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Everything posted by nekilarose

  1. I happened to catch the season 2 premiere, didn't even know it was coming back. But when Mary mentioned how many jobs she pulled while Desmond was away, and the one that she pulled with him went sideways, I was cracking up. Dammit Des, not out for too long before you jump right back into some mess. I knew she was a set-up from the moment she sat at that bar. You just got out of jail, where is your "DANGER IT'S A TRAP" meter?
  2. Can I get an AMEN!!! I said pretty much the same thing about Four Weddings. I don't need a sob filled backstory, I don't need an entourage, I just wanna look at the pretty, pretty, (and some not-so-pretty) dresses that I'll never be able to afford! It's a simple recipe people, stop adding stuff to it!
  3. I may have missed it, but does anyone know if they'll have Noodle switch rooms? I know she's basically commuting at this point, but when she goes back? There's no way she'll be able to concentrate knowing what happened. Word. Can he please go back to being just Dr. Arm Candy? I admit I didn't see him resigning, but dear God please let him take a step back.
  4. I missed the first 15-20 min, so when they kept flashing to the blond girl, I was confused. But I caught a rerun from the beginning, and the whole human trafficking story line was done extremely well I thought. The parallel of how the money moves from place to place juxtaposed against how the girls were moved and where the one ended up was something I don't think I've seen in such detail before. The whole time Dmitri was on the roof, I was like "Yep, he's about to go over." Didn't see the save in the form of another balcony, though. I don't believe he's long for the world.
  5. Oh Lord. More power to them, but running a half marathon (or any kind of running) right after getting hitched is not my idea of a good time!
  6. That was Simon?! I thought he looked familiar. And yes, that couple had very believable chemistry, wouldn't mind making them recurring and just popping up randomly here and there.
  7. Oh yes, I loved her smile! It was equal parts "I'm free!" and "Shut up, old man."
  8. I don't know if y'all are watching the Olympics, but a former SYTTD bride is competing! I thought she looked familiar and went googling. I vaguely remember her episode, nothing horrible happened, no bitchy entourage. https://www.cosmopolitan.com/entertainment/celebs/a13796476/elana-meyers-lauren-gibbs-bobsledder-olympics/
  9. I thought Margo and Marlo were the black twins? I just watched the latest episode, and I get being honest, but DAYUM! Homegirl should have been muzzled or left at home. Oh and Randy's little apprentice made an appearance again! He is too adorable, I just want to pinch his cheeks.
  10. First? Alright! I was so glad that they didn't do the "we tried but he wasn't being held there/he jumped in front of a bullet to save us/he went turncoat on us" trope. I actually held my breath the whole time they were in the woods, then when they got in the chopper. I didn't relax until Jimmy was actually home. Then I looked at the clock and was like "oh hell, it's still early enough for something to happen." His sleeping on the floor was so sad to watch. I did not expect CIA guy to fold that fast! Like, seriously homie, did you even try? As far as Lt. PeterMill's mom, I admit, I didn't see her being the ring-leader. I knew she was involved somehow, but thought she was just covering for Magnus. Also, I think Lt. either knows, or suspects her. When he left, his "goodbye" seemed a little off. I'm glad frick and frack came clean, even though it cost them their commissions (and military careers) But it's better than a public court-martial and dishonorable discharge.
  11. Yes, I thought that family was so cute, and absolutely adorable. It was so nice to see a group focused on what the bride wanted, and like you said chitchat, they got their dislike across with no sniping. And yes, homeboy was looking hella cute! I would have gone to my grave swearing that that chick wasn't no 23. Come on y'all, we have eyes!
  12. YES! I totally noticed how she visibly recoiled when the camera panned back to her. I really think the rest were probably hyping her up, but really that dress was too much.
  13. I didn't really care for her first dress, too much going on. The second was pretty blinged out, sure, but I thought it was much more suited for her. I think she settled as well, she really wanted the black, but moms played the ultimate guilt-trip card. I loved the black on her and thought she looked so much happier in it. Speaking of the veils, is that the same assistant that we've seen before? Little Randy Jr in the making, he was adorable!
  14. WHY?! Why mess with what was working ? And I agree with those that said I had JUST figured out the old scoring proces now i gotta learn this?! Also, that people who know each other will definitely pull their punches. Who the hell wants to hang with a friend who gave you a 4 because she didn't like your food, or some made up thing like "I didn't like that the ceremony was happening while Mercury was in retrograde."
  15. I think she deliberately waited for Grace, cause if the future really sees and knows all, she would have seen how close Travis had gotten with his guidance counselor. Which is double bingo for her, she gets to not only come back and reset the director, but it also puts her in proximity to the team that is closest to it. She has absolutely no charm (and somehow that is so charming) so any other team may have told her to go kick rocks, but Trevor was already softened towards Grace. Not to mention that they are both really old engineers (programmers?) Also, Clanstarling, 001 is the first ever Traveler. He has gone and just said screw the "grand plan" every step of the way, as well as the protocols. His low number means he was most likely one of the earliest programmers, so if anyone could figure out a way to seamlessly switch genders when no one else has, my money would be on him. Or another of the lower numbers.
  16. Dr. Derek! Good guy. Well considering it's set in WA, and the hospital in Grey's is Seattle Grace....could be. Is anyone from Shondaland involved in the making of this show?
  17. YES! That is what drew me to this show in the first place. Come on people, no need to be shy, we all know why we're here....... Weddings and shade!
  18. Yep! Hey, you get what you asked for! I get that it's stressful planning your "perfect day" but damn. Dude should have run when he had the chance.
  19. I don't know if it's ever mentioned, but now that you brought it up, I realized that I just assumed (until the last episode) that male=male and female=female.
  20. She looked a little disgusted when her bridesmaid fainted. Thank Goodness I'm not the only one that was thinking that! Home girl was giving the evil eye something fierce! And that poor woman was shaking so bad, ugh I felt for her.
  21. YES!!!! I so wanted her to "finish the job". I love you Phillip, but man, you coulda looked the other way on that (logically, I know it wouldn't have turned out good for Carly, but I can dream right?) But he really has not been held accountable for how he's treated Carly, at all. I knew he was trying to sneak his way back in, and I knew it would be bad when he was rejected, but damn. He deserved that ass whupping and more. There was a surprising amount of humor in the finale, I thought. Especially with Ray and his "we can take 'em" attitude. Which morphed very quickly into a "cancel the plan" attitude. Also with David being the main one to connect most of the dots on how everyone was connected. "Who the fuck is Marcy?" Grace, as always was perfect. I really hope nothing has happened to her, we need her bluntness. I am tickled, though, that instead of Trevors parents, they chose Grace instead.
  22. Whoa, I must have missed a season or two. When did the format change to include husbands? Oh, they're all "best friends". Good way to explain away why they're not in each others wedding.
  23. I was thinking the same thing! But then I realized that that was probably the most realistic detail of all! Count me in on the Sara Ramirez love. I thought she was awesome, and look forward to seeing more of her. I hadn't seen any previews, so Bess's line about sex kills had me dying! Absolutely! I kept waiting for Elizabeth or Henry to say it, but they pretty much just glossed over it.
  24. So I just started the books (there's no way I'm waiting in real time to see what happens) and I'm currently almost done with Caliban's War. Good God Avasarala has quite the mouth on her! But I crack up each and every time she rags on Holden.
  25. So I'm guessing the research team is no more, huh? I tensed when they showed the proto-molecule inside their ship, but literally gasped out loud when the whole thing came apart. Definitely did not expect that to happen. I am glad that Naomi came clean, also didn't see her telling Fred Johnson of all people about her hidden sample. I knew Cotyar wouldn't give up Avasarala. Bobbie was awesome, I loved her little shrug at the electrical guy asking for her to rough him up a bit.
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