinels and that they're still alive. They stopped being purple when they collapsed.

    And I'm sure they will feel horrified by where their actions led them... Just kidding! They never do.

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  21. 1 hour ago, Anela said:

    My English grandma had me scared of storms, as a kid.  She’d close the curtains, and unplug things like the TV. We once saw a lightning ball shoot down a neighbour’s chimney, across the road.  We went to make sure they were okay, and their living room was covered in dirt. It was a bit damaged.  

    My grandparents who lived in the country used to do that too. Once when I was there for holidays as a kid and I was watching TV, my grandfather just came into the room and turned the TV off without any words. I was like, what is going on? Later, I learned that they did not have a lightning rod, because in their village, apparently only the church and the fire station got it. Since I have always been anxious and scared of everything possible even as a kid, I was always terrified when I was there and we had a storm, which happens a lot during summer, lol. I was certain that it would strike their house (it never did).

    We also did not use to have tornadoes in Central Europe and a couple of years ago there was a big one. I hate climate change.

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  22. 3 hours ago, BlueSkies said:

    Somebody told me I always look angry.


    It's not the 1st time I've heard that in my lifetime but I thought that was kind of an inappropriate comment.  

    I feel you. My general default look apparently looks to some people like resting bitch face. I guess to some people, happy is the default. To me, neutral is the default.

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  23. 12 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

    My stepdaughter, a psychologist, once said that she & her associates always knew when there was a full moon because of the behavior of their patients. No idea if it affected all of the patients.

    I don't believe in astrology or any of that nonsense, but I can see how things like more light during the night could affect sensitive people. Usually, most myths have some sort of backstory so I wouldn't be very surprised if werewolves were connected to people going more crazy than usual during full moon.

    Apparently, this has been studied to some extent:

    Lunar effect

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