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Everything posted by Nialla

  1. This is from the NIH. Not full numbers, but gives a sense of scale. "A study by the U.S. General Accounting Office finds that 4 of the 12 Indian Health Service regions sterilized 3,406 American Indian women without their permission between 1973 and 1976." That's an average of ~850 per year.
  2. It's believed that stress and other health factors can cause changes that cause premature gray hair, but the idea that someone can be "scared" so much that their hair immediately turns white from root to tip is bunk. Native women were absolutely sterilized, without their consent and/or understanding, primarily in the 1960s and 70s.
  3. It's referring to the actor previously starring in "The Librarians" series.
  4. Exactly this. Tim brought the coat because his dad wears it during emergencies so people can easily spot the doctor. Tim's only a med student, and even having the coat in hand made one of the emergency responders think he was a doctor. That could be bad if someone needed an actual trained doctor. I was really surprised he wasn't put to work in Nonnatus House as soon as he showed up. He could have at least helped with triage. Though I knew he'd end up at the train, and said "Your mum is going to kill you" when he started up the ladder.
  5. And in most cases, another and another, if they're lucky enough to live in an area with options or have transportation. The idea that a woman may change her mind and/or have a husband who wants kids is very much part of the equation for doctors, even though it shouldn't be. Women who have health conditions that would be improved with a hysterectomy are often put off in their 20s and 30s by their doctor in some cases, but also by insurance (US). They'll say it's not life threatening, so even if you find a doctor you'd have to pay for it out of pocket.
  6. Belter tattoos are a tribute to the history of the Belt. Early (and cheap) vacsuits would leave burns and scars, especially at the neck where the helmet connected. They can also convey affiliation and the like, but most importantly that they're Beltalowda and not Inyalowda.
  7. Yes, it would have been easier and cheaper to sterilize her versus the ongoing expense of birth control. Plus she could stop the pill at any time, and I'm sure the social worker wouldn't have liked that as it would be too easy to accidentally (or on purpose) mess it up. Also, the woman said her husband left her, so while I doubt she'd be having another baby very soon, she might very well want to move on with another man one day. A new husband might want his own children with her, and sterilization would take that off the table.
  8. Wilford said something about her managing to get to a shed on the test track where the maintenance vehicle was located, and apparently there were meds and other supplies as well. I could perhaps buy the vehicle still working after sitting in the cold for years, but I can't picture the meds doing well in subfreezing temperatures for an extended time. Nor that the IVs and associated equipment would work after all these years sitting in the cold.
  9. I think even the actors were just "whatever" about this mess. Usually dream episodes let the actors have a little fun, but this didn't.
  10. Watch her head soar. Pretty sure that's a riff on CSI: Miami's sunglasses moments.
  11. Wes posted another version of The White Outfit on his Instagram.
  12. The Expanse has an ongoing thing about tweaking the opening credits. A lot of the background text/imagery ties into what's happening in the plot. I usually have to wait for someone with better vision who's also read the books to explain it. Did anyone else notice the change in the end credits? Towards the end of the part showing the ring, there are red flickers around the edge, then dead center of the ring. The entities are awake. I definitely think TPTB want to do the last 3 books as another series or series of movies. As book readers have noted, there's a time jump, so stopping where they did makes sense. If they get a continuation, it's set up, if not, it's just loose threads.
  13. I wonder if they'll be up for any awards? The SF specific ones are pretty much a given, but the mainstream ones usually ignore SF.
  14. TVLine's Performer of the Week: Cara Gee They agree with pretty much everything said here about Cara's work as Drummer. It's even more amazing to see Cara in interviews and she's bubbly in comparison to the rather dour Drummer.
  15. Some cities contract with private companies for ambulance service. I usually hear about it as covering an entire city, but in a major metropolitan area, I could see them hiring a private company to serve a specific area. It was said that their temporary posts would now be permanent, but I don't think a city employee can be posted to a private company. Not sure how that works, but I'll hand wave it as the district the company serves had openings, so the City transferred them. Depends on the contract whether they're considered City employees or not, but if they're not, that could affect a lot of stuff, such as their own health insurance, retirement funds, etc. A lot of cities use the same retirement system, so it transfers with the job if you move to another municipality. I also think kids might be the issue with TK and Carlos. TK may not be comfortable with the idea of that level of responsibility, but I'm thinking Baby Ryder may change his mind.
  16. Yes, that was a real thing during "Snovid" last year. Turtles were stunned by the cold, and people were taking them to, for lack of a better term, turtle shelters. I only recall seeing that on the coast, but probably happened elsewhere too. It was just such a massive thing on the coast, so that's what was being reported.
  17. I've been seeing a lot of folks say their DVR didn't record correctly. I think this is because the show is normally 1 hr, and the special is 1.5 hours. For some reason, it was only showing as 1 hour on the schedule. If it's true PBS doesn't edit the specials, it's probably due to having a longer time slot and less time to edit. I just wish they'd air the series at least roughly the same time as the UK, instead of months later.
  18. I think this is the best option. Bishop disappears to keep his son safe, so that explains the abrupt exit. Leaves the door open for a later return if the real life issues are resolved (doubtful).
  19. My DVR didn't automatically catch it, so I had to set another timer for it. Then it cut off the last half-hour. Though I think it may have been an issue with the programming guide, which showed it was a one-hour episode. Thankfully, it was already streaming in the PBS app by the time I got to the abrupt end. I don't know how they manage it, but this show always manages to give me a good cry, and I'm not generally someone who cries over TV shows. A small thing that I've been enjoying is seeing Timothy growing up and planning to follow in his father's footsteps. So it was nice to see him going out on a call with his dad. I really thought we might get to see him actively helping with the rush of patients. Imagine going back to med school and boasting that during his holiday break, he delivered two babies, helped a drug addicted mother and baby, etc. His fellow students wouldn't be able to tell if he was a braggart or a liar.
  20. Marco probably thought abandoning Ceres would be a win-win. If the UN/MCR governments tried to help, they're going to be using precious resources on a people who don't want their help. If they don't help, they'll be the villains. Plus, he's not sinking his own resources into a group of people who aren't worshiping him. Pretty sure Marco either had his people rig the explosion before they left, or he had agents he left behind to do it, but it could have also been some of locals. Doubtful on that last one. Marco may want to spin the destruction as something the Inners did to hurt the Belt, but I'm thinking Monica survived and will report on what really happened. If it comes out that Marco abandoned Ceres and left explosives behind, the "average Belter" will turn on him. If it was any "official" news source, Marco could easily label it Fake News put out by the Inners, but I bet Monica will interview Belters, and that's going to be a lot harder to ignore. Maybe eventually the news about a new food source Prax sent will be added to the mix. Abandoned Ceres, starved it, bombed it, and killed a Belter who found a new way to feed not only the Belters, but the Inners too? Doesn't sound like a man who has the best interest of the Belters at heart. I'm thinking Philip will in some way give the Inners what they need to destroy Marco and the Free Navy. Whether or not he survives himself remains to be seen. Personally, I would like to see Drummer's rebels and the Rocinante team up against the Free Navy, but I can't decide if I want Drummer or Naomi to have the killshot.
  21. Thanks for the reminder. For some reason, my DVR didn't catch it.
  22. I vaguely remember a phrase about it's easy to be a revolutionary against the government, but much harder to be the government, because instead of fighting the system, you have to worry about stuff like who will pick up the garbage. We're seeing that play out with Inaros showing little interest in the petty issues of managing resources for the people. He'd much rather "fight for his people" and receive adulation for it than actually work for his his people. I'm hoping we end up with the civilians who are more the "average Belter" have their own mini-revolt against him once they find out he's hording supplies. Plus he's the mastermind who's continuing to punch Earth while it's down, which is also a source of food and other supplies.
  23. I had the exact same thoughts. I figured no one would believe the old lady until she was injured and landed in the hospital. At which point, her daughter would show up and all would be forgiven. I also thought one of the wives might be the daughter because they'd talked about how long they'd been married to the bigamist. Made sense for her to show up and tell mom she was right about the hubby all along.
  24. They did do clinical trials for kids 11+ back in 2015 at the request of the FDA. https://www.wsj.com/articles/fda-approves-oxycontin-for-kids-as-young-as-11-1439577828 Supposed to have been a way to help doctors treating young patients who needed pain medication. Was said not to be marketed towards them, nor formulated for kids. Though it probably could have happened.
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