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Snazzy Daisy

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Everything posted by Snazzy Daisy

  1. Watching Brandon Dirden alternating between Raymond & Michael, he is there, he is not there, it’s fascinating. Ashley turning into a pillar of salt, how is he going to explain that to the police? David’s visits from the creepy Archangel, the talks on “second bowl” and “god’s penance”, I really hope this show will not explore the pandemic storyline, ughh… please don’t go there! 😖 During their “angels don’t haunt” and “just murder” conversations, both David and Ben realise that something’s up with Kristen. Something is definitely brewing inside of her - her PTSD or her inner darkness? Between the two gentlemen, who will confront Kristen first? Am not a fan of Christine Lahti (Sheryl), so I ignore most of her shenanigans with Leland. 🥱 Leland’s confession re Julia, am not sure how much of it is true? I thought that Julie died because of accidental overdose, not illness. Sister Andrea is an interesting addition to this show. Her teaming up with David, watch out Leland! My favourite moment from this episode is her “you smell” exchange with Leland. It’s priceless and Leland does look musty! 🤣
  2. I love watching Kristen’s facial expressions and her nice coats throughout this episode. Am glad that Ben is getting his own (sexy) demon this season, cannot wait to watch this story unfolds. David… I miss you! 🥰 This is the creepiest scene for me! 🥶
  3. September 17, 2021 😘 Morning Show: Apple TV+ Sets Season 2 Premiere Date, Drops Trailer Featuring Julianna Margulies' News 'Icon'
  4. DJ Nash: “This is not the end of Delilah.” A Million Little Things: Is Delilah Done? EP Weighs In on Finale Burning Q 😣😣😣
  5. I guess they circle back to that arc because in next season, out of the blue, Eddie can wiggle his toes again. And walla, bye bye wheelchair!
  6. From what I know… Grace Park lives in Vancouver with her real estate developer husband & son. David Giuntoli and his family move to Washington in early 2020, due to their works in Vancouver. Romany Malco welcomed his 1st child in Jan 2021, a son. He is also a stepfather to a 17-yo and an 11-yo.
  7. What a depressing season finale! Is there any time jump that I missed? Maggie's apartment is now vacant. She's supposed to go to Oxford for 1 year, so logically the sublet period should be 1 year as well. Based on AMLT timeline, it has been only since 6 months right since she moves to England. And out of no where, Eddie can drive now? No adjustment period, and what about his chronic pain? Before going to the police, someone in the group should at least give a heads-up to Sophie that her case isn't that strong. It's good that they are so supportive but they need to keep it real as well. I hope Maggie will edit out the part where Sophie mentioned the teacher's name before posting it. Darcy's conversation with Gary about not wanting kid, then quickly changes her mind within a day - this is stupid, lazy writing. Not happy with what I think Gary does to that creepy teacher, and not happy with what he makes his father do for him, selfish Gary! For now, I'd like to think it is all Gary's imagination. I hope this is the end of Katherine/Eddie's custody battle arc, so sick of it. Only Gina's signature is required to sell Someday? Delilah isn't a co-owner? Both of them don't even discuss about this restaurant and how to move forward etc. Going to the police station is much more important huh! Gina can remember names and story about that service worker. Is she still using her health as an excuse to close Someday? Is Delilah living and surviving on Jon's insurance money? She doesn't seem to worry about money at all, all she cares about is what people think of her, shallow woman! Gary telling her off is the best finale moment, so satisfying!!! And hey Delilah...
  8. Iggy and Lauren’s stories are mehhh. Floyd succumbed to that tarantula is unbelievable and so out of character. He’s a man of integrity and self-pride. She’s shady. Don’t really like about how Floyd is being written. Floyd should be with Lauren and they can do boring things together, offscreen! Helen’s storyline in London, it feels rushed. I like her mum and agree with her re “the other family”. Mina, please stay there forever ok! I lost interest in SharpWin a long time ago, but I like their friendship. Their kissing scene is so-so, the song doesn’t help either. I think their shower scene is much more intense and dramatic. TBH, I like Helen’s bf in season 1 (Dr Panthaki) more than Max, he’s way hotter. I don’t think the show will finally make Helen & Max an item by the beginning of season 4. Both of them love sabotaging their romantic connections for no apparent reason. 🙄
  9. We don’t know whether Eddie has been truthful when creating his user profile. His special need should have been indicated in his profile for potential drivers to see prior to accepting his request. Sloppy writing?
  10. Do the writers have any basic idea on how to run a restaurant? Do they think we forget about the MIA co-owner? Why can’t they let Delilah share some responsibilities with Gina in managing Someday. There are tasks that can be done remotely, like filling-up a loan application and following-up on its status. Delilah can manage banking/staff payroll/vendors payment/social media stuff remotely while in France. I always assume that Gina is responsible for the operational side of Someday and Delilah handles the financial/admin side. Delilah has been given an unthinkable amount of leeway in this show, it’s sickening. And they wonder why we hate her so much, geez! 🙄
  11. Is there an editing mistake in the hospital scene involving Morales? Olivia sees Morales wheeling someone (is it Angela?) until the end of the hall. Then we see Morales enters the scene from another door towards the middle of the hall, on our right. So who is the orderly that Olivia sees earlier? 😲 If they’re trying to show that Olivia misidentifies the first orderly, they did a bad job, it’s confusing!
  12. Dear St Olivia Benson, I don't wanna see you in OC season 2, enough is enough, you have your SVU!!! To the Wheatleys, your story should've been wrapped-up in this season, it's no longer interesting!
  13. Amen to that 🙏 Why Mina came to live with Helen if she dislikes her that much? I may have missed some earlier episodes. Why nowadays, in most shows, every young adult characters has to be spoiled, entitled, ungrateful or super woke? 🤔
  14. So Dr Cassian Shin is not needed in ER or is not required to perform any surgery after that breakup? Wow, that’s amazing! 😱 2 more seasons? For real? Why? The quality of writing for this season is shiiiiiiiiiiit.
  15. Scenes between Rome and Sophie, OMG they are amazing! I hate it that Rome always make me cry, since season 1 😭 I hope Sophie remember any visible identification mark(s) on her teacher’s body, or else it’ll be he said-she said. No comment re Katherine/Eddie as I hate their current storyline. Am so sick of seeing Theo on my screen, he’s F annoying! Kudos to Alan for saying No More to Katherine and brave enough to stand up to her. I never like Tyrell since the beginning. Always thought that Rome and Gina have made a mistake by taking him in. Dude, know your place and stop being manipulative to get what you want. If you need a pair of fancy sneakers to get laid, go get a job or sell some chocolates, you used to do that, remember? Now can we ship Tyrell to Haiti so he can reunite with his mom please, that will teach him a lesson! I like Darcy and I like Gary more when he’s around her. Lenox to Boston is about 2.5 hours drive??? They still can have LDR. Am not looking forward for next season if Gary and Maggie are back together. Hey Gina, go get a 2nd opinion on your condition, inability to multitask isn’t a deciding factor. John worked so hard to set it up for you and Katherine has helped a lot too. And don’t forget about that MIA co-owner. Delilah’s hair! 😱😬🥴 Since Delilah is coming back and her house is basically their group’s home, Eddie can stay there to help babysitting their love child. Delilah needs to find a job since they might be closing Someday. Welcome back Charlie, do you still remember your daddy and your annoying brother? 🤣
  16. This is episode 13, right? I watch NA on and off. I know re Dr Kapoor but what happened to Dr Cassian Shin (DDK)? I think it’s time for Ryan Eggold to move on to the next project. The way Max being written is embarrassing, Max is now a caricature. I hope the custody battle is a wake up call to him re how important he is to Luna, she needs him to be safe and in one piece. Max’s overactive saviour complex stunts have to be toned down. There’s a drastic change about Lauren’s hairstyle this season. Wavy hair with perfect blowout and layers of clothes to hide her weight loss? Hey Helen, if that spoiled, entitled brat want to leave NYC, let her be. Iggy should eternally be grateful for his husband. Kudos to Floyd for leaving that married Lyn, she isn’t worth the trouble. I like Casey, I will always like Casey no matter what he does. He is my fav character in NA! 😘 I just hope that Casey is NOT the endgame for Lauren.
  17. I don’t really care if Siobhan is straight, half straight or zig-zag. The diversity stunt adds nothing to the depth of a character. It’s just a lazy writing to create Siobhan the way she is just to distinguish her from other EastTown teenagers. Her uniqueness is her emotional pain, not her sexuality. You have this one talented actress with great chemistry with Kate Winslet and Jean Smart, use her to the max. Scenes that show how Mare, Frank and Helen can accept who she is and that emotional unload scene, these are great. Scenes where she spends time with her band getting wasted and chatting with her 2 GFs, these are pointless. Her angst is only evident in a couple of earlier episodes where she keeps ignoring her mom and being rude to her, then it has been toned down. We see her working on a personal documentary about her brother. This arc could have been exploited more as her journey towards healing, but no. Instead this is just to prop her mom’s story about her grief/guilt (yeah yeah I know this show is about Mare 🙄). It would have been so much better for Siobhan’s character to share this documentary with her whole family (including Frank and little Drew) before she goes on to her next journey. Then you can have Helen says to Mare the “whatever happened to Kevin isn’t your fault” lines after watching that vid, instead of pouring her heart out in a random restaurant. This show could have some powerful, 3 generations’ grieving moments here, what a missed opportunity!
  18. For diversity, Helen should have an affair with Betty instead. Glenn is boring… Watching Helen’s love life will be more interesting than Siobhan’s!
  19. Helen has called Mare by her full name a couple of times. Is it Mary Ann or Marianne?
  20. DJ = Dylan John Wow Erin, can it be more obvious?
  21. When they went with Mare to notify Kenny on Erin’s death, Billy was a bit restless but John seemed normal. Earlier that morning when Lori told him about Erin, John asked her “Kenny’s Erin?” Geez John, is there more than one Erin in EastTown? I’d like to think that the Hincheys will help Lori babysitting DJ from time to time. Ryan is willing to accept DJ as his brother, that’s a good start! They can’t rely on John. I was wrong about the incriminating photo. It’s John, sleeping. I don’t think he knows about the photo. Erin was smiling, was she in love with him? She kept it in her journal as if it’s so precious while Billy’s necklace was tossed in between drawers. The photo, it’s like seeing a beauty and a beast, scary! 😬
  22. When the murder mystery is solved within the first 5 mins, everybody know there's more to it. John is still an asshole despite trying to cover for his son, he started everything! Will he be facing statutory rape charges as well? Kudos to Ryan for owning everything, he is a better man than John is. Lori is a saint for taking DJ in, he's gonna be a painful reminder to her, everyday. I wonder how Kenny will react when he finds out that his own cousin was raping his daughter & the father of his grandson. Twisted to the core! So Dylan and his buddy are not involved in drugs business and prostitution huh. It's nice of him to give $$$ to DJ. Hey show, for all the plot twists and red herrings, why do I have to endure watching Siobhan's love lives for several episodes??? They add nothing. Same goes with Richard Ryan, he is pointless. At least the peeping Tom story does contribute to the cctv installation at the Carrolls. When Mare tells Father Dan that Deacon Mark has been released, he looks unhappy, why? Evidently, one core theme of MoET - grieving mothers! Mare, Helen, Dawn, Lori, Carrie and even Dylan's mom (for losing DJ). This is me watching the final scene between Mare & Lori... it's so moving & unbearable!
  23. If the gun was stolen, how come Mare is looking at it? Pix from E07 trailer. Clue - Mare’s fingers.
  24. I have never registered with these platforms, too messy for my liking, some articles re this show took me there. If today we find out that Siobhan has nothing to do with the murder mystery and/or Erin, I’d be so 🤬🤬🤬 because why spend so much time on her love lives.
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