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Posts posted by JustHereForFood

  1. 9 hours ago, oliviabenson said:

    What rewards do you give your self? I usually use food and that’s not good. I need some ideas.

    I get books and I buy them more quickly than I read them, lol. But get whatever makes you happy. Maybe a trip somewhere new? 

    And Happy Birthday! 🥳

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  2. That was nice. I am liking the new Doctor and companion so far. I didn't mind that we skipped the overused "getting the new costume" shtick, but we got a confident "I am THE Doctor" moment, so all is well.

    Mavity is still mavity, another plus. I wonder if there are some side-effects from the Ruby disappearance and return. Is that huge hole in her house going to stay there for now? Couldn't the Doctor fix it? It reminded me a bit of Moffat's crack from season 5, I hope that one doesn't make any reappearance. 

    I wonder if Doctor's hesitation about the person who dropped Ruby off at the church was about him figuring out whether he would want to know where he comes from or not, after we had that parallel mentioned several times. Ruby probably wants to know, though, so I wonder if we will return to that scene again. She might ask for that, like Rose in The Father's Day.

    Now 5 more months...

    • Like 3
  3. Thank you both. Yeah, we figured that might have made it worse too. She was feeling nauseous after a few days (that is said to be a very common symptom), so she was drinking less. Not like nothing at all, but less than usual. I have been keeping an eye on her these last two days and reminding her to drink, today she was feeling better, so fingers crossed. 

    6 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

    Also: Does your mom take any regular medications (that might interact with either the Paxlovid or Covid to cause low blood pressure)?

    Just a medication for thyroid and now some vitamins to boost immunity. Plus she took some pill for migraine once, but her doctor knew about all these and said it should be fine. She double-checked if she should continue when she started feeling nauseous, but was told that that's still better than getting pneumonia from covid, which is hard to argue with. 

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  4. Me and my mom are both home with Covid. She was on Paxlovid between Monday-Friday and she has terribly low blood pressure from it. At least we hope that's the reason and that it will get better now. She almost fell down a couple of times when she got up, if I didn't catch her in time. I told her she needs to wait for me and not go anywhere on her own, because I would probably not be able to pick her up and I'm too afraid she would hurt herself. She doesn't like it of course, since she's very independent and active. Her mother had same problems with blood pressure, but she had diabetes and problems with kidneys. I really hope that this was just a reaction to the medication and not a beginning of some serious issues. I'm not ready for that.

    I only managed about half of the food we prepare for Christmas as I'm still a bit weak myself. Just the potato salad, no fish and no soup, plus I baked our traditional Christmas cake and one of the three types of cookies we do (the dough for one more is in the fridge, waiting to feel a bit better for it). It is what it is. I cooked and baked the last two days (we have the dinner on 24th as the main Christmas meal), today I have to take a break.

    Sorry for being such a downer, I don't know where else to vent.

    • Hugs 8
  5. 13 hours ago, Anduin said:

    I have a feeling I brought up this story or one very similar before, but I can't find it now. Anyway, someone thought he could bop out a sequel to Lord of the Rings and get it published. Amazon and the Tolkien estate disagreed. It went to court, he lost.

    It's been tried before. It didn't work then, it didn't work this time, it won't work next time either. Some people refuse to learn from the past. If you do have an idea based on an existing property, you bloody ship of Theseus it until it's something different. Sure you can say 'it's inspired by X' or 'I wondered what Y did next.' I'll accept that. Big media companies and their lawyers will accept that. But no, that isn't enough for some people.

    You fly too close to the sun, you get your wings melted. Icarus is a cautionary tale, not aspirational!

    Lol, I mean that is what fanfiction is for. If you want your fanfiction published, you have to pick a story that is already in the public domain or wait until it is. It's still going to be fanfiction, whether it's a millionth take on some mythology or adding zombies to some classic literature. That's ok, fanfiction is a great thing, but getting it published doesn't change what it is.

    • Like 2
  6. Musk is definitely one of the most dangerous people in the world right now.

    The bare minimum we could all do is stop using his shitty platform. BTW, John said that most people still call it Twitter. What I've seen, people now call it Xitter, pronounced the way people in China or Vietnam would pronounce it ("x" read as "sh"). I've never had an account there, but I used to check some people's profiles for news about some of my favorite shows. It seems like many people have been leaving it recently, citing the increasing toxicity which doesn't surprise me in the slightest. Apart from the already mentioned reinstatement of several assholes, Musk also decreased the opportunities to report offensive content.*

    *What is especially dickish, he disabled the function to report transphobic hate-speech. One of his kids is trans and she now reportedly doesn't want to have anything to do with him (big shocker, right?). Father of the year, everyone.

    Also, for the love of everything, can people please stop taking their news from Xitter? The misinformation seems to be over-the-top even for social media standards and I'm really worried how much worse it's gonna get before next year's US elections. Musk has already got into trouble with the EU for it, as we have slightly more strict laws against misinformation (though it's still far too little, IMO). There's actually been an update today, so the timing of John's piece is good: X to be investigated for allegedly breaking EU laws on hate speech and fake news

    As far as I'm concerned, the end of Xitter can't come soon enough. I hope those advertisers stick to their decisions.

    As someone who follows the war in Ukraine pretty closely, the drama about the satellites was painful to watch unfold (not to mention hard to keep the track of, what with his weird pseudo-intellectual statements). It's great that he provided the Starlink access at the time when it was really needed, but his later blackmail over it and his attempts at a "peace plan" leave a bad taste, especially considering how grateful the Ukrainians were and how much goodwill Musk acquired initially. It's as if he wants peace, but he wants to be the one praised for it, otherwise he just doesn't care, just like John said about the saving the world stuff. Hello, narcissistic personality disorder. If only there was a way that someone would come to him on a daily basis and shouted "Newsflash, asshole, not everything is about you!"


    8 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Better question: can you be a billionaire and not be an asshole? 

    Hard to say. I try not to judge people for their money or status, especially if they earned their money. It does seem like there might be a higher concentration of assholes there, but it's hard to say if it's not just because we tend to hear more about them than about some nobodies who spend half their day making other people's lives miserable. I would say it's more about the influence they have than the amount of money - I just checked the list of the wealthiest people to see if I can find someone decent and I don't know most of those people, only the ones who try hard to be in the spotlight. I guess Bill and Melinda Gates are more or less liked? Plus, Oprah and Rihanna are billionaires, though they were relatively down on the list.

    I will definitely agree that too much power in the hands of one person is dangerous and if they are surrounded by people who constantly praise them and don't allow any criticism, that is the road to hell. (We can also see that with various dictators or wannabe-dictators all over the world.)

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  7. 8 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

    The hardest one was having to decide between Aziraphale and Crowley. How can I chose when I love them both equally.

    Exactly! It was weird having only Crowley in the Favorite lead character category, but at least I didn't have to decide which one to vote for. (I would have preferred to have them both as one option as they belong together and seriously, who voted for just one of them in the first round, lol.)

    It was harder in the Favorite LGBT+ character category, since they were both there and none of the Heartstopper cast that I would have preferably voted for made it into second round. I chose Crowley as I assumed he has bigger chance, being the only one making it into the second round in the other category, and I was too self-conscious to ask here. (Yes, I am definitely overthinking these awards, why do you ask? 😆.)

    • Like 1
  8. I love Bambi and for some time I used to watch it every Christmas. Like most  movies I watched at a specific time, I eventually stopped after a few years (I still have 2 that I have to watch on Christmas Eve, but that's it) and now I just watch it maybe once every 2 years when I really want to. I actually like that it doesn't have much in terms of plot and just shows us glimpses of life in a forest. Well, a very idealized version of life in a forest, but I just love all those cute animals. And the music is so beautiful, with a haunting feeling, it's different from most Disney movies because it's in the background and not the characters singing it.

    It's hard to watch that scene and if I have one complaint about the movie, it's how quickly the mood is changed afterwards to happy again.

    I've planned to read the book it's based on for years, hopefully one day I'll get around to do it. I know it's darker (like everything that Disney movies are based on), but I get the feeling I would like it. My library even has it, I've just been terrible with finding the time to read books.

    • Like 1
  9. On 11/26/2023 at 11:28 PM, Morrigan2575 said:

    Did I misunderstand what was going on? I thought "Rose" came out as non-binary because the Doctor regenerated as a female? I thought all of "Rose" was tied to the Doctor (her she'd, toys, gender fluidity). That's why at the end she said, she finally felt like herself? 

    I very much doubt that that was the intention. It would not be a good message to tie her being trans to the connection to the Doctor, there is nothing alien or supernatural about being trans. Some people just are trans and the sooner that everyone gets over themselves and just accepts that, the better. 

    It's possible that being trans could have helped her to understand the part of her that was connected to the Doctor better, since she was already open to thinking outside the norms that most of us impose on our perception of life and the universe - like the Doctor said in the third special, the universe is not binary.

    • Like 3
  10. 3 hours ago, AstridM said:

    Is there any way to post the picture here? I can’t see it and won’t use Xitter.

    Just a picture of that tweet? I am not tech savvy but I usually post pictures by doing a snip. Xitter plays hot and cold with me about what I can see but this one was visible for some reason.



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  11. One more thing I remembered. Before the episode, I expected that after the Doctor regenerates, if we get any more scenes with Donna and her family, it would be fun if Shaun said something like "Ok, now I might get jealous if you want to travel alone with him somewhere." With the 2 Doctors, there was an opportunity to show him relieved that the Doctor that Donna finds less attractive is the one who stays with them.

  12. Also, the message that it is ok to take the time off to rest, heal (in real life we would even say regenerate), especially after prolonged stress is a good one.

    I love the ending more and more each day.

    • Like 8
  13. 28 minutes ago, ProudMary said:

    Head over and vote in the various categories where Good Omens has been nominated.

    But be careful to avoid the "Long In The Tooth: Show That Still Airs Long Past Its Expiration Date" .😉

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  14. 9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

    Next week is the finale. Something tells me that as rough as 2023 was, it will feel easier compared to 2024. I'm guessing LWT is scouting locations on where they can symbolically blow up a year even before the year actually happens.

    Considering how much the climate has suffered this year not to mention all the serious explosions, the only reasonable solution is to skip something like that. If people need to see it for the few seconds of comfort it might give them, John can easily replay past footage and donate the money they would need for the explosion.

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  15. 6 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

    Birthday parties for adults. Not just for “milestone” years. If you’re being honored at a birthday party (surprise or otherwise) by 20 or 30 of your closest friends, doesn’t that imply that you’re going to two or three parties a month for everyone else in that friend group? Who has time for that? Or are you just that special?

    I think those parties are only for those who specifically said they don't want a party, or are in a situation when being surprised like that will make them feel they are attacked or something. If you actually want a birthday party and are a TV character, you will spend your birthday sitting sadly alone by yourself with a single piece of cake you bought yourself.

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  16. 9 hours ago, monkeypox said:

    I didn't understand Donna's saying "brainbox" proving she's human because people "can believe two completely different things at the same time." Does that term have two opposite meanings? Merriam-Webster says that a chiefly British definition is "a very intelligent person." Is it also slang for a stupid person in Britain? 

    I feel kind of stupid for not understanding this.

    I thought that was just how she referred to the Doctor once she was certain which one he was and he already knew she was her, which is why he called her Earth Girl.

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